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第四次全国统计科研工作会议于1996年6月11日—14日在北京平谷召开,来自全国各省、区、市、计划单列市、国家有关部委、有关大专院校的统计科研负责人近90人参加了会议。国家统计局局长张塞同志、副局长贺铿同志参加了会议,并分别做了重要讲话。会议听取了国家统计科学研究所所长张泽厚同志所做的工作报告;颁发了第三届全国统计科技进步奖;讨论了《国家统计局关于加强统计科研工作的决定(征求意见稿)》和《我国统计科学研  相似文献   

张泽厚 《统计研究》1992,9(3):26-32
两年前,国家统计局在广州召开了第一次全国统计科研工作会议(以下简称广州会议),实践证明,广州会议对近两年统计科研工作和新时期统计科研事业的发展产生了巨大的推动作用和积极的影响。这次会议的召开,是继广州会议后又一次统计科研盛会,具有承前启后的作用,目的是进一步把统计科研工作引向深入,以更高水平的科研成果和更好的科研  相似文献   

“九五”期间,我国的统计改革与发展事业取得了重大进展,统计科研工作也取得了很大的成绩。 1996年第四次全国统计科研工作会议 (平谷会议 )后,国家统计局根据我国统计科研工作的现实状况,做出了《关于加强统计科研工作的决定》,在广泛征求各方面意见的基础上制订了《全国统计科学研究发展“九五”计划和 2010年长期规划》,从而使我国的统计科研工作步入了一个新的阶段。为此,特别是第五次全国统计科研工作会议至今的两年多时间里,统计科研工作不论在科研课题研究、人才培养、学术交流、科研组织管理、科研网络建设和科研成果的评选…  相似文献   

构建跨世纪的统计科研工程──记全国统计科研工作会议[本刊讯]张益欲报道:6月14日在北京结束的全国统计科研工作会议,是一次具有重要意义的会议,它描绘了跨世纪的统计科研宏伟蓝图,提出了具体的发展目标和为实现这一目标应采取的措施。这是一次鼓舞人心的会议,...  相似文献   

新闻传真局内详情全国统计科研工作会议在平谷召开6月11日至13日,全国统计科研工作会议在北京平谷县召开,会议主要议题是:贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于“科教兴国”的战略思想和国家统计局党组提出的“一靠科技,二靠法制,归根结底靠人才”的统计发展方针,加强统...  相似文献   

[本刊讯]中国统计学会会长办公会于2000年元月间日在北京召开,中国统计学会会长、副会长。学会秘书处负责同志出席了会议。会议听取了中国统计学会秘书处1999年工作汇报、讨论了中国统计学会2000年工作计划和所属专业统计学会的管理办法,讨论了学会常务理事替补事宜。会议决定,2000年将召开第七届中日统计学术交流会议、召开第十次全国统计科学讨论会,举行第五届全国统计科研优秀成果评奖活动。中国统计学会会长办公会在京召开  相似文献   

关于开展全国统计科研优秀论文评选活动的通知为了推动全国统计科研活动,繁荣统计科研事业,迎接第50届世界统计大会在北京胜利召开,全国统计科研组织管理办公室将开展一次全国统计科研优秀论文评选活动,现将有关事宜通知如下:一、评选范围1.统计基础理论和统计实...  相似文献   

关于开展全国统计科研优秀论文评选活动的通知为了推动全国统计科研活动,繁荣统计科研事业.迎接第50届世界统计大会在北京胜利召开,全国统计科研组织管理办公室将开展一次全国统计科研优秀论文评选活动,现将有关事宜通知如下:一、评选范围(1)是统计基础理论和统...  相似文献   

全国统计科研所长会议在厦门召开全国统计科研所长会议于1991年2月末在福建省厦门市召开。除西藏、海南、云南外,全国27个省、自治区、直辖市和哈尔滨、沈阳、重庆、武汉、广州5个计划单列市的统计科研机构的负责人以及部分大专院校的专家学者参加了会议。北京、天津、河北、山酉、甘肃、江西、福建、宁夏、新疆等地统计局主管科研工作的局长也应邀出席了会议。  相似文献   

为了推动全国统计科研活动,繁荣统计科研事业,迎接第50届世界统计大会在北京胜利召开,全国统计科研组织管理办公室将开展一次全国统计优秀论文评选活动,现将有关事宜通知如下:  相似文献   

