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西宝  温玉杰 《学术交流》2002,1(3):43-46
由于中国住房金融市场发展历史和政策原因 ,在市场竞争、业务运行、市场体系、金融工具和产品营销方面还存在诸多不足。因此 ,利用中国与西方发达国家住房金融政策比较研究的方法 ,借鉴相关住房金融政策经验 ,以建立、健全贸易自由化条件下的中国住房金融政策。应建立完善的住房金融体系 ,建立健全住房抵押贷款机制 ,实行差别利率等政策。  相似文献   

李曦  袁泉 《创新》2013,(3):87-90,125,128
1998年以来,我国房地产行业发展迅速,并逐步成为国民经济的支柱产业,极大地推动了我国的经济增长。但房价的过快增长也增加了人们的生活压力,并对经济运行造成不利影响。为了抑制房价的过快增长,国家推出了一系列的调控政策,包括金融政策、土地政策和税收政策。2010年政府推出了限购政策,通过抑制需求来控制房价。研究表明:1998至2002年的调控政策取得了较好的效果;2003至2008年调控效果不佳;2008年底至2009年政府并没有对房价进行有力调控;2009年末至2012年初,限购令的效果非常明显。  相似文献   

方长春  刘欣 《社会》2005,40(4):163-190
与关注中国城镇住房制度改革中的体制性因素和市场能力因素对住房不平等的影响,以及着重以个体的劳动力市场处境予以解释的观点不同,本文认为,居住有很强的空间粘滞性,地理空间差异同样是理解住房不平等问题不可忽视的结构性因素。对2016年“中国家庭追踪调查”(CFPS)数据的分析发现,居民家庭房产的地区差异具有高度的统计显著性。基尼系数按地理空间分解后显示,相对于家庭收入或家庭人均收入的地理空间差异而言,家庭住房资产的地理空间差异更为突出;运用赫克曼两步回归法分析资料发现,地理空间因素不仅影响产权住房的获得,对房产产值的效应也具有高度的统计显著性。这些发现都支持了我们的基本论点:地理空间差异不只是住房不平等的外在表现,而是导致住房不平等的不可忽视的因素。关注地理空间这一结构情境对个体行为的影响及其社会不平等后果不仅有现实的政策意义,也有助于拓展当代中国社会分层研究的视角。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the relationship between urban development and housing prices in China. When comparing data from three recent consecutive years, with some exceptions, the result shows that in general, housing price is determined by urban development in most urban regions. The article summarizes strategies for affordable housing development and housing policy in China, and analyzes the implications of this study for social work and education. It advocates comprehensive new thinking on a broader topic: how to maintain healthy housing prices and stable development in China.  相似文献   

Housing policy in Australia historically has focused on facilitating homeownership and creating some buffer for those households that are not homeowners. This paper explores the implications of this policy for older Australians. What is argued is that housing tenure has become a crucial divide and that older Australians who have not had the good fortune to access homeownership or public / community housing and who are dependent on the private rental sector as a result, often find themselves in desperate circumstances. The argument is developed that the failure to put in place a housing policy which would give all citizens the ability to access adequate and affordable housing, has led to a situation where a substantial and increasing number of older Australians have untenable housing costs and minimal disposal income. The article concludes that the present policy initiatives aimed at addressing the housing affordability crisis will have little impact on the situation of older people who are currently in housing stress.  相似文献   

贺桂华  侯欢 《唐都学刊》2014,(2):124-128
我国自实行城镇住房制度改革后,房地产业飞速发展,在推动经济发展的同时,也导致我国部分地区出现了住宅房地产价格过高、上涨过快等问题.住宅房问题事关国计民生,国家政府运用经济的、法律的、行政的手段在调控房地产价格时,始终应当坚持权力法制、秩序稳定、社会公平的原则.在住宅房地产价格调控时,要修改和完善《价格法》,完善土地调控法律制度,完善住房保障法律体系,制定专门法规调整我国住宅房地产,逐步扩大经济适用房等保障性住房惠及的范围,完善相关调控主体法律责任.  相似文献   

余新民  毛勇 《创新》2010,4(4):80-82
住房公积金制度是我国政府为解决职工家庭住房问题,主要借鉴新加坡的成功经验,于1994年开始在我国全面推行的一种政策性融资渠道。但通过十几年的实际运行结果来看,效果并不明显,不仅丧失了其对中低收入阶层的住房保障功能,而且进一步拉大了贫富差距。应采取公积金和养老保险相结合的反按揭模式等相关对策,使公积金制度真正惠及广大中低收入者。  相似文献   

