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The exponential and Rayleigh are the two most commonly used distributions for analyzing lifetime data. These distributions have several desirable properties and nice physical interpretations. Unfortunately, the exponential distribution only has constant failure rate and the Rayleigh distribution has increasing failure rate. The linear failure rate distribution generalizes both these distributions which may have non increasing hazard function also. This article introduces a new distribution, which generalizes linear failure rate distribution. This distribution generalizes the well-known (1) exponential distribution, (2) linear failure rate distribution, (3) generalized exponential distribution, and (4) generalized Rayleigh distribution. The properties of this distribution are discussed in this article. The maximum likelihood estimates of the unknown parameters are obtained. A real data set is analyzed and it is observed that the present distribution can provide a better fit than some other very well-known distributions.  相似文献   

We formulate a new cure rate survival model by assuming that the number of competing causes of the event of interest has the Poisson distribution, and the time to this event has the generalized linear failure rate distribution. A new distribution to analyze lifetime data is defined from the proposed cure rate model, and its quantile function as well as a general expansion for the moments is derived. We estimate the parameters of the model with cure rate in the presence of covariates for censored observations using maximum likelihood and derive the observed information matrix. We obtain the appropriate matrices for assessing local influence on the parameter estimates under different perturbation schemes and present some ways to perform global influence analysis. The usefulness of the proposed cure rate survival model is illustrated in an application to real data.  相似文献   

Distributions of exceedance statistics based on generalized order statistics are obtained for a random threshold model. The ordinary order statistics, progressively Type-II right censored order statistics and record values are considered as special cases. The results obtained in the article imply many results on exceedance statistics for the variety of models of ordered random variables.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors first obtain the exact distribution of the logarithm of the product of independent generalized Gamma r.v.’s (random variables) in the form of a Generalized Integer Gamma distribution of infinite depth, where all the rate and shape parameters are well identified. Then, by a routine transformation, simple and manageable expressions for the exact distribution of the product of independent generalized Gamma r.v.’s are derived. The method used also enables us to obtain quite easily very accurate, manageable and simple near-exact distributions in the form of Generalized Near-Integer Gamma distributions. Numerical studies are carried out to assess the precision of different approximations to the exact distribution and they show the high accuracy of the approximations provided by the near-exact distributions. As particular cases of the exact distributions obtained we have the distribution of the product of independent Gamma, Weibull, Frechet, Maxwell-Boltzman, Half-Normal, Rayleigh, and Exponential distributions, as well as the exact distribution of the generalized variance, the exact distribution of discriminants or Vandermonde determinants and the exact distribution of any linear combination of generalized Gumbel distributions, as well as yet the distribution of the product of any power of the absolute value of independent Normal r.v.’s.  相似文献   

By assuming that a random variable X possesses an aging property, we provide conditions under which the corresponding weighted version X 1, with weight function w 1(·), would also possess this aging property. Similarly, by assuming that two random variables X and Y are ordered with respect to a stochastic order, we provide conditions under which the corresponding weighted versions X 1 and Y 2, with weight functions w 1(·) and w 2(·), respectively, preserve this stochastic ordering. We also point out fallacies in the similar results claimed by Jain et al. (1989 Jain , K. , Singh , H. , Bagai , I. ( 1989 ). Relations for reliability measures of weighted distributions . Commun. Statist. Theory Meth. 18 : 43934412 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and Bartoszewicz and Skolimowska (2006 Bartoszewicz , J. , Skolimowska , M. ( 2006 ). Preservation of classes of life distribution and stochastic orders under weighting . Statist. Probab. Lett. 76 : 587596 .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) and correct them.  相似文献   

The failure rate of a life time distribution has so for been studied in the time domsin. The present paper extends the failure rate transform in the frequency domain. For this purpose, the parent life time distribution has been taken as the Weibull distribution and different properties of the distribution of the failure rate transform have been presented including some characterisations of the Weibull distribution. Some comparative studies have also been made between the parent distribution and the failure rate transform distribution in respect of convex, star shaped and super additive orderings and expectation.  相似文献   

The minimum and maximum order statistics from many of the common bivariate exponential distributions are predominantly generalized mixtures of exponentials; however, the maximum from the Friday and Patil bivariate exponential (FPBVE) model is either a generalized mixture of three or fewer exponentials or a generalized mixture of gamma and exponentials. In this article, we obtain conditions based on the weights and parameters of the generalized mixtures of gamma and one or two exponential distributions that yield legitimate probability models. Furthermore, we analyze properties of the failure rate of the maximum from the FPBVE model. This answers a question raised in Baggs and Nagaraja (1996 Baggs , G. E. , Nagaraja , H. N. ( 1996 ). Reliability properties of order statistics from bivariate exponential distributions . Commun. Statist. Stochastic Mod. 12 : 611631 .[Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

Mixtures of skewed distributions (univariate and bivariate) provide flexible models. An alternative modeling approach involves distributions with skewed conditional distributions and mixtures of such distributions. We consider the interrelationships between such models. Examples are provided to show that several skewed distributions already considered in the literature can be viewed as having been constructed via a combination of mixing and skewing.  相似文献   

