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中年高级知识分子健康状况的社会人口学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文使用2004年"北京市中年高级专业技术人才健康状况调查"资料,从社会医学和社会人口学的角度比较了北京市中年高级知识分子与普通人群之间健康水平的差异;探讨了影响知识分子健康状况的个人和社会环境因素。结果显示,其一,当以慢性疾病来衡量生理健康时,知识分子的健康状况低于一般人群,但二者的生活质量自评没有显著差异。其二,社会人口学因素对这两方面健康的作用有同有异。工作和生活压力是影响人们身心健康的至关重要因素之一,但大部分因素对健康的影响因健康层面和人群而异。  相似文献   

本文研究了中年高级知识分子的亚健康状况及其影响因素.本文通过对北京市中关村科技园区海淀园及北京市所属企事业单位共计2500名中年高级知识分子以及505名普通人群的调查资料进行对比分析,发现亚健康状态在中年高级知识分子与普通人群间并没有显著性差异,从而得出中年高级知识分子并不是亚健康的高发人群的结论.同时对造成中年高级知识分子亚健康状态的影响因素进行了分析,结果表明中年高级知识分子的亚健康状态主要是由于生活压力和工作压力过大,缺乏体育锻炼,以及与不能落实体检制度和休假制度有关.  相似文献   

苏萍  张娜艳 《西北人口》2007,28(2):48-50
近年来,知识分子“过劳死”现象屡见媒体,造成了巨大的社会效应。知识分子“过劳死”现象的产生有其生理、心理、社会性根源,但笔者认为,“过劳死”现象更深层次的是社会文化价值方面的原因。本文试从中国文化的“官本位”思想入手,探索知识分子“过劳死”之根源。  相似文献   

<正> 近年来,国内许多报刊相继报道一些中年科学家早逝,如蒋筑英、罗健夫、张广厚、陆家羲,张秋生等。他们都在50岁左右辞世,不能不令人为之叹息。本文统计、分析了吉林大学1983年1月至1988年12月(以下简称六年来)教职工病逝情况,认为吉林大学知识分子中存在早逝现象,党政管理干部表观死亡率最高。知识分子教职员中致死率最高的三种疾病依序为:心脏病、癌症和脑血管疾病。一、六年来全校知识分子病逝情况知识分子的概念似乎尽人皆知,但在具体区分知识分子与非知识分子时却很难有统一的标准。因为有的部门是按学历区分的;有的部门是按职业区分的;还有的部门是按职务区分的。根据高等学校教职工队伍的实际情况,本文以其有中专及以上学历的从事脑力劳动的教职员,认定为知识分子。  相似文献   

老年人健康状况主观评价分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
赵细康 《人口研究》2000,24(2):63-66
本文采用主观评价方法,对广东不同群体老年人健康状况的主客观评价进行了对比分析,目的在于探寻不同群体老年人对健康状况的主观评价是否存在差异,以及差异产生的原因.结果显示老年人对自身健康状况的评价与其客观的健康状况有着密切的联系;老年人健康状况评价的主客观指标并非完全一致;不同性别、年龄、职业、收入和医疗状况的老年人对其健康状况的主观评价存在较大差异.本研究的结果对于加快医疗制度改革具有一定启发意义.  相似文献   

王振军 《西北人口》2016,(6):111-118
当前我国经济正处于发展方式转变的关键时期,经济发展需要大量高级创新型专业技术人才,这给我国高等学校的专业技术人才培养带来了严峻挑战,要求高等学校能够与时俱进地改进人才培养以满足经济发展对专业技术人才的现实需求.该文基于财经类地方高校Y大学910位同学调查问卷的数据资料,就学生对专业设置、课程设置和教学质量等人才培养关键环节的满意度进行了分析,并依据分析结果就财经类地方高校在人才培养方面存在的问题提出了相应对策建议,以利于其提高人才培养质量,使培养出的专业技术人才能够更好地服务于当地社会经济发展.  相似文献   

宋悦华  谢敬宇 《西北人口》2010,31(6):49-53,58
我国已进入老龄化社会,老年知识分子的开发利用对我国当前社会经济发展具有重要的作用和贡献。本文将通过分析老年知识分子所具有的社会价值,以及制约老年知识分子发挥其社会价值的因素,提出挖掘和利用好老年知识分子社会价值的对策。  相似文献   

