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This paper investigates asymptotic properties of the maximum likelihood estimator and the quasi‐maximum likelihood estimator for the spatial autoregressive model. The rates of convergence of those estimators may depend on some general features of the spatial weights matrix of the model. It is important to make the distinction with different spatial scenarios. Under the scenario that each unit will be influenced by only a few neighboring units, the estimators may have ‐rate of convergence and be asymptotically normal. When each unit can be influenced by many neighbors, irregularity of the information matrix may occur and various components of the estimators may have different rates of convergence.  相似文献   

We establish consistency and asymptotic normality of the quasi‐maximum likelihood estimator in the linear ARCH model. Contrary to the existing literature, we allow the parameters to be in the region where no stationary version of the process exists. This implies that the estimator is always asymptotically normal.  相似文献   

This paper studies nonparametric estimation of conditional moment restrictions in which the generalized residual functions can be nonsmooth in the unknown functions of endogenous variables. This is a nonparametric nonlinear instrumental variables (IV) problem. We propose a class of penalized sieve minimum distance (PSMD) estimators, which are minimizers of a penalized empirical minimum distance criterion over a collection of sieve spaces that are dense in the infinite‐dimensional function parameter space. Some of the PSMD procedures use slowly growing finite‐dimensional sieves with flexible penalties or without any penalty; others use large dimensional sieves with lower semicompact and/or convex penalties. We establish their consistency and the convergence rates in Banach space norms (such as a sup‐norm or a root mean squared norm), allowing for possibly noncompact infinite‐dimensional parameter spaces. For both mildly and severely ill‐posed nonlinear inverse problems, our convergence rates in Hilbert space norms (such as a root mean squared norm) achieve the known minimax optimal rate for the nonparametric mean IV regression. We illustrate the theory with a nonparametric additive quantile IV regression. We present a simulation study and an empirical application of estimating nonparametric quantile IV Engel curves.  相似文献   

It is well known that, in misspecified parametric models, the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) is consistent for the pseudo‐true value and has an asymptotically normal sampling distribution with “sandwich” covariance matrix. Also, posteriors are asymptotically centered at the MLE, normal, and of asymptotic variance that is, in general, different than the sandwich matrix. It is shown that due to this discrepancy, Bayesian inference about the pseudo‐true parameter value is, in general, of lower asymptotic frequentist risk when the original posterior is substituted by an artificial normal posterior centered at the MLE with sandwich covariance matrix. An algorithm is suggested that allows the implementation of this artificial posterior also in models with high dimensional nuisance parameters which cannot reasonably be estimated by maximizing the likelihood.  相似文献   

We study inference in structural models with a jump in the conditional density, where location and size of the jump are described by regression curves. Two prominent examples are auction models, where the bid density jumps from zero to a positive value at the lowest cost, and equilibrium job‐search models, where the wage density jumps from one positive level to another at the reservation wage. General inference in such models remained a long‐standing, unresolved problem, primarily due to nonregularities and computational difficulties caused by discontinuous likelihood functions. This paper develops likelihood‐based estimation and inference methods for these models, focusing on optimal (Bayes) and maximum likelihood procedures. We derive convergence rates and distribution theory, and develop Bayes and Wald inference. We show that Bayes estimators and confidence intervals are attractive both theoretically and computationally, and that Bayes confidence intervals, based on posterior quantiles, provide a valid large sample inference method.  相似文献   

本文对Van der Weide(2002)的广义正交GARCH模型进行扩展,提出反映金融资产收益波动性特征,具有"杠杆效应"的广义正交GARCH模型。由于这种扩展的广义正交GARCH模型在高维数据中面临参数估计困难,本文从交互信息理论视角研究模型的参数估计问题,在理论上证明基于交互信息最小化的多元GARCH模型参数估计与基于极大似然函数参数估计的联系和区别,并在提出的扩展广义正交GARCH模型框架下,采用不同的统计技术实现基于交互信息最小化的参数估计方法,避免了传统极大似然函数估计需要事先正确指定标准化残差概率密度函数和高维运算困难,计算效率较高,使多元GARCH模型在高维数据中可以应用。最后,根据全球主要金融市场的15种股票指数数据,通过实证研究对建立的扩展广义正交GARCH模型及其参数估计方法有效性进行评价与检验。实证研究表明了本文提出的扩展广义正交GARCH模型与参数估计方法的优势。  相似文献   

When a continuous‐time diffusion is observed only at discrete dates, in most cases the transition distribution and hence the likelihood function of the observations is not explicitly computable. Using Hermite polynomials, I construct an explicit sequence of closed‐form functions and show that it converges to the true (but unknown) likelihood function. I document that the approximation is very accurate and prove that maximizing the sequence results in an estimator that converges to the true maximum likelihood estimator and shares its asymptotic properties. Monte Carlo evidence reveals that this method outperforms other approximation schemes in situations relevant for financial models.  相似文献   

While the literature on nonclassical measurement error traditionally relies on the availability of an auxiliary data set containing correctly measured observations, we establish that the availability of instruments enables the identification of a large class of nonclassical nonlinear errors‐in‐variables models with continuously distributed variables. Our main identifying assumption is that, conditional on the value of the true regressors, some “measure of location” of the distribution of the measurement error (e.g., its mean, mode, or median) is equal to zero. The proposed approach relies on the eigenvalue–eigenfunction decomposition of an integral operator associated with specific joint probability densities. The main identifying assumption is used to “index” the eigenfunctions so that the decomposition is unique. We propose a convenient sieve‐based estimator, derive its asymptotic properties, and investigate its finite‐sample behavior through Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

