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The Life Events and Difficulties Schedule (LEDS) is considered the standard for measuring psychosocial stressor exposure, but it has not been used with academically at‐risk adolescents, including high school dropouts. The goal of this study was to (1) adapt the LEDS for use with this population, and (2) examine the reliability (interrater) and validity (concurrent and predictive) of this adaptation among a sample of vulnerable adolescents (N = 545). Good reliability coefficients (.79–.90) were obtained, and stressor exposure was associated with concurrent criteria indexing mental health outcomes (depression) and major risk factors for dropout (administratively recorded and self‐reported). Also, LEDS scores predicted dropout beyond these risk factors. The adapted LEDS appears useful for describing academically struggling adolescents’ stressor exposure.  相似文献   

This article describes the development and validation of a new measure, the Attitudes about Sadomasochism Scale (ASMS). Exploratory factor analysis with 213 participants yielded four subscales (Socially Wrong, Violence, Lack of Tolerance, and Real Life). Confirmatory factor analysis with a different sample (n = 258) indicated that this four-factor model fit the data well. Validation analyses using all 471 participants showed that the ASMS positively correlated with other measures of social and sexual conservatism (right-wing authoritarianism, attitudes about lesbians and gay men, sexual conservatism, rape myth acceptance). However, a multiple regression analysis showed that the majority of the variance in the ASMS was not explained by the four measures of conservatism, indicating that the ASMS measures a unique attitudinal construct. Further validation analyses revealed that participants who had prior knowledge about sadomasochism (SM), participants who have engaged in SM, and participants who knew a friend involved in SM all endorsed more positive attitudes on the ASMS. Thus, this study presents a reliable and valid measure of stereotypical and prejudicial attitudes about individuals involved in these nontraditional sexual practices.  相似文献   

Sexual contingent self-worth (CSW) refers to self-worth that is dependent on maintaining a sexual relationship, and has not been studied previously. This novel construct may have implications for sexual, relationship, and psychological well-being, because it could affect the cognitions, affect, and behaviors of individuals in sexual relationships. The purpose of this study was to develop the Sexual Contingent Self-Worth Scale and examine its reliability and validity in community samples. Two separate online studies (N = 329 and N = 282) included men and women who were in committed, sexually active relationships. The Sexual CSW Scale was adapted from a validated measure of relationship CSW. In Study 1, participants completed the Sexual CSW Scale, whereas in Study 2, participants also responded to standardized measures of related constructs. In addition, participants completed the Sexual CSW Scale again two weeks later in Study 2. Factor analysis yielded two subscales: (a) sexual CSW dependent on positive sexual events in the relationship and (b) sexual CSW dependent on negative sexual events. Results indicated good construct validity, incremental validity, internal consistency, and test-retest reliability for the Sexual CSW Scale. This research contributes to the fields of both CSW and sexuality by introducing a novel domain of CSW.  相似文献   


The Mosley Forensic Competency Scale (MFCS) is a 21-item true-false questionnaire intended for use as an assessment tool in forensic evaluations of competency to stand trial. Using a cutting scoreof 17 or higher asreflective ofcompetence, acomparison ofMFCS scoreswithforensicexaminer determinationsand court decisionspertain-ing to the competence of 75 prisoners found the new scale to possess excellent predictive validity. Suggestionsfor further validation studieson theMFCSareprovided.  相似文献   

Although sadness in children is a normal and transient experience, research has not investigated how children manage sadness. Understanding normative sadness management has important implications for helping children who exhibit maladaptive forms of emotional expression. The Children's Sadness Management Scale (CSMS) was developed to assess children's inhibition, dysregulated-expression, and coping with sadness experience and expression. Using multiple informants, reliability and validity were established based on a community sample of 227 fourth- and fifth-grade children's self-report, maternal report (N = 171), and peer ratings of behavior (N = 227). A three-factor solution was supported with strong internal consistency for the Inhibition scale and moderately strong internal consistency for the Emotion Regulation Coping and Dysregulated-Expression scales. Findings indicate that the CSMS provides a reliable and valid measure of normative sadness management.  相似文献   

