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Brownian motion has been used to derive stopping boundaries for group sequential trials, however, when we observe dependent increment in the data, fractional Brownian motion is an alternative to be considered to model such data. In this article we compared expected sample sizes and stopping times for different stopping boundaries based on the power family alpha spending function under various values of Hurst coefficient. Results showed that the expected sample sizes and stopping times will decrease and power increases when the Hurst coefficient increases. With same Hurst coefficient, the closer the boundaries are to that of O'Brien-Fleming, the higher the expected sample sizes and stopping times are; however, power has a decreasing trend for values start from H = 0.6 (early analysis), 0.7 (equal space), 0.8 (late analysis). We also illustrate study design changes using results from the BHAT study.  相似文献   

Stochastic curtailment has been considered for the interim monitoring of group sequential trials (Davis and Hardy, 1994). Statistical boundaries in Davis and Hardy (1994) were derived using theory of Brownian motion. In some clinical trials, the conditions of forming a Brownian motion may not be satisfied. In this paper, we extend the computations of Brownian motion based boundaries, expected stopping times, and type I and type II error rates to fractional Brownian motion (FBM). FBM includes Brownian motion as a special case. Designs under FBM are compared to those under Brownian motion and to those of O’Brien–Fleming type tests. One- and two-sided boundaries for efficacy and futility monitoring are also discussed. Results show that boundary values decrease and error rates deviate from design levels when the Hurst parameter increases from 0.1 to 0.9, these changes should be considered when designing a study under FBM.  相似文献   

We investigate the issue of the validation of the local asymptotic normality property of three characterizing parameters of the fractional Brownian motion under high-frequency discrete sampling. We prove that the local asymptotic normality property holds true for the likelihood only when at least one of the volatility parameter and the Hurst exponent is known. We provide optimal rates of convergence of the three parameters and Fisher information matrix in closed form.  相似文献   

Repeated confidence interval (RCI) is an important tool for design and monitoring of group sequential trials according to which we do not need to stop the trial with planned statistical stopping rules. In this article, we derive RCIs when data from each stage of the trial are not independent thus it is no longer a Brownian motion (BM) process. Under this assumption, a larger class of stochastic processes fractional Brownian motion (FBM) is considered. Comparisons of RCI width and sample size requirement are made to those under Brownian motion for different analysis times, Type I error rates and number of interim analysis. Power family spending functions including Pocock, O'Brien-Fleming design types are considered for these simulations. Interim data from BHAT and oncology trials is used to illustrate how to derive RCIs under FBM for efficacy and futility monitoring.  相似文献   


Strongly consistent and asymptotically normal estimators of the Hurst index and volatility parameters of solutions of stochastic differential equations with polynomial drift are proposed. The estimators are based on discrete observations of the underlying processes.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that some financial data exhibit long memory or long dependence, and that the observed data usually possess noise. In the continuous time situation, the factional Brownian motion BH and its extension are an important class of models to characterize the long memory or short memory of data, and Hurst parameter H is an index to describe the degree of dependence. In this article, we estimate the Hurst parameter of a discretely sampled fractional integral process corrupted by noise. We use the preaverage method to diminish the impact of noise, employ the filter method to exclude the strong dependence, and obtain the smoothed data, and estimate the Hurst parameter by the smoothed data. The asymptotic properties such as consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimator are established. Simulations for evaluating the performance of the estimator are conducted. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.  相似文献   

We consider a stochastic differential equation involving standard and fractional Brownian motion with unknown drift parameter to be estimated. We investigate the standard maximum likelihood estimate of the drift parameter, two non-standard estimates and three estimates for the sequential estimation. Model strong consistency and some other properties are proved. The linear model and Ornstein–Uhlenbeck model are studied in detail. As an auxiliary result, an asymptotic behaviour of the fractional derivative of the fractional Brownian motion is established.  相似文献   

Abstract.  When the Hurst coefficient of a fractional Brownian motion     is greater than 1/2 it is possible to define a stochastic integral with respect to     , as the pathwise limit of Riemann sums, and thus to consider pathwise solutions to fractional diffusion equations. In this paper, we consider the vanishing drift case and assume that the solution X t is parameterized by θ in a compact parameter space Θ . Our main interest is the estimation of θ based on discrete time, but with very frequent observations. It is shown that the estimation problem in this context is locally asymptotically mixed normal. The asymptotic behaviour of a certain class of minimum contrast estimators is then studied and asymptotic efficiency is discussed.  相似文献   

This article deals with the problem of estimating all the unknown parameters in the drift fractional Brownian motion with discretely sampled data. The estimation procedure is built upon the marriage of the variation method and the ergodic theory. The strong consistencies of these estimators are provided. Moreover, our method and two existing approaches are compared based on the computational running time and the accuracy of estimation via simulation studies. We also apply the proposed method to the real high-frequency financial data within a window of 4 h in the trading day from the Chinese mainland stock market.  相似文献   

