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Background: Female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) links health complications and psychological distress. However, there is scarce literature on how women with FGM/C respond to treatment interventions. Objective: In this study, we aimed to assess changes in depression symptomatology, sexual function, and distress following clitoral reconstructive surgery combined with a psychoeducational intervention. Methods: The reconstructive surgery consisted of recovering the remaining clitoris and placing it externally and as close to the vagina as possible. FGM/C patients (n?=?27) received psychological support and sexual counseling upon undergoing the surgical intervention and were further assessed at 6-month follow-up. Moreover, they completed the Beck Depression Inventory and the Female Sexual Distress Scale Revised at these two time points. Patients’ sexual dysfunction was assessed according to DSM-5 criteria. Results: Statistically significant clinical changes after FGM/C were reported. Overall, patients presented reduced depression and sexual distress levels, and decreased female sexual interest/arousal disorder prevalence. Results also revealed that sexual distress improvements were more significant in Type I FGM/C patients. Conclusions: Significant improvements in sexual distress, psychopathology, and sexual function were observed in our sample following reconstructive surgery, suggesting that combined interventions are effective for treatment.  相似文献   

This study investigated how men adapt to erectile dysfunction and other sexual side-effects of prostate cancer treatment. The study recruited nonheterosexual and heterosexual men using an anonymous, international, online survey (N = 558). This article focuses on a qualitative analysis of answers (n = 348) to one open-ended question on sexual practices after treatment. Five themes emerged: (a) recovery of erectile function; (b) reframing sexual practices; (c) the importance of partners; (d) exploring anal sex; (e) the use of masturbation. The findings suggest that men should explore varied sexual options. Partners are also important in the overall recovery of men's sexual lives.  相似文献   

Female sexual pain disorders are prevalent and have a deleterious effect on women's well-being. Because there are psychological elements to this pain, cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT) may be a viable treatment alternative, particularly when compared to more physically invasive treatments such as surgery or medication. This article provides a critical analysis of research studies in this area by evaluating each study in detail, identifying gaps in the research base, and providing directions for future study. For the most part, all of the studies reviewed in this article found CBT to be effective. However, CBT modalities with minimal therapist direction or interaction were found to be problematic. In addition, there may be other noninvasive treatment types that are equally or more effective, such as biofeedback or supportive psychotherapy.  相似文献   

Studies in the field of body image have primarily addressed its negative aspects, such as body dissatisfaction. The present study focused instead on women who are satisfied with their bodies and on how body satisfaction relates to sexual health. A sample of 319 Dutch female university students completed an online survey that included items about body image evaluation, body image investment, overweight preoccupation, body image affect during sexual activity, sexual frequency, sexual functioning, and sexual self-esteem. We found that the level of body dissatisfaction was minimal in our sample. The majority reported neutral or mildly positive body evaluations, and in 30% of the sample these evaluations were clearly positive. Comparisons between women who reported positive versus neutral body evaluations showed that the body-satisfied women had lower body mass indexes (BMIs) and reported less body image investment, less overweight preoccupation, and less body self-consciousness during sexual activity. With regard to sexual health, they reported higher sexual self-esteem and better sexual functioning. Furthermore, we found that body image self-consciousness was negatively associated with sexual functioning, sexual self-esteem, and frequency of sexual activity with a partner. Body satisfaction did not account for a portion of the relationship of body self-consciousness during sexual activity with sexual health.  相似文献   

Educator sexual misconduct has received increasing attention over the past decade. The attention has exposed a number of concerning issues, including a lack of formal research in the area and difficulties in recognizing and prosecuting cases. Public responses to high profile cases of sexual misconduct involving female teachers suggest that gender-biased views on sex offenders remain prominent in society. This article will review the literature on female teacher sexual misconduct in addition to what is known about grooming patterns and warning signs. Finally, current dilemmas in resolving cases of educator sexual misconduct will be discussed, and basic prevention strategies will be recommended.  相似文献   


