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全球化时代之现代性与文化认同   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先梳理了"全球化"的历史阶段和概念,在基本界定了"现代性"、"文化认同"的内涵基础上,分别论述了"全球化"与"现代性"、"全球化"与"文化认同"以及"现代性"与"文化认同"之间的关系并鲜明地提出自己的观点.  相似文献   

桂榕 《回族研究》2011,(2):100-105
全球化是认同问题不可回避的当下背景。当下回族的国家认同表现出宗教、族群、国家交融的情境性与多元化的现代性特点。作为个体的回族,表现出信徒与国家公民双重身份叠合的现代性认同;作为族群的回族,表现出凝聚与疏离的现代性认同。在这种时代背景下,伊斯兰教认同与乌玛家园作为回族的理想图景,与民间社会不断通过伊斯兰文化再生产来调适国...  相似文献   

现代性不断嵌入到边缘地带,将孤立封闭的地方社会纳入外部社会体系之中,改造着传统的习俗、生活方式和价值观念.作为现代性的承担者,民族教育在传统与现代、进步与落后、中心与边缘、经济与文化、同一与差异之间,面临着内在的矛盾.因而,需要在教育空间编织现代性与地方性的关系,从国家、地方与个人三个层面推进多元文化教育.  相似文献   

意大利马力罗 《民族学刊》2014,5(5):11-16,96-102
Tambor de Mina 是盛行于马拉尼昂(巴西北部的一个州)的一个融非洲宗教、天主教以及当地元素于一体的传统宗教。文中所述内容,在有关非裔巴西宗教的著作中很少被提及。文章基于作者在吉马良斯(马拉尼昂州的一个村子)进行的长期访谈,记载了当地一位米内罗( mineiro )所说的话。作者遵循“民族志应当反映当地人的观点”的基本原则,通过编辑、选择和再组织受访者讲话的方式,展示了人类学家在话语选择和权威建立方面所应扮演的角色,从而对民族志及民族志写作中的主观性和虚构性进行反思。  相似文献   

宗教既具有政治意识形态特征,也具有一定的社会文化特性。政治意识形态特征体现宗教的政治性,社会文化特性体现了宗教的社会性。从政教关系维度的政教分离与政教合一以及国家治理方式维度的人治与法治两大类别,将宗教事务治理模式进行2×2矩阵划分为四种基本模式:君权神授型、神权法治型、君权天授型与现代法治型。依据这一理想类型划分,结合历史与现实,初步勾勒了宗教事务治理模式演化的基本路径。推动和实现宗教治理现代化,应坚持推进宗教治理的世俗化导向与治理方式的法治化。  相似文献   

金钱、权力与文化:节日现代性的建构与解构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国社会的现代化转型使传统节日文化进入现代性的建构历程之中,节日时空的脱域化、节日内涵的时代化、节日体系的碎片化和节日属性的异化引发了人们对节日现代性及其金钱、权力运行机制的反抗.人们通过文化乡愁的排遣、传统节日保护主义的实践来解构节日现代性的异化和束缚,在重塑生活世界的努力中逐渐实现节日文化对精神需求的满足.  相似文献   

提出了"社会互构论"--一种用世界眼光对当代中国社会转型期个人与社会的关系进行刻画和阐释的社会学理论系统.分析了西方建构主义思潮的启示作用和基本缺陷,表明了社会互构论自身的特点,并对社会互构论的内容作了简要的介绍.  相似文献   

<正>当代宗教必须面对的基本处境有两个方面,一是如何因应现代性提出的挑战;二是如何面对其他宗教的存在与挑战。随着后现代主义的出现,现代性对各大宗教的挑战的力度大为削弱,但在制度设计和理念倡导等方面仍对各大宗教构成持续的压力。而随着全球化程度的加深,宗教多样性出现在  相似文献   

全球化和地区民族主义:双向运动的内在联系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从全球化和欧洲一体化的角度分析和探讨了地区民族主义的兴起及其表现与特征、地区民族主义的历史渊源、地区民族主义与全球化进程之间的内在联系 ,以及地区民族主义和国家政治变革的关系。文章指出 ,全球化和一体化带来的进入世界市场的新机遇以及对传统民族国家主权的侵蚀 ,为地区民族主义的复兴提供了新的空间。诉求在一个新的全球化世界的认同和地位的地区民族主义 ,不仅在事实上促进了国家内部政治体制的变革 ,并且说明随着全球化的深入 ,民族主义运动的内容、形式和空间范围都发生变化 ,这些变化已经并且还将对国际和国内两个层面的政治理论和政治实践发生深刻持久的影响。  相似文献   

全球化及带来的流动社会催生了边疆人类学的诞生,开创了边疆研究的新途径.边疆人类学无论研究视角还是研究内容,都提供了新思维与新知识,多角度、全方位地拓展了边疆研究,形成了人类学视野下与众不同、斑斓多彩的边疆观,继而彰显了自身独特的学科性质和研究取向.从人类学视角出发,由边疆看世界,梳理全球化时代的边疆观形成过程,既能够理解流动社会中"边疆"这一概念发展的历史进程和内涵演变,也有助于全面认识边疆问题的时代特征以及相应的治理安排.  相似文献   

