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In this article, a semiparametric approach is proposed for the regression analysis of panel count data. Panel count data commonly arise in clinical trials and demographical studies where the response variable is the number of multiple recurrences of the event of interest and observation times are not fixed, varying from subject to subject. It is assumed that two processes exist in this data: the first is for a recurrent event and the second is for observation time. Many studies have been done to estimate mean function and regression parameters under the independency between recurrent event process and observation time process. In this article, the same statistical inference is studied, but the situation where these two processes may be related is also considered. The mixed Poisson process is applied for the recurrent event processes, and a frailty intensity function for the observation time is also used, respectively. Simulation studies are conducted to study the performance of the suggested methods. The bladder tumor data are applied to compare previous studie' results.  相似文献   

We focus on regression analysis of irregularly observed longitudinal data which often occur in medical follow-up studies and observational investigations. The model for such data involves two processes: a longitudinal response process of interest and an observation process controlling observation times. Restrictive models and questionable assumptions, such as Poisson assumption and independent censoring time assumption, were posed in previous works for analysing longitudinal data. In this paper, we propose a more general model together with a robust estimation approach for longitudinal data with informative observation times and censoring times, and the asymptotic normalities of the proposed estimators are established. Both simulation studies and real data application indicate that the proposed method is promising.  相似文献   

This article discusses regression analysis of multivariate panel count data in which the observation process may contain relevant information about or be related to the underlying recurrent event processes of interest. Such data occur if a recurrent event study involves several related types of recurrent events and the observation scheme or process may be subject-specific. For the problem, a class of semiparametric transformation models is presented, which provides a great flexibility for modelling the effects of covariates on the recurrent event processes. For estimation of regression parameters, an estimating equation-based inference procedure is developed and the asymptotic properties of the resulting estimates are established. Also the proposed approach is evaluated by simulation studies and applied to the data arising from a skin cancer chemoprevention trial.  相似文献   


We propose a novel approach to estimate the Cox model with temporal covariates. Our new approach treats the temporal covariates as arising from a longitudinal process which is modeled jointly with the event time. Different from the literature, the longitudinal process in our model is specified as a bounded variational process and determined by a family of Initial Value Problems associated with an Ordinary Differential Equation. Our specification has the advantage that only the observation of the temporal covariates at the event-time and the event-time itself are needed to fit the model, while it is fine but not necessary to have more longitudinal observations. This fact makes our approach very useful for many medical outcome datasets, such as the SPARCS and NIS, where it is important to find the hazard rate of being discharged given the accumulative cost but only the total cost at the discharge time is available due to the protection of private information. Our estimation procedure is based on maximizing the full information likelihood function. The resulting estimators are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normally distributed. Simulations and a real example illustrate the utility of the proposed model. Finally, a couple of extensions are discussed.  相似文献   

Recurrent events are commonly encountered in the natural sciences, engineering, and medicine. The theory of renewal and regenerative processes provides an elegant mathematical foundation for idealized recurrent event processes. In real-world applications, however, the contexts tend to be complicated by a variety of practical intricacies, including observation schemes with different phase and data structures. This paper formulates a recurrent event process as a succession of independent and identically distributed first hitting times for a Wiener sample path as it passes through successive equally-spaced levels. We develop exact mathematical results for statistical inferences based on several observation schemes that include observation initiated at a renewal point, observation of a stationary process over a finite window, and other variants. We also consider inferences drawn from different data structures, including gap times between renewal points (or fragments thereof) and counts of renewal events occurring within an observation window. We explore the precision of estimates using simulated scenarios and develop empirical regression functions for planning the sample size of a recurrent event study. We demonstrate our results using data from a clinical trial for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in which the recurrent events are successive exacerbations of the condition. The case study demonstrates how covariates can be incorporated into the analysis using threshold regression.  相似文献   

We investigate longitudinal models having Brownian-motion covariance structure. We show that any such model can be viewed as arising from a related “timeless” classical linear model where sample sizes correspond to longitudinal observation times. This relationship is of practical impact when there are closed-form ANOVA tables for the related classical model. Such tables can be directly transformed into the analogous tables for the original longitudinal model. We in particular provide complete results for one-way fixed and random effects ANOVA on the drift parameter in Brownian motion, and illustrate its use in estimating heterogeneity in tumor growth rates.  相似文献   