In statistical inference on the drift parameter a in the fractional Brownian motion WHt with the Hurst parameter H ∈ (0, 1) with a constant drift YHt = at + WHt, there is a large number of options how to do it. We may, for example, base this inference on the properties of the standard normal distribution applied to the differences between the observed values of the process at discrete times. Although such methods are very simple, it turns out that more appropriate is to use inverse methods. Such methods can be generalized to non constant drift. For the hypotheses testing about the drift parameter a, it is more proper to standardize the observed process, and to use inverse methods based on the first exit time of the observed process of a pre-specified interval until some given time. These procedures are illustrated, and their times of decision are compared against the direct approach. Other generalizations are possible when the random part is a symmetric stochastic integral of a known, deterministic function with respect to fractional Brownian motion.  相似文献   

This article investigates nonparametric estimation of variance functions for functional data when the mean function is unknown. We obtain asymptotic results for the kernel estimator based on squared residuals. Similar to the finite dimensional case, our asymptotic result shows the smoothness of the unknown mean function has an effect on the rate of convergence. Our simulation studies demonstrate that estimator based on residuals performs much better than that based on conditional second moment of the responses.  相似文献   

Under complex survey sampling, in particular when selection probabilities depend on the response variable (informative sampling), the sample and population distributions are different, possibly resulting in selection bias. This article is concerned with this problem by fitting two statistical models, namely: the variance components model (a two-stage model) and the fixed effects model (a single-stage model) for one-way analysis of variance, under complex survey design, for example, two-stage sampling, stratification, and unequal probability of selection, etc. Classical theory underlying the use of the two-stage model involves simple random sampling for each of the two stages. In such cases the model in the sample, after sample selection, is the same as model for the population; before sample selection. When the selection probabilities are related to the values of the response variable, standard estimates of the population model parameters may be severely biased, leading possibly to false inference. The idea behind the approach is to extract the model holding for the sample data as a function of the model in the population and of the first order inclusion probabilities. And then fit the sample model, using analysis of variance, maximum likelihood, and pseudo maximum likelihood methods of estimation. The main feature of the proposed techniques is related to their behavior in terms of the informativeness parameter. We also show that the use of the population model that ignores the informative sampling design, yields biased model fitting.  相似文献   

Abstract.  We consider the problem of estimating the modal value of a decreasing density on the positive real line. This has application in several interesting phenomena arising, for example, in renewal theory, and in biased and distance samplings. We use a penalized likelihood ratio-based approach for inference and derive the scale-free universal large sample null distribution of the log-likelihood ratio, using a suitably chosen penalty parameter. We present simulation results and a real data analysis to corroborate our findings, and compare the performance of the confidence sets with the existing results.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of estimating all the unknown parameters of geometric fractional Brownian processes from discrete observations. The estimation procedure is built upon the marriage of the quadratic variation and the maximum likelihood approach. The asymptotic properties of the estimators are provided. Moveover, we compare our derived method with the approach proposed by Misiran et al. [Fractional Black-Scholes models: complete MLE with application to fractional option pricing. In International conference on optimization and control; Guiyang, China; 2010. p. 573–586.], namely the complete maximum likelihood estimation. Simulation studies confirm theoretical findings and illustrate that our methodology is efficient and reliable. To show how to apply our approach in realistic contexts, an empirical study of Chinese financial market is also presented.  相似文献   

Using multiple stochastic integrals and the Malliavin calculus, we analyze the asymptotic behavior of the adjusted quadratic variation for a sub-fractional Brownian motion. We apply our results to construct strongly consistent statistical estimators for the self-similarity of sub-fractional Brownian motion.  相似文献   

This article discusses the problem of testing the equality of two nonparametric regression functions against two-sided alternatives for uniform design on [0,1] with long memory moving average errors. The standard deviations and the long memory parameters are possibly different for the two errors. The article adapts the partial sum process idea used in the independent observations settings to construct the tests and derives their asymptotic null distributions. The article also shows that these tests are consistent for general alternatives and obtains their limiting distributions under a sequence of local alternatives. Since the limiting null distributions of these tests are unknown, we first conducted a Monte Carlo simulation study to obtain a few selected critical values of the proposed tests. Then based on these critical values, another Monte Carlo simulation is conducted to study the finite sample level and power behavior of these tests at some alternatives. The article also contains a simulation study that assesses the effect of estimating the nonparametric regression function on an estimate of the long memory parameter of the errors. It is observed that the estimate based on direct observations is generally preferable over the one based on the estimated nonparametric residuals.  相似文献   

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