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IN the midst of a winter storm flowers still bloom in Beijing. In the greenhouses of Beijing Scriven Flower Co. Ltd., roses and lilies comtrast sharply with the bare fields and trees of early spring. Located 20 Km away in Xiaobailou Village, Daxing County, in suburban Beijing, the greenhouses were built in 1992 and have been expanded  相似文献   

As globalization marches forward, and as China continues on the path of reform and opening up, China is in urgent need of high-level, highly talented specialists from other countries. At the same time, many talented, high-level foreigners are interested in becoming permanent residents of China-sothey can be better engaged in fields of expertise, and so they can enjoy the environment they love.  相似文献   

DR.Martin Wilbur,an American historian,recently gave a speech in the United States entitled "The Influence and Contribution to Contemporary Cultural Development by the Chinese." Apart from his study on the history of Chinese contemporary political and social development, Dr. Wilbur talked about significant contributions made by Chinese in the fields of science, architecture and art. There are about 1 million Chinese-Americans living in the U,S.,Composing 0.5 Percent of the American population. About 100,000 of them immigrated to  相似文献   

Iam 21 years old. My home is in a small village of Putian, Fujian Province. Like thousands of healthy children, I once had a colorful childhood. Unexpectedly, however, I contracted an eye disease at the age of 13 and began to gradually lose my eyesight. At first, I cherished a gleam of hope that heaven would kindly make me see light again someday. My mother took me to one hospital after another for treatment, but my eyesight remained dim. I became frightened and restless. I realized that sometime soon I might no longer be able to see my mother's kind face, my father's thin figure, the golden rape flowers in the fields, or the meandering stream by the village. In the daytime, the adults went to work in the fields and the children went to school. I was left alone in the empty house. I tried  相似文献   

SINCE the policy of reform and opening was implemented in China, the Chinese farmers who toiled in the fields for thousands of years have been awakened. They have surged into large and medium-sized towns and developed areas. Now they earn more money than ever and have a chance to see the world. Many of these people are women. A new trend is quietly emerging among young women from farming communities who have traveled to the  相似文献   

Chinese artist Ju Duoqi creates artworks with vegetables of all shapes and sizes. Ju first started working with vegetables in the summer of 2006. In the following years, she spent a lot of time trying new vegetable in different positions. The artist real zed she no longer needed models for her work. as the vegetables could easily be used instead.  相似文献   

WANGJIANGJING, an ancient township by a river, is 15 kilometers north of Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province. For centuries, since the early Tang Dynasty, the residents of this town have been producing silk. They were accustomed to a life where men were in charge of ploughing the fields and women in charge of raising silkworms and weaving beautiful fabrics. They built their life with their hands. Recently  相似文献   

The Platform for Action adopted at the United Nations Fourth World Conference On Women acknowledges the media's role in eliminating sexual discrimination and promoting women's development.It lists women and media as one of the ten fields that require strategic targeting and action.  相似文献   

This group of photos were specially chosen from the works of two young photographers, Yan Xinfa and Zhai Dongfeng. Both love children, particularly children living in villages and small towns. They prefer to JnterwJne children closely with scenery in the countryside. They snap children fishing in rivers, climbing trees to catch birds, running with their dogs in the wind, gathering sugar cane and playing hide-and-seek in maize fields. Rural children seem to enjoy nature much more than urban children.  相似文献   

SHANDONG Province harbors one of the ten maior families of dishes in China—the Lu-stvle of foed Located next to the Bohai Sea. Shandong Province is filled with many tasty sea treats. There are two branches of Lu-style food, The dishes popnlar in inner Shandong contain mostly poultry. meat and internat organs of animals. The other branch of Lu-style food, popular in the coastal area features seafood Restaurants along coastal cities and villages offer dishes cooked with fresh seafood, crops, fruits and vegetables. Cooked in their own juices, they feature an originat flavor. People in the coastal villages along the Bohai and Huanghai seas lire on fishing with men going to sea while women take care of the household chores and wodk in the fields. Hard-boiled snakeheaded fish's eggs and sea urchin soup are frequently served in the morning before men set out to sea According to folk legend, these dishes are believde to stop storms and give men courage to overcome difficulties The intervals men don't go to sea  相似文献   

