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New Books     
How to Succeed in High School, by George Weigand. Woodbury Executives Under Fire by Chester Burger. The Employed Mother in America edited by F. Svan Nye and Lois W. Caesar's Forms & Syntax by Thornton A. McGill Jr. Woodbury, New York Careers in Natural Resource Conservation by Fred W. Herbert. New York: Henry Z. Walck, Inc., 1965. Learning and the Educational Process edited by John D. Krumboltz. Know Yourself, by Arnold L. Ganley and George S. Elias. Vocational Guidance and Career Development edited by Herman J. Peters and James C. Hansen. Guidance in Agricultural Education (Second Edition) by Harold M. Byram. Danville Classrooms on Main Street by Harold F. Clark and Harold S. Sloan. Introduction to College Life (Second Edition) by Norman T. Bell, Richard W. Burkhardt, and Victor B. Lawhead.  相似文献   

New Books     
Educators Guide to Free Guidance Materials, compiled and edited by Mary H. Saterstrom and Joe A. Steph. 1968 College Entrance Guide, by Bernice W. Erinstein. New York: Grosset and Dunlap Individualized Study, by Gerald A. Gladstein. Research for Teachers and Counselors, by E. L. Tolbert. Basic Educational Tests and Measurements, by Quentin Stodola and Kolmer Stordahl. Your Career in Public Relations, by Jody Donohue. On the Job Training and Where to Get It, by Robert A. Liston. Chemical Engineering, by David H. Killeffer. Stroke Rehabilitation: Basic Concepts and Research Trends, edited by William S. Fields and William A. Spencer. Improving Skills in Speech Therapy, by Doris D. Wallace.  相似文献   

New Books     
Exciting Careers for Home Economists, by Lila Spencer. Planning and Paying Your Way to College, by Clodus R. Smith. Careers in Psychiatry prepared under the auspices of the National Commission on Mental Health Manpower. Baron's Guide to Law Schools, by Elliott Epstein, Jerome Shostak, and Lawrence Troy. Special Education Programs Within the United States, edited by Morris Val Jones. Emerging Careers by Warren D. Gribbons and Paul R. Lohnes. Edited by Donald E. Super. Applying for a Job: A Self-Study Guide for Students, by Patricia Roth, Ralph E. Mason, and Floyd J. Phipps. Guiding the Future College Student, by Jean Reiss and Mildred G. Fox. Rehabilitation Research, by George N. Wright and Ann B. Trotter. Counseling the Disadvantaged Youth, edited by William E. Amos and Jean D. Grambs. The Vocational Counseling of Adults and Young Adults, by E. C. Thoroman. Opportunities in Advertising Careers, by George T. Clarke, Opportunities in Physical Therapy, by Bernice Krunhansl, Opportunities in Psychology Careers, by Donald E. Super, Opportunities in Sales Careers, by Kenneth B. Haas. Canadian Guidance Series, Toronto, Ontario: Crest Publishing Company, Ltd., distributed by Guidance Centre, The College of Education, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario.  相似文献   

New Books     
Your Career in the Aerospace Industry by Waldo T. Boyd. The School and the Economic System by Charles S. Benson. Your Career in Transportation by Robert A. Liston. Prep School Guide for Jewish Youth, 1966 edition, prepared by Sol Swerdloff and William Mead. Engineer, by S. C. Hollister. Identity (Book II, Being and Becoming Group Guidance Series, Brother Marion F. Belka, editor) by Sister Marion Hosinski, Sister Mary Thomas Murphy, Norbert Riegert, and Reverend Joseph H. Voor. Testing in our Schools by Louis J. Karmel. Guidance: An Orientation for the Undergraduate by Robert E. Glennen. Techniques of Guidance: An Aproach to Pupil Analysis by Robert L. Gibson and Robert E. Higgins.  相似文献   

