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An autoregressive model with Markov regime‐switching is analyzed that reflects on the properties of the quasi‐likelihood ratio test developed by Cho and White (2007). For such a model, we show that consistency of the quasi‐maximum likelihood estimator for the population parameter values, on which consistency of the test is based, does not hold. We describe a condition that ensures consistency of the estimator and discuss the consistency of the test in the absence of consistency of the estimator.  相似文献   

We introduce the class of conditional linear combination tests, which reject null hypotheses concerning model parameters when a data‐dependent convex combination of two identification‐robust statistics is large. These tests control size under weak identification and have a number of optimality properties in a conditional problem. We show that the conditional likelihood ratio test of Moreira, 2003 is a conditional linear combination test in models with one endogenous regressor, and that the class of conditional linear combination tests is equivalent to a class of quasi‐conditional likelihood ratio tests. We suggest using minimax regret conditional linear combination tests and propose a computationally tractable class of tests that plug in an estimator for a nuisance parameter. These plug‐in tests perform well in simulation and have optimal power in many strongly identified models, thus allowing powerful identification‐robust inference in a wide range of linear and nonlinear models without sacrificing efficiency if identification is strong.  相似文献   

This paper shows that the problem of testing hypotheses in moment condition models without any assumptions about identification may be considered as a problem of testing with an infinite‐dimensional nuisance parameter. We introduce a sufficient statistic for this nuisance parameter in a Gaussian problem and propose conditional tests. These conditional tests have uniformly correct asymptotic size for a large class of models and test statistics. We apply our approach to construct tests based on quasi‐likelihood ratio statistics, which we show are efficient in strongly identified models and perform well relative to existing alternatives in two examples.  相似文献   

This paper considers inference on functionals of semi/nonparametric conditional moment restrictions with possibly nonsmooth generalized residuals, which include all of the (nonlinear) nonparametric instrumental variables (IV) as special cases. These models are often ill‐posed and hence it is difficult to verify whether a (possibly nonlinear) functional is root‐n estimable or not. We provide computationally simple, unified inference procedures that are asymptotically valid regardless of whether a functional is root‐n estimable or not. We establish the following new useful results: (1) the asymptotic normality of a plug‐in penalized sieve minimum distance (PSMD) estimator of a (possibly nonlinear) functional; (2) the consistency of simple sieve variance estimators for the plug‐in PSMD estimator, and hence the asymptotic chi‐square distribution of the sieve Wald statistic; (3) the asymptotic chi‐square distribution of an optimally weighted sieve quasi likelihood ratio (QLR) test under the null hypothesis; (4) the asymptotic tight distribution of a non‐optimally weighted sieve QLR statistic under the null; (5) the consistency of generalized residual bootstrap sieve Wald and QLR tests; (6) local power properties of sieve Wald and QLR tests and of their bootstrap versions; (7) asymptotic properties of sieve Wald and SQLR for functionals of increasing dimension. Simulation studies and an empirical illustration of a nonparametric quantile IV regression are presented.  相似文献   

A nonparametric, residual‐based block bootstrap procedure is proposed in the context of testing for integrated (unit root) time series. The resampling procedure is based on weak assumptions on the dependence structure of the stationary process driving the random walk and successfully generates unit root integrated pseudo‐series retaining the important characteristics of the data. It is more general than previous bootstrap approaches to the unit root problem in that it allows for a very wide class of weakly dependent processes and it is not based on any parametric assumption on the process generating the data. As a consequence the procedure can accurately capture the distribution of many unit root test statistics proposed in the literature. Large sample theory is developed and the asymptotic validity of the block bootstrap‐based unit root testing is shown via a bootstrap functional limit theorem. Applications to some particular test statistics of the unit root hypothesis, i.e., least squares and Dickey‐Fuller type statistics are given. The power properties of our procedure are investigated and compared to those of alternative bootstrap approaches to carry out the unit root test. Some simulations examine the finite sample performance of our procedure.  相似文献   

We analyze use of a quasi‐likelihood ratio statistic for a mixture model to test the null hypothesis of one regime versus the alternative of two regimes in a Markov regime‐switching context. This test exploits mixture properties implied by the regime‐switching process, but ignores certain implied serial correlation properties. When formulated in the natural way, the setting is nonstandard, involving nuisance parameters on the boundary of the parameter space, nuisance parameters identified only under the alternative, or approximations using derivatives higher than second order. We exploit recent advances by Andrews (2001) and contribute to the literature by extending the scope of mixture models, obtaining asymptotic null distributions different from those in the literature. We further provide critical values for popular models or bounds for tail probabilities that are useful in constructing conservative critical values for regime‐switching tests. We compare the size and power of our statistics to other useful tests for regime switching via Monte Carlo methods and find relatively good performance. We apply our methods to reexamine the classic cartel study of Porter (1983) and reaffirm Porter's findings.  相似文献   

