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This article presents the results of a pilot of a cross-national learning process within the context of social work education. The pilot was carried out in the electronic environment by students from four European universities (Hogeschool Utrecht, Sheffield, Tartu and Vilnius). The analysis of the social work case of a disabled person was aimed at developing students’ abilities to make sensitive cross-national comparisons, to communicate within a different language and cultural context and to demonstrate understanding between practice and policy in a different country. Students’ reflections revealed the relevance of cross-cultural social work case analysis for developing future social workers’ professional and personal competencies. The study offered new insights into the social reality of the students’ own countries, into social work education and practice, and provided a broader understanding of international social work trends. The evaluation of the piloted e-learning programme indicated the advantages and limitations of long distance, cross-national learning.

Straipsnyje pristatomi socialinio darbo studentams skirtos elektroninio mokymosi programos bandymo tarptautiniu lygiu rezultatai. Programos bandyme dalyvavo keturiu Europos auk?tuju mokyklu studentai (?efildo, Tartu, Vilniaus universitetu ir Utrechto Hogeschool). Elektronineje erdveje jiems buvo pateiktas neigalaus asmens problemi?kos socialines adaptacijos atvejis, kuri, vadovaujant destytojams, jie turejo sinchroni?kai i?analizuoti programoje nurodytomis pakopomis. Mokymo programos tikslas – ugdyti studentu tarpkulturine kompetencija, gebejimus atlikti lyginamaja analize, padeti jiems giliau suprasti ry?i tarp skirtingu ?aliu socialines politikos ir socialinio darbo praktikos. Studentu refleksijos bei atvejo sprendimo proceso analize parode, kad tokia programa yra tinkama ugdyti busimu socialiniu darbuotoju profesine ir asmenine kompetencija tarptautiniu lygiu. Vertindami elektroninio mokymosi programa, studentai konstatavo, kad ji leido jiems naujai pazvelgti i savo ?aliu socialine situacija, geriau suprasti tarptautinio socialinio darbo tendencijas ir suteike lyginamuju tyrimu patirties. Programos bandymas padejo identifikuoti ir distancinio mokymo trukumus, i kuriuos butina atsizvelgti taikant ja ateityje.

In dit artikel worden de resultaten van de pilot van een e-learning programma gepresenteerd waaraan Social Work opleidingen van verschillende Europese universiteiten en hogescholen hebben deelgenomen (Hogeschool Utrecht, Vilnius University, Sheffield Hallam University Sheffield en University of Tartu). Een Nederlandse casus over de begeleiding van de werksituatie van een verstandelijk gehandicapte cliënt vormde het uitgangspunt. Gedurende een periode van 10 weken, maakte van elk land een groep van 4 studenten een analyse en interventieplan. De resultaten van digitaal verstrekte opdrachten werden met elkaar vergeleken. De bedoeling was dat studenten op deze wijze inzicht verwerven in diversiteit van benaderingen binnen Social Work in Europa. Het resultaat van de pilot is dat minstens zoveel overeenkomsten als verschillen in de Social Work praktijk en het onderwijs zichtbaar werden. Internationale trends konden worden onderscheiden. In een evaluatie van het e-learning programma worden de mogelijkheden en beperkingen van grensoverschrijdend afstandsonderwijs besproken.  相似文献   

The social work profession worldwide has been increasingly influenced by globalization and its effects on social issues that require social workers to be responsive and knowledgeable in addressing them. In recent years there has been an increased emphasis on the internationalization of the social work profession and education. With limited examples of international social-work-teaching methods discussed in the literature, there is also a lack of information obtained directly from students on methods of instruction that they most prefer and find beneficial. This collaborative, comparative project examined students' perceptions of methods that make teaching international social work successful at three universities in the United States, United Kingdom, and Georgia. While there were different preferences for content- and process-driven approaches in teaching, students' common interest was in gaining practice examples and exposure to real-life practice of international social work in their own and other countries. The findings suggest that international social work education needs to be more experiential and practice-based.  相似文献   


