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A Semi-parametric Regression Model with Errors in Variables   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract.  In this paper, we consider a partial linear regression model with measurement errors in possibly all the variables. We use a method of moments and deconvolution to construct a new class of parametric estimators together with a non-parametric kernel estimator. Strong convergence, optimal rate of weak convergence and asymptotic normality of the estimators are investigated.  相似文献   

We study errors‐in‐variables problems when the response is binary and instrumental variables are available. We construct consistent estimators through taking advantage of the prediction relation between the unobservable variables and the instruments. The asymptotic properties of the new estimator are established and illustrated through simulation studies. We also demonstrate that the method can be readily generalized to generalized linear models and beyond. The usefulness of the method is illustrated through a real data example.  相似文献   

In this article, the Bayesian analysis of the regression model with errors terms generated by a first-order autoregressive model is considered. Our aim is to study the effect of two kinds of contamination of this model via the posterior distribution of the regression parameter.  相似文献   

In this article, we generalize the partially linear single-index models to the scenario with some endogenous covariates variables. It is well known that the estimators based on the existing methods are often inconsistent because of the endogeneity of covariates. To deal with the endogenous variables, we introduce some auxiliary instrumental variables. A three-stage estimation procedure is proposed for partially linear single-index instrumental variables models. The first stage is to obtain a linear projection of endogenous variables on a set of instrumental variables, the second stage is to estimate the link function by using local linear smoother for given constant parameters, and the last stage is to obtain the estimators of constant parameters based on the estimating equation. Asymptotic normality is established for the proposed estimators. Some simulation studies are undertaken to assess the finite sample performance of the proposed estimation procedure.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider quasi-minimax estimation in the linear regression model where some covariates are measured with additive errors. When measurement errors are directly ignored the minimax risk of the resulting estimator can be large. By correcting the attenuation we propose a penalized quadratic risk function. A simulation study is conducted to illustrate the performance of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

A polynomial functional relationship with errors in both variables can be consistently estimated by constructing an ordinary least squares estimator for the regression coefficients, assuming hypothetically the latent true regressor variable to be known, and then adjusting for the errors. If normality of the error variables can be assumed, the estimator can be simplified considerably. Only the variance of the errors in the regressor variable and its covariance with the errors of the response variable need to be known. If the variance of the errors in the dependent variable is also known, another estimator can be constructed.  相似文献   

Modern exploratory data analysis produces models that are not based on physical theory but that are consistent with pictures of the data. When both X and Y have error this can be risky, because important features are hidden. Two examples are given that show that systematic model departures and heteroscedasticity may not be detectable with standard regression diagnostics.  相似文献   

Summary: Results on linear combinations, products, and ratios of t random variables are reviewed. We believe that this review will serve as an important reference and encourage further research activities in the area.  相似文献   

This article provides an Edgeworth expansion for the distribution of the log-likelihood derivative LLD of the parameter of a time series generated by a linear regression model with Gaussian, stationary, and long-memory errors. Under some sets of conditions on the regression coefficients, the spectral density function, and the parameter values, an Edgeworth expansion of the density as well as the distribution function of a vector of centered and normalized derivatives of the plug-in log-likelihood PLL function of arbitrarily large order is established. This is done by extending the results of Lieberman et al. (2003 Lieberman , O. , Rousseau , J. , Zucker , D. M. ( 2003 ). Valid edgeworth expansions for the maximum likelihood estimator of the parameter of a stationary. gaussian, strongly dependent processes. it Ann. Statist. 31:586–612 . [Google Scholar]), who provided an Edgeworth expansion for the Gaussian stationary long-memory case, to our present model, which is a linear regression process with stationary Gaussian long-memory errors.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of estimation of the length distribution of marine populations in the Gaussian-multinomial model is considered. For the purpose of the mean and covariance parameter estimation, the method of moments estimators are developed. That is, minimum variance linear unbiased estimator for the mean frequency vector is derived and a consistent estimator for the covariance matrix of the length observations is presented. The usefulness of the proposed estimators is illustrated with an analysis of real cod length measurement data.  相似文献   

李小胜  王申令 《统计研究》2016,33(11):85-92
本文首先构造线性约束条件下的多元线性回归模型的样本似然函数,利用Lagrange法证明其合理性。其次,从似然函数的角度讨论线性约束条件对模型参数的影响,对由传统理论得出的参数估计作出贝叶斯与经验贝叶斯的改进。做贝叶斯改进时,将矩阵正态-Wishart分布作为模型参数和精度阵的联合共轭先验分布,结合构造的似然函数得出参数的后验分布,计算出参数的贝叶斯估计;做经验贝叶斯改进时,将样本分组,从方差的角度讨论由子样得出的参数估计对总样本的参数估计的影响,计算出经验贝叶斯估计。最后,利用Matlab软件生成的随机矩阵做模拟。结果表明,这两种改进后的参数估计均较由传统理论得出的参数估计更精确,拟合结果的误差比更小,可信度更高,在大数据的情况下,这种计算方法的速度更快。  相似文献   