带基约束的投资组合问题是近年来投资组合领域的热点问题,但是参数不确定性直接影响了模型的效果。带基约束的投资组合问题所涉及的参数不仅包括以往研究认为非常重要的预期收益率,还包括控制投资组合规模的稀疏度,尤其是最优稀疏度估计方面的专门研究还十分匮乏。为了使带基约束的投资组合模型更好地为投资决策服务,本文从投资者效用出发,用双层规划的思想构建了带基约束的投资组合双层参数估计模型。然后根据模型的特点,设计了无导数优化算法框架,并基于ADMM对算法子问题进行求解。本文实验针对真实的市场数据给出了预期收益率和最优稀疏度的估计,接着通过与等权重策略和含上下界约束的均值-方差模型进行比较,说明了模型及算法的有效性和实用性。最后,将本文提出的双层参数估计模型推广到了更一般的形式。  相似文献   

The ability to accurately forecast and control inpatient census, and thereby workloads, is a critical and long‐standing problem in hospital management. The majority of current literature focuses on optimal scheduling of inpatients, but largely ignores the process of accurate estimation of the trajectory of patients throughout the treatment and recovery process. The result is that current scheduling models are optimizing based on inaccurate input data. We developed a Clustering and Scheduling Integrated (CSI) approach to capture patient flows through a network of hospital services. CSI functions by clustering patients into groups based on similarity of trajectory using a novel semi‐Markov model (SMM)‐based clustering scheme, as opposed to clustering by patient attributes as in previous literature. Our methodology is validated by simulation and then applied to real patient data from a partner hospital where we demonstrate that it outperforms a suite of well‐established clustering methods. Furthermore, we demonstrate that extant optimization methods achieve significantly better results on key hospital performance measures under CSI, compared with traditional estimation approaches, increasing elective admissions by 97% and utilization by 22% compared to 30% and 8% using traditional estimation techniques. From a theoretical standpoint, the SMM‐clustering is a novel approach applicable to any temporal‐spatial stochastic data that is prevalent in many industries and application areas.  相似文献   

An asymptotically efficient likelihood‐based semiparametric estimator is derived for the censored regression (tobit) model, based on a new approach for estimating the density function of the residuals in a partially observed regression. Smoothing the self‐consistency equation for the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator of the distribution of the residuals yields an integral equation, which in some cases can be solved explicitly. The resulting estimated density is smooth enough to be used in a practical implementation of the profile likelihood estimator, but is sufficiently close to the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator to allow estimation of the semiparametric efficient score. The parameter estimates obtained by solving the estimated score equations are then asymptotically efficient. A summary of analogous results for truncated regression is also given.  相似文献   

This paper develops a new estimation procedure for characteristic‐based factor models of stock returns. We treat the factor model as a weighted additive nonparametric regression model, with the factor returns serving as time‐varying weights and a set of univariate nonparametric functions relating security characteristic to the associated factor betas. We use a time‐series and cross‐sectional pooled weighted additive nonparametric regression methodology to simultaneously estimate the factor returns and characteristic‐beta functions. By avoiding the curse of dimensionality, our methodology allows for a larger number of factors than existing semiparametric methods. We apply the technique to the three‐factor Fama–French model, Carhart's four‐factor extension of it that adds a momentum factor, and a five‐factor extension that adds an own‐volatility factor. We find that momentum and own‐volatility factors are at least as important, if not more important, than size and value in explaining equity return comovements. We test the multifactor beta pricing theory against a general alternative using a new nonparametric test.  相似文献   

In this paper we derive the asymptotic properties of within groups (WG), GMM, and LIML estimators for an autoregressive model with random effects when both T and N tend to infinity. GMM and LIML are consistent and asymptotically equivalent to the WG estimator. When T/N→ 0 the fixed T results for GMM and LIML remain valid, but WG, although consistent, has an asymptotic bias in its asymptotic distribution. When T/N tends to a positive constant, the WG, GMM, and LIML estimators exhibit negative asymptotic biases of order 1/T, 1/N, and 1/(2NT), respectively. In addition, the crude GMM estimator that neglects the autocorrelation in first differenced errors is inconsistent as T/Nc>0, despite being consistent for fixed T. Finally, we discuss the properties of a random effects pseudo MLE with unrestricted initial conditions when both T and N tend to infinity.  相似文献   

In chemical and microbial risk assessments, risk assessors fit dose‐response models to high‐dose data and extrapolate downward to risk levels in the range of 1–10%. Although multiple dose‐response models may be able to fit the data adequately in the experimental range, the estimated effective dose (ED) corresponding to an extremely small risk can be substantially different from model to model. In this respect, model averaging (MA) provides more robustness than a single dose‐response model in the point and interval estimation of an ED. In MA, accounting for both data uncertainty and model uncertainty is crucial, but addressing model uncertainty is not achieved simply by increasing the number of models in a model space. A plausible set of models for MA can be characterized by goodness of fit and diversity surrounding the truth. We propose a diversity index (DI) to balance between these two characteristics in model space selection. It addresses a collective property of a model space rather than individual performance of each model. Tuning parameters in the DI control the size of the model space for MA.  相似文献   

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