Despite nearly 350 years of practice, we still do a fairly poor job of measuring the quality and impact of scholarly papers and the work of individual researchers. Much of our system for determining funding and career advancement revolves around one metric: the impact factor. Technology has progressed to a point where we can do better. We can now track the life of each individual paper after it has been published and better understand how it is read and how it is used. This creates a tremendous opportunity for new alternative metrics (“altmetrics”) to give us a much better sense of a paper's true impact. At the same time, we are now faced with an overwhelming quantity of information and seemingly unlimited ways to analyze a researcher's work. How do we separate out the digital needles from the haystack—the signal from the noise—and create useful tools for research assessment?  相似文献   

When we look around an imperfect world, we feel an understandable impulse to improve matters. We may therefore decide to intervene by prescribing medical treatment or by introducing crime reduction measures. But how do we know that what we do is likely to work? In medicine the standard answer is to do a trial; not surprisingly the same is true in crime reduction. But, says Paul Marchant, the lessons learned from medical trials have not been implemented in the latter field.  相似文献   


This case study focuses on user research that was conducted to enhance our users’ ebook discovery experience. We took an outward-facing approach by seeking the users’ perspectives. We wanted to know: How do users find ebooks? How do they perceive multiple records for the same title? Would users find additional metadata useful, such as download availability, file format, and chapter titles? We coordinated guerilla usability testing in our library lobby, inspired by low-overhead, high-impact user experience work at other academic libraries. The resulting data gave us a much-needed new perspective of ebook usage that supplements what we already know from our day-to-day work.  相似文献   

The role of statistics in quality and productivity improvement depends on certain philosophical issues that the author believes have been inadequately addressed. Three such issues are as follows: (1) what is the role of statistics in the process of investigation and discovery; (2) how can we extrapolate results from the particular to the general; and (3) how can we evaluate possible management changes so that they truly benefit an organization? Therefore, statistical methods appropriate to investigation and discovery are discussed as distinct from those appropriate to the testing of an already discovered solution. It is shown how the manner in which the tentative solution has been arrived at determines the assurance with which experimental conclusions can be extrapolated to the application in mind. Whether or not statistical methods and training can have any impact depends on the system of management. A vector representation which can help predict the consequences of changes in management strategy is discussed. This can help to realign policies so that members of an organization can better work together for the benefit of the organization.  相似文献   

李强 《统计研究》2010,27(1):10-14
本文总结了近两年我国统计部门科研工作的主要成果和特点,提出统计科研工作要积极面向和服务于统计中心工作,并明确了今后一段时期统计科研工作的主要任务。  相似文献   

More Than Things     

The often invisible labor of serials, technical services, metadata, and electronic resources workers sits in the space between required and preferred, assessment and surveillance. Although libraries and information workers did not explicitly create the systems many of us live in, we are responsible for their everyday functioning. In many ways the narratives from technical services to the library are centered in objects: item counts, COUNTER stats, door counts, discovery, and other transactional data. And yet, we are stewards and maintainers, innovators and storytellers of the countless ways these objects are experienced. How can we help our colleagues understand the outreach component of this work? How do we responsibly confront power in our systems—which often miscalculates the necessity of care in favor of the shiny? What does it mean to honor expertise behind the scenes, and how might we gain agency in our systems once more?  相似文献   

The Earth is full of life. If life evolved here, why not elsewhere? The Universe is a big place and our galaxy has many stars with planets. So are we alone? What is out there? And how do we know? Mark Burchell looks at the probability of life beyond our planet.  相似文献   


In response to growing concern about the reliability and reproducibility of published science, researchers have proposed adopting measures of “greater statistical stringency,” including suggestions to require larger sample sizes and to lower the highly criticized “p?<?0.05” significance threshold. While pros and cons are vigorously debated, there has been little to no modeling of how adopting these measures might affect what type of science is published. In this article, we develop a novel optimality model that, given current incentives to publish, predicts a researcher’s most rational use of resources in terms of the number of studies to undertake, the statistical power to devote to each study, and the desirable prestudy odds to pursue. We then develop a methodology that allows one to estimate the reliability of published research by considering a distribution of preferred research strategies. Using this approach, we investigate the merits of adopting measures of “greater statistical stringency” with the goal of informing the ongoing debate.  相似文献   

When one has information about a set of individuals on several variables, in different groups or contexts, and multivariate analysis is applied to each group the following questions arise: which groups show a similar response? how do the groups differ? how do the individuals differ in their responses in the different groups? These issues have led us to address a very interesting question in the practical context; the comparison and integration of the structures resulting from several multivariate analyses. Here we propose a method for the comparison and integration of the results arising from two Biplot analyses applied to the same variables in two different groups of individuals. By extension, we also develop the case of more than two Biplot analyses. Emphasis is placed on the underlying geometry and the interpretation of results, for which we offer indices that allow us to study the integrated structures and perform comparative analyses.  相似文献   

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