In this article, the functional-coefficient regression models with different smoothing variables in different coefficient functions are discussed. The integrated estimates of the coefficient functions are defined by marginal integration on the initial value obtained by local linear technique. Their asymptotical normalities are studied.  相似文献   

Predictive distributions are developed and illustrated for prediction in some Poisson errors in variables models. Two different situations in which multiplicative treatment effects are appropriate are considered within the context of predicting counts of road accidents. Hierarchical prior structures are investigated, and numerical integration and Gibbs sampling routines are used to derive the predictive and posterior probabilities. Examples of analyses are provided with data from road accidents in Sweden.  相似文献   

The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) is developed for selecting the variables of the nested error regression model where an unobservable random effect is present. Using the idea of decomposing the likelihood into two parts of “within” and “between” analysis of variance, we derive the AIC when the number of groups is large and the ratio of the variances of the random effects and the random errors is an unknown parameter. The proposed AIC is compared, using simulation, with Mallows' C p , Akaike's AIC, and Sugiura's exact AIC. Based on the rates of selecting the true model, it is shown that the proposed AIC performs better.  相似文献   

In this article, the multivariate linear regression model is studied under the assumptions that the error term of this model is described by the elliptically contoured distribution and the observations on the response variables are of a monotone missing pattern. It is primarily concerned with estimation of the model parameters, as well as with the development of the likelihood ratio test in order to examine the existence of linear constraints on the regression coefficients. An illustrative example is presented for the explanation of the results.  相似文献   


In the stepwise procedure of selection of a fixed or a random explanatory variable in a mixed quantitative linear model with errors following a Gaussian stationary autocorrelated process, we have studied the efficiency of five estimators relative to Generalized Least Squares (GLS): Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), Maximum Likelihood (ML), Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML), First Differences (FD), and First-Difference Ratios (FDR). We have also studied the validity and power of seven derived testing procedures, to assess the significance of the slope of the candidate explanatory variable x 2 to enter the model in which there is already one regressor x 1. In addition to five testing procedures of the literature, we considered the FDR t-test with n ? 3 df and the modified t-test with n? ? 3 df for partial correlations, where n? is Dutilleul's effective sample size. Efficiency, validity, and power were analyzed by Monte Carlo simulations, as functions of the nature, fixed vs. random (purely random or autocorrelated), of x 1 and x 2, the sample size and the autocorrelation of random terms in the regression model. We report extensive results for the autocorrelation structure of first-order autoregressive [AR(1)] type, and discuss results we obtained for other autocorrelation structures, such as spherical semivariogram, first-order moving average [MA(1)] and ARMA(1,1), but we could not present because of space constraints. Overall, we found that:
  1. the efficiency of slope estimators and the validity of testing procedures depend primarily on the nature of x 2, but not on that of x 1;

  2. FDR is the most inefficient slope estimator, regardless of the nature of x 1 and x 2;

  3. REML is the most efficient of the slope estimators compared relative to GLS, provided the specified autocorrelation structure is correct and the sample size is large enough to ensure the convergence of its optimization algorithm;

  4. the FDR t-test, the modified t-test and the REML t-test are the most valid of the testing procedures compared, despite the inefficiency of the FDR and OLS slope estimators for the former two;

  5. the FDR t-test, however, suffers from a lack of power that varies with the nature of x 1 and x 2; and

  6. the modified t-test for partial correlations, which does not require the specification of an autocorrelation structure, can be recommended when x 1 is fixed or random and x 2 is random, whether purely random or autocorrelated. Our results are illustrated by the environmental data that motivated our work.


The authors give the estimation on the varying-coefficient partially linear regression model with different smoothing variables. The efficient estimators of the intercept function and the coefficient functions are obtained by a one-step back-fitting technique based on their initial estimators given by local linear technique and the averaged method. Furthermore, their asymptotic normalities are given. Some simulation studies are used to illustrate the performances of the estimation.  相似文献   

We consider a fixed-design regression model with long-range-dependent errors and introduce an artificial randomization of grid points at which observations are taken in order to diminish the impact of strong dependence. The resulting estimator is shown to exhibit smoothing dichotomy with the variance in both cases, diminishing more quickly than in the fixed-design case.  相似文献   

Expressions are derived for the bias and variance associated with procedures frequently used to estimate partial regression coefficients in a linear model having the two explanatory variables x 1 and x 2, with missing values on x 2 only. The expressions are used to help gain insight into the relative effectiveness of these procedures for handling more complex patterns of missing data.  相似文献   

A simple segmented regression model in which the independent variable is measured with error is considered. The method of moments is used to obtain parameter estimates and the joint asymptotic distribution of the estimators is presented. The small sample properties of the inference procedures based on the asymptotic distribution of the estimators are studied numerically.  相似文献   

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