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This article narrates the development of social work practice in Hong Kong during the last more than half a century. As in other British colonies, social work was first known as a profession in Hong Kong when Western international relief organizations established offices here after the end of World War II. While social work has always been seen as a Western introduction, both overseas and locally trained social workers in Hong Kong are conscious that they are practicing in a society with a strong tradition of Chinese culture and there is also a different view towards the concept of welfare. Other than examining how social workers in Hong Kong have adapted Western developed theories to the solution of local problems in a Chinese society, this article concludes with a discussion of the influence that social workers and social work educators in Hong Kong have made on the development of social work in mainland China.

本文叙述了半个多世纪前社会工作在香港的发展。 如同在其它英国殖民地一样, 当第二次世界大战结束后西方国际援助组织在香港成立办事处, 社会工作在香港才首度被视为一个专业。 社会工作通常被看作为由西方引进的产物, 在本地或海外受训的香港社会工作者均意识到他们在社区从事社会工作时, 有着强烈的中国文化传统, 同时对福利概念有着不同的观点。 除了研究香港社会工作者如何适用西方的成熟理论, 以解决在中国社会发生的本土问题外, 本文还讨论了香港社会工作者及社会工作教育工作者如何影响中国内地社会工作的发展。  相似文献   

Current thinking suggests that evidence‐based practice (EBP) is a key to unlocking the potential for social work development in mainland China. But Chinese social workers may be confronted by the challenges of EBP in using research evidence, exercising expert judgment, as well as considering client characteristics, as social work is a relatively new enterprise in China's unique social–economic–political context. There is little indigenous research evidence for Chinese social workers to refer to. There are few experienced social workers and researchers since social work practice, education and research were reinstated only in the late 1980s. Mainland Chinese may not be aware of what social workers can do and may prefer authority‐based practice. This paper aims to first review the definition of EBP, followed by a discussion of the challenges and opportunities in applying EBP to social work in China. It then highlights the usefulness of collaboration between academics, practitioners, and clients in implementing EBP. A recent research project on ex‐offenders and their family members in Singapore is used to illustrate the feasibility of collaboration between academia and the field.

当前的理论认为, 以证据为本的实践是一个解开中国大陆社会工作重新发展潜能的钥匙。 然而, 中国社会工作者在运用研究证据、行使专业判断及考虑服务使用者的特质时, 或许会遇到实证为本的挑战, 因为在中国独特的社会、经济及政治环境下, 社会工作是一个相对地新兴的专业, 没有太多本土化的研究证据可供中国社会工作者参考。 同时, 因为社会工作实践、教育及研究在1980年代末期才得以复苏, 也没有太多富有经验的社会工作者及研究人员。 中国内地民众或许未曾意识到社会工作者能够做什么, 宁可依据以权威为本的实践。 本文的主要目的首先是检视以证据为本的实践的定义, 然后讨论在中国应用以证据为本的实践的挑战及机遇。 文章突出了在引用以证据为本的实践时, 学术界、前线工作者及服务使用者相互合作的益处。 藉一项在新加坡进行的前刑事犯人及其家人的近期研究成果, 以说明学术界与社会工作界合作的可行性。  相似文献   


中国有2.8亿儿童,是世界上儿童最多的国家。中国是联合国《儿童权利公约》的缔约国和忠实践行国。改革开放以来,中国经济快速发展,政治和谐稳定,社会文明程度不断提高。与此同时,中国的儿童事业也取得了令人瞩目的成就。  相似文献   

经过多年努力, 2006年7月, 国家民政部、人事部联合发布了?社会工作者职业水平评价暂行规定?(以下简称?暂行规定?)和?助理社会工作师、社会工作师职业水平考试实施办法 ?(以下简称?考试办法?), 在全国层面首次建立了关于社会工作者的专门制度, 并把社会工作者纳入专业人员范畴, 进行职业水平、职业资格的评价. ?暂行规定?和?考试办法?的发布, 是中国内地社会工作人员专业化、职业化发展的一件大事. 下面将分三方面分析制度建设的具体情况. 甄炳亮为中华人民共和国民政部人事教育司教育科技处处长.   相似文献   