The development and bicultural validation of the New Sexual Satisfaction Scale (NSSS)—a 20 item, multidimensional, composite measure of sexual satisfaction—is presented. The development of the scale was based on a five-dimension, conceptual model that emphasized the importance of multiple domains of sexual behavior including sexual sensations, sexual awareness and focus, sexual exchange, emotional closeness, and sexual activity. Scale construction and validation were carried out using seven independent samples with over 2,000 participants aged 18 to 55 in Croatia and the United States. Primary data collection was completed using online survey tools. Analyses did not confirm the proposed conceptual framework but suggested a two-dimensional structure focusing on self (“ego-centered”) and the other (a “partner- and sexual activity-centered” factor) domains, each containing items representing all five conceptual dimensions. Scale reliability (k = 20) was satisfactory for all samples, and construct validity was confirmed in both cultures. The NSSS was also found to have acceptable one-month stability. It is suggested that the NSSS may be a useful tool for assessing sexual satisfaction regardless of a person's gender, sexual orientation, and relationship status.  相似文献   


Objective: To develop and test a screening measure of mental health symptoms and well-being in college students, the Symptoms and Assets Screening Scale (SASS). Participants: Participants were 758 college students at 2 universities in the Northwest sampled between October 2009 and April 2011. Methods: Participants completed the SASS, as well as measures of depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, substance problems, and eating problems in 1 session. A subset of participants (n = 259) completed the SASS 1 to 2 weeks later to allow an examination of test–retest stability. Results: The SASS demonstrated good reliability and validity and appears to assess similar constructs as well-established measures in college students. Fifty-nine percent of the sample reported having problems with their thoughts, behaviors, or emotions, whereas only 9.7% reported currently receiving treatment. Conclusions: The SASS is a brief instrument that has the potential to effectively screen for the most prevalent mental health problems in college students.  相似文献   

This article reports on the development and psychometric properties of the Adolescent Sexual Expectancies Scale (ASEXS). Data were obtained from three annual longitudinal surveys of youth aged 10–17 at the first administration (N=932 at Wave 3). Confirmatory factor analyses indicated that 4 correlated factors corresponding to Social Risk, Social Benefit, Health Risk, and Pleasure adequately represented the expectancy items. High alpha coefficients and stability across survey waves indicated good internal and test–retest reliability for these factors. Latent variable autoregressive analyses indicated that Social Risk expectancies predicted changes in sexual behavior over the course of the study. Multigroup analyses established that the measurement and predictive models were equivalent for males and females and across age groups. The ASEXS provides researchers with a useful measure for examining adolescents' expectancy beliefs about the consequences of sexual behavior.  相似文献   


Objective: To develop an instrument that measures the social context of hookah use among college students. Participants: A pool of 50 potential items, based on 44 in-depth interviews with regular college hookah smokers, was administered to a sample of 274 hookah users between October and December 2011. Methods: Participants were approached in hookah bars and asked to complete the survey. Results: A principle components analysis revealed 3 reliable factors: social facilitation, family/cultural influence, and alternative to smoking cigarettes and drinking. These were examined across different categories of hookah use: Weekly hookah users were more likely to smoke in a context of social facilitation than the other 2 groups. Similar effects were observed for family/cultural influence. Asians were more likely to smoke in a context of family and cultural influence than non-Asians. Conclusions: This scale has potential for identifying situation-specific contexts of hookah use that may help in designing effective interventions for college students.  相似文献   


Sexual behaviors may be related to or influenced by a range of factors including individuals' attitudes toward women's genitals. To date, however, no reliable and valid measure exists with which researchers or clinicians can assess individuals' attitudes toward women's genitals. The purpose of this study was to develop a reliable and valid scale to measure attitudes toward women's genitals and to test its predictive capacity.

The process of developing the Attitudes Toward Women's Genitals Scale (ATWGS) was conducted in three phases: (1) elicitation, which involved a comprehensive literature review and surveys completed by 370 men and women; (2) development, review, and revision of an initial item pool; and (3) survey administration and psychometric analysis, which involved an initial survey administration to 604 men and women and a second administration, for the purposes of establishing temporal stability of the scale, to 16 individuals. The final ATWGS resulted in a 10-item scale that exhibited sufficient internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.848) and convergent validity, as it was correlated at 0.429 with the five-item Sexual Opinion Survey. The ATWGS also showed evidence of predictive capacity in that women's scale scores differed significantly based on their history of cunnilingus, gynecological care, vibrator use, and orgasm. For men, there were significant ATWGS score differences based on their experience with cunnilingus. Also, men scored significantly higher on the ATWGS than did women (p < .001), indicating more positive attitudes. The ATWGS was found to exhibit evidence of sufficient reliability, validity, and predictive capacity.  相似文献   