In many medical studies, patients are followed longitudinally and interest is on assessing the relationship between longitudinal measurements and time to an event. Recently, various authors have proposed joint modeling approaches for longitudinal and time-to-event data for a single longitudinal variable. These joint modeling approaches become intractable with even a few longitudinal variables. In this paper we propose a regression calibration approach for jointly modeling multiple longitudinal measurements and discrete time-to-event data. Ideally, a two-stage modeling approach could be applied in which the multiple longitudinal measurements are modeled in the first stage and the longitudinal model is related to the time-to-event data in the second stage. Biased parameter estimation due to informative dropout makes this direct two-stage modeling approach problematic. We propose a regression calibration approach which appropriately accounts for informative dropout. We approximate the conditional distribution of the multiple longitudinal measurements given the event time by modeling all pairwise combinations of the longitudinal measurements using a bivariate linear mixed model which conditions on the event time. Complete data are then simulated based on estimates from these pairwise conditional models, and regression calibration is used to estimate the relationship between longitudinal data and time-to-event data using the complete data. We show that this approach performs well in estimating the relationship between multivariate longitudinal measurements and the time-to-event data and in estimating the parameters of the multiple longitudinal process subject to informative dropout. We illustrate this methodology with simulations and with an analysis of primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) data.  相似文献   

Markov regression models are useful tools for estimating the impact of risk factors on rates of transition between multiple disease states. Alzheimer's disease (AD) is an example of a multi-state disease process in which great interest lies in identifying risk factors for transition. In this context, non-homogeneous models are required because transition rates change as subjects age. In this report we propose a non-homogeneous Markov regression model that allows for reversible and recurrent disease states, transitions among multiple states between observations, and unequally spaced observation times. We conducted simulation studies to demonstrate performance of estimators for covariate effects from this model and compare performance with alternative models when the underlying non-homogeneous process was correctly specified and under model misspecification. In simulation studies, we found that covariate effects were biased if non-homogeneity of the disease process was not accounted for. However, estimates from non-homogeneous models were robust to misspecification of the form of the non-homogeneity. We used our model to estimate risk factors for transition to mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and AD in a longitudinal study of subjects included in the National Alzheimer's Coordinating Center's Uniform Data Set. Using our model, we found that subjects with MCI affecting multiple cognitive domains were significantly less likely to revert to normal cognition.  相似文献   

We propose a class of state-space models for multivariate longitudinal data where the components of the response vector may have different distributions. The approach is based on the class of Tweedie exponential dispersion models, which accommodates a wide variety of discrete, continuous and mixed data. The latent process is assumed to be a Markov process, and the observations are conditionally independent given the latent process, over time as well as over the components of the response vector. This provides a fully parametric alternative to the quasilikelihood approach of Liang and Zeger. We estimate the regression parameters for time-varying covariates entering either via the observation model or via the latent process, based on an estimating equation derived from the Kalman smoother. We also consider analysis of residuals from both the observation model and the latent process.  相似文献   

This paper discusses regression analysis of panel count data that often arise in longitudinal studies concerning occurrence rates of certain recurrent events. Panel count data mean that each study subject is observed only at discrete time points rather than under continuous observation. Furthermore, both observation and follow-up times can vary from subject to subject and may be correlated with the recurrent events. For inference, we propose some shared frailty models and estimating equations are developed for estimation of regression parameters. The proposed estimates are consistent and have asymptotically a normal distribution. The finite sample properties of the proposed estimates are investigated through simulation and an illustrative example from a cancer study is provided.  相似文献   

Abstract. Longitudinal data frequently occur in many studies, and longitudinal responses may be correlated with observation times. In this paper, we propose a new joint modelling for the analysis of longitudinal data with time‐dependent covariates and possibly informative observation times via two latent variables. For inference about regression parameters, estimating equation approaches are developed and asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are established. In addition, a lack‐of‐fit test is presented for assessing the adequacy of the model. The proposed method performs well in finite‐sample simulation studies, and an application to a bladder tumour study is provided.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the joint modelling of survival and longitudinal data with informative observation time points. The survival model and the longitudinal model are linked via random effects, for which no distribution assumption is required under our estimation approach. The estimator is shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal. The proposed estimator and its estimated covariance matrix can be easily calculated. Simulation studies and an application to a primary biliary cirrhosis study are also provided.  相似文献   

We consider a regression analysis of longitudinal data in the presence of outcome‐dependent observation times and informative censoring. Existing approaches commonly require a correct specification of the joint distribution of longitudinal measurements, the observation time process, and informative censoring time under the joint modeling framework and can be computationally cumbersome due to the complex form of the likelihood function. In view of these issues, we propose a semiparametric joint regression model and construct a composite likelihood function based on a conditional order statistics argument. As a major feature of our proposed methods, the aforementioned joint distribution is not required to be specified, and the random effect in the proposed joint model is treated as a nuisance parameter. Consequently, the derived composite likelihood bypasses the need to integrate over the random effect and offers the advantage of easy computation. We show that the resulting estimators are consistent and asymptotically normal. We use simulation studies to evaluate the finite‐sample performance of the proposed method and apply it to a study of weight loss data that motivated our investigation.  相似文献   

