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秦鹏飞 《社会》2005,40(3):58-87
本文以儒家典籍中的“鬼神”为研究对象,借此对儒家思想的“理性主义”特征进行讨论。儒家思想对鬼神的理解,继承了巫术时代鬼神能影响现实之认识,又为其赋予了新的内涵。新的内涵以“形气论”为认识基础,一方面将鬼神世界与人间世界视作同质且可以互相沟通,极力强调鬼神尤其是“人鬼”与祭祀者之间固有的“父子”关系的重要性,形成了以“报本反始”为核心意义,以“格神”“敬飨”为直接目的的祭祀之礼;另一方面,儒家强调,“格神”的最关键条件是主祭者“事死如事生”的“诚敬之心”,而这一诚敬之心源自于“孝”的情感。  相似文献   

Objectives. About 11 percent of American Indians did not report their tribal affiliation on the 1990 U.S. Census form. I use several theoretical perspectives as tools to explore the reasons behind this surprising omission. Method. Logistic regression analysis is the method employed. Results. American Indians living with someone who speaks an American Indian language are very likely to report a tribal affiliation, as are those living in “Indian states” (states with historically high numbers of American Indians). Those who are least likely to report a tribal affiliation are Hispanic women with low education who report no American Indian ancestry, do not live with other American Indians, and live in a metropolitan area of a “non‐Indian state.” Conclusions. Lack of knowledge of family history appears to be one of the primary causes of tribal nonresponse. Salience of tribal identity also affects responses.  相似文献   

There has been increased interest in character strengths or virtues in recent years in social research and in various policy domains. However, while the notion of virtue has gained credibility in the fields of positive psychology and moral philosophy, it has yet to be satisfactorily considered from the perspective of social theory – in spite of the ongoing calls of researchers who have identified the need for further investigation into the role of culture and social context in the development of individuals' characters. In order to consider how good character and excellence in specific virtues are formed and sustained in social context, this article gives a theoretical account of character and virtue using well‐known microsociological concepts. It is argued that whereas virtues are often understood as psychological ‘traits’ or ‘dispositions’, they are also socially practiced and represented. Analyses of their related social processes are therefore appropriate and empirically promising, particularly in institutional settings, and can complement other theoretical and methodological approaches.  相似文献   

雷昌蛟 《学术交流》2012,(2):130-133
所谓常用异读字,是指古今均常用、古代汉语有一个或多个与常见音相对的异读的字。所谓异读音的性质,是指异读是否区别意义。对常用异读字异读性质的确定是一项实用性很强的研究。学者们一般通过《广韵》的释义来确定常用异读字异读音的性质,但由于受其韵书性质的局限,确定常用异读字异读音的性质往往有很多不足。《经典释文》是弥补《广韵》这方面不足的好材料。利用《经典释文》常用异读字的注音数据与《广韵》常用异读字的音义相互印证,可以提高确定常用异读字异读音性质的准确性。  相似文献   

Families and social work interventions in their lives are at the core of child welfare. Child welfare practices can shape children's and parents' family memories and narratives of different family relations. However, there is little social work research so far based on the personal narratives of people who have lived in care. The study data consist of the written life stories and biographical interviews of three women who have lived part of their childhood in children's homes. In their narratives, the most central family relation was their relationship to the mother. They used different narrative strategies in their stories while trying to manage both living their childhood in care and presenting their mother morally in the same story. The central moral and emotional stance in the narratives of the mother–daughter relationship was love. Through the analysis, three moral characters of the mother were constructed. The first told about an absent mother, the second a loved and loving mother and in the third, the mother's moral character was continuously negotiated and contested. Constructing a personal story and moral character of oneself and of one's mother can be truly risky in the context of a childhood in care.  相似文献   

韩大强 《唐都学刊》2006,22(6):48-52
李白、李贺、李商隐三人的诗歌在奇特幻想和浪漫精神方面有着共同的特质。三李与唐代其他文人一样热衷学道、访道、做道,而且道教思想和神仙观念对他们人生态度、诗歌创作产生了巨大影响,但三李对神仙观念也进行了世俗化和艺术化的改造,从“道”路—“道”情—“道”理三个层面凸显出逐渐深入改造的意义。神仙题材在他们的作品中主要是作为隐喻、象征而存在,是抒发情志的手段和依托。其审美成分大于信仰成分,艺术意义超过宗教意义。  相似文献   