In response to growing rural–urban inequality, China is undertaking a series of policy initiatives to promote rural development. In addition to redistributive policy aiming at social protection, asset‐based policy, which integrates social protection and social investment, are a viable option for progressive rural development. In 1998, the Hutubi local government in Xinjiang, China, implemented an innovative retirement programme that allows account holders to use accounts as legal collateral to borrow small loans and invest in productive assets, education, and small businesses. Using the data gathered by the programme organizers and in‐depth interviews with programme participants, this case study closely examines the Hutubi programme. We examine the programme's key features, which have effectively encouraged asset building in a rural community, and identify the programme's strengths and weaknesses. The success of the Hutubi programme has implications for asset‐based policy development in rural China.

为了回应城乡日益扩大的不平等, 中国现正实施一系列新政策以鼓励农村发展。 除了以社会保护为目的的再分配政策外, 资产为本的政策综合了社会保护和社会投资, 是推进农村进步性发展的可行选择。 1998年, 中国新疆呼图壁地区政府实施了崭新的养老计划, 容许户口持有人利用保险户口作为法律担保, 借出小额贷款及投资在具有效益的资产、教育及小型企业上。

透过项目组织者所收集的数据, 以及与参与者进行的深入访谈, 本研究个案将详细剖析呼图壁项目。 我们检视了项目的主要特征, 这些特征有效地促成了农村社区资产的建立。 我们还分析了项目的优缺点。 呼图壁项目的成功对中国农村实行资产为本的政策发展有着深远的启示。  相似文献   

江苏省张家港市东山村崧泽文化早中期大墓的发现, 证明长江下游在距今 五千七、八百年以前已存在明显的社会分化, 初级王权已经产生, 社会已进入“古 国” 1 1 “古国” (guguo), a concept put forward by Su Bingqi, literally means “ancient state.” This literal translation is adopted in this paper. However, the author believes that in Su’s theory, guguo is roughly equivalent to “chiefdom” in the West. 阶段。在中国古代文明演进过程中, 率先开始社会重大转型的不是黄河中游的 中原地区, 也不是以古长城地带为中心的北方地区, 而是崧泽文化所在的长江下游地 区。该遗址的发现还表明, 在文明化进程中, 中国古代最早出现的 “古国” 的性质和 表现形式并不完全一样, 有的是神权至上, 有的是王权至上, 从而导致其发展方向和 发展前途的不同。

关键词: 崧泽文化 社会分化 王权

The discovery of large burial sites belonging to the early and middle stages of Songze Culture at Dongshan Village, Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu Province, shows that distinct social polarization had already emerged in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River 5,700 or 5,800 years ago, when the initial stage of kingly power had taken shape and society had entered the stage of the “ancient states.” In the course of the evolution of ancient Chinese civilization, this area—rather than the Central Plains in the middle reaches of the Yellow River or the northern area centered around the ancient Great Wall—was the first to experience significant social transformation. This discovery also indicates that when the “ancient states” first appeared, they varied in form and character: some took the form of theocracies while others were dominated by kingly power. These differences meant that they developed in different directions and had different outcomes.  相似文献   

与古代希腊、罗马及日耳曼不同, 中国古代国家起源走的是一条构建和谐的道 路, 即没有打碎氏族制度, 而是在普遍存在的氏族组织的基础上滥觞国家的萌芽, 国 家与氏族长期并存而使早期国家完善与发展。氏族制度的长期存在和发展, 这一古代 中国独具特色的社会结构是和谐构建之路的深厚社会基础。古代中国早期国家构建过 程中, 十分关注各个氏族、部落的情、义、利、患等问题。这种关注与社会实践成为 构建和谐的基石, 也是那个时代的领导者成功的标识。直到古代中国早期国家成熟 时, 还能够看到构建和谐理念的痕迹。

