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近年来,高校教育逐渐成为人们讨论的热点话题之一,本文通过对比中美高校科研现状,从投入与产出角度着眼,对中国高校科研提出相关建议。 相似文献
适应性供应链的复杂网络模型研究 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
面对经济全球化、顾客需求的多样化和众多不确定性因素,传统的供应链必须向适应性供应链转变。适应性供应链已经开始引起企业和学术界的关注。本文探讨了适应性供应链的概念,指出学习是提高供应链适应能力的一个重要途径,并提出了适应性供应链的一个初步模型框架。然后建立了供应链的复杂网络演化模型,导出了其基本统计规律,最后给出了仿真结果。研究对于探讨供应链的复杂动态演化规律具有一定意义。 相似文献
基于SNA的中国管理科学科研合作网络分析——以《管理评论》(2004-2008)为样本 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在我国管理科学领域,学者间的合作是一个非常普遍的现象。本文基于SNA(Social network analysis,社会网络分析)方法,以《管理评论》2004-2008年间的作者合作关系为样本,对我国管理科学合作网络的结构、特征和竞争力等问题进行了深入研究。研究发现,我国管理科学合作网络整体联系稀疏,呈现无标度网络特征,少数学者对于整个网络结构的形成起到了重要的作用。主要有基地型、团队型和师生型三种类型的子网络,其中基地型合作网络是我国管理科学研究的主力。学者的竞争力同他在子网络内部的学术地位密切相关。 相似文献
从复杂供应链网络的视角出发,以供应链网络内各节点中小企业为研究对象,依照资源-结构-行为-绩效的思路,揭示供应链网络内中小企业积累的关系资本对提升其供应链融资获取频率的作用机制,并通过构建多群组SEM模型,验证供应链复杂性的潜在调节效应。结果显示:(1)中小企业积累的关系资本对供应链融资频率的提升有显著的促进作用;(2)对比关系资本-供应链设计-供应链融资与关系资本-供应链整合-供应链融资的拟合结果发现,两个特定变量的中介效应具有显著差异,且以供应链设计、整合为连续中介变量的多重链式中介效应模型成立;(3)供应链复杂性显著调节中小企业关系资本对供应链融资的转化机制链条,供应链复杂性越高,节点中小企业获取供应链融资更依赖关系资本-供应链设计-供应链整合-供应链融资的多重链式传导机制传导。这意味着,在复杂供应链网络当中,中小企业一方面需要提升自身关系资本积累,另一方面更要加强其在网络当中的位置优化,提升供应链整合水平,为获取更多供应链融资打下坚实基础。 相似文献
复杂产品协同制造网络是一个由多个供应商主体组成的具有交互关系的复杂网络。协同制造网络中的每个供应商在自身运作模式的基础上与其他企业协同,进行资源、信息和技术的交互,从而共同完成复杂产品的制造。本文依据复杂网络理论,分析了复杂产品各级供应商主体的特点及其相互之间的业务关系,构建了复杂产品协同制造网络。 相似文献
供应链合作协商最基本的内容是关于交货期、质量、价格、数量4项指标的协商.运用效用理论将这4项互相影响的指标进行归-化处理,进而论述了供应链合作协商过程,提出了协商实现的准则、策略以及步骤,并进行实例分析.为供应链合作关系的建立提供一定的参考价值. 相似文献
鉴于产学研创新主体自由合作的交互关联,从角色和地域多网络视角,构建了随机交互网络连通生成函数模型。以京津冀生物医药产学研合作创新网络拓扑分析为基础,实证检验了模型有效性,并结合仿真比较分析了产学研合作创新网络连通机制与效果。研究表明:京津冀生物医药产学研合作创新网络的地域子网连通阈值低于角色子网连通阈值;高校、研究机构的知识原发和中介角色特点对于产学研合作创新网络连通具有突出的支撑作用,远高于企业间合作对网络连通的贡献;塔式效应是支撑跨域产学研合作创新网络连通性的重要因素;保护中等度数创新主体的策略能够有效抵御合作失灵风险,且连接概率大于65%时随机交互连通效果最佳。本文研究对于区域产学研合作创新管理、连通状态下创新结构调整,以及动态监控产学研合作创新网络健壮性具有重要启示。 相似文献
面对复杂的社会经济发展形势,我国提出加快形成以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局。基于世界投入产出模型,本文提出以中国经济对本国最终需求依存度和对国外最终需求依存度衡量中国参与国内循环、国际循环的相对程度;并从整体、分最终需求、分部门等角度定量分析了我国参与国内国际循环程度的变化趋势。结果发现,加入WTO后,我国经济参与国际循环的程度明显提升,2006年达到峰值,2007年后,我国经济国际循环参与程度开始下降。分不同最终需求看,我国经济在国际循环中的需求结构保持稳定,对国内投资的依存度持续上升,对国内消费的依存度先下降后缓慢上升。分部门看,不同产业参与国内循环、国际循环的程度及变化趋势具有异质性。 相似文献
国际论文与国内论文合一统计方法研究 总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24
论述了期刊影响因子与期刊的有用性、显示度、论文质量的关系以及学科间影响因子不平衡分布的问题;以期刊影响因子为评价依据,用布拉德福区域分析法对SCI和CSCD的来源期刊进行等级区域的划分;用等级区域平均影响因子的倍差作为各个区域的权重,并赋以分值;用国际论文与国内论文合一统计方法进行了评价实验,排列出得分最高的前10名高等院校和科研院所. 相似文献
《The Academy of Management Annals.》2013,7(1):485-556
Abstract In this article, we examine the state of the art in comparative and international corporate governance by identifying the key research questions, main concepts, and paradigms of explanations of cross‐country diversity in corporate governance. First, we discuss the multiple definitions of corporate governance across disciplines and explore how this multi‐dimensional nature of corporate governance posses challenges when making cross‐national comparisons. Second, we review existing comparative research on corporate governance and highlight some of the main characteristics of comparative analysis. Third, we analyze how comparative corporate governance has been understood from four different scholarly perspectives: economics and management, culture and sociology, legal, and political paradigms. We conclude from this third section that future research should make an effort to better integrate