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伊斯兰主义首先是一种宗教内部不断重复的变迁现象,其在当代兴起同近代以来尤其是上世纪七十年代伊斯兰世界在全球体系中的不利处境密切相关.伊斯兰主义的兴起即是希望通过宗教的符号来进行社会变革,以应对这一不利的局面.从社会形式讲,伊斯兰主义主要表现为一种社会运动,其本质则是政治意识形态.当代伊斯兰主义发生的一个主要背景在于全球化,而其自身同时也被全球化;不仅表现为全球化的组织,更具有全球性的意识形态和目标.  相似文献   

“乌玛”是伊斯兰思想体系中最重要的观念之一,对伊斯兰社会的形成和发展具有重要影响。《古兰经》确立了“乌玛”作为伊斯兰宗教共同体的观念,而麦地那时期乌玛观念的实践则为穆斯林后代树立了典范。在古代伊斯兰社会,大征服和帝国的伊斯兰化虽使伊斯兰乌玛的规模得到扩大,但政权分立、教派分化和族裔对立却使统一的乌玛走向分裂。近代以来西方的入侵和控制以及伊斯兰世界民族主义和世俗主义思潮的兴起,大大激发了伊斯兰世界重建乌玛的激情和斗志。为此,他们不断尝试泛伊斯兰主义、现代伊斯兰主义以及全球化时代以信息网络为依托的伊斯兰统一。  相似文献   

乌玛观念与伊斯兰宗教共同体的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"乌玛"是伊斯兰思想体系中最重要的观念之一,对伊斯兰社会的形成和发展具有重要影响.《古兰经》确立了"乌玛"作为伊斯兰宗教共同体的观念,而麦地那时期乌玛观念的实践则为穆斯林后代树立了典范.在古代伊斯兰社会,大征服和帝国的伊斯兰化虽使伊斯兰乌玛的规模得到扩大,但政权分立、教派分化和族裔对立却使统一的乌玛走向分裂.近代以来西方的入侵和控制以及伊斯兰世界民族主义和世俗主义思潮的兴起,大大激发了伊斯兰世界重建乌玛的激情和斗志.为此,他们不断尝试泛伊斯兰主义、现代伊斯兰主义以及全球化时代以信息网络为依托的伊斯兰统一.  相似文献   

当代伊斯兰复兴运动作为20世纪后半叶兴起的一股政治思潮,在迈入21世纪的今天,其整体势头已明显回落,然而,作为一种具有广泛而深厚社会基础的精神文化,它仍有着极强的生命力。当前的伊斯兰社会正处于一个重要的变化时期,现代化虽已成为许多伊斯兰国家追求的目标,但现代化进程中出现的社会传统价值的失落问题至今仍困惑着伊斯兰世界,也制约着伊斯兰运动的发展。在新世纪来临之际,面对一个愈益全球化和多元文化的世界,如何实现伊斯兰价值观与现代社会的最佳结合,将是伊斯兰世界所面临的最根本,也是最迫切需要解决的难题,其结果将对伊斯兰世界本身及整个世界的局势产生重大影响。  相似文献   

伊斯兰新柏拉图主义是在阿拉伯翻译家翻译希腊哲学过程中形成和发展起来的哲学思想。其代表人物在“第一”、“灵魂”和“人”这些哲学基本问题上进行了创造性的思维,表现出伊斯兰新柏拉图主义的一些共同特征:重视理性,研究理性和非理性认知的关系及作用;通过灵魂的修养和完善及个人与社会环境的关系及构建等表现哲学和宗教的调和。这些特征展示了伊斯兰新柏拉图主义哲学和神学(宗教)相结合,理性思维方式和非理性思维的内容统一。研究伊斯兰新柏拉图主义可拓宽我们思考生存与和谐问题的视域,为自身哲学应对外来文化冲击提供一个理论参考。  相似文献   

伊斯兰新柏拉图主义是在阿拉伯翻译家翻译希腊哲学过程中形成和发展起来的哲学思想.其代表人物在"第一"、"灵魂"和"人"这些哲学基本问题上进行了创造性的思维,表现出伊斯兰新柏拉图主义的一些共同特征:重视理性,研究理性和非理性认知的关系及作用;通过灵魂的修养和完善及个人与社会环境的关系及构建等表现哲学和宗教的调和.这些特征展示了伊斯兰新柏拉图主义哲学和神学(宗教)相结合,理性思维方式和非理性思维的内容统一.研究伊斯兰新柏拉图主义可拓宽我们思考生存与和谐问题的视域,为自身哲学应对外来文化冲击提供一个理论参考.  相似文献   

"民族观念运动"是一场主要由土耳其前总理纳杰梅丁·埃尔巴坎领导的,从二十世纪七十年代开始一直持续至今的伊斯兰政党运动。伊斯兰政党的兴起除经济、社会、心理、文化和意识形态等原因外,还与国家主动的吸纳战略有重要关联。作为一场持续40年的伊斯兰政治运动,"民族观念运动"的发展、高潮、危机和持续过程有助于我们更好地理解现代化与世俗化的关系、宗教与民主的关系以及宗教复兴的复杂原因。  相似文献   

