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Austria legally recognized Islam in 1912 and has thus been characterized as a “liberal” country regarding the inclusion of Muslims. But when the law was revision in 2015, it was largely criticized as discriminatory, anti-constitutional, and authoritarian towards the Muslim minority. The paper asks how a number of different social movement organizations and networks have framed their political participation, protest, and activism. It asks what demands were expressed regarding justice, criminalization, alienation, discrimination, and other contested issues. The paper also ponders the implications of political inclusion versus distance from the system for Muslim agency, as the protest movement ranged very widely from state-affiliated institutions to state-independent individuals.  相似文献   

There is now a great deal of literature that shows how Islam and Muslims are routinely represented in negative ways in the mainstream newspapers. With overt or covert reliance on Orientalist discourse, discourses of cultural clash and extremism, including terror, are prevalent. Not only are Muslims less likely to feature in “normal” stories, abuse and prejudice against them is also more unlikely to constitute “news”. British converts to Islam have only recently begun to receive more focused attention, both in academia and in the mainstream press. Occupying a unique position in respect to the idea of the “other” and of integration in a multicultural society, converts offer a powerful point of critique of these concepts. The aim of this study is to understand how and in what discourses British converts to Islam are represented, and thereby contribute empirical knowledge to these theoretical concerns.  相似文献   


The Muslim presence in Europe has caused the Christian churches to focus their attention on a number of issues arising out of this presence and the following article is a review of three papers put out by church organizations. Starting chronologically from the earliest paper to the most recent, I have first summarized the contents of each paper before analysing and commenting on them collectively. The three Church Research Papers on Muslims in Europe are Witness to God in a Secular Europe, Conference of European Churches, Geneva 1985, The Image of Islam in German School Textbooks by Udo Tworuschka, Muslims in Europe. No. 32, 1986, and Islamic Law and its Significance for the Situation of Muslim Minorities in Europe, Report of a study project, Muslims in Europe, No. 35,1987.  相似文献   

It is more than a decade since social geographer Kevin Dunn first described non-Muslim Australians’ ignorance about Islam and its adherents and outlined a series of recommendations about how Australian governments could address this as a pressing social policy issue. Recently researchers have re-assessed non-Muslim Australians’ perceptions of their knowledge of Islam and Muslims identifying while it has improved since 2003, 70% acknowledge they know little to nothing about either. Using data from Australia’s 2016 National Social Survey, this study examines the correlation between non-Muslim Australians’ perceptions of their knowledge of Islam and Muslims and their actual knowledge. We find that perception of knowledge is a reasonable indicator of actual knowledge. Further, we find that tertiary education is the single significant demographic factor impacting actual knowledge. By examining geographical patterns of knowledge, we also find that ignorance of Islam and Muslims is consistent across Australia.  相似文献   

Converts form a growing portion of the Muslim community in São Paulo, Brazil. Often introduced to Islam through media representations, they turn to religion for a variety of reasons, including the desire to search for spiritual truth. This article will examine questions of identity that arise during the process of religious conversion, using data gathered from extensive fieldwork. Specifically, it will analyze how male converts view the place of Islam within the context of Brazilian society and how they reimagine concepts of personal identity through religious conversion. The study suggests that converts hold diverse points of view regarding the development of their spiritual identity, emphasizing both the challenges and benefits of being Muslim and practicing Islam in Brazil.  相似文献   


The concept of “country” or homeland in Islam was defined by Muslim jurists in the eighth century in the light of the sacred text. They set three categories: watan al-asli, the country of birth, the country of one's spouse or the place of permanent residence; watan al-sukna, the country of temporary residence and employment; and watan al-safari, the country that is traveled to. Accordingly, for Muslims immigrating to Australia, their new country falls into one of these categories. Muslim contact with Australia stretches back centuries. However, although early Muslims arrived on Australian shores before Europeans, they did not settle. It was not until the late 1960s, when Muslims came in mass immigration, that permanent communities were established. Since then, particularly over the last two decades, Muslims have become gradually more visible. This increase in prominence has raised anxiety from some segments of the Australian community. There are groups who view Islam as an obstacle for integration. The loyalty of Muslims to Australia is being debated, discussed and questioned by some intellectuals, politicians, media and other Australians with little or no knowledge of the Islamic theological perspective of the “notion of country”. In this article, I will argue that the “notion of country”, a concept of which even the majority of Muslims are not aware, supports integration. This article will also explore the concept of “homeland” in Islamic theology and jurisprudence and discuss the findings of a survey on Muslims’ views about Australia as home.  相似文献   