Women fare less well than men across all academic disciplines: they are less likely to be promoted, they earn less, and many more professors are men. There has, however, been little analysis to date of the experience of women in social work education, a discipline that has historically had higher representation of female staff and students. This study set out to explore women in the social work academy through a case-study of social work education in Scotland. A mixed-methods approach was used, including a review of relevant literature; an online survey of women and men academics in social work education; and semi-structured interviews with female social work leaders, past and present. The study found that women in the social work academy faced the same pressures as other women in higher education; some of these pressures were also shared by men. Most significant, however, was the extent to which women in social work academia experienced twin challenges, firstly, as female academics and secondly, as female social work academics in a discipline that struggles for recognition in the academy. We conclude that this makes for a contradictory and, at times, ambiguous experience for women as they navigate the gendered academy.  相似文献   


Social work practice faculty have an important role in socializing MSW students to the field and practice of social work. This study, based on interviews with 15 faculty teaching an advanced clinical practice course in the United States, examines how faculty conceptualize teaching and learning. Faculty were asked about the theories or frameworks that guided their teaching, their own journeys to teaching and the resources that support their teaching. The study found that participants drew largely on their own experiences as student learners and social work practitioners and did not have much formal training in teaching and student learning. Furthermore, while half of the participants were able to identify a learning theory that guided their teaching, the other half were not. Finally, while participants articulated the need for support regarding their own teaching, many of the schools did not have formal faculty development opportunities. The paper ends with recommendations for supporting current and new faculty regarding teaching and student learning.  相似文献   

赵卫正 《职业时空》2012,(3):167-168
在分析和判断当前军校研究生思想政治教育面临的形势和背景的基础上,从研究生与本科生的差异特征入手提出研究生学员队干部在工作中要以情带兵,与研究生成为朋友;要推动军校研究生随机教育;要注重军校研究生党建工作,发挥研究生党支部的战斗堡垒作用;要充分发挥军校研究生导师教书育人的作用。  相似文献   

Over recent years, social pedagogy has emerged or undergone transformation processes in many countries, justifying the need to understand how it is being shaped and transformed throughout the world. However, conceptual ambiguity and lack of a homogenous and unified theoretical body accentuate the dilemma of whether social pedagogy is a specific area of knowledge, a professional field, a research field or all of these at once. We have moved into a stage where we do not have an immediate answer as to what social pedagogy is, what kind of knowledge it is or what its specific working methods are. This research aims to provide a comprehensive and rigorous analysis of social pedagogy from an international perspective. The methodology employed herein is the Delphi method, using three questionnaires in three different phases. Based on the individual contributions of a group of renowned experts from different countries, our aim is to build a global, current and integrated view of social pedagogy.  相似文献   

Critical pedagogy is congruent with the social work discipline, which is engaged, people-focused, and centers on social justice, liberation and human rights. While there is growing recognition of the importance of better preparing social work students to engage in critical, anti-oppressive practice, students have limited opportunities for transformative learning experiences within community settings, outside of official practicums. Masters of Social Work students pursuing a specialization in international and community development (ICD) at a Canadian university were matched with community Journey Guides who provided mentorship and opportunities for students to become involved in community-based social justice initiatives. This article presents the eight-step experiential framework that was used as a pedagogical tool to support student learning, and the results from the program’s evaluation with the first student cohort. Using surveys and focus groups, the study found the guiding relationship was characterized by acceptance, friendliness, encouragement, and motivation. Students engaged in critical dialogues with Guides, gained community development experience and skills and enhanced their social justice knowledge.  相似文献   

The research presented here aimed to give voice to Italian women who emigrated to Germany in the 1960s by giving an authentic account of their experiences and their coping abilities through participatory research approaches and the analysis of in-depth biographic interviews conducted 2012/2013 in the South of Germany. This type of interviewing itself often enabled the women, for the first time to reflect on their migration story, on their attachment to ‘Italy’, on their relationship with the host country, its language and culture. They usually realised late in life that an originally provisional project had become permanent. Their thinking in ‘habitual patterns’ is not to be taken as a sign of failed integration but reveals a differentiated strategy of managing the ‘in-between situation’. The higher quality of services in the host country is invariably a key factor in the decision to stay. The results indicate the benefits of recognising individual strengths in personal modes of adapting to multiple and often conflicting demands in the negotiation of multi-layered value structures. Differentiated listening skills to such voices and sensitive support strategies have far-reaching implications for both research and intervention methods in social work, and not just with migrants.  相似文献   

This essay addresses the changing face of the university. It is based on my presidential address at the 2016 meetings of the Eastern Sociological Society.  相似文献   

