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The EWMA control chart is used to detect small shifts in a process. It has been shown that, for certain values of the smoothing parameter, the EWMA chart for the mean is robust to non normality. In this article, we examine the case of non normality in the EWMA charts for the dispersion. It is shown that we can have an EWMA chart for dispersion robust to non normality when non normality is not extreme.  相似文献   

The main objective of this article is to scrutinize the efficiency and verify the performance superiority of the one-sided EWMA control chart on high-yield processes. The proposed control chart is designed to detect both upward and downward shifts of the fraction of non conforming products and is developed based on non transformed geometric counts. Its algorithmic function is theoretically established and numerous performance measures are extracted using analytical methods based on the Markov modeling of the chart. Comparisons with traditional high yield control charts are conducted. Optimality tables and nomograms are included to help graphical determination of the optimal chart parameters.  相似文献   

Normally, an average run length (ARL) is used as a measure for evaluating the detecting performance of a multivariate control chart. This has a direct impact on the false alarm cost in Phase II. In this article, we first conduct a simulation study to calculate both in-control and out-of-control ARLs under various combinations of process shifts and number of samples. Then, a trade-off analysis between sampling inspection and false alarm costs is performed. Both the simulation results and trade-off analysis suggest that the optimal number of samples for constructing a multivariate control chart in Phase I can be determined.  相似文献   

In this article, control charts for bivariate as well as for multivariate normal data are proposed to detect a shift in the process variability. Methods of obtaining design parameters and procedures of implementing the proposed charts are discussed. Performance of the proposed charts is compared with some existing control charts. It is verified that the proposed charts significantly reduce the out of control “average run length” (ARL) as compared to other charts considered in the study. Also, when the process variability decreases (process improvement), it is verified that the ARL of the proposed multivariate control chart increases as compared to other charts considered in the study.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an economic-statistical design of the EWMA chart with time-varying control limits in which the Taguchi's quadratic loss function is incorporated into the economic-statistical design based on Lorenzen and Vance's economical model. A nonlinear programming with statistical performance constraints is developed and solved to minimize the expected total quality cost per unit time. This model, which is divided into three parts, depends on whether production continues during the period when the assignable cause is being searched for and/or repaired. Through a computational procedure, the optimal decision variables, including the sample size, the sampling interval, the control limit width, and the smoothing constant, can be solved for by each model. It is showed that the optimal economic-statistical design solution can be found from the set of optimal solutions obtained from the statistical design, and both the optimal sample size and sampling interval always decrease as the magnitude of shift increases.  相似文献   

In certain statistical process control applications, performance of a product or process can be monitored effectively using a linear profile or a linear relationship between a response variable and one or more explanatory variables. In this article, we design a nonparametric bootstrap control chart for monitoring simple linear profiles based on T 2 statistic. We evaluate the performance of the proposed method in phase II. The average and standard deviation of the run length under different shifts in the intercept, slope, and standard deviation are considered as the performance measures. Simulation results show that the performance of the proposed bootstrap control chart improves as the size of the available data increases.  相似文献   


In this article we propose three distribution-free (or nonparametric) statistical quality control charts for monitoring a process center when an in-control target center is not specified. These charts are of the Shewhart-type, the exponentially moving average-type, and the cumulative sum-type. The constructions of the proposed charts require the availability of an initial reference sample taken when the process was operating in-control to calculate an estimator for the unknown in-control target process center. This estimated center is then used in the calculation of signed-rank-like statistics based on grouped observations taken periodically from the process output. As long as the in-control process underlying distribution is continuous and symmetric, the proposed charts have a constant in-control average run length and a constant false alarm rate irrespective of the process underlying distribution. Other advantages of the proposed distribution-free charts include their robustness against outliers and their superior efficiency over the traditional normal-based control charts when applied to processes with moderate- or heavy-tailed underlying distributions, such as the double exponential or the Cauchy distributions.  相似文献   

The exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control charts are widely used in chemical and process industries because of their excellent speed in catching small to moderate shifts in the process target. In usual practice, many data come from a process where the monitoring statistic is non-normally distributed or it follows an unknown probability distribution. This necessitates the use of distribution-free/nonparametric control charts for monitoring the deviations from the process target. In this paper, we integrate the existing EWMA sign chart with the conforming run length chart to propose a new synthetic EWMA (SynEWMA) sign chart for monitoring the process mean. The SynEWMA sign chart encompasses the synthetic sign and EWMA sign charts. Monte Carlo simulations are used to compute the run length profiles of the SynEWMA sign chart. Based on a comprehensive comparison, it turns out that the SynEWMA sign chart is able to perform substantially better than the existing EWMA sign chart. Both real and simulated data sets are used to explain the working and implementation of existing and proposed control charts.  相似文献   