The comic book may be more popular in Mexico than in any other Latin American country. In this essay, Harold Hinds focuses on Chanoc, which was a best seller in Mexico during its peak years from 1960 to 1971. Hinds gives much interesting information on the evolution of the comic book and on its creators, sales, and readership. He speculates that itsdecline was due to a number of factors, including the degeneration o f one of its main characters, Tsekub, into a mere clown, the inaccessibility of its increasingly “slangy” language, and its tendency towards cuteness rather than meaningful satire. He then examines the main characters. Chanoc is a kind of highly moral Tarzan-figure who protects the defenseless against villainous exploiters. Tsekub, Chanoc's sidekick and anthithesis, is an old man with a young spirit whose zest for life provides much comedy. Hinds points out that in addition to adventure and humor, Chanoc's main components, the comic book also deals with foreign, particularly US., interference in Mexico and elsewhere. He also considers a variety of ways in which Chanoc reflects, at times quite subtly, Mexican culture and society; e.g., aspects of regionalism, nationalism, mestizo character, machismo, and modernization are briefly explored.  相似文献   

Research in adults suggests that their perception of moral transgressions is affected by the moral character of the agent performing the transgression, such that undesirable actions enacted by ‘good’ agents are seen as less serious than those performed by ‘bad’ agents. This may be partly driven our tendency to view undesirable acts as less intentional when the agent has a perceived good moral character. It is currently unclear whether or not children make similar judgements. Therefore, we investigated if children's use of moral character information is consistent with their judgements of transgressions when the intent behind the act was ambiguous or blatant. Children aged 6–8-years (N = 60) viewed a series of six moral transgressions in which the protagonist's intent was ambiguous or blatantly harmful, and their moral character was described as being good, mixed or bad. The children were then asked how much they felt the behaviour was intentional, how severe it was and the degree of punishment it deserved. Transgressions performed by ‘good’ characters were viewed as less intentional than those by ‘bad’ characters, but only when the intent behind it was ambiguous. Similarly, transgressions performed by good characters were viewed as less severe and deserving of less punishment than those performed by bad characters, although this effect was not moderated by intent information. These pattern of findings suggest that the view of transgressions performed by good individuals as less serious than the same act performed by bad individuals is established early in development.  相似文献   

Summary Once upon a time there was a society of priests who built aCelestial City with gates secured by word combination locks.The priests were masters of the Word and, within the City, ascendinglevels of power and treasure became accessible to those whocould learn ascendingly intricate levels of Word Magic. At thevery top level, the priests became gods; and because they thenhad nothing left to seek, they engaged in games with which topass the long hours of eternity. In particular, they liked toride their strong, sure-footed steeds around and around theperimeter of heaven: now jumping word hurdles, now playing polowith concepts of the moon and the stars, now reaching up totouch that pinnacle, that Splinter of Refined Understandingcalled Superunderstanding, which was the brass ring of theirmerry-go-round (Williams, 1991, p. 1)  相似文献   

美国硅谷视域下的印度人华人之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在美国硅谷半个多世纪的发展过程中,印度人和华人发挥着重要的作用。然而,通过对硅谷印度人和华人的对比分析发现,他们之间存在着非常多的差异,主要表现在民族认同感、创业模式和动力、价值观、思维方式、处世方式、社会认知与形象等方面。产生这些差异的主要原因是不同民族性格、文化心理和价值取向等。  相似文献   

Despite the active and growing role American Indians play in the U.S. political system, the study of contemporary political relations between Indian nations and federal and state governments remains underdeveloped in the political science literature. The dearth of inquiry is most notable in examining the efforts American Indians and Indian nations undertake in an attempt to influence public policy. In this paper, we suggest that recent developments, including the passage of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (IGRA) in 1988, have altered how American Indians participate in the political process. In order to study these recent changes, we suggest that it is appropriate to examine Indian nations’ use of interest group strategies in the political process. We demonstrate how such an approach adds to our understanding of Indian and non-Indian relations by discussing how Indian nations pursued interest group strategies and documenting how resources obtained through gaming have allowed them to expand this strategy.  相似文献   

王楠 《社会》2020,40(1):124-163
本文通过对比莎士比亚四大悲剧中《麦克白》与《哈姆莱特》两剧主人公的性格,从主观性的角度入手,尝试分析麦克白与哈姆莱特这两个人物的性格特征及其缺陷如何造成其悲剧命运,并进一步揭示莎士比亚塑造这两个人物的现代性意义。麦克白受想象引发的欲望诱惑,犯下弑君罪行,在犯罪之后,又受同样源于想象的恐惧折磨,幻想掩盖罪行,确保安全,反而令自己的罪恶越发深重。麦克白用自己的行动不断颠覆现实,将自身放逐于自然秩序之外。哈姆莱特的困境在于,他用自己高度二元化的形而上学思维来把握世界,在自己的头脑中构建起思维与存在、本质与表象、理想与现实的对立,并在双方的对立冲突中令自己陷入虚无,从而无法完成报仇的使命。莎士比亚塑造的这两个人物,正是后来现代社会中高度主观抽象的现代人的真实写照。  相似文献   

