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This paper presents a comprehensive mathematical framework in which a unified treatment of additive and expected utility can be given. For achieving this, elaborate structural assumptions, characterizing a simply ordered, topological semigroup, have to be established in order to construct an isomorphism with the additive group of real numbers. This construction establishes a link between additive and expected utility theory to the extent that the same mathematical considerations leading to the derivation of an additive representation are also valid for proving the expected utility theorem.  相似文献   

In Machina's approach to generalised expected utility theory, decision makers maximise a choice functional which is smooth but not linear in the probabilities. When evaluating small changes, the choice functional can be approximated by the expectation of a local utility function. This local utility function is not however invariant under large changes in risk. This paper gives a simple explicit formula which can be used to write down the local utility functions of some common decision rules.  相似文献   

This paper advances an interpretation of Von Neumann-Morgenstern's expected utility model for preferences over lotteries which does not require the notion of a cardinal utility over prizes and can be phrased entirely in the language of probability. According to it, the expected utility of a lottery can be read as the probability that this lottery outperforms another given independent lottery. The implications of this interpretation for some topics and models in decision theory are considered.  相似文献   

A theory of coarse utility   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A note on deriving rank-dependent utility using additive joint receipts   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Luce and Fishburn (1991) derived a general rank-dependent utility model using an operation ⊕ of joint receipt. Their argument rested on an empirically supported property (now) calledsegregation and on the assumption that utility is additive over ⊕. This note generalizes that conclusion to the case where utility need not be additive over ⊕, but rather is of a more general form, which they derived but did not use in their article. Tversky and Kahneman (1992), conjecturing that the joint receipt of two sums of money is simply their sum, criticized that original model because ⊕=+ together with additive utility implies the unacceptable conclusion that the utility of money is proportional to money. In the present generalized theory, if ⊕=+, utility is a negative exponential function of money rather than proportional. Similar results hold for losses. The case of mixed gains and losses is less well understood.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new decision theory of how individuals make random errors when they compute the expected utility of risky lotteries. When distorted by errors, the expected utility of a lottery never exceeds (falls below) the utility of the highest (lowest) outcome. This assumption implies that errors are likely to overvalue (undervalue) lotteries with expected utility close to the utility of the lowest (highest) outcome. Proposed theory explains many stylized empirical facts such as the fourfold pattern of risk attitudes, common consequence effect (Allais paradox), common ratio effect and violations of betweenness. Theory fits the data from ten well-known experimental studies at least as well as cumulative prospect theory.
Pavlo R. BlavatskyyEmail:

The value of information in anticipated utility theory   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
A well-known property of expected utility theory is that the value of information is nonnegative. Given the widespread dissatisfaction with the expected utility hypothesis, a natural question to ask is whether competing theories of choice preserve this property. This article considers one widely discussed alternative to expected utility, anticipated utility theory. We show that, like expected utility, the anticipated value of perfect information is always nonnegative. The value of imperfect information, however, may be negative, though the precise valuation of information depends upon whether the reduction of compound lotteries axiom is used to derive the anticipated utility functional.I am indebted to Edi Karni, Peter Wakker, and an anonymous referee for helpful comments on earlier versions of this article. They are of course in no way responsible for errors or obscurities in the present version.  相似文献   

Generalized expected utility models have enjoyed considerable success in explaining observed choices under uncertainty. However, there has been only limited progress in deriving comparative static results. This paper presents a general framework which permits the incorporation of a wide range of generalized expected utility models, but is sufficiently powerful to permit the derivation of comparative static results. The central idea is to represent preferences by the expected utility of a transformed probability distribution.  相似文献   

Expected utility with lower probabilities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An uncertain and not just risky situation may be modeled using so-called belief functions assigning lower probabilities to subsets of outcomes. In this article we extend the von Neumann-Morgenstern expected utility theory from probability measures to belief functions. We use this theory to characterize uncertainty neutrality and different degrees of uncertainty aversion.We are grateful to Birgit Grodal, Salvatore Modica, David Schmeidler, and an anonymous referee for comments, help, and encouragement. Financial support from the Danish Social Sciences Research Council is acknowledged.  相似文献   

The present work takes place in the framework of a non-expected utility model under risk: the RDEU theory (Rank Dependent Expected Utility, first initiated by Quiggin under the denomination of Anticipated Utility), where the decision maker's behavior is characterized by two functionsu andf. Our first result gives a condition under which the functionu characterizes the decision maker's attitude towards wealth. Then, defining a decision maker as risk averter (respectively risk seeker) when he always prefers to any random variable its expected value (weak definition of risk aversion), the second result states that a decision maker who has an increasing marginal utility of wealth (a convex functionu) can be risk averse, if his functionf issufficiently below his functionu, hence if he is sufficientlypessimistic. Obviously, he can also be risk seeking with a diminishing marginal utility of wealth. This result is noteworthy because with a stronger definition of risk aversion/risk seeking, based on mean-preserving spreads, Chew, Karni, and Safra have shown that the only way to be risk averse (in their sense) in RDEU theory is to have, simultaneously, a concave functionu and a convex functionf.  相似文献   

Expected utility with rank dependent probabilities is a generalization of expected utility. If such preference representations are used for the payoffs in the mixed extension of a finite game, Nash equilibrium may fail to exist. Set-valued solutions, however, do exist even for those more general utility functions. But some set-valued solutions may have certain conceptual shortcomings. The paper thus proposes a new set-valued solution concept, called fixed sets under the best reply correspondence. All set-valued solution concepts are robust to perturbations of the expected utility hypothesis.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to convince the reader that Choquet-expected utility, as initiated by Schmeidler (1982, 1989) for decision making under uncertainty, when formulated for decision making under risk naturally leads to anticipated utility, as initiated by Quiggin/Yaari. Thus the two generalizations of expected utility in fact are one.  相似文献   