关键词: 早期国家 氏族制度 礼制 和谐

Unlike the ancient Greek, Roman and German states, ancient Chinese states took a path of harmonious construction which did not involve abolition of the clan system. It was on the basis of the existing clan organization that the first shoots of the state sprouted, and the state and the clans underwent a long coexistence which allowed the early state to develop and be perfected. The unique social structure of ancient China—the long existence and development of the clan system—was the underlying social foundation for harmonious construction. The early Chinese states were much concerned with the feelings, opinions about right and wrong, advantages and calamities of the clans and tribes. This concern and social practice was the foundation stone for harmonious construction, as well as the benchmark for success for the leaders of the time. Traces of the idea of harmonious construction are apparent up to the full development of the early state in ancient China.  相似文献   

现代中国佛教抗战文学是非常时代里出现的具有特殊意义的文学史现象。这种文 学在主题表达上,将现代佛徒的国民意识与传统佛教的菩萨行精神相结合;在个体的 生命体验上,因应时代对佛学观念进行自觉、现代性的创造发挥;在社会角色的身份 认同上,以艺术方式自觉、主动呼应战时国家的文化战略;在艺术生产方式上,有力 推动作者结构的大众化与表现方式的现代化。这些新质素与趋势为学界全面、深入认 识和评估中国抗战文学对民族抗战的作用与贡献,提供了一个不可忽视的角度。  相似文献   

“中国价值观” 是相对于 “美国价值观” , “亚洲价值观” , “华盛顿共识” 等 而言的, 是中国社会价值体系长期发展演变的结果, 是当代中国价值复杂性的观念表 现和理论提升。在历史与时代, 中国与世界的多维背景中分析中国当前复杂价值状况 的历史生成, 演进逻辑, 多元构架, 深层原因与内在依据,透视西方几百年现代化进 程中的历时性矛盾在当代中国的共时性并存, 我们主张以复杂性的思维与方法来看待 当前中国的复杂价值现实和价值观念, 在多重线索汇聚和多元变化整合的动态过程中 积极守护 “中国利益” , 合理履行 “中国责任” , 自觉探寻 “中国道路” , 清醒回应 “中国期盼” , 自觉化解 “中国难题” , 恰当彰显 “中国信心” , 更好地发挥出哲学 社会科学在解读与引领社会发展的积极功能。

关键词: 中国价值观 多元价值 核心价值 复杂性思维

“Chinese values” is a concept defined in relation to “American values,” “Asian values” and the “Washington Consensus.” It is a product of the long-term development and evol ut ion of Chi nese soci et y’s val ue syst em and const it ute s the c onc ept ua l representation and theoretical enhancement of the complexity of current Chinese values. We analyze the historical formation, evolutionary logic, pluralistic framework, underlying reasons, and inner grounds of present day China’s complex values in a multi- dimensional context that involves history and the present as well as China and the world, looking at the synchronous coexistence in modern China of diachronic conflicts that unfolded over several hundred years in the course of Western modernization. Our contention is that present day China’s complex value reality and value concepts should be approached by using complex ideas and techniques. In the dynamic process of integrating manifold clues and multiple changes, we will vigorously safeguard “Chinese interests,” reasonably fulfill “China’s responsibilities,” consciously seek a “Chinese path,” soberly respond to “expectations of China,” consciously break down “China’s problems” and appropriately demonstrate “China’s confidence,” in order to better perform the positive function of philosophy and social sciences in interpreting and guiding the development of society.  相似文献   

作为“权利”的学术话语权,主要有创造更新权、意义赋予权、学术自主权等类 型;作为“权力”的学术话语权,主要有指引导向权、鉴定评判权、行动支配权等类 型。这些也体现在中国社会学百余年的发展历程中。在中国社会学初创阶段,严复等 人在社会学本土化和学术话语创新方面进行了尝试。费孝通经历了中国社会学前期发 展阶段近20年及后期56年全过程,其学术历程对于中国社会学发展史具有典型意义。 在理论自觉基础上努力达致学术话语权的制高点,是中国社会学从世界学术格局边陲 走向中心的一条必由之路。

