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网络零售业造节促销已成常态,优化网络零售平台(简称平台商)和销售商联合促销策略是一项值得深入研究的课题。本文基于收益共享契约,利用不同的博弈模型刻画入驻销售商和平台商之间三种不同的促销模式,包括由其中一方率先发起促销的模式和二者同时发起促销的模式,研究不同模式下销售商和平台商的最优促销策略。研究结论表明,在三种促销模式下,二者的最优促销策略均随着商品佣金费率的增长依次呈现三种不同的形式:从仅由销售商提供促销到联合促销再到仅由平台商提供促销。当且仅当佣金费率和商品的日常售价高于一定阈值时,销售商和平台商才会有动机开展联合促销。研究还发现,销售商和平台商在各自率先发起的联合促销模式下具备先动优势。销售商(平台商)率先发起的联合促销将更有利于对佣金费率较低(高)的商品实施。当销售商和平台商同时独立发起促销时,供应链整体促销力度最大,供应链的整体利润也最高。  相似文献   

针对由制造商和在线零售商组成的供应链系统,在存在消费者退货情形下,考虑在线零售商在线上渠道提供促销与退款保证服务,其中在线零售商促销成本为其私有信息,建立了信息不对称下的供应链博弈模型,研究了在线零售商的最优促销策略与供应链合同设计问题;进而分析了不对称信息对供应链均衡的影响,考察了退款保证对供应双方期望利润、信息价值以及消费者剩余的影响。研究发现,当制造商在决策合同参数(设计合同)时,需要在在线零售商信息租金与供应链系统绩效损失之间进行权衡;若满足一定条件,制造商和在线零售商之间进行谈判并能够实现信息共享而分享整个系统的利润;当退货产品总是会给供应链成员造成损失时,退款保证会导致制造商和零售商期望利润的损失,但在一定条件下却能提升消费者剩余。  相似文献   

随机产出与需求下农产品供应链协调的收益共享合同研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生鲜农产品生产受季节性和天气等影响,投入一定农资后产出呈随机分布。本文考虑产出和需求扰动服从均匀分布情形下,单个生产商和零售商的供应链协调问题。在收益共享合同模式下,生产商决定农资投入数(e)并将单一产品以低于生产成本的价格(ω)全部出售给零售商,零售商制定销售价格(p)进行销售并支付约定比例(1-Ф)的收益补偿生产商。在分析供应链协调的条件后,说明了合同参数ω与Ф的关系和Ф设定范围。研究结果表明,收益共享合同能有效地协调供应链,且协调的p和e与需求价格弹性有关;并且Ф取值范围随影响产出的随机变量的期望值变大而增大。最后以数值算例说明了分析结果的正确性。  相似文献   

价格折扣呈现方式对促销效果影响的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郝辽钢  高充彦  贾建民 《管理世界》2008,(10):106-114,126
本文按照信息处理这一研究框架,通过两个实验研究了基于金额和基于百分比的两种价格折扣呈现方式对消费者感知价值、购买意愿的影响及其边界条件。由于消费者头脑中处理基于百分比的价格折扣信息比处理基于金额的价格折扣信息具有更大的难度,从而消费者能够对后者产生更高的感知价值和购买意愿。又因为价格折扣计算难易程度和促销品价格是价格呈现形式对影响感知价值的两个边界条件,且价格折扣对购买意愿的影响是通过感知价值这一中介变量得以实现的,因此对于容易计算的价格折扣或者低价促销品,两种折扣形式对消费者感知价值的影响差异将消失。  相似文献   

在线视频行业近年来发展迅速,并在实践中产生了新的供应链模式——分账模式,这为传统采用买断模式的在线视频供应链带来了新挑战。针对由单一影视公司和单一视频平台组成的在线视频供应链,本文研究了买断模式和分账模式的适用条件,以及两种供应链模式下影视公司和视频平台的质量和价格优化决策问题。研究结果表明在线视频供应链的模式选择策略主要由市场基本需求决定,同时供应链模式亦会对影视公司和视频平台的质量和价格决策产生影响,忽视供应链模式的差异将导致影视公司和视频平台的收益受损。进一步地,通过与供应链收益共享模式的比较研究发现,影视公司的分成比例较高时,收益共享模式相对于买断模式和分账模式更具有优势,但现阶段仍缺乏普及应用场景。研究结论可为在线视频供应链的模式选择与优化决策提供有益管理启示。  相似文献   