New Books     
Careers in Public Planning and Administration, by Angelo Cohn. Adjustment to Blindness—Reviewed, by Mary K. Bauman and Norman M. Yoder. Learning by Discovery: A Critical Appraisal, by Lee S. Shalman and Evan R. Keislar, Editors. Dollars and Sense, by Joseph Bensman. Career Information in Counseling and Teaching, by Lee E. Comparative Theories of Social Change, by Hallis W. Peter, Editor. Opportunities in an Architecture Career by Robert J. Piper; Opportunities in a Dancing Career, by Paul Denis; Opportunities in Market Research, by John H. Platten, Jr.; Opportunities in the Textile Industry, by Robert A. Barnhardt. Your Career in Advertising, by George Johnson. The MacMillan Job Guide to American Corporations, by Ernest A. McKay, Editor. Planning Human Resource Development, by Russell C. Davis. Employment for the Handicapped, by Julietta K. Arthur.  相似文献   

New Books     
Careers in Computer Programming, by Leo Barnett and Lou Ellen Davis Pupil Personnel Services: Selected Readings, edited by Glenn A. Saltzman and Herman J. Peters Home Economics Related Occupations, by Penelope E. Kupsinel The Professional in the Organization, by Mark Abrahamson Your First Year at College, by Joseph E. McCabe Careers in Hotels and Restaurants, by Gerard W. Lattin Guidance Services, Third Edition, by Anthony Humphreys, Arthur Trazler, and Robert North New Light on Juvenile Delinquency, edited by Ronald Steel  相似文献   

New Books     
Building for Tomorrow, by B. G. Panley. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Incorporated, 1966. Individual Differences, by Anne Anastasi. New York: John Wiley & Sons The Disadvantaged and Potential Dropout by John Gowan and George D. Demos. Work and the Nature of Man, by Frederick Herzberg. You and Your Child's Career: A Guidance Handbook for Parents, Teachers, and Counselors, by Daniel Sinick. Counseling and Psychotherapy: Classics on Theories and Issues, edited by Ben N. Opportunities in Travel Careers, by Don Short; Opportunities in Music Careers, by Sigmund Spaeth; Opportunities in Traffic Engineering, by Carlton C. Robinson. Encounter (Book I, Being and Becoming Group Guidance Series, Brother Marion F. Belka, editor), by Sister Marion Hasinski, Sister Mary Thomas Murphy, Norbert Riegert, and Reverend Joseph H. Voor. Revolution in Counseling: Implications of Behavioral Science, edited by John D. Krumboltz.  相似文献   

New Books     
Federal Aid for Schools, by Howard S. Rowland and Richard L. Wing. Your Career in Computer Programming, by I. J. Seligsohn. Teaching Strategies for the Culturally Disadvantaged, by Hilda Taba and Deborah Elkins. Your Career in Teaching, by Dorothy and Joseph Dowdell. Your Career in Selling, by Robert A. Liston. Your Handicap—Don't Let It Handicap You, by Sarah Splaver How to Prepare for the Graduate Record Examination, by Samuel C. Brownstein and Mitchel Weiner. Research Guidelines for High School Counselors, by the Experimental Designs Committee of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. Opportunities in a Drafting Career, by Benjamin J. Stern; Opportunities in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, by S. Paul Shackleton; Opportunities in the Hotel and Motel Industry, by Shepard Henkin; Opportunities in Journalism Careers, by John M. Barry.  相似文献   

Europe and the International Division of Labour Christopher Stevens and Joan Verloren Van Themaat  相似文献   