Sociological research on high school dropouts is largely concerned with who drops out of school and why. Research on the consequences of dropping out is less common. There are clear theoretical reasons to expect dropping out to have a direct and negative effect on life outcomes; however, empirically evaluating these theories is difficult because students who drop out are different from high school graduates in meaningful and complex ways. In this article, I first provide a brief review of sociological research on high school dropouts, emphasizing the demographics of dropouts and reasons for dropping out. I then discuss the possible role of human capital differences, signaling theory, and social closure in creating worse outcomes for high school dropouts and outline the empirical challenges to researching the effects of dropping out. I conclude by discussing avenues for future research and important unanswered questions about the consequences of dropping out.  相似文献   

This study reports the development of a measure of narcissism within the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) data set. In Study 1, items were selected from Wave III to form the Add Health Narcissism Scale (AHNS). These were factor analyzed, yielding a single factor comprised of five subscales. We correlated the AHNS and its subscales with constructs within Add Health known to be associated with narcissism. Finally, we used the scale to replicate the relationship between narcissism and violence. In Study 2, a separate sample completed the AHNS, as well as other measures, including the Narcissistic Personality Inventory. These studies confirmed that the AHNS is a valid measure for use in narcissism‐related studies employing the Add Health data.  相似文献   

Therapists have a responsibility to ascertain if psychological aggression, physical aggression, sexual aggression exist, and if there is fear of the partner. A fear of partner measure was evaluated in 100 couples who sought relationship feedback. Fear of partner's psychological, physical, and sexual aggression was related to actual reports of such behavior. For both men and women, fear of speaking in front of partner and fear of being in therapy with partner were related to reports of psychological aggression perpetrated by the partner, dominance, and isolation by the partner, and one's own marital dissatisfaction. Among respondents who were aggressed against, more men than women reported fear of participating in therapy with their partner. The measure herein can be used to determine the extent of fear of aggression by partners and to assist in the decision‐making about the appropriateness of marital therapy and divorce mediation.  相似文献   

The main goal of the study was to conduct a further validation of the QUALCARE Scale by documenting its criterion validity. More precisely, the study was designed to test the usefulness of the scale in identifying family-mediated elder mistreatment. Because the study used a French version of the scale, its inter-observer reliability, internal consistency, and construct validity were reexamined. Forty elder/caregiver dyads participated in the study. The elders were referred by professionals involved in their home care. The opinion of these professionals regarding the possible existence of a mistreatment situation within the family was used as the criterion against which the QUALCARE score was compared. The results suggest that a measure of quality of care is a valid indicator of the risk of mistreatment. However, the reproducibility of the scale proved to be insufficient. Its future use should therefore be preceded by more extensive training than that given in the present study.  相似文献   

Burgeoning research suggests that parents can reduce the risk of anxiety and depression in their adolescents and that parental self‐efficacy (PSE) may be related to parental risk and protective factors for these disorders. As there are currently no measures available to assess PSE in relation to parenting behaviors that may reduce adolescent risk for depression and anxiety, we developed and validated a measure of PSE, the Parental Self‐Efficacy Scale (PSES). Using a sample of 359 parents and 332 adolescents (aged 12–15), the PSES was found to have high reliability, confirmatory factor analysis supported its validity, and most of the hypothesized relationships between the PSES and other measures of parenting practices and adolescent depressive and anxiety symptoms were supported.  相似文献   

The Career‐Related Parent Support Scale (CRPSS; Turner, Alliman‐Brissett, Lapan, Udipi, & Ergun, 2003 ) was translated and modified to form the 24‐item Chinese version of the scale. As in the case of the original CRPSS, the Chinese version includes 4 subscales (Instrumental Assistance, Emotional Support, Verbal Encouragement, and Career‐Related Modeling). The Chinese version of the CRPSS was validated in this study with a sample of Hong Kong high school students (N= 677). Reliability analyses showed that the total scale and subscales were internally consistent. The results of the exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis suggested that the Chinese version of the CRPSS provided adequate indicators of Chinese adolescents’ perceptions of parent support for their career aspirations.  相似文献   

Applying the concept of maximizing—careful evaluation of options in pursuit of optimal goals—to career decisions, the authors developed the Career Maximizing Scale (CMS). The measure was administered to samples of working adults and university students across 3 studies. Factor analysis indicated that the measure is unidimensional and has favorable psychometric properties. Career maximizing was related to but distinct from general maximizing. Career maximizing was positively related to indicators of decision confidence (e.g., career decision‐making self‐efficacy) and positively related to desirable career outcomes (e.g., career satisfaction). Career maximizing was also modestly related to certain desirable academic outcomes (e.g., commitment to university major). Use of the CMS may facilitate effective career counseling.  相似文献   

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