全国出现经济过热,少数民族地区的经济过热不过热?对于这个问题,是有不同看法的。有人说,少数民族地区处于社会主义初级阶段的低层次,经济建设起步较晚,基础薄弱,发展滞后,人均工农业总产值低于全国平均水平,同经济发达地区相比差距越来越大,经济何热之有?因此认为,少数民族地区的经济不是“过热”,而是“过冷”;不是应当“降温”,而是应当“加温”。对于这个问题,应该如何看法?我认为需要从少数民族地区的实际出发,实事求是地进行分  相似文献   

人们从事经济活动的时候,总是要考虑“吃亏”还是“受益”的问题。譬如,到商店里买东西,甚至到菜摊上买一根黄瓜、一斤韭菜,家庭主妇也要徘徊返顾,比较盘算,那头脑里想的就是“亏”还是“益”。小事如此,大事更如此。以现在的横向经济联系来说,对口支援和经济技术协作,对于发展民族地区经济无疑“受益”大得很。但也有一些同志认为“吃亏”,以廉价的原材料换取发达地区的成品、技术,亏得不得了。也是,内蒙古一公斤羊毛多少钱?而一公斤羊毛在上海纺织成毛  相似文献   

国务院于1986年6月5日批复广西壮族自治区人民政府,同意将"毛难族"改为"毛南族"。毛南族共有3万8千多人,主要聚居在广西环将县的上南,中南,下南一代的山区  相似文献   

李登贵 《西藏研究》2000,(2):130-131
本刊新近增加了“婚姻家庭”、“西部大开发”栏目 ,编者的牵挂也系于其中 :既耽心把现实问题研究简单化为法规时政的概念化复述 ,从而失去学术刊物应有的品位 ,又耽心把现实问题淹没在学究气的迂阔之论中 ,从而有悖于设置栏目的初衷。本期“婚姻家庭”栏目幸得佳作 ,而“西部大开发”栏目选编的三篇论文也让编者稍稍松了口气 :这些在学理上、表述规范上都不免稚拙的文章 ,毕竟不是用套话编就的应景之作 ;而我们设置专栏的编辑倾向也尽在其中 :通过立足社会实践的具体化、个性化、具有可操作性的研究成果 ,折射出西部大开发这一共同的时代问…  相似文献   

声乐的最高境界是"字正腔圆、声情并茂"。"字正腔圆"说的是声音,要求演唱者在演唱的过程中腔调圆润,咬字、吐字清晰、准确;声情并茂,主要说的是表演,要求演唱者在演唱的过程中无论是外在表现,还是内在表现都要准确、生动地表现作品,在演唱的过程中,"字正腔圆、声情并茂"二者缺一不可,这也是演唱的最高境界。  相似文献   

屡闻新疆的同志谈扫除“民族政策盲”。认真想来,实则是积多年经验之谈。建国三十余年,同胞中“文盲”似有大减,而“民族政策盲”非但不乏见,且甚者确为惊人。时闻:有的汉族同志在风俗习惯、宗教信仰、群众纪律等方面忽视了兄弟民族的利益,甚至伤害了民族间的兄弟感情;有的少数民族同志则也误将工农、农牧、干群、个人之间的矛盾,统而论之为“民族矛  相似文献   

吴俊 《民族论坛》2010,(1):18-19
<正>又值岁末,一年一度的"察民情、送温暖"活动又将拉开序幕,基层贫困老百姓也即将享受到各级党委、政府等的深切关心与浓浓爱意。笔者在为这一爱  相似文献   