Reviews: Ackerman, Frank; Goodwin, Neva R.; Dougherty, Laurie; Gallagher, Kevin (eds.). The changing nature of work Reviews: Gallie, Duncan; White, Michael; Cheng, Yuan; Tomlinson, Mark. Restructuring the employment relationship Reviews: Marsden, David. A theory of employment systems: Micro‐foundations of societal diversity. Reviews: Estreicher, Samuel (ed.). Employee representation in the emerging workplace: Alternatives/supplements to collective bargaining Reviews: Verma, Anil; Chaykowski, Richard P. (eds.). Contract and commitment: Employment relations in the new economy Reviews: Pfeffer, Jeffrey. The human equation: Building profits by putting people first. Reviews: Siegel, Donald S. Skill‐biased technological change: Evidence from a firm‐level survey. Reviews: Breman, Jan; Das, Arvind; Agarwal, Ravi. Down and out: Labouring under global capitalism. Recent books: Dorsey, Stuart; Cornwell, Christopher; Macpherson, David. Pensions and productivity. Recent books: Garey, Anita Ilta. Weaving work and motherhood. Recent books: Harris‐White, Barbara; Subramanian, S. (eds.). Illfare in India: Essays in honour of S. Guhan. Recent books: Hashim, Yahaya; Meagher, Kate. Cross‐border trade and the parallel currency market: Trade and finance in the context of structural adjustment: A case study from Kano, Nigeria Recent books: Marzal, Antonio (ed.). Dialéctica empleo‐desempleo y derecho social. Recent books: Okin, Susan Moller. Is multiculturalism bad for women? Recent books: With respondents, and edited by Joshua Cohen, Matthew Howard, and Martha C. Nussbaum Recent books: Sainsbury, Diane (ed.). Gender and welfare state regimes Recent books: Strober, Myra H.; Chan, Agnes Miling Kaneko. The road winds uphill all the way: Gender, work, and family in the United States and Japan Recent books: Wohlmuth, Karl; Bass, Hans H.; Messner, Frank (eds.). Good governance and economic development. Münster, LIT Verlag, 1999. African Development Perspectives Yearbook 1997/98 Recent books: Wohlmuth, Karl; Gutowski, Achim; Grawert, Elke; Wauschkuhn, Markus (eds.). Empowerment and economic development in Africa. Recent books: World Health Organization. Community emergency preparedness: A manual for managers and policymakers. New ILO publications: International Labour Conference, 88th Session, 2000, Report I (B): Your voice at work: Global report under the Follow‐up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. New ILO publications: International Labour Conference, 88th Session, 2000, Report III (Part 1A): Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations: General report and observations concerning particular countries. New ILO publications: International Labour Conference, 88th Session, 2000, Report III (Part 1B): Tripartite consultation. New ILO publications: International Labour Conference, 88th Session, 2000, Report IV (2A): Maternity protection at work. Revision of the Maternity Protection Convention (Revised), 1952 (No. 103), and Recommendation, 1952 (No. 95). New ILO publications: International Labour Conference, 88th Session, 2000, Report IV (2B): Maternity protection at work. Revision of the Maternity Protection Convention (Revised), 1952 ( No. 103), and Recommendation, 1952 (No. 95). New ILO publications: International Labour Conference, 88th Session, 2000, Report V: Training for employment: Social inclusion, productivity and youth unemployment New ILO publications: International Labour Conference, 88th Session, 2000, Report VII (2): Withdrawal of the Hours of Work (Coal Mines) Convention, 1931; the Hours of Work (Coal Mines) Convention (Revised), 1935; the Reduction of Hours of Work (Public Works) Convention, 1936; the Reduction of Hours of Work (Textiles) Convention, 1937; and the Migration for Employment Convention, 1939. New ILO publications: ABC of women workers' rights and gender equality. New ILO publications: Action against child labour. Edited by Nelien Haspels and Michele Jankanish New ILO publications: Pensiones en América latina: Dos décadas de reforma. Edited by Alejandro Bonilla García and Alfredo H. Conte‐Grand New ILO publications: Productividad y empleo en la apertura económica. Edited by Víctor E. Tokman and Daniel Martínez New ILO publications: Répertoire des instruments internationaux de sécurité sociale New ILO publications: Social dialogue and pension reform. Edited by Emmanuel Reynaud New ILO publications: Social security for the excluded majority: Case studies of developing countries. Edited by Wouter van Ginneken New ILO publications: Social security pensions: Development and reform. Edited by Colin Gillion, John Turner, Clive Bailey and Denis Latulippe New ILO publications: Social security pensions: Development and reform. Executive summary (ISBN 92–2–112054–6) is available free of charge. New ILO publications: Violence at work. By Duncan Chappell and Vittorio Di Martino New ILO publications: Workers without frontiers: The impact of globalization on international migration. By Peter Stalker New ILO publications: World Labour Report 2000: Income security and social protection in a changing world.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Reviews: Littlewood, Michael. How to create a competitive market in pensions: The international lessons. Recent books: Beaujolin, Rachel. Les vertiges de l'emploi: L'entreprise face aux réductions d'effectifs. Recent books: Birien, Jean-Louis. Pratique des relations et négociations sociales. Recent books: Bonnet, Michel. Regards sur les enfants travailleurs. La mise au travail des enfants dans le monde contemporain: Analyse et études de cas. Recent books: Lyon-Caen, Gérard; Pélissier, Jean; Supiot, Alain. Droit du travail. New ILO publications: Le secteur informel en Afrique face aux contraintes légales et institutionnelles. New ILO publications: International Labour Conference, 87th Session, 1999. Report V (1 and 2): Maternity protection at work. Revision of the Maternity Protection Convention (Revised), 1952 (No. 103), and Recommendation, 1952 (No. 95). New ILO publications: International Labour Conference, 87th Session, 1999. Report IV (2B): Child labour. New ILO publications: International Labour Conference, 87th Session, 1999: Report III (Part 1A). Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations: General report and observations concerning particular countries. New ILO publications: International Labour Conference, Report III (Part 1B): Migrant workers. New ILO publications: International Labour Conference, 88th Session, 2000. Report VI (1): Safety and health in agriculture. New ILO publications: Technical and ethical guidelines for workers' health surveillance.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Reviews: David, Natacha. From Asia to Russia to Brazil … The impact of the financial and economic crisis on women Reviews: Gual, Jordi (ed.). Job creation: The role of labor market institutions Reviews: Joshi, Heather; Paci, Pierella, with Makepiece, Gerald; Waldfogel, Jane. Unequal pay for women and men Reviews: Kornai, Janos. Struggle and hope: Essays on stabilization and reform in post-socialist economy Reviews: Vaughan-Whitehead, Daniel. Albania in crisis: The predictable fall of the shining star Recent books: Bhaduri, Amit; Skarstein, Rune (eds.). Economic development and agricultural productivity Recent books: Boserup, Ester. My professional life and publications 1929–1998 Recent books: Browne, Irene (ed.). Latinas and African American women at work: Race, gender, and economic inequality Recent books: Custers, Peter. Capital accumulation and women's labour in Asian economies Recent books: Papola, T. S.; Sharma, Alakh N. (eds.). Gender and employment in India Recent books: World Confederation of Labour. Gender and informal sector New ILO publications: Gender and jobs: Sex segregation of occupations in the world. By Richard Anker New ILO publications: Negotiating flexibility: The role of the social partners and the State. Edited by Muneto Ozaki  相似文献   