This study investigates the effects of childhood sexual abuse for male and female survivors, characteristics of the abuse experience, current coping strategies, and current psychological adjustment. Nineteen male and 59 female adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse, recruited from both local and national support groups, completed a background questionnaire, dispositional coping inventories measuring current and retrospective abuse-specific coping styles, and measures of current psychological adjustment. In response to sexual abuse experienced during childhood, avoidance coping emerged as the most frequently used strategy by both sexes. Although there were no gender differences in current use of problem-focused and avoidance strategies, males related more use of acceptance whereas females utilized more emotion-focused coping. In general* females reported significantly greater trauma-related distress than males, including higher levels of anxiety, depression, and post-trauma symptoms.  相似文献   

A sample of 66 college women's retrospective reports of childhood sexual abuse were examined in order to identify the coping strategies implemented by these women at the time of the abuse to deal with their victimization and the relationship between these coping efforts, their perceptions of control over the abuse, and their adult adjustment. Resuts indicated that victims attempt both to regulate their distress (with emotion-focused coping strategies) and to impact the actual abuse situation (using problem-focused coping strategies). However, victims report relying more heavily on the use of emotion-focused strategies. Results further suggest that adult symptomatology is most strongly related to level of emotion-focused coping implemented by victims, with greater use of these strategies associated with greater levels of dysfunction. The implications of these results are discussed with regard to prevention programs.  相似文献   

Evidence for the influence of sexual beliefs on sexual functioning and satisfaction has mainly emanated from clinical lore. Empirical investigations on this topic remain sparse. This study investigated whether beliefs regarding prevalence and definitions of male and female sexual dysfunctions predicted sexual function and satisfaction in a sample of 131 undergraduate students. Results indicated that higher perceived prevalence of male and female sexual dysfunctions was predictive of lower sexual functioning and poorer sexual satisfaction in women. For the male participants, none of the examined sexual beliefs emerged as significant predictors of their sexual functioning or satisfaction. Surprisingly, it was also found that participants estimated the prevalence of female sexual dysfunctions to be higher than male sexual dysfunctions, while defining male sexual dysfunctions more broadly than female sexual dysfunctions. Possible mechanisms for the findings are provided.  相似文献   

We examined the potential role of three mediators—sexual self-esteem, sexual anxiety, and sexual assertiveness—of the association between romantic attachment insecurities (anxiety and avoidance) and two aspects of women's sexual functioning: sexual function and sexual satisfaction. A sample of 556 women aged 18 to 30 agreed to complete an online series of validated questionnaires assessing attachment insecurities and several aspects of sexual functioning. Lower sexual self-esteem and higher sexual anxiety mediated the associations between attachment anxiety and lower sexual function and satisfaction. Lower sexual self-esteem and higher sexual anxiety also partially mediated the links between attachment-related avoidance and the two sexual functioning variables. Sexual assertiveness, however, did not mediate these associations. A significant interaction between attachment anxiety and avoidance was also found to predict sexual satisfaction, with women high in avoidance and low in anxiety being the least satisfied. Results are discussed in terms of theoretical and clinical implications.  相似文献   

Female genital cutting (FGC) is a persistent social norm in the Liben district of southern Ethiopia. This study explores whether the sexual experiences of married men and women differ by women's FGC status. Qualitative in-depth interviews were conducted with 28 women with different types of FGC (or no FGC) and 21 husbands. Compared to others, women with more severe FGC reported traumatic sexual experiences and decreased sexual desire. Nonetheless, participants largely endorsed FGC for daughters, revealing pressure to maintain the practice. Opportunities for change exist, as women and men recognized the sexual pleasure and healthy birth experiences of uncut women.  相似文献   

