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The current study examines the ways that male escorts provide highly desired services for male clients. Building on the “girlfriend experience” identified in the female prostitution literature, the authors discuss the corollary experience of the “boyfriend experience” and identify and examine the components of the boyfriend experience that are central to the social construction of the experience. Data is drawn from 627 online reviews of male escorts written between 2015 and 2016. Following data collection, analytic induction, using a 3-step coding process, is used to identify themes. The authors argue that the boyfriend experience is constructed out of perceptions of companionship, authenticity, and passion in both social and sexual interactions. Reviews emphasize the importance of intimacy, socialization, and emotional connections experienced between customer/escort and show that such are commonly more important and valued than sexual gratification.  相似文献   


Relatively little research has examined the personal sex lives of indoor male sex workers (MSWs) or possible connections in this group between sexual behavior and factors related to HIV risk. As part of a larger project, this study collected data from 30 agency-based indoor MSWs (mean = 22.4 years) about their sexual behavior, mental health, and substance use. Few HIV risk behaviors with clients occurred. Drug use and mental health problems were relatively frequent, but not related to increased risk behavior. Instead, MSWs appeared to employ rational decision-making and harm-reduction strategies. Conceptualization of MSW sexual behavior may be required where HIV risk is not attributed to sex work per se, but to other influences such as economic and relational factors.  相似文献   

This paper uses data from the 1992 National Health and Social Life Survey to examine emotional satisfaction and physical pleasure from sex in intimate unions for adults in the U.S. Using perspectives from evolutionary biology and rational choice theory, we examine the effects of the following factors on emotional satisfaction and physical pleasure: time horizon expected for the relationship, sexual behavior within the relationship, and sexual exclusivity. We find a significant effect of measures for all 3 of these dimensions on emotional satisfaction with sex. For both men and women, time horizon and sexual exclusivity are more strongly tied to emotional satisfaction than they are to physical pleasure from sex, but sexual behavior has the same impact on emotional satisfaction as it does on physical pleasure.  相似文献   

Objectives: To determine the socio-demographics, sexual practices, and HIV prevalence of male sex workers (MSWs), transwomen sex workers (TSWs), and their male clients in Lima, Peru. Methods: Following ethnographic mapping of sex work venues, the authors revisited randomly selected venues to survey MSWs, TSWs and their clients. Results: MSWs and TSW clients are more educated than MSW clients and TSWs. Only 50% of TSW clients have received HIV testing. Self-reported HIV positivity is highest among MSW clients and TSWs. Conclusion: Notable differences exist between MSWs and TSWs and their clients that can affect the health of these groups and warrant intervention.  相似文献   


Relationship and sexual satisfaction, sexual functioning, and sexual desire were examined in an Internet sample of 32 individuals reporting engagement of sexual behavior during sleep (i.e., sexsomnia). Individuals with sexsomnia reported lower levels of sexual satisfaction, lower levels of relationship satisfaction, and similar levels of sexual desire compared with controls. More frequent incidence of sexsomnia resulted in lower sexual satisfaction; however, frequency was not found to impact relationship satisfaction or level of sexual desire. Individuals with sexsomnia reported high instances of sexual problems with 81% reporting at least one problem.  相似文献   

Research indicates that child sexual abuse produces lasting alterations in interpersonal relatedness, identity, and affect regulation, often referred to as self-capacity disturbance. Child sexual abuse also has been shown to negatively impact sexual functioning. This study examined the role of altered self-capacities in mediating the relationship between child sexual abuse and sexual responses. Path analysis revealed that child sexual abuse was related to sexual anxiety and decreased sexual satisfaction through its association with reduced self-awareness and a propensity to be involved in difficult interpersonal relationships.  相似文献   

Research examining how sexual minorities characterize love within same-sex relationships is scarce. In this study, we examined the validity of Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love in a sample of sexual minority male youth (N = 447). To test the adequacy of the theory for our population, we examined the psychometric properties of the Triadic Love Scale (TLS) and tested whether the three underlying constructs of the theory (Intimacy, Passion, and Commitment) emerged when participants were asked to consider their ideal relationship with another man. Using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), we found support for the three-factor solution to characterize sexual minority male youths' ideal romantic relationship, after minimizing item cross-loadings and adapting the content of the Passion subscale. We discuss the implications of our findings regarding the measurement of the TLS among sexual minority male youth and propose ways to enhance its measurement in future research.  相似文献   

Although “friends with benefits” relationships (FWBRs) are common and have been the subject of significant media and research attention, relatively little is known about them, especially in terms of how they differ from other types of relationships. The present research sought to compare the sexual outcomes of FWBRs to those of traditional romantic relationships via an online survey. Results revealed that FWBR partners were less likely to be sexually exclusive, had a lower frequency of sexual interaction, were less sexually satisfied, and generally communicated less about sex than romantic partners did. However, compared to romantic partners, FWBR partners devoted relatively more of the time spent together to sexual activity, practiced safe sex more frequently, communicated more often about extradyadic sexual experiences, and reported a greater number of lifetime casual sex partners. These findings indicate that the sexual outcomes of FWBRs and romantic relationships are quite distinct and provide evidence of the potential public health implications associated with both casual and committed sexual relationships.  相似文献   

