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Cooperative games provide an appropriate framework for fair and stable profit distribution in multiagent systems. In this paper, we study the algorithmic issues on path cooperative games that arise from the situations where some commodity flows through a network. In these games, a coalition of edges or vertices is successful if they establish a path from the source to the sink in the network, and lose otherwise. Based on dual theory of linear programming and the relationship with flow games, we provide the characterizations on the core, CS-core, least-core and nucleolus of path cooperative games, which implies all of these solution concepts are polynomial-time solvable for path cooperative games.  相似文献   

模糊合作对策的Shapley值   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
陈雯  张强 《管理科学》2006,9(5):50-55
考虑合作对策中支付函数是模糊数的情形,利用模糊数学相关理论,对Shapley提出的三条公理进行拓广,并构造了模糊Shapley值.针对局中人在合作完成后需要对具体的联盟收益进行分配的情况,文中利用构造的模糊Shapley值隶属函数给出了确定的收益分配方案.最后将该方法应用到动态联盟伙伴企业收益分配的实例中.  相似文献   


This paper addresses the resident scheduling problem (RSP) at hospitals concerned with prescribing work-nights for residents while considering departmental staffing and skill requirements as well as residents' preferences. Three scenarios that represent most situations and account for various departmental requirements and needs are described. Although similar scheduling problems are considered in the literature, no analysis exists that adequately deals with the speciffic nature of this problem. The problem is modeled as a mixed-integer program and heuristic solution procedures are developed for the different identified scheduling scenarios. These procedures exploit the inherent network structure of the problem which is an important feature that enhances problem solvability. For the sake of comparison, the problem is also solved exactly via the CPLEX-MIP (version 6.0) package. The contribution of this work is important since many hospitals are still utilizing manual techniques in preparing their own schedules, expending considerable effort and time and yet contending with limited scheduling flexibility.  相似文献   

We study the maximum coverage problem with group budget constraints (MCG). The input consists of a ground set X, a collection \(\psi \) of subsets of X each of which is associated with a combinatorial structure such that for every set \(S_j\in \psi \), a cost \(c(S_j)\) can be calculated based on the combinatorial structure associated with \(S_j\), a partition \(G_1,G_2,\ldots ,G_l\) of \(\psi \), and budgets \(B_1,B_2,\ldots ,B_l\), and B. A solution to the problem consists of a subset H of \(\psi \) such that \(\sum _{S_j\in H} c(S_j) \le B\) and for each \(i \in {1,2,\ldots ,l}\), \(\sum _{S_j \in H\cap G_i}c(S_j)\le B_i\). The objective is to maximize \(|\bigcup _{S_j\in H}S_j|\). In our work we use a new and improved analysis of the greedy algorithm to prove that it is a \((\frac{\alpha }{3+2\alpha })\)-approximation algorithm, where \(\alpha \) is the approximation ratio of a given oracle which takes as an input a subset \(X^{new}\subseteq X\) and a group \(G_i\) and returns a set \(S_j\in G_i\) which approximates the optimal solution for \(\max _{D\in G_i}\frac{|D\cap X^{new}|}{c(D)}\). This analysis that is shown here to be tight for the greedy algorithm, improves by a factor larger than 2 the analysis of the best known approximation algorithm for MCG.  相似文献   

The paper is devoted to value concepts for cooperative games with a communication structure represented by a graph. Under assumptions that the players partition themselves into ‘components’ before realizing cooperation and the worth of the grand coalition not less than the sum of the worths of all components, the fair distribution of surplus solution and the two-step \(\tau \)-value are introduced as two efficient values for such games, each of which is an extension of the graph \(\tau \)-value. For the two efficient values, we discuss their special properties and we provide their axiomatic characterizations in views of those properties. By analysing an example applied to the two values, we conclude that the fair distribution of surplus solution allocates more surplus to the bigger coalitions and favors the powerful players, while the two-step \(\tau \)-value benefits the vulnerable groups and inspires to form small coalitions.  相似文献   

Traditional machine scheduling literature generally assumes that a machine is available at all times. Yet this assumption may not be accurate in real manufacturing systems. In many cases, a machine's tool must be changed after it has continuously worked for a period of time. This paper deals with a single machine scheduling problem subject to tool wear, given the allowed maximum continuous working time of the machine is TLTL (tool life) and the tool change time is TCTC. Job processing and tool changes are scheduled simultaneously. In this paper, we examine this problem to minimize the total tardiness of jobs. Two mixed binary integer programming models are developed to optimally solve this problem. Computational experiments are performed to evaluate the models’ efficiency.  相似文献   