Generalized Laplacian distribution is considered. A new distribution called geometric generalized Laplacian distribution is introduced and its properties are studied. First- and higher-order autoregressive processes with these stationary marginal distributions are developed and studied. Simulation studies are conducted and trajectories of the process are obtained for selected values of the parameters. Various areas of application of these models are discussed.  相似文献   

Consider the multiple hypotheses testing problem controlling the generalized familywise error rate k-FWER, the probability of at least k false rejections. We propose a plug-in procedure based on the estimation of the number of true null hypotheses. Under the independence assumption of the p-values corresponding to the true null hypotheses, we first introduce the least favorable configuration (LFC) of k-FWER for Bonferroni-type plug-in procedure, then we construct a plug-in k-FWER-controlled procedure based on LFC. For dependent p-values, we establish the asymptotic k-FWER control under some mild conditions. Simulation studies suggest great improvement over generalized Bonferroni test and generalized Holm test.  相似文献   

A two-parameter discrete gamma distribution is derived corresponding to the continuous two parameters gamma distribution using the general approach for discretization of continuous probability distributions. One parameter discrete gamma distribution is obtained as a particular case. A few important distributional and reliability properties of the proposed distribution are examined. Parameter estimation by different methods is discussed. Performance of different estimation methods are compared through simulation. Data fitting is carried out to investigate the suitability of the proposed distribution in modeling discrete failure time data and other count data.  相似文献   


In this article we introduce some structural relationships between weighted and original variables in the context of maintainability function and reversed repair rate. Furthermore, we prove some characterization theorems for specific models such as power, exponential, Pareto II, beta, and Pearson system of distributions using the relationships between the original and weighted random variables.  相似文献   


Monotone failure rate models [Barlow Richard, E., Marshall, A. W., Proschan, Frank. (1963 Barlow Richard, E., Marshall, A. W. and Proschan, Frank. 1963. Properties of probability distributions with monotone failure rate. Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 34: 375389.  [Google Scholar]). Properties of probability distributions with monotone failure rate. Annals of Mathematical Statistics 34:375–389, and Barlow Richard, E., Proschan, Frank. (1965 Barlow Richard, E. and Proschan, Frank. 1965. Mathematical Theory of Reliability New York: John Wiley.  [Google Scholar]). Mathematical Theory of Reliability. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Barlow Richard, E., Proschan, Frank. (1966a Barlow Richard, E. and Proschan, Frank. 1966a. Tolerance and confidence limits for classes of distributions based on failure rate. Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 37(6): 15931601.  [Google Scholar]). Tolerance and confidence limits for classes of distributions based on failure rate. Annals of Mathematical Statistics 37(6):1593–1601, Barlow Richard, E., Proschan, Frank. (1966b Barlow Richard, E. and Proschan, Frank. 1966b. Inequalities for linear combinations of order statistics from restricted families. Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 37(6): 15741592.  [Google Scholar]). Inequalities for linear combinations of order statistics from restricted families. Annals of Mathematical Statistics 37(6):1574–1592, Barlow Richard, E., Proschan, Frank. (1975 Barlow Richard, E. and Proschan, Frank. 1975. Statistical Theory of Reliability and Life Testing New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc..  [Google Scholar]). Statistical Theory of Reliability and Life Testing. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.] have become one of the most important models of failure time for reliability practitioners to consider and use. The above authors also developed models and bounds for monotone increasing failure rates (IFR) and for monotone decreasing failure rates (DFR). The IFR models and bounds appear to be especially useful for describing and bounding the hazard of aging. This article extends a new model for time to failure based onthe log odds rate [Zimmer William, J., Wang Yao, Pathak, P. K. (1998 Zimmer William, J., Wang, F. K. and Keats, J. Bert. 1998. The Burr XII distribution in reliability analysis. Journal of Quality Technology, 30(4): 386394.  [Google Scholar]). Log-odds rate and monotone log-odds rate distributions. Journal of Quality Technology 30(4):376–385.] which is comparable to the model based on the failure rate. It is shown that in the case of increasing log odds rate (ILOR) in terms of log time (ln t), the model is less stringent than the IFR model for aging. The characterization of distributions of failure time by log odds rate is also derived. It is shown that the logistic distribution has the property of constant log odds rate over time and that the log logistic distribution has the property of constant log odds rate with respect to ln t. Some other properties of ILOR distributions are presented and bounds based on the relationship to the log logistic distribution are provided for distributions which are ILOR with respect to ln t. Motivational examples are provided. The ILOR bounds are compared to the more stringent bounds based on the IFR model. Bounds on system reliability are also provided for certain systems.  相似文献   