We examined the potential role of three mediators—sexual self-esteem, sexual anxiety, and sexual assertiveness—of the association between romantic attachment insecurities (anxiety and avoidance) and two aspects of women's sexual functioning: sexual function and sexual satisfaction. A sample of 556 women aged 18 to 30 agreed to complete an online series of validated questionnaires assessing attachment insecurities and several aspects of sexual functioning. Lower sexual self-esteem and higher sexual anxiety mediated the associations between attachment anxiety and lower sexual function and satisfaction. Lower sexual self-esteem and higher sexual anxiety also partially mediated the links between attachment-related avoidance and the two sexual functioning variables. Sexual assertiveness, however, did not mediate these associations. A significant interaction between attachment anxiety and avoidance was also found to predict sexual satisfaction, with women high in avoidance and low in anxiety being the least satisfied. Results are discussed in terms of theoretical and clinical implications.  相似文献   

Veneziano, Veneziano and LeGrand (2000) found support for the victim to victimizer hypothesis of sexual aggression with 74 sexually abusive youth. This project, a further step in examining this theory (Burton, 2000, Burton, Miller, & Shill, 2002) builds on their ideas with data from 179 adolescent sexual abusers, and supports their findings. In an examination of relationships, gender, modus operandi, and acts, the sexually abused youth were likely to repeat what was done to them. This project also offers a further analysis of how victimization accounts for a significant portion of the variance in perpetration by these youth. Implications for research and practice are offered.  相似文献   


This study assessed the merits of an amended Interpersonal Exchange Model of Sexual Satisfaction (IEMSS; Lawrance & Byers, 1992, 1995) that includes a measure of relationship communality, a construct not adequately captured by existing exchange models of sexual/relationship satisfaction. A total of 189 undergraduates (102 female) in sexually active dating relationships completed measures of sexual satisfaction, relationship satisfaction, favorability of sexual exchanges, and the extent to which their romantic relationships were characterized by mutually communal behaviors (i.e., relationship communality). Analyses revealed that relationship communality made a small but unique contribution to sexual satisfaction and a large contribution to relationship satisfaction, even after controlling for sexual satisfaction and favorability of sexual exchanges. Implications for understanding the dynamics of sexually active dating relationships are discussed.  相似文献   


The assumption that parental influence in the sexual socialization process is likely to affect premarital sexual behavior is challenged in this article. The hypothesis that individuals brought up in sexually conservative homes will have less premarital heterosexual involvement than those from liberal home environments is tested in a secondary analysis of cross-sectional survey interview data from a national probability sample of 1177 American college students. Correlational and contingency table analysis using indices to measure perceived Parental Sexual Conservatism and Premarital Socio-sexual Involvement suggests that parents may be less influential in the sexual socialization process than has been generally assumed. Previous findings demonstrating the relationship between religiosity and premarital sexual permissiveness are examined in light of the study's results.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was twofold: first, to examine the sexual behavior of emerging adult women in relation to their sexual knowledge, sexual attitudes, and perceptions of their parents' sexual attitudes; and second, to discuss the implications of this research in working with young adult women. Three hundred and sixty-four college-age women were administered the Sexual Experiences Inventory, Miller-Fisk Sexual Knowledge Questionnaire, and the Hendrick Sexual Attitude Scale. Ninety-six percent of the sample reported primarily heterosexual behavior. Sexual knowledge of participants was not related to their reports of sexual behavior. The sexual attitudes of college-age women and their perceptions of their parents' attitudes toward sexual behavior were found to relate positively to participant sexual permissiveness and sexual practice. The implications of these findings were discussed in relation to working with families and providing effective interventions to reduce unsafe sexual practices among emerging adult women.  相似文献   

The mediating effect of sexual motives between attachment orientation and sexual satisfaction and functioning was investigated among 128 couples (N = 256) using the actor-partner interdependence model (Campbell & Kashy, 2002). Actor effects between attachment orientation and sexual satisfaction and functioning, mediated by sexual motives, were found regarding men’s sexual satisfaction, sexual intimacy, and orgasmic responsivity. Partner effect revealed two significant paths in which the greater the women’s attachment avoidance, the lower the partners’ intimacy motivation, which in turn was linked with lower partners’ sexual satisfaction and increased lack of sexual intimacy. The analyses did not reveal significant mediation paths affecting women’s sexual satisfaction and functioning. These findings emphasize the importance of implementing a dyadic perspective on sexuality within practice. Recommendations for further research and additional clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Sexual self-disclosure is a critical component of relationship and sexual satisfaction, yet little is known about the mechanisms that facilitate a person’s engagement in sexual self-disclosure. Individuals (N = 265) involved in romantic relationships participated in an online study testing a contextual model of sexual self-disclosure across three contexts: relationship context, sexual self-disclosure context, and outcome of sexual self-disclosure. Results suggest that sexual satisfaction was predicted by a positive relationship context and a positive sexual self-disclosure context. In addition, the sexual self-disclosure context was predicted by the relationship context. These findings emphasize the importance of examining contextual influences that determine whether an individual will engage in or avoid sexual self-disclosure and the consequences of this engagement or avoidance on sexual satisfaction.  相似文献   