In this article we introduce efficient Wald tests for testing the null hypothesis of the unit root against the alternative of the fractional unit root. In a local alternative framework, the proposed tests are locally asymptotically equivalent to the optimal Robinson Lagrange multiplier tests. Our results contrast with the tests for fractional unit roots, introduced by Dolado, Gonzalo, and Mayoral, which are inefficient. In the presence of short range serial correlation, we propose a simple and efficient two‐step test that avoids the estimation of a nonlinear regression model. In addition, the first‐order asymptotic properties of the proposed tests are not affected by the preestimation of short or long memory parameters.  相似文献   

This paper investigates asymptotic properties of the maximum likelihood estimator and the quasi‐maximum likelihood estimator for the spatial autoregressive model. The rates of convergence of those estimators may depend on some general features of the spatial weights matrix of the model. It is important to make the distinction with different spatial scenarios. Under the scenario that each unit will be influenced by only a few neighboring units, the estimators may have ‐rate of convergence and be asymptotically normal. When each unit can be influenced by many neighbors, irregularity of the information matrix may occur and various components of the estimators may have different rates of convergence.  相似文献   

This paper considers testing problems where several of the standard regularity conditions fail to hold. We consider the case where (i) parameter vectors in the null hypothesis may lie on the boundary of the maintained hypothesis and (ii) there may be a nuisance parameter that appears under the alternative hypothesis, but not under the null. The paper establishes the asymptotic null and local alternative distributions of quasi‐likelihood ratio, rescaled quasi‐likelihood ratio, Wald, and score tests in this case. The results apply to tests based on a wide variety of extremum estimators and apply to a wide variety of models. Examples treated in the paper are: (i) tests of the null hypothesis of no conditional heteroskedasticity in a GARCH(1, 1) regression model and (ii) tests of the null hypothesis that some random coefficients have variances equal to zero in a random coefficients regression model with (possibly) correlated random coefficients.  相似文献   

This paper develops a general method for constructing exactly similar tests based on the conditional distribution of nonpivotal statistics in a simultaneous equations model with normal errors and known reduced‐form covariance matrix. These tests are shown to be similar under weak‐instrument asymptotics when the reduced‐form covariance matrix is estimated and the errors are non‐normal. The conditional test based on the likelihood ratio statistic is particularly simple and has good power properties. Like the score test, it is optimal under the usual local‐to‐null asymptotics, but it has better power when identification is weak.  相似文献   

This paper studies the behavior, under local misspecification, of several confidence sets (CSs) commonly used in the literature on inference in moment (in)equality models. We propose the amount of asymptotic confidence size distortion as a criterion to choose among competing inference methods. This criterion is then applied to compare across test statistics and critical values employed in the construction of CSs. We find two important results under weak assumptions. First, we show that CSs based on subsampling and generalized moment selection (Andrews and Soares (2010)) suffer from the same degree of asymptotic confidence size distortion, despite the fact that asymptotically the latter can lead to CSs with strictly smaller expected volume under correct model specification. Second, we show that the asymptotic confidence size of CSs based on the quasi‐likelihood ratio test statistic can be an arbitrary small fraction of the asymptotic confidence size of CSs based on the modified method of moments test statistic.  相似文献   

Using many moment conditions can improve efficiency but makes the usual generalized method of moments (GMM) inferences inaccurate. Two‐step GMM is biased. Generalized empirical likelihood (GEL) has smaller bias, but the usual standard errors are too small in instrumental variable settings. In this paper we give a new variance estimator for GEL that addresses this problem. It is consistent under the usual asymptotics and, under many weak moment asymptotics, is larger than usual and is consistent. We also show that the Kleibergen (2005) Lagrange multiplier and conditional likelihood ratio statistics are valid under many weak moments. In addition, we introduce a jackknife GMM estimator, but find that GEL is asymptotically more efficient under many weak moments. In Monte Carlo examples we find that t‐statistics based on the new variance estimator have nearly correct size in a wide range of cases.  相似文献   

This paper develops an asymptotic theory of inference for an unrestricted two‐regime threshold autoregressive (TAR) model with an autoregressive unit root. We find that the asymptotic null distribution of Wald tests for a threshold are nonstandard and different from the stationary case, and suggest basing inference on a bootstrap approximation. We also study the asymptotic null distributions of tests for an autoregressive unit root, and find that they are nonstandard and dependent on the presence of a threshold effect. We propose both asymptotic and bootstrap‐based tests. These tests and distribution theory allow for the joint consideration of nonlinearity (thresholds) and nonstationary (unit roots). Our limit theory is based on a new set of tools that combine unit root asymptotics with empirical process methods. We work with a particular two‐parameter empirical process that converges weakly to a two‐parameter Brownian motion. Our limit distributions involve stochastic integrals with respect to this two‐parameter process. This theory is entirely new and may find applications in other contexts. We illustrate the methods with an application to the U.S. monthly unemployment rate. We find strong evidence of a threshold effect. The point estimates suggest that the threshold effect is in the short‐run dynamics, rather than in the dominate root. While the conventional ADF test for a unit root is insignificant, our TAR unit root tests are arguably significant. The evidence is quite strong that the unemployment rate is not a unit root process, and there is considerable evidence that the series is a stationary TAR process.  相似文献   