SURROUNDED by deserts from three directions and close to the loess plateau in the south, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region is an oasis, known as the "luscious southern-type fields north of the Great Wall" since former times. The Yellow River, cultivating the northern land of China, especially favors this land. The old saying that the Yellow River enriches the region of Ningxia attracts people to study the history and culture of this old and mysterious land.  相似文献   

Women's Salon     
Entrepreneurs, businessmen, experts and scholars have come to Shanghai together with their families from 19 countries of Europe, America and Asia since China began its policy toward openness to the outside world. While many foreign women have been well educated and held professional positions in their countries, they often felt lonely in China, as they  相似文献   

These two paintings depict the living environment of Hani and Yi ethnic nationalities which inhabit the Ailao Mountains in Southwest China. The paintings, while realistic, display some slightly decorative techniques. The communities live harmoniously, building terraced fields and fortified  相似文献   

OUR plane flew through white clouds, taking us to Sichuan Province for a visit to Dharmacarya Long Lian, who is honored the No.1 bhiksuni in China. At 86, respected by domestic and overseas Buddhists, this eminent nun has had remarkable experiences. She is good at poetry and painting and of great attainments in Buddhism. She created the first bhiksuni Buddhist institute in China. After the plane landed in Chengdu, we took a taxi to the Tiexiang (Iron Statue) Monastery, a newly-renovated monastery beside lush green rice fields. A nun met us and led us into a shady courtyard in front of  相似文献   

ACCORDING to legend, long, long ago there was only the sun in the sky. But suddenly one night, a strangely shaped moon appeared, it's light scorched the grain seedlings in the fields, and thc terrified people prayed to heaven for help. At the foot of a mountain lived a beautiful lady named Ni Er and her husband, Ya La. She was in no mood to weave her brocade that  相似文献   

Development of Rural Women STUDY and discussion on the development of rural women have centered on several areas: to improve rural women's abilities through greater access to education and training which will enable them to participate in social activity; to manage and make policy; to have better jobs to overcome their poverty; and to learn how to make use of legal protections. At present the main problem is that the low level of education and training restricts the development of rural women. Currently the reality in the countryside is that men go out to find jobs and women stay at home to tend the fields. Sixty to seventy percent of the agricultural labor force is women. The feminization of agriculture brings opportunity to women but also increases their  相似文献   

Awakening of Insects The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms.Awakening of Insects,the third sola term,is from March 5-20 this year.During this period,you may feel a rise in temperature,and notice the increased rainfall.The name of the solar term-Awake ning of In sects-refers to the fact that animals,which hibernate during winter,are awakened by spring thunder,and that everything on earth is returning,to life.Farmers in most regions of China begin plowing fields during Awakening of Insects.  相似文献   

“建西部美好家园”行动 The All-China Women's Federation started the campaign of "Building a Glorious Home in the Western Region." It involves: setting up schools for rural women, fostering leading women in making wealth through science and technology, developing women's organizations in specific fields, supporting model families in technical environmental protection, fostering women cadres at township and country levels alike.  相似文献   

Women in ancient China were prohibited from holding any position of power. Essentially,the women were"objects" sold into marriage.Their feet were bound to prevent them from escaping. While they could not hold positions of power,women were in control of their homes.A man was permitted to have more than one wife,and the women had a rank within the household.The first wife could dictate who went where,how much  相似文献   

Six Changes in Rural Women A survey about women's social status in China done by the All-China Women's Federation shows six remarkable changes in rural Chinese women. These changes are in pace with the deepening reform and family planning policy goals in the countryside. Women's labor force. Over the last ten years, 21 percent of the rural women's labor force has turned to non-agricultural fields. Among them 52 percent has gone to industry; 16 percent to-trade and the service sector; nearly 5 percent to construction; almost 3  相似文献   

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