In this paper I argue that we have been amiss in diagnosing the role played by government, which has exacerbated the housing problems afflicting low‐income households in Australia. However, I argue further we have placed too much faith in the capacity of managerial interventions to ameliorate what are far more deep‐rooted and systemic challenges. It is suggested that researchers need to adopt a more critical account of the conduct of contemporary government policy making, one that casts aside a view of the State as a benevolent agency whose primary objective is to ameliorate the conditions of the disadvantaged. Instead, the State should be understood as an agency that sustains the conditions necessary for the finance industry, developers and real estate agents, along with well‐off householders and landlords, to reap profits. The political economy of Australian housing, in its current incarnation, performs a form of reverse welfarism that exacerbates social inequality.  相似文献   

本文从北京市住房保障政策与总体思路、建设与供给、审核与退出三个角度出发,分析了"十一五"期间北京市保障性住房的发展现状。在"十一五"期间,北京市住房保障工作思路明确、体系完整、力度强劲、供应体系层次分明。"十二五"期间,北京市住房保障工作应着重于加大工作力度、优化供应结构、完善管理制度和拓宽融资渠道四个方面。  相似文献   

The introduction of Australia’s National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has changed the way housing and support are delivered to Scheme participants. NDIS policy reform focuses on coordinated housing and support responses. These responses are guided by the Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Rule, Framework and pricing and Supported Independent Living payments. To date, the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has only released limited data to understand SDA demand or inform market development. To understand changing housing and support approaches and the impact of NDIS housing policy on market responses, this research had three aims: (1) to examine the locations and characteristics of housing and support vacancies advertised for people with disability; (2) to investigate funding sources for, and providers of, these supported housing options; and (3) to examine the proportion and source of government, nonprofit and private sector funding for housing and support developments advertised. An audit was undertaken of all advertisements on the two main non‐government organisation Websites that list Australian supported housing vacancies. A total of 562 property adverts were reviewed in March 2019. Audit findings are considered in relation to the current NDIS policy context. Possible housing futures and market gaps for people with significant and permanent disability in Australia are discussed.  相似文献   

体制分割与中国城镇居民的住房差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方长春 《社会》2014,34(3):92-117
在混合经济形态下,“市场”与“再分配”权力之间的良性制衡的关系尚未形成,相反却在一定程度上对社会不平等的形成表现出层叠效应。对住房不平等的经验分析表明,当前(住房市场化时期)的住房不平等状况很大一部分是由房改前的住房分配过程和住房私有化改革过程导致的,社会成员越是接近体制的核心部门,其住房优势就越突出。这一经验研究发现表明,制度变革的渐进性和路径依赖使得根植于体制分割的社会不平等在尚未充分消退的同时,改革之前导致社会差异形成的体制分割因素依然在一定程度上活跃于当前的社会不平等中,且有可能会随着市场化的推进叠加于源自于市场的社会不平等,甚至经由市场的作用进一步延续并放大。  相似文献   

金虎斌 《创新》2012,(2):62-65,127
房地产限购政策对遏制房价过快上涨、抑制投资性购房需求具有重要意义。运用我国70个大中城市2009年9月至2011年10月的面板数据,采用双重差分模型对房地产市场限购政策的实施效果进行了系统而严格的实证研究。结果发现,房地产限购政策的实施对我国相关城市的房价有大约1.88%的负面效应,但是短期效果并不明显。  相似文献   


We discuss the pivotal role that housing plays for both social and economic outcomes. All people need to be housed, and housing circumstances help determine social outcomes, especially for vulnerable groups. We outline an analytical framework that treats housing as a dynamic system, incorporating the life‐cycles of both individuals/households and houses. Each is long‐lived; decisions impact on housing for decades. This approach is relevant to the development of housing research and housing policy. We illustrate the issues with reference to the relationship between rental yields and measures of deprivation across New Zealand. The surprising nature of this relationship has consequences regarding potential poverty traps and wealth disparities. While highlighting an important housing market issue, any policy response to this issue is complicated by the need to take account of the life‐cycles of both individuals and of houses, and by the long‐lasting impacts of decisions.  相似文献   

