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This paper considers a hierarchical Bayesian analysis of regression models using a class of Gaussian scale mixtures. This class provides a robust alternative to the common use of the Gaussian distribution as a prior distribution in particular for estimating the regression function subject to uncertainty about the constraint. For this purpose, we use a family of rectangular screened multivariate scale mixtures of Gaussian distribution as a prior for the regression function, which is flexible enough to reflect the degrees of uncertainty about the functional constraint. Specifically, we propose a hierarchical Bayesian regression model for the constrained regression function with uncertainty on the basis of three stages of a prior hierarchy with Gaussian scale mixtures, referred to as a hierarchical screened scale mixture of Gaussian regression models (HSMGRM). We describe distributional properties of HSMGRM and an efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm for posterior inference, and apply the proposed model to real applications with constrained regression models subject to uncertainty.  相似文献   

The graphical lasso has now become a useful tool to estimate high-dimensional Gaussian graphical models, but its practical applications suffer from the problem of choosing regularization parameters in a data-dependent way. In this article, we propose a model-averaged method for estimating sparse inverse covariance matrices for Gaussian graphical models. We consider the graphical lasso regularization path as the model space for Bayesian model averaging and use Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques for the regularization path point selection. Numerical performance of our method is investigated using both simulated and real datasets, in comparison with some state-of-art model selection procedures.  相似文献   

This paper presents the Bayesian analysis of a semiparametric regression model that consists of parametric and nonparametric components. The nonparametric component is represented with a Fourier series where the Fourier coefficients are assumed a priori to have zero means and to decay to 0 in probability at either algebraic or geometric rates. The rate of decay controls the smoothness of the response function. The posterior analysis automatically selects the amount of smoothing that is coherent with the model and data. Posterior probabilities of the parametric and semiparametric models provide a method for testing the parametric model against a non-specific alternative. The Bayes estimator's mean integrated squared error compares favourably with the theoretically optimal estimator for kernel regression.  相似文献   

We present a method for predicting future pavement distresses such as longitudinal cracking. These predicted distress values are used to plan road repairs. Large inherent variability in measured cracking and an extremely small number of observations are the nature of the pavement cracking data, which calls for a parametric Bayesian approach. We model theoretical pavement distress with a sigmoidal equation with coefficients based on prior engineering knowledge. We show that a Bayesian formulation akin to Kalman filtering gives sensible predictions and provides defendable uncertainty statements for predictions. The method is demonstrated on data collected by the Texas Transportation Institute at several sites in Texas. The predictions behave in a reasonable and statistically valid manner.  相似文献   

The fused lasso penalizes a loss function by the L1 norm for both the regression coefficients and their successive differences to encourage sparsity of both. In this paper, we propose a Bayesian generalized fused lasso modeling based on a normal-exponential-gamma (NEG) prior distribution. The NEG prior is assumed into the difference of successive regression coefficients. The proposed method enables us to construct a more versatile sparse model than the ordinary fused lasso using a flexible regularization term. Simulation studies and real data analyses show that the proposed method has superior performance to the ordinary fused lasso.  相似文献   

In this paper, we adopt the Bayesian approach to expectile regression employing a likelihood function that is based on an asymmetric normal distribution. We demonstrate that improper uniform priors for the unknown model parameters yield a proper joint posterior. Three simulated data sets were generated to evaluate the proposed method which show that Bayesian expectile regression performs well and has different characteristics comparing with Bayesian quantile regression. We also apply this approach into two real data analysis.  相似文献   

A method to create a Markov transition matrix for Markov chain Monte Carlo studies is presented and applied to the Fibonacci probability distribution.  相似文献   

We consider the hierarchical Bayesian models of change-point problem in a sequence of random variables having either normal population or skew-normal population. Further, we consider the problem of detecting an influential point concerning change point using Bayes factors. Our proposed models are illustrated with the real data example, the annual flow volume data of Nile River at Aswan from 1871 to 1970. The result using our proposed models indicated the largest influential observation in the year 1888 among outliers. We have shown that it is useful to measure the influence of observations on Bayes factors. Here, we consider omitting single observation as well.  相似文献   

The analysis of failure time data often involves two strong assumptions. The proportional hazards assumption postulates that hazard rates corresponding to different levels of explanatory variables are proportional. The additive effects assumption specifies that the effect associated with a particular explanatory variable does not depend on the levels of other explanatory variables. A hierarchical Bayes model is presented, under which both assumptions are relaxed. In particular, time-dependent covariate effects are explicitly modelled, and the additivity of effects is relaxed through the use of a modified neural network structure. The hierarchical nature of the model is useful in that it parsimoniously penalizes violations of the two assumptions, with the strength of the penalty being determined by the data.  相似文献   

The multivariate regression model is considered with p regressors. A latent vector with p binary entries serves to identify one of two types of regression coefficients: those close to 0 and those not. Specializing our general distributional setting to the linear model with Gaussian errors and using natural conjugate prior distributions, we derive the marginal posterior distribution of the binary latent vector. Fast algorithms aid its direct computation, and in high dimensions these are supplemented by a Markov chain Monte Carlo approach to sampling from the known posterior distribution. Problems with hundreds of regressor variables become quite feasible. We give a simple method of assigning the hyperparameters of the prior distribution. The posterior predictive distribution is derived and the approach illustrated on compositional analysis of data involving three sugars with 160 near infrared absorbances as regressors.  相似文献   

Generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) are commonly used to model the treatment effect over time while controlling for important clinical covariates. Standard software procedures often provide estimates of the outcome based on the mean of the covariates; however, these estimates will be biased for the true group means in the GLMM. Implementing GLMM in the frequentist framework can lead to issues of convergence. A simulation study demonstrating the use of fully Bayesian GLMM for providing unbiased estimates of group means is shown. These models are very straightforward to implement and can be used for a broad variety of outcomes (eg, binary, categorical, and count data) that arise in clinical trials. We demonstrate the proposed method on a data set from a clinical trial in diabetes.  相似文献   

This paper describes the Bayesian inference and prediction of the two-parameter Weibull distribution when the data are Type-II censored data. The aim of this paper is twofold. First we consider the Bayesian inference of the unknown parameters under different loss functions. The Bayes estimates cannot be obtained in closed form. We use Gibbs sampling procedure to draw Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) samples and it has been used to compute the Bayes estimates and also to construct symmetric credible intervals. Further we consider the Bayes prediction of the future order statistics based on the observed sample. We consider the posterior predictive density of the future observations and also construct a predictive interval with a given coverage probability. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to compare different methods and one data analysis is performed for illustration purposes.  相似文献   

Bandwidth plays an important role in determining the performance of nonparametric estimators, such as the local constant estimator. In this article, we propose a Bayesian approach to bandwidth estimation for local constant estimators of time-varying coefficients in time series models. We establish a large sample theory for the proposed bandwidth estimator and Bayesian estimators of the unknown parameters involved in the error density. A Monte Carlo simulation study shows that (i) the proposed Bayesian estimators for bandwidth and parameters in the error density have satisfactory finite sample performance; and (ii) our proposed Bayesian approach achieves better performance in estimating the bandwidths than the normal reference rule and cross-validation. Moreover, we apply our proposed Bayesian bandwidth estimation method for the time-varying coefficient models that explain Okun’s law and the relationship between consumption growth and income growth in the U.S. For each model, we also provide calibrated parametric forms of the time-varying coefficients. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the problem of obtaining Bayesian prediction bounds of future observables from a finite mixture of Burr type XII distribution with its reciprocal based on type-I censored data. We consider the one-sample and two-sample prediction schemes using the Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. Numerical examples are given to illustrate the procedures and the accuracy of prediction intervals is investigated via extensive Monte Carlo simulation.  相似文献   

A stationary bilinear (SB) model can be used to describe processes with a time-varying degree of persistence that depends on past shocks. This study develops methods for Bayesian inference, model comparison, and forecasting in the SB model. Using monthly U.K. inflation data, we find that the SB model outperforms the random walk, first-order autoregressive AR(1), and autoregressive moving average ARMA(1,1) models in terms of root mean squared forecast errors. In addition, the SB model is superior to these three models in terms of predictive likelihood for the majority of forecast observations.  相似文献   

We consider a Bayesian analysis method of paired survival data using a bivariate exponential model proposed by Moran (1967, Biometrika 54:385–394). Important features of Moran’s model include that the marginal distributions are exponential and the range of the correlation coefficient is between 0 and 1. These contrast with the popular exponential model with gamma frailty. Despite these nice properties, statistical analysis with Moran’s model has been hampered by lack of a closed form likelihood function. In this paper, we introduce a latent variable to circumvent the difficulty in the Bayesian computation. We also consider a model checking procedure using the predictive Bayesian P-value.  相似文献   

Modelling accelerated life test data by using a Bayesian approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary. Because of the high reliability of many modern products, accelerated life tests are becoming widely used to obtain timely information about their time-to-failure distributions. We propose a general class of accelerated life testing models which are motivated by the actual failure process of units from a limited failure population with a positive probability of not failing during the technological lifetime. We demonstrate a Bayesian approach to this problem, using a new class of models with non-monotone hazard rates, the hazard model with potential scope for use far beyond accelerated life testing. Our methods are illustrated with the modelling and analysis of a data set on lifetimes of printed circuit boards under humidity accelerated life testing.  相似文献   

The Finnish common toad data of Heikkinen and Hogmander are reanalysed using an alternative fully Bayesian model that does not require a pseudolikelihood approximation and an alternative prior distribution for the true presence or absence status of toads in each 10 km×10 km square. Markov chain Monte Carlo methods are used to obtain posterior probability estimates of the square-specific presences of the common toad and these are presented as a map. The results are different from those of Heikkinen and Hogmander and we offer an explanation in terms of the prior used for square-specific presence of the toads. We suggest that our approach is more faithful to the data and avoids unnecessary confounding of effects. We demonstrate how to extend our model efficiently with square-specific covariates and illustrate this by introducing deterministic spatial changes.  相似文献   

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