This article presents a method for the resolution of a material handling scheduling problem. The case studied is a real industrial problem. It consists of finding a cyclic schedule for hoist movements in a treatment surface shop. In this kind of facility, several hoists are used for all the handling operations and they have to share common zones. Then it is necessary to control that there is no collision. The mathematical formulation of the problem is based on a combination of disjunctive constraints. The constraints describe either movement schedule or collision avoidance. The resolution procedure presented identifies all the collision configurations and then uses a branch and bound-like algorithm to find the optimal solution of a given problem. The language chosen for our implementation is the constraint logic programming language: Prolog IV, which is able to solve constraints with rational variables. It actively uses the constraint propagation mechanism that can be found in several languages.  相似文献   

The synthetic aperture radar (SAR) technology enables satellites to efficiently acquire high quality images of the Earth surface. This generates significant communication traffic from the satellite to the ground stations, and, thus, image downlinking often becomes the bottleneck in the efficiency of the whole system. In this paper we address the downlink scheduling problem for Canada׳s Earth observing SAR satellite, RADARSAT-2. Being an applied problem, downlink scheduling is characterised with a number of constraints that make it difficult not only to optimise the schedule but even to produce a feasible solution. We propose a fast schedule generation procedure that abstracts the problem specific constraints and provides a simple interface to optimisation algorithms. By comparing empirically several standard meta-heuristics applied to the problem, we select the most suitable one and show that it is clearly superior to the approach currently in use.  相似文献   


The time/cost trade-off problem is a well-known project scheduling problem that has been extensively studied. In recent years, many researchers have begun to focus on project scheduling problems under uncertainty to cope with uncertain factors, such as resource idleness, high inventory, and missing deadlines. To reduce the disturbance from uncertain factors, the aim of robust scheduling is to generate schedules with time buffers or resource buffers, which are capped by project makespan and project cost. This paper addresses a time-cost-robustness trade-off project scheduling problem with multiple activity execution modes under uncertainty. A multiobjective optimization model with three objectives (makespan minimization, cost minimization, and robustness maximization) is constructed and three propositions are proposed. An epsilon-constraint method-based genetic algorithm along with three improvement measures is designed to solve this NP-hard problem and to develop Pareto schedule sets, and a large-scale computational experiment on a randomly generated dataset is performed to validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm and the improvement measures. The final sensitivity analysis of three key parameters shows their distinctive influences on the three objectives, according to which several suggestions are given to project managers on the effective measures to improve the three objectives.


通过给出Shapley值、均分Shapley值、贴现Shapley值、Solidarity值、广义Solidarity值、合意值、 Banzhaf值及最小二乘预核仁分量差的显式解析表达式,本文提出了一种同时计算这些线性及匿名效用可转移合作对策值的简化算法.特别地,这一算法也适用于同时计算这些值中的两种及以上.为了详细说明简化算法的计算过程及优越性,文中给出了具体的数值算例,并将其与传统算法进行了比较分析,结果表明简化算法确实能显著降低同时计算多个值的时间复杂度.  相似文献   


Resource scheduling for emergency relief operations is complex as it has many constraints. However, an effective allocation and sequencing of resources are crucial for the minimization of the completion times in emergency relief operations. Despite the importance of such decisions, only a few mathematical models of emergency relief operations have been studied. This article presents a bi-objective mixed integer programming (MIP) that helps to minimize both the total weighted time of completion of the demand points and the makespan of the total emergency relief operation. A two-phase method is developed to solve the bi-objective MIP problem. Additionally, a case study of hospital network in the Melbourne metropolitan area is used to evaluate the model. The results indicate that the model can successfully support the decisions required in the optimal resource scheduling of emergency relief operations.  相似文献   

MapReduce system is a popular big data processing framework, and the performance of it is closely related to the efficiency of the centralized scheduler. In practice, the centralized scheduler often has little information in advance, which means each job may be known only after being released. In this paper, hence, we consider the online MapReduce scheduling problem of minimizing the makespan, where jobs are released over time. Both preemptive and non-preemptive version of the problem are considered. In addition, we assume that reduce tasks cannot be parallelized because they are often complex and hard to be decomposed. For the non-preemptive version, we prove the lower bound is \(\frac{m+m(\Psi (m)-\Psi (k))}{k+m(\Psi (m)-\Psi (k))}\), higher than the basic online machine scheduling problem, where k is the root of the equation \(k=\big \lfloor {\frac{m-k}{1+\Psi (m)-\Psi (k)}+1 }\big \rfloor \) and m is the quantity of machines. Then we devise an \((2-\frac{1}{m})\)-competitive online algorithm called MF-LPT (Map First-Longest Processing Time) based on the LPT. For the preemptive version, we present a 1-competitive algorithm for two machines.  相似文献   


The online pickup and delivery problem is motivated by the takeaway order delivery on crowdsourcing delivery platform, which is a newly emerged online to offline business model based on sharing economy. Considering the features of crowdsourcing delivery, an online pickup and delivery problem with constrained capacity is proposed, whose objective is to route a delivery man with constrained capacity to serve requests released over time so as to minimize the total latency. We consider online point-to-point requests with single pickup location where each request has to be picked up at the single pickup location and delivered to its destination, and each request become available at its release time, which is not known in advance. The lower bound of this problem for various capacities is proved. Two online algorithms WR and WI are presented, the competitive ratios on a half line and on general metric space are proved respectively. Further, a computational study is conducted to compare the performance of these two online algorithms on random instances of general metric space. The result shows algorithm WR performs better than WI in random cases but not in the worst case.