关键词: 学术话语权 中国社会学 理论自觉 学术话语

As a kind of right (quanli 权利), academic discourse rights include the right to create and innovate, to endow with meaning and to academic autonomy. As a kind of power (quanli 权力), it refers to the power to guide, judge, control and so on. These rights and powers have been pursued as Chinese sociology developed for over a century. At the inception of sociology in China, Yan Fu and other scholars experimented with localizing sociology and innovating academic discourse. Fei Xiaotong’s life covered nearly 20 years of Chinese sociology’s early development and another 56 years of its later development; his academic journey epitomizes the historical development of Chinese sociology. The only way for Chinese sociology to move from the periphery of world academia into the center is to endeavor, on the basis of theoretical self-consciousness, to seize the commanding heights of academic discourse rights.  相似文献   

We explore the potential for rural and urban community needs assessment research in China, particularly in response to increasing rural to urban internal migration. Models for migration and community development are presented. We identify various methods that can inform social development planning, intervention, and evaluation. A collaborative community development field school in Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region was conducted with US and Chinese students and faculty. Plans for, and initial results of, a qualitative rural needs assessment are described. A semi‐structured urban resident needs assessment survey and the results of a small pilot study are presented. Challenges of international collaboration and implications and suggestions are reviewed.

本文探索了在中国农村和城市社区进行需求评估研究的潜力,特别是在回应不断增加的城乡人口流动。作者描述了各种移民和社会发展模式,并确定了几项可用于社会发展规划,干预和评估的方法。作者在广西壮族自治区建立了一所由美国和中国的学生和教员合作的社会发展田野考察学校,并描述了计划的内容和初步结果。作者在文中描述了一个评估城市居民需求的半组织性调查和一个小型试验研究的结果,并探讨国际合作所面对的挑战,影响和建议。  相似文献   

通过对马克思有关社会形态演进的四次论说的考察, 证明他的社会形态理论的核 心内容在于既肯定各民族社会形态从低级向高级发展规律的共同性, 又肯定他们发展 道路的多样性。他在19世纪晚期提出现代化后进国家可能不经过资本主义而建立社会 主义社会的理论设想, 是马克思社会形态理论的重大发展。中国共产党人提出的社会 主义初级阶段理论和建设有中国特色的社会主义理论, 是马克思主义社会形态理论的 最新发展。

关键词: 社会形态演进规律 “人类学笔记” “历史学笔记” 历史哲学

An examination of Marx’s exposition of the evolution of social formations on four occasions shows that the core content of his social formation theory consists in its affirmation of both the universality of the law of the development of social formations from lower to higher stages in different nations and the diversity of their developmental paths. The theoretical assumptions he put forward in the late 19th century about the possibility of late-developing modernizers being able to establish a socialist society without passing through the stage of capitalism represent a major development of his theory of social formations. The theory of the primary stage of socialism and the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics advanced by the Chinese Communists are the latest development of Marx’s theory of social formations.  相似文献   

观察国际和外交问题的视角与观念变化,是中华人民共和国外交史研究中尚需探讨和梳理的课题。在新中国成立后的前30年,中国外交深受在革命过程中形成的外交观念的影响。其基本诉求是建立新型外交关系,核心观念是独立自主与和平,外交政策的基石是和平共处五项原则;此外,国际统一战线策略,对现实世界的战略划分,以及对战争、和平与革命的思考亦对这一时期的外交政策具有重大影响。自20世纪70年代末实行改革开放以来,中国外交转以发展为视角,配合国家经济建设这一中心任务,做出一系列战略和政策调整。中国对国际形势作出和平与发展的新判断,对独立自主的和平外交政策作了新诠释,致力于建立均衡的对外关系,主张以渐进方式推动国际秩序的改进,决心走和平发展道路。中国由此成为现存国际秩序的参与者和建设者。进入21世纪,中国成为令世界瞩目的新兴大国,外交观念也在继承以往的基础上与时俱进。中国强调当代世界是命运共同体,谋求与各国的合作、共赢  相似文献   