This paper considers issues related to estimation, inference, and computation with multiple structural changes that occur at unknown dates in a system of equations. Changes can occur in the regression coefficients and/or the covariance matrix of the errors. We also allow arbitrary restrictions on these parameters, which permits the analysis of partial structural change models, common breaks that occur in all equations, breaks that occur in a subset of equations, and so forth. The method of estimation is quasi‐maximum likelihood based on Normal errors. The limiting distributions are obtained under more general assumptions than previous studies. For testing, we propose likelihood ratio type statistics to test the null hypothesis of no structural change and to select the number of changes. Structural change tests with restrictions on the parameters can be constructed to achieve higher power when prior information is present. For computation, an algorithm for an efficient procedure is proposed to construct the estimates and test statistics. We also introduce a novel locally ordered breaks model, which allows the breaks in different equations to be related yet not occurring at the same dates.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the impact of the initial condition on the problem of testing for unit roots. To this end, we derive a family of optimal tests that maximize a weighted average power criterion with respect to the initial condition. We then investigate the relationship of this optimal family to popular tests. We find that many unit root tests are closely related to specific members of the optimal family, but the corresponding members employ very different weightings for the initial condition. The popular Dickey‐Fuller tests, for instance, put a large weight on extreme deviations of the initial observation from the deterministic component, whereas other popular tests put more weight on moderate deviations. Since the power of unit root tests varies dramatically with the initial condition, this paper explains the results of comparative power studies of unit root tests. The results allow a much deeper understanding of the merits of particular tests in specific circumstances, and a guide to choosing which statistics to use in practice.  相似文献   

Ana Paula Martins 《LABOUR》2004,18(3):465-502
Abstract. Using traditional production theory, it is possible to estimate production functions in which hours per worker and number of workers hired are treated as endogenous and chosen by the firm, priced respectively by the variable hourly wage and the so‐called quasi‐fixed unit cost. The available data suggested the use of Cobb–Douglas or CES specifications or the use of two‐stage separable technologies, with a second‐level Cobb–Douglas being possible. Quasi‐fixed costs were associated with legal social security payments, which were also conditioned by the data. The estimates for the Portuguese metal products and engineering industries — using cross‐section evidence for 1987 — showed that disaggregation of the labor input is empirically justifiable, and total man‐hours employed and the numbers of workers hired are complements in production. Hours per worker respond negatively to the variable hourly wage and positively to the quasi‐fixed unit cost. Nevertheless, in our framework, this would be so by construction. Total labor costs increase with both the hourly wage and the quasi‐fixed unit costs.  相似文献   

This paper considers tests of the parameter on an endogenous variable in an instrumental variables regression model. The focus is on determining tests that have some optimal power properties. We start by considering a model with normally distributed errors and known error covariance matrix. We consider tests that are similar and satisfy a natural rotational invariance condition. We determine a two‐sided power envelope for invariant similar tests. This allows us to assess and compare the power properties of tests such as the conditional likelihood ratio (CLR), the Lagrange multiplier, and the Anderson–Rubin tests. We find that the CLR test is quite close to being uniformly most powerful invariant among a class of two‐sided tests. The finite‐sample results of the paper are extended to the case of unknown error covariance matrix and possibly nonnormal errors via weak instrument asymptotics. Strong instrument asymptotic results also are provided because we seek tests that perform well under both weak and strong instruments.  相似文献   

可再生能源配额制(简称配额制),是我国实现能源低碳转型的强制性制度变迁;其成功与否,决定于科学的制度设计。制度具有建构性与演进性,配额制在建构发电厂商策略行为博弈规则的同时,长期中会与发电厂商的策略行为共生演化。本文在构建配额制与发电厂商策略行为演化博弈模型基础上,分析了配额制的相关制度准参数对发电厂商策略行为的影响。结果表明:配额制与发电厂商策略行为的演化博弈均衡,决定于相关的制度准参数(如配额和单位罚金)以及绿色证书市场的交易成本和发电厂商的边际成本差额。其中,科学的配额、较高的单位罚金以及较低的交易成本和边际成本差额,绿色证书市场更为有效,配额制这一强制性制度变迁更易成功;反之反是。因此,科学设计配额制的相关制度准参数并加强其制度环境建设,有助于我国有效施行配额制。  相似文献   

We establish consistency and asymptotic normality of the quasi‐maximum likelihood estimator in the linear ARCH model. Contrary to the existing literature, we allow the parameters to be in the region where no stationary version of the process exists. This implies that the estimator is always asymptotically normal.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an asymptotically efficient method for estimating models with conditional moment restrictions. Our estimator generalizes the maximum empirical likelihood estimator (MELE) of Qin and Lawless (1994). Using a kernel smoothing method, we efficiently incorporate the information implied by the conditional moment restrictions into our empirical likelihood‐based procedure. This yields a one‐step estimator which avoids estimating optimal instruments. Our likelihood ratio‐type statistic for parametric restrictions does not require the estimation of variance, and achieves asymptotic pivotalness implicitly. The estimation and testing procedures we propose are normalization invariant. Simulation results suggest that our new estimator works remarkably well in finite samples.  相似文献   

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