In this paper, we investigate a single-machine problem with the learning effect and release times where the objective is to minimize the makespan. A branch-and-bound algorithm incorporating with several dominance properties and lower bounds is developed to derive the optimal solution. A heuristic algorithm is proposed to obtain a near-optimal solution. The computational experiments show that the branch-and-bound algorithm can solve instances up to 36 jobs, and the average error percentage of the proposed heuristic is less than 0.11%.  相似文献   

This paper presents a heuristic algorithm for finding a good solution for the sequence-dependent lot scheduling problem. Unlike available methods, the algorithm eliminates the need for creating new artificial problems and implementing feasibility tests. It also eliminates the tedious task of translating setup relationships into a mathematical programming formulation. The result is a conceptually simple solution technique that is practically motivated and easily implemented for use on the shop floor. Comparison of algorithm performance with published results demonstrates the efficacy of the approach.  相似文献   


Currently, a huge amount of cargo is transported via containers by liner shipping companies. Under stochastic demand, repacking operations and carbon reduction, which may lead to an increase in effectiveness and environmental improvement, have been rarely considered in previous literature. In this paper, we investigate a container transshipment route scheduling problem with repacking operations under stochastic demand and environmental protection. The problem is a combinatorial optimization problem. Lacking historical data, a chance-constrained programming model is proposed to minimize the total operating and environment-related costs. We choose two distribution-free approaches, i.e., approximation based in Markov’s Inequality and Mixed Integer Second-Order Conic Program to approximate the chance constraints. As the loses induced by unfulfilled demand are not taken into account in the above model, a scenario-based model is developed considering the loses. Risk-neutral model may provide solutions that perform poorly while considering uncertainty. To incorporate decision makers’ perspectives, therefore, we also propose a risk-averse model adopting a risk aversion measure called Conditional Value-at-Risk to meet different preferences. Finally, we conduct computational experiments based on real data to compare the performances of the modeling methods and illustrate the impacts by testing different risk levels and confidence levels.


There are several algorithms to solve the integrated process planning and scheduling (IPPS) problem (i.e., flexible job shop scheduling with process plan flexibility) in the literature. All the existing algorithms for IPPS are heuristic-based search methods and no research has investigated the use of exact solution methods for this problem. We develop several decomposition approaches based on the logic-based Benders decomposition (LBBD) algorithm. Our LBBD algorithm allows us to partition the decision variables in the IPPS problem into two models, master-problem and sub-problem. The master-problem determines process plan and operation-machine assignment, while the sub-problem optimizes sequencing and scheduling decisions. To achieve faster convergence, we develop two relaxations for the optimal makespan objective function and incorporate them into the master-problem. We analyze the performance and further enhance the algorithm with two ideas, a Benders optimality cut based on the critical path and a faster heuristic way to solve the sub-problem. 16 standard benchmark instances available in the literature are solved to evaluate and compare the performances of our algorithms with those of the state-of-the-art methods in the literature. The proposed algorithm either results in the optimal solution or improves the best-known solutions in all the existing instances, demonstrating its superiority to the existing state-of-the-art methods in literature.  相似文献   

提出了动态物流配送车辆调度优化问题——配送车在一度量空间中进行服务,度量空间中的任何一节点可能在任何时间提出服务请求,要求配送车将该点处的货物运送到另一点,每一个服务请求都有一个服务期限,若在规定的时间内某一服务请求不能被满足则将被取消,在考虑装/卸货所用时间的情况下,决策者如何以局内方式确定调度策略,使配送车完成的服务请求数最多.针对该不确定性条件下的管理决策问题,给出了两种局内管理策略,并利用局内问题及竞争分析理论,给出了不同载重量下(Q=1和Q=∞)的两种策略的竞争比.  相似文献   

一种求解柔性工作车间调度问题的混合遗传算法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
针对柔性工作车间调度问题(Flexible job-shop scheduling problem, FJSP),提出了一种基于混合遗传算法的求解方案,在初始种群中引入基于启发式规则生成的优良个体,并使用有效的交叉、变异算子避免不可行个体的产生,同时利用混沌序列的随机性和遍历性特点,在遗传进化的过程中增加基于混沌序列的邻域搜索功能,以提高遗传算法的执行效率.通过仿真实验验证了该算法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

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