从1963年12月12日到1964年1月23日,中法外交代表在瑞士首都伯尔尼进行了 四次会谈,最终达成了中法建交协议。中方对伯尔尼会谈的基本态度是’速决为 宜?,为此在宣布建交方式、建交公报内容、发表公报时间等问题上对法国作了一 定的让步,但仍坚持至少在中国的单独声明中宣布中华人民共和国为代表中国人民 的唯一合法政府、台湾是中国领土一部分等原则立场。中国采取’速决为宜?的方 针,一方面是由于发展对法关系的必要性,另一方面也是中国高层估计中法建交是 可能的。但伯尔尼会谈并未解决所有问题,其中法台关系问题将成为中法发展正常 关系的障碍之一。  相似文献   

中国社会心理学在面对急速的社会变迁中,需要以变迁与文化的视角来选择研究 问题,而中国社会文化中群己关系的社会心理机制,即“我们”概念的形成机制及其 转换的可能与条件,正是一个体现着双重视角的基本问题。对这一问题的探讨不仅有 助于解释社会凝聚力、群体行动的逻辑,讨论国家与个人、社会与个人、类别与个人 的关系;也有助于培植社会转型时期的社会心理资源和社会支持系统,从而促进社会 合作。与以往单一机制的分析框架不同,通过对两个个案的讨论,研究提出了一个 新的分析框架,即:中国人“我们”概念是在社会情境的启动和价值取向等因素影响之 下,经由相互交织的“关系化”与“类别化”双重过程形成的。

关键词: “我们”?概念?群己关系?关系?关系化?类别化

Faced with rapid social transformation, the discipline of social psychology in China needs to choose its research topics from the perspective of both change and culture. A basic issue reflecting precisely these two perspectives is that of the formation of the social psychology mechanism of individual‐group relations, namely the formation of the concept of “us” in Chinese society and culture, as well as the possibility and conditions for the transformation of this mechanism. Exploring this issue will not only help us to understand social cohesion and the logic of group behavior and to discuss the relationship between the state and the individual, society and the individual, and the category and the individual; it will also help cultivate social psychology resources and support systems at a time of social transition, and thus promote social cooperation.. Unlike previous analytical studies that focused on a unitary mechanism, this study uses the discussion of two cases to put forward a new framework for analysis: that is, the Chinese concept of “us” comes into being through the mingling of “guanxilization” and “categorization” under the influence of social context priming, value orientation and other factors.  相似文献   

近代中国世界史研究的萌生, 始于19世纪中叶, 这和中国“救亡图存” 的时代主题联系在一起。中国世界史研究的特点是与时代的脉搏同时跳动, 在各个历史时期, 它研究方向的主流, 从不曾脱离时代的主题, 表现出一种强烈的社会责任。在改革开放新的历史条件下, 中国世界史研究的社会责任, 从根本上要在坚持为人民服 务、为社会主义服务的方向上体现出来。

关键词: 中国世界史研究 中国史学 中国社会科学

Modern Chinese study of world history began in the middle of the nineteenth century and was closely related to the main theme of the times, that of saving the nation from subjugation and ensuring its survival. Its chief feature was that it was attuned to the pulse of the times; in all historical periods, the main current of its research has never deviated from the main theme of the times, showing a strong sense of responsibility to society. Under the new historical conditions of reform and opening up, this sense of social responsibility should be reflected in fundamental adherence to the direction of serving the people and socialism.  相似文献   

“文化反哺”是理解处在急速变迁时代中国社会代际关系的一个本土性概念, 它 在由全球化和社会转型所共同引发的变迁维度上理解中国社会代际关系的颠覆或倒置 现象, 将急速变迁时代所发生的年长一代向年轻一代进行广泛的文化吸收现象视为新 的文化传承模式。在新兴食品、移动电话和电子计算机三类现代器物的传播与选择过 程中, 突出表现出代际倾斜、去中心化和数字鸿沟趋势, 而在器物文明传承过程中 出现的这种代际颠覆现象, 是30年改革开放或社会变迁带给中国人的心理体验的一部 分, 它在精神层面上赋予中国经验以完整的价值和意义。