Attachment theory affirms that one’s partner is vital to fostering support and security. It is important for adoptive couples to be mindful of this support because it is at the forefront of healthy family functioning. With a sample of adoptive couples (n?=?166), this study examines the influence of attachment style on conflict resolution and sexual satisfaction. Significant findings indicate that an avoidant attachment style is directly associated with lower conflict resolution and sexual satisfaction. Better conflict resolution significantly predicts greater sexual satisfaction. These findings demonstrate the importance of establishing a more secure romantic attachment in clinical work with adoptive couples.  相似文献   

Objectives: College students believe that they are supposed to be explicit and verbal in their sexual consent communication. We examined various contexts to determine when sexual consent is likely to be communicated explicitly and verbally. Method: We surveyed U.S. college students’ (n?=?707) sexual consent communication. Results: We identified contexts when explicit verbal consent cues are less likely—when the person is a woman, when the sexual relationship is casual, and when the sexual behavior is not vaginal-penile intercourse. Conclusions: If sexual consent is contextual, that means communicating consent should not ever be taken for granted.  相似文献   

As individuals begin to engage in sexual activities, they must contend with the interaction of their current behaviors with any prior learning related to sexual guilt. While guilt feelings associated with participation in masturbation, petting, and sexual intercourse have decreased in recent years, especially among females, few studies have considered the role of guilt in sexual satisfaction among adolescent/young adults. In order to examine the relationship of guilt to psychological and physiological sexual satisfaction, a survey research design was employed utilizing the responses of coitally active male and female never-married students from a state university. Findings indicate that feelings of guilt about various sexual activities do affect sexual satisfaction with differential influences for males and females.  相似文献   


There are concerns that rates of unprotected anal intercourse and new HIV infections among some gay men have remained at or returned to dangerous levels, similar to those seen in the first decade of the epidemic. Most research on sexual risk behavior of gay men has focused on individuals even though several studies have indicated that unprotected anal intercourse (the most risky of sexual behaviors) is most likely to occur between two men who are regular partners.

This study was conducted with 75 HIV serodiscordant (“mixed HIV status”) male couples. The goals were to assess the types and prevalence of sexual risk behaviors within these dyads, to identify reasons given for engaging in risk behavior with their partner of opposite HIV status, and to examine the association, if any, between risk behaviors and potential individual and partner related factors and context. Both members of the couple were included in all assessments.

There was a tendency for unprotected anal sex to occur more often among younger men, newer couples, Latino men, and men with less education. Lower risk perception and self-efficacy for condom use, desire for sexual spontaneity, intimacy, and personal and partner satisfaction were all related to sexual risk behavior. The men in these relationships also used specific “harm reduction” strategies, based on their own understanding of transmission risk. Therefore it is important to integrate biological and behavioral knowledge to develop effective prevention campaigns. And prevention programs need to consider the ongoing emotional needs of both the HIV seronegative (HIV-) and HIV sero-positive (HIV+) partner.  相似文献   

Sexual esteem is an integral psychological aspect of sexual health (Snell &; Papini, 1989 Snell, W. E. Jr., &; Papini, D. R. (1989). The Sexuality Scale: An instrument to measure sexual‐esteem, sexual‐depression, and sexual‐preoccupation. Journal of Sex Research, 26, 256263. doi:10.1080/00224498909551510[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), yet it is unclear whether sexual esteem is associated with sexual health behavior among heterosexual men and women. The current analysis used a normative framework for sexual development (Lefkowitz &; Gillen, 2006 Lefkowitz, E. S., &; Gillen, M. M. (2006). “Sex is just a normal part of life”: Sexuality in emerging adulthood. In J. J. Arnett &; J. L. Tanner (Eds.), Emerging adults in America: Coming of age in the 21st century (pp. 235256). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]; Tolman &; McClelland, 2011 Tolman, D. L., &; McClelland, S. I. (2011). Normative sexuality development in adolescence: A decade in review, 2000–2009. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 21, 242255. doi:10.1111/j.1532-7795.2010.00726.x[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) by examining the association of sexual esteem with sexual behavior, contraception use, and romantic relationship characteristics. Participants (N = 518; 56.0% female; mean age = 20.43 years; 26.8% identified as Hispanic/Latino; among non-Hispanic/Latinos, 27.2% of the full sample identified as European American, 22.4% Asian American, 14.9% African American, and 8.7% multiracial) completed Web-based surveys at a large Northeastern university. Participants who had oral sex more frequently, recently had more oral and penetrative sex partners (particularly for male participants), and spent more college semesters in romantic relationships tended to have higher sexual esteem than those who had sex less frequently, with fewer partners, or spent more semesters without romantic partners. Sexually active male emerging adults who never used contraception during recent penetrative sex tended to have higher sexual esteem than those who did use it, whereas female emerging adults who never used contraception tended to have lower sexual esteem than those who did use it. Implications of these results for the development of a healthy sexual self-concept in emerging adulthood are discussed.  相似文献   

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