cross‐disciplinary paradigms. Fourth, we investigate what insights these four perspectives bring to understand change and stability better in two particular governance dimensions: corporate ownership and the role of labor in comparative corporate governance. Finally, we conclude the article with some forward looking suggestions regarding (1) how different perspectives of corporate governance can be more effectively integrated by adopting case‐based, historical, and actor‐centered forms of institutional explanations and by (2) discussing the current U.S. corporate governance system, frequently seen as the “best practice” model. 相似文献
We study the endogenous formation of R&D networks between two domestic and one foreign firms in a unionized oligopoly. We find that the equilibrium networks are sensitive to the extent of knowledge spillovers between networked firms. If spillovers are sufficiently low, the complete network will arise in equilibrium; however, if spillovers are sufficiently high, the foreign partial network that includes a domestic and a foreign firm will arise. Moreover, for intermediate spillovers, no equilibrium network emerges. These results have implications for aggregate outcomes: equilibrium networks are not necessarily optimal in terms of aggregate effective R&D and aggregate firm profits. 相似文献
Choice models and neural networks are two approaches used in modeling selection decisions. Defining model performance as the out‐of‐sample prediction power of a model, we test two hypotheses: (i) choice models and neural network models are equal in performance, and (ii) hybrid models consisting of a combination of choice and neural network models perform better than each stand‐alone model. We perform statistical tests for two classes of linear and nonlinear hybrid models and compute the empirical integrated rank (EIR) indices to compare the overall performances of the models. We test the above hypotheses by using data for various brand and store choices for three consumer products. Extensive jackknifing and out‐of‐sample tests for four different model specifications are applied for increasing the external validity of the results. Our results show that using neural networks has a higher probability of resulting in a better performance. Our findings also indicate that hybrid models outperform stand‐alone models, in that using hybrid models guarantee overall results equal or better than the two stand‐alone models. The improvement is particularly significant in cases where neither of the two stand‐alone models is very accurate in prediction, indicating that the proposed hybrid models may capture aspects of predictive accuracy that neither stand‐alone model is capable of on their own. Our results are particularly important in brand management and customer relationship management, indicating that multiple technologies and mixture of technologies may yield more accurate and reliable outcomes than individual ones. 相似文献
国内外石油市场的极端风险溢出检验 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3
本文采用美国西得克萨斯(WTI)和我国大庆2000年5月至2005年5月的原油价格的日度数据,运用GED分布的GARCH模型估计了两个市场95%和90%置信水平下的上涨和下跌的VaR,并利用风险-Granger因果检验方法分析了两个石油市场的极端风险溢出效应.实证结果表明,无论是上涨还是下跌,国际油市对国内油市产生了单向的风险溢出,这意味着国际油市极端风险的历史信息可以用来预测国内油市的极端风险.文章进一步以股票市场为参照系,分析了石油市场风险管理的难点与对策. 相似文献
Corinne Delchat 《LABOUR》2001,15(3):457-486