<正>今年11月2日是著名人类学家、社会学家费孝通先生诞辰104周年纪念日。头天,西北民族大学学科建设工作办公室主办、《西北民族研究》杂志社和西北民族非物质文化遗产保护研究中心等机构承办的"民族学、人类学、社会学、民俗学学科建设圆桌恳谈会"与北京大学的纪念讲座相对应而于11月1日在兰州召开。涉及到这四个学科的科研和教学部门、主要高校的专业高手、教学健将和团队大腕云集金秋金城,极简而多彩、紧凑而宽松地开了个有关学科建设、发展的研讨会。这个表面上用半天时间面对面的研讨会,利用了整整大半年多碎片时间的幕前操作,这还不算提供会上12册文本材料的各自撰写、编  相似文献   

黄波 《民族论坛》2014,(3):42-42
刚来到辰溪的时候,由于环境和生活不适应,加上思想上的各种顾虑、困惑和压力,一到晚上我就彻夜难眠,进入无限的遐想,一段时间竟养成了失眠多梦的毛病。和我住在同一层楼的两名县领导是怀化当地人,他们每周五下午一下班都要回家,整个宾馆就只留下我一人。正好,周六周日两天时间都由我自己来支配,没别的,  相似文献   

这些年,我国经济蓬勃发展,文化产业化发展更是迅速。目前,文化产业已成为我国经济发展的重要组成部分,为我国经济的发展带来了新的机遇。但文化产业化的发展也会导致文化本身内在的审美及艺术感的缺失,会使得文化丧失了本有的精神追求。本文就当前我国文化产业发展的情况及问题进行了分析,并对当前文化产业化发展可能使得文化内在本质丧失的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

这些年,我国经济蓬勃发展,文化产业化发展更是迅速.目前,文化产业已成为我国经济发展的重要组成部分,为我国经济的发展带来了新的机遇.但文化产业化的发展也会导致文化本身内在的审美及艺术感的缺失,会使得文化丧失了本有的精神追求.本文就当前我国文化产业发展的情况及问题进行了分析,并对当前文化产业化发展可能使得文化内在本质丧失的问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   

时下,有人把衡量一个单位的好坏分为四类:一类是既有权又有钱的;二类是虽无仅仅有钱的;三类是虽无权无钱但工作清闲的;第四类是既无权无钱工作又不清闲的;在主观选择上,人们对前三类的单位尤其是前两类的工作单位自然是趋之若骛,削尖脑袋往里钻,而对后一类的工作单位除非万般无奈,否则,是死活也不肯去的。这里说的“肥缺”与‘座差”,就是指因工作单位和岗位的不同而导致待遇上的差异。虽然,它是一样的官,职是一样的职,工资是一样的工资,但事实上,不同的单位,不同的职位,其“含金量”也就大为不同的。比如,同样是科级干…  相似文献   

“小个儿”唱出的“大戏”记清镇市民族宗教事务局图·文/本刊记者远程贵阳西去60余里,便是贵州有名的民族风情旅游胜地清镇。清镇的名气在哪里———在湖光山色天工巧夺的红枫湖、百花湖;在丰富多采令人神往的民族文化氛围里;更在改革开放中迅猛发展的社会变革中。...  相似文献   

<正> 有人说她是“哈宝傻瓜)”,而更多的人却说她是创业者、实干家。她用自己辛勤的汗水,描述了“铁姑娘”的历史;谱写出“店老板”的乐章,编织着“企业家”的花环……她叫向满云,龙山县洛塔乡一位普通的土家族妇女。共和国第一个春天,向满云出生在洛塔乡一个偏僻的小山村里。由于封建遗毒的禁锢和家庭生活的清贫,她没有能够上学。从小就在自然界的风风雨雨里摸爬摔打,放牛、砍柴、打猪草……艰苦的磨炼铸就了她吃苦耐劳、任劳任怨的品德。  相似文献   

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