基于学区房现状浅谈教育地产的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
江坚 《创新》2010,4(2):60-63
"学区房"是当今购房热中的常见词汇,成为市场需求的关注热点。基于此,有必要把教育与地产结合,进行教育地产的开发,将其作为我国房地产市场健康平稳发展的突破点。分析学区房当前的现状、高价格原因以及教育地产发展的必然性,得出教育地产是缓解教育资源供给不足的有效途径,并阐述当前教育地产发展模式及存在的问题,针对问题提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper argues that the scale of the contemporary housing affordability crisis in Australia is at least partly attributable to the influence of neoliberal ideas over the past three decades. After providing an overview of the nature and scope of the crisis, the process by which housing as a policy problem has been reconceptualised by policy makers and others since the 1970s is examined. This is followed by analysis of the ways in which a number of commonwealth government policies which are ideationally underpinned by neoliberalism have amplified and perpetuated the problem of housing affordability in Australia and, ipso facto, prevented the issue from being addressed. The paper concludes by suggesting that policies which are ostensibly intended to improve housing affordability will continue to founder until the ideational obstacles which are the focus of this paper are recognised, and housing policy is reconceptualised along lines more conducive to the amelioration of the housing affordability problem. The paper seeks to extend the existing literature on housing affordability by explicitly identifying the linkages between neoliberal ideas, commonwealth public policy, and the extant problem of housing affordability in Australia.  相似文献   

耿晓君  李芊 《创新》2009,3(12):34-36
住房反向抵押贷款对于正处于经济积累发展阶段、刚刚步入老龄化社会、各项养老保障制度尚待充实完善的中国社会而言,是一个崭新的事物。通过对住房反向抵押贷款的概述,借鉴国外住房反向抵押贷款成功运作的基本经验,同时结合我国客观实际情况,指出我国现阶段实施住房反向抵押贷款所面临的机遇和挑战。在此基础上对我国实施住房反向抵押贷款的运作模式进行设计,并对运作过程中的各参与方、运作流程、资金流向进行详细分析,同时指出一些在运作过程中亟需解决的问题。  相似文献   

陈敦旭 《创新》2009,3(2):52-55
长沙出台了一系列安居政策,其中有一项重要的举措就是停止新建经济适用住房,全面实施经济适用住房货币化补贴方式,这是一次重大的变革和尝试。分析长沙实施经济适用住房货币化补贴的背景、具体做法,详细剖析经济适用住房兴建与货币化补贴的利弊,提出实施经济适用住房货币化补贴要注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

当前,我国房地产业尤其是住宅业传统的粗放式建设模式,在资源消耗、管理效率、建筑质量等方面严重制约着房地产企业迈向现代化的步伐。推进住宅产业化,是提高住宅有效供给和住宅产业劳动生产率的必由之路。在住宅产业化过程中,现代房地产企业责无旁贷,要发展节约能源、节约土地、节约水资源和各种原材料的先进实用技术,改变传统住宅建设方式,使住宅产业逐步走上科技含量高、资源消耗低、环境污染少、经济效益好的可持续发展道路。  相似文献   

住房问题是重要的民生问题。加大政府对住房保障的力度,逐步建立健全与经济社会发展阶段相适应的住房保障体系以维护弱势群体的利益,越来越成为社会的热点问题。将保障性住房和轨道交通建设沿线土地利用模式结合研究,不仅使得中低收入人群也有机会分得轨道交通带来的便捷和房产的升值,同时公交导向发展策略(TOD)也为北京市轨道交通建设沿线的土地利用模式带来新的思路。  相似文献   


Many families living in poverty rely on housing subsidies. Housing subsidies restrict the housing stock and neighborhood choices for families living in poverty. Fortunately neighborhood social cohesion can protect families from many of the deleterious consequences associated with living in a low-income neighborhood. This study uses panel data from the Annie E. Casey Foundation's Making Connections initiative to test the role of public housing types on perceptions of neighborhood social cohesion. The probability sample used in the study consists of 2,470 households living in low-income neighborhoods in ten cities in the United States. Results show that public housing residents, both housing choice voucher users and non-housing choice voucher users, on average, report lower neighborhood social cohesion than their non-public housing neighbors. Results also show that moving to a new neighborhood consistently predicts improved neighborhood social cohesion while moving to public housing predicts declines in perceived neighborhood social cohesion. Choice in where one lives seems to play an important and positive role in perceptions of neighborhood social cohesion. Based on these data, it is suggested that policy makers and housing providers prioritize choice in the development and delivery of public housing.  相似文献   

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