The relevance of doctoral education is being questioned across a wide spectrum of disciplines, and social work is no exception. An examination of the history of social work education in the United States provides a backdrop to the current challenges in doctoral education in the field. The historical role of research and teaching in social work education, the structure of doctoral social work education in the United States including the Ph.D. vs. the DSW, and the growth of doctoral programs are all examined. Current issues explored include: the interdisciplinary nature of practice; increased institutional focus on funded research; support for underrepresented doctoral students; and the need for doctoral students to be trained in pedagogy. Suggestions on how to address these issues are provided in order to enhance social work’s mission of teaching, research and service.  相似文献   

Female prostitution is a diverse, complex reality. And migratory processes are multiple and differ greatly. The conjunction of prostitution and immigration generates new challenges in the professional field of social work; but it is a field that has been able to adapt to the versatility and diversity of this reality. This article sets out to explore the educational dimension developed by social work in this context and to highlight its contents and characteristics: a dimension that takes shape in practices and tasks that enable women who engage in prostitution to realise their capability to manage their life in the way they would like.  相似文献   


Standing on the hope of the initial social work course from 1914 at Morgan College, this article provides insight into the significant learning outcomes of contemporary students in advanced social work practice with urban African American families. This research introduces the conceptual framework of urban womanist social work pedagogy as an inclusive practice-informed knowledge produced through the rituals, traditions, values, culture, and resilience of historically disenfranchised communities. Urban womanist social work teaching methods honor truth telling from the ones who have lived there. Urban womanist social work affirms transformative-centered research, teaching, and scholarship produced through institutions such as historically black colleges and universities (HBCU’s). The students’ reflective narratives reveal a process of transformation, centered in the freedom standpoint, which includes recognizing the location and context of their individual and collective identity as African Americans in the profession of social work. Urban womanist social work pedagogy cumulatively equips our students with intergenerational knowledge that inform their assessment of critical issues in Baltimore’s African American communities.  相似文献   

The present article is based on a small-scale research that took place with third-year students in the department of social work at Technological Educational Institute of Patras. During class the students, who undertake the laboratory course ‘Social Work with Families’, were asked to discuss family roles and depict them on drawings. Analysing their drawings in a qualitative approach the findings suggest that students adopt traditional views on family issues and the family roles. Various gender stereotypes and prejudices were reflected in students' drawings and this is alarming for both social work education and practice.  相似文献   


The pressure to attract funds and produce research, to spend more time on scholarship rather than on teaching and practice links challenges the nature of social work education. This paper outlines the impact of both funding cuts and the managerial and business culture of contemporary Australian Universities on the teaching of social work. It addresses social work practitioners concerns' about these changes, and outlines attempts made by social work schools to respond to these challenges.  相似文献   

In the Western policy landscape, students from diverse cultural, linguistic, economic and other backgrounds are increasingly represented in an expanded tertiary education system. Structural and technological changes have challenged traditional pedagogies designed for more elite cohorts, and shifted the boundaries of textual practices in both universities and professional worlds. In spite of these momentous trends, university literacies often remain tacit and inaccessible to those new to them, and pedagogies rarely explicitly engage with the complexities of these shifting boundaries. University students unfamiliar with these tacit literacies can become marginalised and ultimately struggle with the literacy demands of their academic and professional worlds. This is problematic in social work education, as professional practice demands complex written and oral communication, with potentially significant social and legal repercussions. This paper reports on pedagogies initiated by action research in a Bachelor of Social Work programme in an Australian University. Pedagogies were introduced to make elite codes explicit, use students’ literacies as assets for learning and encourage ‘code switching’ between literacy practices to resist colonising into more powerful literacies. Students’ capacities in academic and professional literacies were significantly enhanced by these practices, and their cultural inheritances valorised, encouraging their contribution to the social work discipline.  相似文献   

Neil Shanks 《Social Studies》2020,111(6):296-311

This paper considers the implications of the neoclassical dominant narrative in economics education and conceptualizes specific responses that teachers and teacher educators can take to promote a humanizing economics pedagogy. I briefly describe alternative economic paradigms and contrast them with neoclassical fundamentals. Then, I include economic lesson ideas to showcase ways to teach traditional economic content in ways that attend to neoclassicism but expand the potential of the discipline into new paradigms. By interrogating the fundamentals of neoclassical economics, students and teachers of economics can use these new economic paradigms to foster a counternarrative that is more critical and humanizing and can help address the prevailing themes of an era marked by systemic oppression.  相似文献   

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