关键词: 文化反哺 器物文明 代际传承 中国体验

“Cultural feedback” (wenhua fanbu, literally “cultural reverse feeding”), an indigenous concept coined to facilitate the understanding of intergenerational relations in China’s drastically changing society, focuses on the subversion or reversal of conventional intergenerational relations in the light of changes triggered jointly by globalization and social transformation and views the extensive absorption of emerging cultural elements by the older generation from the young generation as a new mode of transmission. The process of the dissemination and selection of three kinds of modern artifacts—new foods, cell phones and computers—highlights the intergenerational tilt, the phenomenon of decentralization and the trend towards a digital divide. The subversion of conventional intergenerational relations in the process of the transmission of artifact civilization, as a significant part of Chinese psychological reactions to over three decades of reform and opening up, is indispensable to the psychological integrity of Chinese experience.  相似文献   

不断扩大的地区间差异困扰着中国发展, 并成为社会稳定的重要隐患。为了缓解 地区间差距可能引发的各种矛盾 ,中国政府在1994年分税体制改革之后确立了具有集 权倾向的财政收入垂直分配关系。通过财政资金的大规模双向流动, 这种财政收入垂 直分配关系促进了财政资金的跨区域配置和财政能力的地区间均等。但作为分权体制 的重要制度安排, 其在均衡地区间经济增长方面的作用却很有限, 主要表现为大规模 收入集中对经济发达地区的增长抑制。财政收入垂直分配关系的这些影响与地方财政 非税收入依赖程度以及中央专项补助水平存在明显交互作用, 前者显著弱化了财政收 入过度集中的不利增长效应, 后者却显著弱化了中央补助的增长激励。

关键词: 财政收入 集权倾向 均衡增长

Widening interregional disparity is an obstacle to China’s development and a serious latent threat to social stability. To alleviate conflicts that may arise from this disparity, the Chinese government established centrally-oriented vertical distribution of fiscal revenue following the 1994 tax-sharing reform. Through massive two-way funding flows, this vertical distribution has promoted the allocation of financial resources and equalization of fiscal capacity across regions. However, as an important institutional arrangement in decentralization, it has played a limited role in balancing interregional economic growth. This is mainly evident in the growth constraint on economically developed regions under large-scale revenue centralization. The effect of the vertical distribution of fiscal revenue clearly interacts with local reliance on non-tax revenue and the level of earmarked grant from the central government, with the former significantly weakening the anti-growth effect of excessive centralization of fiscal revenue and the latter markedly reducing the growth incentive of central government subsidies.  相似文献   

全球正在进入具有高度不确定性的”风险社会”时代,风险成为现代社会的重要 特征,并正在改变现代社会的运行逻辑与规则,人类社会的价值理念、行为方式正在 被系统化地重构,全球治理演变为”全球风险社会”治理。当前,全球风险治理的碎 片化、低效率现象严重,现有公共管理、国际治理方式还不能适应风险社会治理的要 求。现代社会是一个具有内生复杂性、测不准性、脆弱性等特征的复杂系统,复杂性 是全球风险社会形成的根本机理,全球风险社会治理离不开复杂性范式与中国参与。 系统研究全球风险社会形成的复杂性机制,构建面向全球风险社会治理的价值、文化 与机制,形成辨识、化解风险的协同治理及反脆弱能力,在理论和实践上具有重要的 价值。  相似文献   

This article discusses social work practice with a group of Chinese‐speaking immigrant elders in New York City who favour the use of traditional affective lexicons that communicate distress in oblique, metaphorical and somatic forms. It examines the therapeutic values of the social workers' indigenous responses, as shaped by their intuitive understanding of the latent emotional content of communication within the cultural context. The discussion affirms the importance of the emotional connection between worker and client, invariably shaped by language, cultural norms, and individual proclivity, as the universal substrate of cross‐cultural social work practice.

本文讨论关于针对一群移居纽约市但仍然喜欢以传统中文词汇, 隐喻等沟通的华语长者的社会工作实务。本文也探索了社会工作者的本土反应包括:通过理解语言背后的文化脉络, 从而认识当事人的潜在情绪等在治疗学上的价值。本文申明了社会工作者与当事人之间情感联系的重要性, 而这种联系往往是由跨文化社会工作底下的语言和文化规范等塑造而成的。  相似文献   

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