When calculating independently the false alarm rate of the eight usual runs rules used in SPC control chart, it appears that the proposed rule designed to detect mixture patterns corresponds to a Type-I error strongly lower than the seven other rules. This discrepancy is underlined and the mixture rule is showed to be useless both for in-control and out-of-control processes. Thus a modification of the mixture detection rule is proposed and the impact of this new mixture rule is then illustrated and discussed using Monte Carlo calculations.  相似文献   

Residual control charts are frequently used for monitoring autocorrelated processes. In the design of a residual control chart, values of the true process parameters are often estimated from a reference sample of in-control observations by using least squares (LS) estimators. We propose a robust control chart for autocorrelated data by using Modified Maximum Likelihood (MML) estimators in constructing a residual control chart. Average run length (ARL) is simulated for the proposed chart when the underlying process is AR(1). The results show the superiority of the new chart under several situations. Moreover, the chart is robust to plausible deviations from assumed distribution of errors.  相似文献   

The exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control chart is efficient in detecting small changes in process parameters but less efficient when the changes are relatively large, due to what is known as the inertia problem. To diminish the inertia, an adaptive EWMA (AEWMA) chart has been proposed for monitoring process locations to improve over the traditional EWMA charts. The basic idea of the AEWMA scheme is to dynamically weight the past observations according to a suitable function of the current prediction error. This article extends the idea of the AEWMA chart for monitoring process locations to the case of monitoring process dispersion. A Markov chain model is established to analyze and design the suggested chart. It is shown that the AEWMA dispersion chart performs better than the EWMA and other dispersion charts in terms of its ability to perform relatively well at both small and large changes in process dispersion.  相似文献   

A cumulative sum control chart for multivariate Poisson distribution (MP-CUSUM) is proposed. The MP-CUSUM chart is constructed based on log-likelihood ratios with in-control parameters, Θ0, and shifts to be detected quickly, Θ1. The average run length (ARL) values are obtained using a Markov Chain-based method. Numerical experiments show that the MP-CUSUM chart is effective in detecting parameter shifts in terms of ARL. The MP-CUSUM chart with smaller Θ1 is more sensitive than that with greater Θ1 to smaller shifts, but more insensitive to greater shifts. A comparison shows that the proposed MP-CUSUM chart outperforms an existing MP chart.  相似文献   

This article develops a control chart for the generalized variance. A Bayesian approach is used to incorporate parameter uncertainty. Our approach has two stages, (i) construction of the control chart where we use a predictive distribution based on a Bayesian approach to derive the rejection region, and (ii) evaluation of the control chart where we use a sampling theory approach to examine the performance of the control chart under various hypothetical specifications for the data generation model.  相似文献   

Process variation is made up of a wandering mean (signal) and the variation of the process around this wandering mean (noise). The paper advocates a new process monitoring method that uses various forms of moving variances to signal changes in process noise or variance. The monitoring plans are compared to the current approaches in terms of their average run length properties.  相似文献   

The literature on statistical process control (SPC) describes the negative effects of autocorrelation in terms of the increase in false alarms. This has been treated by the individual modeling of each series or the application of VAR models. In the former case, the analysis of the cross correlation structure between the variables is altered. In the latter, if the cross correlation is not strong, the filtering process may modify the weakest relations. In order to improve these aspects, state-space models have been introduced in multivariate statistical process control (MSPC). This article presents a proposal for building a control chart for innovations, estimating its average run length to highlight its advantages over the VAR approach mentioned above.  相似文献   

Good control charts for high quality processes are often based on the number of successes between failures. Geometric charts are simplest in this respect, but slow in recognizing moderately increased failure rates p. Improvement can be achieved by waiting until r>1 failures have occurred, i.e. by using negative binomial charts. In this paper we analyze such charts in some detail. On the basis of a fair comparison, we demonstrate how the optimal r is related to the degree of increase of p. As in practice p will usually be unknown, we also analyze the estimated version of the charts. In particular, simple corrections are derived to control the nonnegligible effects of this estimation step.  相似文献   

The adaptive memory-type control charts, including the adaptive exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) and cumulative sum (CUSUM) charts, have gained considerable attention because of their excellent speed in providing overall good detection over a range of mean shift sizes. In this paper, we propose a new adaptive EWMA (AEWMA) chart using the auxiliary information for efficiently monitoring the infrequent changes in the process mean. The idea is to first estimate the unknown process mean shift using an auxiliary information based mean estimator, and then adaptively update the smoothing constant of the EWMA chart. Using extensive Monte Carlo simulations, the run length profiles of the AEWMA chart are computed and explored. The AEWMA chart is compared with the existing control charts, including the classical EWMA, CUSUM, synthetic EWMA and synthetic CUSUM charts, in terms of the run length characteristics. It turns out that the AEWMA chart performs uniformly better than these control charts when detecting a range of mean shift sizes. An illustrative example is also presented to demonstrate the working and implementation of the proposed and existing control charts.  相似文献   

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