This paper tests the dynamic implications of cumulative causation and network theory on the self‐sustaining nature of the migration process. A sequential migration model is derived and estimated with a panel of Mexican household heads for the years 1980–89. Consistently with cumulative causation and network theory, the empirical results show that, after controlling for unobserved heterogeneity, previous migration experience and migration‐related variables are the strongest predictors of current migration decisions. This persistence in migration patterns implies that immigration policies inducing small changes in expected costs and benefits of US work fail to prevent entry into, or encourage exit from, the US labor market by experienced migrants. However, large temporary disruptions such as the 1994 Mexican peso devaluation may permanently increase migratory flows by inducing new migrants to enter the US labor market. 相似文献
Panos Kouvelis Charles L. Munson Shilei Yang 《Production and Operations Management》2013,22(3):535-554
Using predictive global sensitivity analysis, we develop a structural equations model to abstract from the details of a large‐scale mixed integer program (MIP) to capture essential design trade‐offs of global manufacturing and distribution networks. We provide a conceptual framework that describes a firm's network structure along three dimensions: market focus, plant focus, and network dispersion. Normalized dependent variables are specified that act as proxies for a company's placement into our conceptual network classification via the calculation of just a few key independent variables. We provide robust equation sets for eight cost structure clusters. Many different product types could be classified into one of these groups, which would allow managers to use the equations directly without needing to run the MIP for themselves. Our numerical tests suggest that the formulas representing the network structure drivers—economies of scale, complexity costs, transportation costs, and tariffs—may be sufficient for managers to design their strategic network structures, and perhaps more importantly, to monitor them over time to detect potential need for adjustment. 相似文献
Jan van Ours 《LABOUR》1990,4(3):33-56
Abstract. Job mobility refers to the movement of people between jobs with different employers. It is an important means of adjustment in the labour market because it facilitates structural changes in the economy. This paper presents the results of a comparative study on job mobility in 6 countries: France, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden, United Kingdom and the USA. Some of these countries use both labour force surveys and establishment surveys to gather information on job mobility, while other countries only use one of them. The paper uses information from both types of survey held in the seventies and the eighties and describes the developments and the structure of job mobility in the 6 countries. An empirical cross-country analysis shows that job mobility is positively correlated with the growth of employment and negatively correlated with the unemployment rate. There appear to be hardly any structural differences in job mobility between the USA, Sweden, France and the UK. Job mobility in the Netherlands is structurally lower than in the other countries, while job mobility in Japan is structurally lower than in the Netherlands. 相似文献