Books received     
《The Sociological review》2014,62(2):432-434

Books Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Pollert, Anna. Transformation at work in the new market economies of central eastern Europe Recent books: Avery, Christine; Zabel, Diane. The flexible workplace: A sourcebook of information and research. Borghans, Lex; de Grip, Andries (eds.). The overeducated worker? The economics of skill utilization. Consejo Económico y Social de España. La protección social de las mujeres Desai, Padma; Idson, Todd. Work without wages: Russia's nonpayment crisis Kimmel, Michael S. (ed., with Amy Aronson). The gendered society reader Kimmel, Michael S.; Messner, Michael A. (eds.). Men's lives Warner, Aaron W.; Forstater, Mathew; Rosen, Sumner M. (eds.). Commitment to full employment: The economics and social policy of William S. Vickrey. New ILO publications: International Labour Conference, 89th Session, 2001, Report III (Part 1A): Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations: General report and observations concerning particular countries International Labour Conference, 89th Session, Report III (Part 1B): Night work of women in industry. Geneva International Labour Conference, 89th Session, 2001, Report V(2): Promotion of cooperatives. Geneva International Labour Conference, 89th Session, 2001, Report VI: Social security: Issues, challenges and prospects Human resources development, employment and globalization in the hotel, catering and tourism sector. Report for discussion at the Tripartite Meeting on Human Resources Development, Employment and Globalization in the Hotel, Catering and Tourism Sector Las relaciones laborales en las reformas de la salud y educación francs. Safety in the use of synthetic vitreous fibre insulation wools The employment impact of mergers and acquisitions in the banking and financial services sector. Report for discussion at the Tripartite Meeting on the Employment Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions in the Banking and Financial Services Sector The public employment service in a changing labour market Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy Women, gender and work: What is equality and how do we get there? Youth unemployment and employment policy: A global perspective  相似文献   

Books received     

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