A test of generalized expected utility theory   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
In two experiments we test Machina's Hypothesis II (fanning-out). In each experiment we analyze patterns of responses to hypothetical lottery choice questions within a Marschak-Machina triangle. One set of questions involves lotteries on the border of the triangle, an the other set of questions involves lotteries in the interior of the triangle (off the border). Our results show that a large proportion of the observed patterns in the on-border treatment support Hypothesis II, with a considerable amount of fanning-out behavior observed. The patterns observed in the off-border treatment are significantly different from those in the on-border treatment. Hypothesis II performs well in the off-border treatment because expected utility theory itself, which satisfies the restrictions of Hypothesis II, performs well.This is an expanded version of a paper originally prepared for presentation at the Fifth International Conference on the Foundation and Applications of Utility, Risk, and Decision Theories, held June 9–13, 1990 at Duke University, Durham, NC. We acknowledge helpful comments made by participants at that conference, especially those of Mark Machina.  相似文献   

The value of perfect information in nonlinear utility theory   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Wakker (1988) has recently shown that, in contrast to an expected utility maximizer, the value of information will sometimes be negative for an agent who violates the independence axiom of expected utility theory. We demonstrate, however, that the value ofperfect information will always be nonnegative if the agent satisfies a weak dominance axiom. This result thus mitigates to some degree the normative objection to nonlinear utility theory implicit in Wakker's finding.  相似文献   

In order to accommodate empirically observed violations of the independence axiom of expected utility theory Becker and Sarin (1987) proposed their model of lottery dependent utility in which the utility of an outcome may depend on the lottery being evaluated. Although this dependence is intuitively very appealing and provides a simple functional form of the resulting decision criterion, lottery dependent utility has been nearly completely neglected in the recent literature on decision making under risk. The goal of this paper is to revive the lottery dependent utility model. Therefore, we derive first a sound axiomatic foundation of lottery dependent utility. Secondly, we develop a discontinuous variant of the model which can accommodate boundary effects and may lead to a lexicographic non-expected utility model. Both analyses are accompanied by considering some functional specifications which are in accordance with recent experimental results and may have significant applications in business and management science.  相似文献   

In this paper weak utilities are obtained for acyclic binary relations satisfying a condition weaker than semicontinuity on second countable topological spaces. In fact, in any subset of such a space we obtain a weak utility that characterizes the maximal elements as maxima of the function. The addition of separability of the relation yields the existence of semicontinuous representations. This property of the utility provides a result of existence of maximal elements for a class of spaces that include compact spaces. However, we offer a negative result that continuity may not be reached under such hypotheses.  相似文献   

An experimental test of several generalized utility theories   总被引:5,自引:9,他引:5  
There is much evidence that people willingly violate expected utility theory when making choices. Several axiomatic theories have been proposed to explain some of this evidence, but there are few data that discriminate between the theories. To gather such data, an experiment was conducted using pairs of gambles with three levels of outcomes and many combinations of probabilities. Most typical findings were replicated, including the common consequence effect and different risk attitudes for gains and losses. There is evidence of both fanning out and fanning in of indifference curves, and both quasiconcavity and quasiconvexity of preferences. No theory can explain all the data, but prospect theory and the hypothesis that indifference curves fan out can explain most of them.The Wharton School,University of Pennsylvania  相似文献   

This paper investigates the eventwise aggregations of decomposable measures preserving the same decomposable property. These operations are obtained by solving a functional equation closely related to the bisymmetry property. Known results for probability as well as possibility measures can be derived as particular cases of our approach. In addition, the unicity of weighted consensus functions is proved in the Archimedean case. An extension of Von Neumann-Morgenstern utility theory is outlined, where probabilities are changed into decomposable measures.Supported in part by OTKA (National Scientific Research Fund, Hungary) I/6-14144, and by the Foundation for Hungarian Higher Education and Research 615/94.  相似文献   

Separating marginal utility and probabilistic risk aversion   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
This paper is motivated by the search for one cardinal utility for decisions under risk, welfare evaluations, and other contexts. This cardinal utility should have meaningprior to risk, with risk depending on cardinal utility, not the other way around. The rank-dependent utility model can reconcile such a view on utility with the position that risk attitude consists of more than marginal utility, by providing a separate risk component: a probabilistic risk attitude towards probability mixtures of lotteries, modeled through a transformation for cumulative probabilities. While this separation of risk attitude into two independent components is the characteristic feature of rank-dependent utility, it had not yet been axiomatized. Doing that is the purpose of this paper. Therefore, in the second part, the paper extends Yaari's axiomatization to nonlinear utility, and provides separate axiomatizations for increasing/decreasing marginal utility and for optimistic/pessimistic probability transformations. This is generalized to interpersonal comparability. It is also shown that two elementary and often-discussed properties — quasi-convexity (aversion) of preferences with respect to probability mixtures, and convexity (pessimism) of the probability transformation — are equivalent.  相似文献   

A number of classical as well as quite new utility representations for gains are explored with the aim of understanding the behavioral conditions that are necessary and sufficient for various subfamilies of successively stronger representations to hold. Among the utility representations are: ranked additive, weighted, rank-dependent (which includes cumulative prospect theory as a special case), gains decomposition, subjective expected, and independent increments*, where * denotes something new in this article. Among the key behavioral conditions are: idempotence, general event commutativity*, coalescing, gains decomposition, and component summing*. The structure of relations is sufficiently simple that certain key experiments are able to exclude entire classes of representations. For example, the class of rank-dependent utility models is very likely excluded because of empirical results about the failure of coalescing. Figures 1–3 summarize some of the primary results.JEL Classification  D46, D81  相似文献   

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