The study of multivariate distributions of order k, two of which are the multivariate negative binomial of order k and the multinomial of the same order, was introduced in Philippou et al. (Philippou, A. N., Antzoulakos, D. L., Tripsiannis, G. A. (1988 Philippou, A. N., Antzoulakos, D. L. and Tripsiannis, G. A. 1988. Multivariate distributions of order k. Statistics and Probability Letters, 7(3): 207216.  [Google Scholar]). Multivariate distributions of order k. Statistics and Probability Letters 7(3):207–216.), and Philippou et al. (Philippou, A. N., Antzoulakos, D. L., Tripsiannis, G. A. (1990 Philippou, A. N., Antzoulakos, D. L. and Tripsiannis, G. A. 1990. Multivariate distributions of order k, part II. Statistics and Probability Letters, 10(1): 2935.  [Google Scholar]). Multivariate distributions of order k, part II. Statistics and Probability Letters 10(1):29–35.). Recently, an order k (or cluster) generalized negative binomial distribution and a multivariate negative binomial distribution were derived in Sen and Jain (Sen, K., Jain, R. (1996 Sen, K. and Jain, R. 1996. “Cluster generalized negative binomial distribution”. In Probability Models and Statistics Medhi Festschrift, A. J., on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday Edited by: Borthakur, A. C. 227241. New Delhi: New Age International Publishers.  [Google Scholar]). Cluster generalized negative binomial distribution. In: Borthakur et al. A. C., Eds.; Probability Models and Statistics Medhi Festschrift, A. J., on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday. New Age International Publishers: New Delhi, 227–241.) and Sen and Jain (Sen, K., Jain, R. (1997 Sen, K. and Jain, R. 1997. A multivariate generalized Polya-Eggenberger probability model-first passage approach. Communications in Statistics—Theory and Methods, 26: 871884. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). A multivariate generalized Polya-Eggenberger probability model-first passage approach. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 26:871–884.), respectively. In this paper, all four distributions are generalized to a multivariate generalized negative binomial distribution of order k by means of an appropriate sampling scheme and a first passage event. This new distribution includes as special cases several known and new multivariate distributions of order k, and gives rise in the limit to multivariate generalized logarithmic, Poisson and Borel-Tanner distributions of the same order. Applications are indicated.  相似文献   

In this article, we study some results related to a specific class of distributions, called skew-curved-symmetric family of distributions that depends on a parameter controlling the skewness and kurtosis at the same time. Special elements of this family which are studied include symmetric and well-known asymmetric distributions. General results are given for the score function and the observed information matrix. It is shown that the observed information matrix is always singular for some special cases. We illustrate the flexibility of this class of distributions with an application to a real dataset on characteristics of Australian athletes.  相似文献   

Recently, Zografos and Nadarajah (2005 Zografos, K., Nadarajah, S. (2005). Survival exponential entropies. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theor. 51:12391246.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) proposed two measures of uncertainty based on the survival function, called the survival exponential entropy and the generalized survival exponential entropy. In this article, we explore properties of the generalized survival entropy and the dynamic version of it. We study conditions under which the generalized survival entropy of first order statistic can uniquely determines the parent distribution. The exponential, Pareto, and finite range distributions, which are commonly used in reliability, have been characterized using this generalized measure. Another measure of entropy is also introduced in analogy with cumulative entropy which has been proposed by Di Crescenzo and Longobardi (2009) and some properties of it are given.  相似文献   

Mixtures of increasing failure rate distributions (IFR) can decrease at least in some intervals of time. Usually, this property can be observed asymptotically as t → ∞. This is due to the fact that the mixture failure rate is “bent down” compared with the corresponding unconditional expectation of the baseline failure rate, which was proved previously for some specific cases. We generalize this result and discuss the “weakest populations are dying first” property, which leads to the change in the failure rate shape. We also consider the problem of mixture failure rate ordering for the ordered mixing distributions. Two types of stochastic ordering are analyzed: ordering in the likelihood ratio sense and ordering in variances when the means are equal.  相似文献   

In reliability theory, order statistics and record values are used for statistical modelling. The r-th order statistic in a sample of size n represents the life—length of a (n?r+l)-out-of-n system, and record values are used in shock models. In recent years, reliability properties of order statistics and record values have been investigated. The two models are included in Pfeifer's concept of record values from non-identically distributed random variables. Here, some results on the transmission of distributional properties, such as increasing failure rate, are shown for such records, which contain the results for order statistics and ordinary record values as particular cases.  相似文献   

In this article, we study a marginal hazard model with common baseline hazard for correlated failure time data. We assume that the true covariate is measured precisely in a subset of the whole study cohort, whereas an auxiliary information for the true covariate is available for the whole cohort. We first estimate the relative risk function empirically. Then we obtain the estimator for the regression parameter by replacing the relative risk function with its estimator in a generalized estimating equation (GEE) proposed by Cai (1992 Cai , J. ( 1992 ). Generalized estimation equations for censored multivariate failure time data. Ph.D. thesis, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington . [Google Scholar]). A key feature of this method is that it is nonparametric with respect to the association between the missing covariate and the observed auxiliary covariate. The proposed estimator is shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal. Furthermore, we present a corrected Breslow-type estimator for the cumulative hazard function. Simulation studies are conducted to evaluate the proposed method.  相似文献   

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