We examine the political attitudes of American Indians in eastern Oklahoma where they make up almost 20% of the population. We argue that American Indians in the region play the same role that other minorities in the southern states—notably blacks and Hispanics—do in resisting the region's realignment from the Democratic to the Republican Party. American Indians in the region are populists in that they are economically liberal and religiously conservative. The results of our analysis suggest that the socio-economic characteristics of American Indians play a greater role in explaining American Indians’ political attitudes than their ethnic identification.  相似文献   


Future human service providers will interact with homeless persons in health, mental health, and social service practice contexts. This study investigated the perceptions of students enrolled in social work courses who are pursuing degrees in human service programs toward older and younger female and male homeless individuals. Respondents (N = 207) were given one of four vignettes in which a character was identified as an older male, a younger male, an older female, or a younger female who was frequently seen near an interstate highway, talking to him/herself and appearing unkempt, thin, and frail. Most respondents perceived the vignette character as mentally ill, neglectful of health, likely to have HIV, tuberculosis, hepatitis A and/or hepatitis B and/or hepatitis C, likely to experience suicidal thoughts/ideation, and to have head lice/scabies/body lice. Older men were more likely to be perceived as military veterans with a history of mental illness and substance abuse. Older women were least likely to be perceived as having a history of substance abuse or using a handout to purchase ethanol. Older women were perceived to be homeless because they could not afford other living accommodations. A general linear model revealed significant differences in 7 of 41 items that respondents answered based on the gender and age of the vignette characters. These perceptual differences between male and female homeless persons will require additional investigation.  相似文献   

李先耕 《求是学刊》2002,29(2):98-101
简化字的法定数目到底有多少 ,能否采用无限类推简化的方法简化汉字 ,这在目前的权威工具书以及出版物中都有不同的处理。本文从国务院废止“二简”通知有关稳定汉字的精神出发 ,考虑中文信息化以及因特网发展的现实 ,主张以目前的GBK字库 (也就是GB1 30 0 0 .1 )为准 ,不采用无限类推简化的方法 ,并呼吁加快语言文字立法的进程  相似文献   

张喜贵 《学术交流》2001,1(6):131-134
庾信作品中现存有大量以女性为题材的作品.前期生活于萧梁宫廷的诗人,其笔下的女性多以镜前丽人的面目出现,她们春风得意,艳丽华美,虽人数众多但缺少个性,多是一个个美人的剪影.而后期由于身世的变迁,犹如美女被迫改嫁,其笔下的女性也一变为闺中怨妇,代自己抒写内心的隐秘.  相似文献   

梅斌 《学术交流》2001,(6):135-138
明清时期是中国古典小说的鼎盛时期,创造了多种艺术技巧和艺术形式,塑造出许多不朽的人物形象.中国古典小说家在塑造人物形象,反映社会生活时,为了更好地突出人、景、情的和谐统一,形成了一套独具特色的塑造人物的技巧和方法,给读者留下了深刻的印象,为以后小说的发展奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Most historians write Indian history from a Euro-American perspective. Two great historians illustrate the problem. Francis Parkman wrote the story of the Euro-Americans' victory over the Indians. Bernard Bailyn describes the social process of settlement neutrally, but ignores the Indians. So long as scholars define the American past in this way, Indian history has no significance on its own terms. If they focus only on “intersections” of Europeans and native “obstacles,” Indians are merely symbols. The many problems fall into three categories: structural, methodological, and conceptual.  相似文献   

We examine the relationship between a relatively large population of American Indians in eastern Oklahoma and the slow pace of that region's partisan realignment. With a 2012 exit poll, we empirically examine whether American Indians’ cultural ties and their socio-economic characteristics affected their vote choices. Because of their greater poverty, American Indians are more economically progressive and vote more Democratic than their white counterparts.  相似文献   

伏漫戈 《唐都学刊》2004,20(2):95-98
思想特异、行为乖张、个性洒脱是奇士人格的主要特点。吴敬梓和曹雪芹一方面继承老庄哲学崇尚自然与魏晋名士违俗抗礼的传统 ,另一方面汲取明清人文思潮张扬个性的精神 ,创造出杜少卿和贾宝玉这样两个奇士 ,并且在他们身上体现出了中国传统文化中奇士人格的文化传承关系  相似文献   

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