俞华 《当代中国人口》2008,25(6):14-18,36-39
一、“人”是健康的核心、科研的落脚点 健康是人类发展所必须关注的一个永恒的基本的主题,但绝不仅仅是单纯的医学问题。长期以来,随着诊疗技术的不断发展,健康领域越来越为医院、医务工作者和医学科研人员所主导,患者的地位越来越被动,“未病”者的生存与健康状况更是难以得到及时、有效和持续的制度性监测、研究和干预,导致突发公共卫生事件频发,社会危害严重。  相似文献   

有人看见现在有的劳动力多的家庭富裕起来了,也想靠多生孩子、特别是男孩子,增加劳动力来发家致富,“多条扁担好致富”。这种观点已经落后于形势了,在我国改革、开放、搞活的新形势下,只有少生孩子,着重提高孩子的质量,才符合家庭的根本利益。其理由如下: 第一只有少生孩子,着重提高孩子质量,才能使家庭成员在人口社会变动中向上流动。在我们国家,阶级消灭了,阶层还存在,社会分工还存在。比如,就全社会来说,还有工人、农民、知识分子、国家干部之分。就工人说,有一级工、二级工……八级工;知识分子有一般知识分子、中级知识分子、高级知识分子;干部有基层干部、中层  相似文献   

利用西部地区两个县农村居民健康状况调查数据,用“集中指数”和“不相似指数”测量西部农村居民健康的公平性及其影响因素。研究结果表明,医疗保险类型对农村居民健康公平影响最大,其次是教育、职业和收入水平。  相似文献   

中国高龄老年人精神失调状况及其影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闫萍 《西北人口》2007,28(3):51-53
为分析中国高龄老年人的精神失调状况,探讨中国高龄老年人是否健康的度过晚年,本文利用了2000年中国长寿老年人的健康状况的调查数据,从中随机抽取了1006个样本,用logistic回归方法进行了分析。结果显示中国高龄老年人表现出精神失调症状的占48.9%,老年人的心态,人格,婚姻状况,经济状况对老年人精神失调症状都有显著影响,并且发现年龄,性别,对精神失调的影响不显著。中国长寿老年人的精神健康状况需要引起重视。负向心态,离婚,独居和跟家人在一起对精神失调症状影响非常显著;正向心态,自评健康状况好,有偶,住养老机构相比较而言更有利于缓解长寿老人的精神失调症状。  相似文献   

In this study, theoretical views previously used to explain health service utilization by the elderly are extended to explain how predisposing (age, race, education, and marital status), enabling (income, employment status, health status, and transportation), and need (loneliness and livin arrangement) factors influence elderly women's participation in vof :u ntary organizations and senior centers. Hypotheses are tested using a nationwide probability sample, of elderly women who are 65 and above. The major findings ind~catet hat age, race, and health status influence participation In voluntary organizations and senior centers. Elderly widows are also more likely to participate in voluntary organizat~onst han married women. Loneliness has a positive impact on senior center participation of these women.  相似文献   

China’s middle-aged and older women suffer from poorer health than men. Using national baseline data from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS), a survey conducted from 2011 to 2012, this article applies logistic models to investigate the association between female fertility history (parity, early childbearing, late childbearing) and middle-aged and late-life health. We find that parity is related to the mid-late-life health of women. Women with four children or more are more likely to suffer from activities of daily living (ADL) impairment and poorer self-rated health than those with one to three children. Early childbearing is associated with ADL impairment; however, the correlation is mediated by socioeconomic status. Early childbearing is related to self-rated health in later life by an indirect-only mediation effect via educational attainment and personal income.  相似文献   

Yang  Sisi  Hanewald  Katja 《Social indicators research》2022,160(2-3):601-624

The Chinese government has launched a series of health reforms to establish universal health insurance coverage, particularly for vulnerable groups, including middle-aged and older adults. However, the current public health insurance system is highly fragmented, consisting of different programs with different levels of premiums and benefits. We analyse whether the universal health insurance system increases the life satisfaction of middle-aged and older Chinese people and to what extent the type of health insurance affects the life satisfaction of this group. Our study is based on data from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study, a nationally representative longitudinal survey of Chinese aged 45 and above, in 2011, 2013, and 2015. We find that the life satisfaction of middle-aged and older adults does not depend on having any health insurance coverage but varies with the type of health insurance coverage, controlling for potential confounding variables such as health status, occupation, hukou status, and other demographic variables. Individuals covered by the most generous program, the Government Medical Insurance, reported a higher life satisfaction. In comparison, individuals covered by the Urban Employee Medical Insurance, the Urban Resident Medical Insurance, and the New Rural Cooperative Scheme reported a lower life satisfaction by 0.155, 0.106, and 0.112 standard deviations, respectively. Our results suggest that establishing a more equitable health insurance system should be the next step in health reforms in China.