Using several variables known to be related to prostate cancer, a multivariate classification method is developed to predict the onset of clinical prostate cancer. A multivariate mixed-effects model is used to describe longitudinal changes in prostate specific antigen (PSA), a free testosterone index (FTI), and body mass index (BMI) before any clinical evidence of prostate cancer. The patterns of change in these three variables are allowed to vary depending on whether the subject develops prostate cancer or not and the severity of the prostate cancer at diagnosis. An application of Bayes' theorem provides posterior probabilities that we use to predict whether an individual will develop prostate cancer and, if so, whether it is a high-risk or a low-risk cancer. The classification rule is applied sequentially one multivariate observation at a time until the subject is classified as a cancer case or until the last observation has been used. We perform the analyses using each of the three variables individually, combined together in pairs, and all three variables together in one analysis. We compare the classification results among the various analyses and a simulation study demonstrates how the sensitivity of prediction changes with respect to the number and type of variables used in the prediction process.  相似文献   

We consider the recent history functional linear models, relating a longitudinal response to a longitudinal predictor where the predictor process only in a sliding window into the recent past has an effect on the response value at the current time. We propose an estimation procedure for recent history functional linear models that is geared towards sparse longitudinal data, where the observation times across subjects are irregular and total number of measurements per subject is small. The proposed estimation procedure builds upon recent developments in literature for estimation of functional linear models with sparse data and utilizes connections between the recent history functional linear models and varying coefficient models. We establish uniform consistency of the proposed estimators, propose prediction of the response trajectories and derive their asymptotic distribution leading to asymptotic point-wise confidence bands. We include a real data application and simulation studies to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Change point problems are considered where at some unobservable time the intensity of a point process ( Tn ), n ∈  N , has a jump. For a given reward functional we detect the change point optimally for different information schemes. These schemes differ in the available information. We consider three information levels, namely sequential observation of ( Tn ), ex post decision after observing the point process up to a fixed time t * and a combination of both observation schemes. In all of these cases the detection problem is viewed as an optimal stopping problem which can be solved by deriving a semimartingale representation of the gain process and applying tools from filtering theory.  相似文献   

In the literature studying recurrent event data, a large amount of work has been focused on univariate recurrent event processes where the occurrence of each event is treated as a single point in time. There are many applications, however, in which univariate recurrent events are insufficient to characterize the feature of the process because patients experience nontrivial durations associated with each event. This results in an alternating event process where the disease status of a patient alternates between exacerbations and remissions. In this paper, we consider the dynamics of a chronic disease and its associated exacerbation-remission process over two time scales: calendar time and time-since-onset. In particular, over calendar time, we explore population dynamics and the relationship between incidence, prevalence and duration for such alternating event processes. We provide nonparametric estimation techniques for characteristic quantities of the process. In some settings, exacerbation processes are observed from an onset time until death; to account for the relationship between the survival and alternating event processes, nonparametric approaches are developed for estimating exacerbation process over lifetime. By understanding the population dynamics and within-process structure, the paper provide a new and general way to study alternating event processes.  相似文献   

Time between recurrent medical events may be correlated with the cost incurred at each event. As a result, it may be of interest to describe the relationship between recurrent events and recurrent medical costs by estimating a joint distribution. In this paper, we propose a nonparametric estimator for the joint distribution of recurrent events and recurrent medical costs in right-censored data. We also derive the asymptotic variance of our estimator, a test for equality of recurrent marker distributions, and present simulation studies to demonstrate the performance of our point and variance estimators. Our estimator is shown to perform well for a wide range of levels of correlation, demonstrating that our estimators can be employed in a variety of situations when the correlation structure may be unknown in advance. We apply our methods to hospitalization events and their corresponding costs in the second Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial (MADIT-II), which was a randomized clinical trial studying the effect of implantable cardioverter-defibrillators in preventing ventricular arrhythmia.  相似文献   

Panel count data occur in many fields and a number of approaches have been developed. However, most of these approaches are for situations where there is no terminal event and the observation process is independent of the underlying recurrent event process unconditionally or conditional on the covariates. In this paper, we discuss a more general situation where the observation process is informative and there exists a terminal event which precludes further occurrence of the recurrent events of interest. For the analysis, a semiparametric transformation model is presented for the mean function of the underlying recurrent event process among survivors. To estimate the regression parameters, an estimating equation approach is proposed in which an inverse survival probability weighting technique is used. The asymptotic distribution of the proposed estimates is provided. Simulation studies are conducted and suggest that the proposed approach works well for practical situations. An illustrative example is provided. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 41: 174–191; 2013 © 2012 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

For analyzing recurrent event data, either total time scale or gap time scale is adopted according to research interest. In particular, gap time scale is known to be more appropriate for modeling a renewal process. In this paper, we adopt gap time scale to analyze recurrent event data with repeated observation gaps which cannot be observed completely because of unknown termination times of observation gaps. In order to estimate termination times, interval-censored mechanism is applied. Simulation studies are done to compare the suggested methods with the unadjusted method ignoring incomplete observation gaps. As a real example, conviction data set with suspensions is analyzed with suggested methods.  相似文献   

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