阿拉伯伊斯兰文化在阿拔斯朝初期定型,确立了以伊斯兰教为核心的哲学、理性、宗教相统一的制度宗教文化特性.在近代,进行了一定程度的现代化整合.冷战后期开始发展至今的全球化,在某种程度上出现了超越现代化的趋向,是一个统一与断裂的平行矛盾体,对阿拉伯伊斯兰文化的生存和发展是机遇又是挑战.阿拉伯伊斯兰文化必须展开新一轮的整合,才能在全球化进程中找到自己的位置并发扬光大.从短期看,这一整合仍将以宗教为核心,并面对不利的内外环境,但只要顺应时代潮流,阿拉伯伊斯兰文化将走出困境,并对全球文化的发展做出贡献.  相似文献   

以"伊斯兰国"为代表的伊斯兰极端主义势力已经成为国际政治发展的重要影响因素。作为伊斯兰极端主义重要形式的圣战萨拉菲主义,正日益成为多数伊斯兰极端组织的思想基础和动员工具。考察圣战萨拉菲主义形成的历史根源,有助于理解当代伊斯兰极端主义的演变过程。从本质上看,圣战萨拉菲主义主要汲取和发展了中世纪和近代极端教派、沙特瓦哈比主义、现代伊斯兰主义的激进思想,是当代伊斯兰极端主义与中东地区和国际政治互动的产物,在激化地区冲突与暴力恐怖活动方面扮演了重要角色。  相似文献   

当代伊斯兰复兴运动作为20世纪后半叶兴起的一股政治思潮,在迈入21世纪的今天,其整体势头已明显回落,然而,作为一种具有广泛而深厚社会基础的精神文化,它仍有着极强的生命力.当前的伊斯兰社会正处于一个重要的变化时期,现代化虽已成为许多伊斯兰国家追求的目标,但现代化进程中出现的社会传统价值的失落问题至今仍困惑着伊斯兰世界,也制约着伊斯兰运动的发展.在新世纪来临之际,面对一个愈益全球化和多元文化的世界,如何实现伊斯兰价值观与现代社会的最佳结合,将是伊斯兰世界所面临的最根本,也是最迫切需要解决的难题,其结果将对伊斯兰世界本身及整个世界的局势产生重大影响.  相似文献   

作为中东地区两个主要大国,土耳其和伊朗的关系长期以来因为伊斯兰世界领导权、地缘政治影响、少数民族动乱、政治模式差异等一系列因素,处于一种结构性矛盾之中。近年来,随着中东地区政治环境的变化,再加上其自身内部政治变革、经济困境和政治伊斯兰思潮等因素的作用,两国关系出现了明显改善。土伊关系的改善对于平衡美国势力对中东地区的干预和维护地区和平稳定具有重要的积极作用。但由于结构性矛盾难以克服,两国关系的未来发展依然取决于该地区内外环境的变化。  相似文献   

The author explores the reasons underlying the growing effectiveness of Islamic movements by studying ethnographically the interaction between the religious movement and the people in a squatter district of Istanbul, Turkey. The empirical analysis examines how the state and the Islamists impact the lives of the residents, and how secularizing and ritualizing interventions are incorporated and resisted. These interventions and the resulting resistance generate hybrid subjects who embody traces of many conflicting discourses and practices. The Islamist party is widely supported, not because it expresses an Islamic essence or enacts strategic framing, but because it is able to reflect and refract the dialogic religious field produced by the interactions between the residents, the state, and Islamism.  相似文献   

It has been said that in Brazil the Catholic Church, by the adoption of the Theology of Liberation, chose the poor, but the poor chose the ever growing churches and sects of Pentecostal derivation. This paradox haunts the sociology of religion, in Brazil and elsewhere. This paper suggests to its solution a hypothesis inspired by Weber's ‘Religious Directions of the World and their Directions’ (the ‘Zwischenbetrachtung’).The social, political and economic efficacy of a given religious movement is essentially linked to its theodicy. In other words, the passage of religion to politics, if understood as the exit from religion as allegedly motivated by religion itself, involves a contradiction as it implies the elimination of its basic religious motivation. The inner-worldly success of a religious tendency depends, therefore, on the persistence of a properly religious ‘rejection of the world’. In fact the whole of the Theology of Liberation movement falls under a certain cognitive penumbra, a kind of theological and philosophical syncretism, which constitutes both its main strength and its main weakness.  相似文献   

The women's movement around the world takes many stances, including women's rights, feminism, women's research, women's auxilaries of political and religious organizations and socialist feminism. Because of its unique political and economic history, socialist feminism is the dominant emergent stance of the women's movement in Latin America. Brazil, Peru, and the Dominican Republic are examined. Socialist feminism is related to both the international women's movement, political trends within each county and constraints of the current political situation. Women's movements in other Latin American countries are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