This study explored the health care service needs and the major correlates of quality of life among 127 community-dwelling elderly Chinese immigrants in a western Canadian city. Participants were interviewed in their homes by trained, bilingual interviewers employing a structured questionnaire that covered a wide range of topics including health care service needs, living arrangements, health status, social network, life satisfaction, and socio-demographic information. Results demonstrated that ethnic nursing homes, senior centres that provide programs and services, and homemaker services were respondents’ major service needs. Multiple ordinary least-squares regression analysis revealed that respondents who emigrated from Mainland China and those who exhibited greater psychological well-being, reported being physically more mobile, perceived fewer service needs, and expressed satisfaction with the quality of their neighbourhood demonstrated higher levels of life satisfaction.  相似文献   

基于2011-2015年三期平衡面板数据,对中老年家庭的灾难性医疗支出进行测度并分析其影响因素。研究发现:我国中老年家庭灾难性医疗支出发生率在考察期内进一步扩大,差距也进一步上升。以家庭可支付能力的40%为灾难性医疗支出的界定标准,则在2015年其发生率依然高达25.4%,平均差距为0.069,相对差距为0.272。引入安德森医疗服务利用模型对影响因素进行分析,结果显示家中有住院、门诊及残障人员更容易发生灾难性医疗支出,经济状况对灾难性性医疗支出发生起着显著作用,总体而言灾难性医疗支出具有"亲贫"效应,越是贫困的家庭越容易发生灾难性医疗支出。据此,文章提出应该采取分类管理的措施,通过发放免费医疗服务券、强化医疗费用控制等政策建议来切实降低灾难性医疗支出的发生。  相似文献   


This cross-sectional study investigates the predictors of psychological symptoms—stress and depressive mood—in a sample of middle-aged women. A community sample of 1,003 women filled in the questionnaires and instruments, which included the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales and the Life Events Survey; sociodemographic, health, and menopause-related and lifestyle information was also collected. Structural equation modeling was used to build the model that had stress and depressive mood as dependent variables. Health status (both physical and psychological), recent life events, income and menopausal phase were significantly associated with the frequency of stress and depressive symptoms. Additionally, educational level and parity were also significant predictors of depressive mood. This study emphasizes that psychological symptoms occurrence in midlife depends not only on personal variables (such as health and menopausal status) but also on contextual ones (including recent stressful events) that can be a strong influence on how middle-aged women feel.  相似文献   

梁宏 《南方人口》2022,(1):1-14
务工型老年流动人口是一个兼具独特性与复杂性的流动人口群体.虽然务工型老年流动人口的诸多特征看似介于非务工型老年流动人口与务工型中年流动人口之间,但是,本文利用2017年全国流动人口动态监测数据,通过健康状态与在业状况对定居意愿影响模式的分析与比较发现,生命周期及代际支持理论对务工型老年流动人口定居意愿的适用性远高于市场...  相似文献   

Objective Associations between subjective status and health are still relatively unexplored. This study aimed at testing whether subjective status is uniquely confounded by psychosocial factors compared to objective status, and what factors that may predict subjective status. Design A cross-sectional analysis of a population-based, random sample of 795 middle-aged men and women from the southeast of Sweden. Questionnaires included subjective status, objective measures of socioeconomic status, life satisfaction, and a battery of psychosocial factors. Associations were controlled for effects of age and sex. Results Both subjective status and occupation were significantly associated with self-rated health also after control for psychosocial factors. Stepwise regression showed that subjective status was significantly influenced by self-rated economy, education, life satisfaction, self-esteem, trust, perceived control, and mastery. Conclusion The association between subjective status and self-rated health does not seem to be uniquely confounded by psychosocial factors. Both resource-based measures and psychological dimensions seem to influence subjective status ratings. Comparative studies are required to study whether predictors of subjective status vary between countries with different socio-political profiles.  相似文献   

杨军昌 《西北人口》2013,(6):111-116
伴随着社会老龄化程度日益加深而在城乡愈益增多的“空巢老人”,是新时代社会生活中的特殊弱势群体,在生活上存在着物质、生理、精神、社会关系等方面的突出问题,是健康老年化、积极老年化实现道路上的严峻挑战,已为政府、社会广泛关注。文章立足于实证调查资料,在对贵州“空巢老人”的现状特点概括基础上,从经济供养、医疗卫生、生活照料、精神慰藉、权益保障等方面对空巢老人生活状况存在问题与原因进行了总结与分析,提出了旨在使贵州“空巢老人”生活问题得到解决、生活质量得到提高,生活权益得到尊重和保障的对策建议。  相似文献   

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