This article examines two marriages: one between Kenya's 60-year-old Vice-President, Michael Wamalwa Kijana and 34-year-old Yvonne Nambia and the other between 67-year-old Wambui Otieno, an ex-Mau Mau scout, widow, gender activist and outspoken politician, and 25-year-old Peter Mbugua, a stonemason. Wambui's marriage generated a heated debate both in the country and the Kenyan diasporas. An examination of the public debate and responses that attended the two marriages is suggestive of circulating attitudes towards gender, sex and power in contemporary Kenya. This paper suggests that the response to Wambui's marriage to Mbugua can be understood within a framework of a set of assumptions, values and social truths that form the conventional codes of popular morality in contemporary Kenya.  相似文献   

土库曼斯坦南部的定居村落是整个中亚地区青铜器时代文化高度发达的中心.这里的丧葬仪式和祭祀建筑独具特色,且具有神秘色彩.研究中亚的祭祀建筑、丧葬形式、崇拜仪式,有助于我们了解当时人们的生活方式和宗教文化、风俗习惯及礼仪等方面的情况,弄清后来宗教体系的源泉.  相似文献   


Using ethnographic research in Norway and in Poland, this article focuses on the dynamics of multiple belongings of Polish migrants. It explores their experiences of belonging in relation to social class, gendered identities, and their different strategies of transnational mobility between Poland and Norway. By approaching belonging ‘from below’, we posit that it is a dynamic, processual, and socially and culturally constructed attachment to places, times, and communities, which includes experiential, practical, and affective dimensions. Considering the importance of questions of belonging and home-making in migrants’ lives, always contextually produced and read through performative reiterations, we focus on migrants’ daily routines and migratory practices, and argue that belonging is a multifaceted process, which takes on diverse forms and meanings of ‘who’ belongs to ‘what’, ‘where’ and ‘when’. Following intersectional perspective, the article aims at problematizing dependencies between mobility, gender, class, and migrants’ multiple belongings, and thereby, enhancing the understanding of the notion of belonging and its embeddedness in the inter-related social, cultural, economic, and political realms.  相似文献   

利用一份较大样本数据调查了几个供养因素和目前中国老年人对生活感觉之间的关系.分析模式包括家庭供养和国家供养因素,目的在于识别和比较各类因素分别对居住在农村和城市的中国老年人生活的影响.  相似文献   

本文论述了民族文化和国家共同文化的内涵,分析了两者的关系,对民族文化如何影响国家、国民认同进行了深刻的分析.  相似文献   

Two irremovable axes of national identity, race and gender are still pivotal parameters in contemporary attempts to redefine the existing boundaries of Italianness. While cultural identity is not strictly limited to notions of gender and race, I argue for the centrality of these two concepts in the Italian context. Indeed, more than class or religion, television adopts the lens of race and gender to visually codify the essence of national identity and promote unambiguous images of Italianness. In this paper, I will first summarize recent trends of immigration to Italy, which have turned the country from a land of emigrants to one of immigrants. This directional shift has coincided with a (patent or veiled) need to rephrase the limits of identity and belongingness. The second section of this essay focuses on some specific television programs that question the relationship between race and Italian identity. Here, attention will shift towards the insistent focus on the issue of colour to connote diversity. Decoding these programs in light of postmodernist understandings of race and nationalism will better assess their role in the Italian mediascape. In September 1996, Italian public television broadcast the election of the first black Miss Italy in the country's history. Denny Mendez, the controversial beauty queen, was an 18-year-old of Dominican origins at the time of the election. Mendez was a naturalized Italian who had moved to Italy in the early 1990s when her mother married an Italian citizen. Besides the age requirement, Italian citizenship is the only necessary prerequisite for all the contenders. Clearly, the official rules of the national beauty pageant do not emphasize the need for a particular skin colour, facial features, or command of the Italian language. As proven in 1996, the vagueness of the terms of participation leaves ample ground for unexpected endings, particularly at the end of the twentieth century when Italy, like much of Western Europe, could no longer eschew the ubiquitous presence of ethnically different citizens.  相似文献   

Under the current reign of neoliberalism, the US has entered a New Gilded Age, more savage and anti-democratic than its predecessor. The current form of market fundamentalism demands a new set of conceptual and analytical tools that engage neoliberalism not only through an economic optic but also as a mode of rationality, governmentality, and public pedagogy. The essay develops a biopolitics of neoliberalism, exploring how it uses market values as a template for realigning corporate power and the state, but also how it produces modes of consent vital to the construction of a neoliberal subject and a more ruthless politics of disposability. Within this new form of neoliberal rationality and biopolitics – a political system actively involved in the management of the politics of life and death – new modes of individual and collective suffering emerge around the modalities and intersection of race and class.  相似文献   

全球网络时代的大众传媒与民族认同   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大众传媒在促进民族认同的同时,也为一些极端民族主义思想传播提供了途径,对国家统一和民族团结造成了不利影响.网络时代,信息的传播更加快捷,大众传媒对民族认同的影响日益深刻.因此,亟需采取措施,充分发挥大众传媒在民族认同中的积极作用,促进民族认同与国家认同的统一,促进各民族共同繁荣和发展.  相似文献   

李振中 《回族研究》2002,8(4):79-87
伊本·路西德是中世纪阿拉伯著名思想家、哲学家,他在继承古希腊哲学家及穆斯林哲学家如伊本·西那等人的思想和学说基础上,对各类哲学问题都提出了自己的看法和理论,成为阿拉伯哲学的集大成者。他的学说和理论,如关于哲学和宗教的“双重真理”,被欧洲的基督教哲学家接受,成为摆脱教皇束缚和精神枷锁的思想武器。可以说,路西德的学说和思想在世界人类思想和哲学发展进程中,起到了承上启下的作用。  相似文献   

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