A sample of 66 college women's retrospective reports of childhood sexual abuse was examined in order to identify the coping strategies implemented by victims of intrafamilial and extrafamilial sexual abuse at the time of their victimization Results indicated that both intrafamilial and extrafamilial victims reported attempts to regulate their distress (with emotion-focused coping strategies) and to impact the actual abuse situation (using problem-focused coping strategies). However, intrafamilial victims reported employing more of both types of coping as compared to extrafamilial victims. With regard to more specific types of emotion-focused coping, intrafamilial victims reported using more wishful thinking, detachment self-blame, and self-isolation. Differences between the two groups are also examined on a strategy-by-strategy basis. The implications of these results are discussed with regard lo clinical interventions for victims.  相似文献   

女大学生在校人数从一个侧面反映出一个国家社会经济文化发展模式水平和潜力。本文把这一比率作系统的纵横比较,力图说明发展教育,提高女大学生在校比例对于民族发展的重要意义。  相似文献   

After having carried out a review of the literature on the relationship between sex education and sexual and contraceptive behavior, the National Research Council (1987) recently concluded that the existing evaluation of the effects of sex education on sexual and contraceptive practices is helpful but not sufficient. One possible explanation for the different results obtained are the diverse sociodemographic characteristics of the sample or samples of teenagers under consideration. Another aspect that can account for the differences found in the literature focuses on the areas covered in the course. In Mexico no studies have been carried out which deal with the relationship between sex education and sexual and contraceptive behavior. A study was carried out with 392 female teenagers between 16 and 17 years old of lower and middle lower socioeconomic level. Results show that the mere fact of attending a sex education course did not affect the initiation or continuation of sexual activity, contraceptive behavior or even the perception of accessibility to contraception. Providing information on sexuality, relationship with the partner and where to obtain contraceptives does not have an effect on sexual activity. Receiving information on pregnancy prevention and on where to obtain contraceptives was found to be related to contraceptive use. Although less dramatic, information about the relationship with the partner and on sexuality also produced increases in contraceptive use.  相似文献   

Sexual difficulties are common among women and men and are associated with various mental and physical health problems. Although psychological traits are known to impact sexual attitudes and behavior, sexuality- and personality-related traits have not been jointly investigated to assess their relevance for sexual functioning in couples. The aim of this study was to investigate how psychological traits of two partners influence women’s and men’s sexual function. Data from 964 couples, representative of the adult population in Germany, were analyzed. Sexual function was assessed with the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) and the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF). Sexuality-related traits were measured with the Sexual Excitation/Sexual Inhibition Inventory for Women and Men (SESII-W/M). Personality was measured with self-report and partner-rating versions of the Big Five Inventory (BFI). Sexual excitation was a positive and sexual inhibition was a negative predictor of sexual function in both genders. Women whose partners were sexually inhibited reported lower sexual function. Conscientious individuals reported better sexual function. Women whose partners were more conscientious also had better sexual function. Assessing partner-related factors may be helpful to identify predisposing and maintaining factors of sexual dysfunctions, especially in women.  相似文献   

This article attempts to analyze the prevalence rates of sexual abuse in childhood reported in comparative empirical studies, giving an overview of a selection of representative studies reporting high rates of abuse and comparing it to an overview of studies reporting lower rates. Extremely discrepant rates of childhood sexual abuse are reported in a number of empirical studies conducted in this field over the past 26 years, particularly those looking beyond prevalence to study the links between this type of trauma and future motherhood. To shed light on the disparities in the reported prevalence rates, the article reviews the principal methodological biases that have contaminated the findings. The authors then offer several suggestions for improvement that might be implemented in future studies.  相似文献   

Female sexual offenders are significantly underrepresented in the literature. Largely due to a failure of our society to recognize women as offenders, we allow them to avoid detection, prosecution, and interventions like tracking, registration, or mandated treatment. This could be partially due to differences that exist in their offending behaviors, victim profiles, and personal characteristics that set them apart from male offenders, to whom our systems have become more attuned. This article features an examination of virtually every substantiated child sexual abuse case reported to child protective services in the United States for 2010. Findings detail observed differences between male and female offenders on multiple domains and affirm female sexual offenders to be distinctly different from their male counterparts.  相似文献   

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