阿克萨清真寺宗教和政治功能解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为伊斯兰世界的第三大圣寺,阿克萨清真寺有着重要的宗教和政治功能,是伊斯兰宗教建筑和伊斯兰教的象征。对巴勒斯坦来说,它是国家的象征、主权的象征,也是其民族团结的象征;对以色列来说,阿克萨清真寺旁的“西墙”遗址是犹太民族信仰和民族精神的集中体现。正是由于阿克萨具有如此重要的社会功能,导致阿以之间围绕耶路撒冷老城的争夺异常激烈,并使之成为阿以和平进程中的一个“死结”。  相似文献   

伊斯兰文明中“共处”思想关注的核心是如何解决承认伊斯兰教普遍性/唯一性与各种以伊斯兰教为标尺而划定的“他性”存在的合理性之间的矛盾。使用世界主义光谱来对伊斯兰文明中不同“共处”思想进行排列,从最偏向宗教普遍主义一侧到最偏向宗教社群主义的“共处”思想分别是:不同伊斯兰教派间的“共处”思想、伊斯兰国家内部不同宗教群体间的“共处”思想、古代伊斯兰国家与非伊斯兰国家之间的“共处”思想、近代以来伊斯兰国家与非伊斯兰国家之间的“共处”思想、非伊斯兰国家中穆斯林与非穆斯林群体之间的“共处”思想、不同宗教之间的“共处”思想等六种类型。通过有针对性地挖掘“共处”思想来纾解当今伊斯兰世界所面临的诸种挑战,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Abstract  In contemporary Japan, religion is an important issue. Various types of religions such as new religions, occultism, the new age movement, traditional religions etc., attract supporters and exerts a favorable influence on certain aspects of their lives. But, such circumstances are not restricted to Japan. All over the world today, religions have the power to sway national policy and are indispensable in influencing human consciousness and behavior.
Religion is alive and influential even in the secularized world. As such, a cross-cultural study of religions is increasingly needed. Furthermore, the typology of religious organizations provides a means with which to make a comparative study of religion throughout the world.
However, we cannot help but conclude that the theoretical framework developed so far cannot sufficiently deal with the subject in question. This is primarily due to its strong bias towards Christianity, which renders it invalid for analyzing religions in non-Christian regions. This paper will focus on the "cult". The term cult, unlike church-sect-denomination, seems to be applicable to any religious tradition and culture. It is not confined to a specific one such as the Christian tradition and culture.
It should be noted that the cult as previously treated is problematic, too, because it is not free from a bias towards Christianity, and has too negative a connotation for a scientific concept. In this paper, utilizing the merits of the concept of cult, I would like to elaborate a new paradigm of religious organizations. This should allow for a cross-cultural comparison between religious phenomena.  相似文献   

In this article, I question to what extent future generations of immigrants will engage in practices of religious transnationalism through their ethnic institutions. I examine how leaders of the next generation of English‐speaking Chinese Canadian evangelicals made sense of their participation in the Chinese Coordination Centre of World Evangelism, a movement that rallies behind both a pan‐Chinese identity and the belief that the Chinese have a special role in evangelizing the world. I argue that the call to religious mobilization grounded in Chinese ethnicity stands on tenuous ground and propose that linguistic, geographical, generational and ideological fractures may diminish the participation of future generations of the Chinese diaspora in ethnically‐based transnational religious organizations. I conclude that these developments would push ‘negotiated transnational religious networks’ into a state of ‘renegotiation'.  相似文献   

This article is a historical analysis of the Gilded Age press and its reaction to evangelist D. L. Moody in late-19th-century Chicago. The complex interplay between Moody and the press is helpful in understanding how publicity can play a major role in revivalism and facilitating religious fervor. This research describes how the values of the Gilded Age created a situation in which religion, economics, and journalism merged in ways that facilitated religious spectacle and revivalism. Issues uncovered by this research are relevant to contemporary research on news coverage of religion.  相似文献   

Attention to extreme forms of political violence in the social sciences has been episodic, and studies of different forms of political violence have followed different approaches, with “breakdown” theories mostly used for the analysis of right-wing radicalism, social movement theories sometimes adapted to research on left-wing radical groups, and area study specialists focusing on ethnic and religious forms. Some of the studies on extreme forms of political violence that have emerged within the social movement tradition have nevertheless been able to trace processes of conflict escalation through the detailed examination of historical cases. This article assesses some of the knowledge acquired in previous research approaching issues of political violence from the social movement perspective, as well as the challenges coming from new waves of debate on terrorist and counterterrorist action and discourses. In doing this, the article reviews contributions coming from research looking at violence as escalation of action repertoires within protest cycles; political opportunity and the state in escalation processes; resource mobilization and violent organizations; narratives of violence; and militant constructions of external reality.
Donatella della PortaEmail:

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