本文在公平中性的供应商、公平关切的零售商和策略型与短视型顾客并存的供应链下,研究了零售商的最优定价与订货量及供应链的协调.研究发现,公平关切的零售商有提高产品价格和压低订货量的倾向;批发价契约难以实现供应链的协调;收益共享契约能实现供应链的完美协调.论文还讨论了零售商的公平关切程度和利润分享比例对供应商利润、零售商效用及供应链效用的影响.  相似文献   

本文针对O2O模式下线下旅行社(TO)与线上旅行商(OTA)在采取促销手段时的定价策略进行研究。首先根据促销成本的承担对象划分出由TO单独承担促销成本和TO与OTA共同承担促销成本这两种促销模式,然后通过纳什谈判确定销售佣金的定价策略,研究TO与OTA的谈判能力不同且双方承担的促销成本比例变化的情况下旅游产品和促销努力水平的定价策略。结果表明:当TO的谈判能力越大时,TO所需付出的销售佣金越小,促销的努力水平越高,销售价格越低,且TO的利润越大;而且,OTA的利润随着TO谈判能力的提高而下降。此外,通过对两种促销模式下TO的利润、OTA的利润以及整体利润的对比分析得出,应依据TO与OTA共同承担促销的这种促销模式下TO承担促销的比例来确定采用的促销模式。  相似文献   

基于产品差异的再制造闭环供应链定价与协调研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
建立了在分散式决策和集中式决策2种情形下两周期再制造闭环供应链的决策模型,得出了制造商的最优批发价格和回购价格、零售商对新产品和再制造产品的差异定价以及双方的利润,并分析了不同参数变化对价格、回收率和利润的影响.将2种情形下的最优决策结果进行了比较,结果表明分散式决策下存在双重边际效应,系统效益非最优;利用收益共享契约来协调闭环供应链,通过算例验证了所得结论的正确性.  相似文献   

本文建立了"合作社+核心企业"模式下两阶段折扣定价的二级生鲜农产品供应链,基于消费者生鲜偏好、价格敏感度对市场需求的影响,选取Nash谈判解作为公平参考点,引入合作社公平偏好理论,研究供应链盟员保鲜投入决策。针对合作社保鲜努力激励,探讨供应链盟员偏好对保鲜努力水平以及收益共享契约激励协调效果的影响。研究发现,消费者生鲜偏好的提高能够促进收益共享契约的激励效果,并且提高合作社公平效用。同时,收益共享契约在第一阶段对保鲜努力水平的激励效果优于第二阶段,而在第二阶段联合使用收益共享和成本分摊能够显著提高该阶段的保鲜投入。  相似文献   

Consumption-point programs have been commonly implemented in retail industries in efforts to promote sales and improve customer loyalty. In Korea, many retailers from different industries use a point-sharing policy to augment the conventional consumption-point program of each retailer. In a multi-retailer coalition under such a cooperative sales promotion policy, by purchasing from one coalition retailer, customers earn points that they can redeem points at other retailers in the coalition. On one hand, the introduction of this policy gives customers great flexibility for redeeming earned points, which can increase the demand at all retailers who promote the policy. On the other hand, the additional product costs associated with the points created by one retailer may spill over and be partly borne by other retailers, possibly distorting the coalition members’ equilibrium decisions under decentralized control. Under the general assumptions about the demand functions, we developed a model consisting of two retailers with fixed retail prices and addressed the retailers’ equilibrium decisions under a pure point-sharing policy. The findings suggest that the policy resulted in a cost spillover phenomenon. Then, we revealed that a pure point-sharing policy may fail to maximize the total profit of the coalition. Moreover, we showed that a pure point-sharing policy does not dominate the individual point scheme, which may explain the reason that point sharing is useful but not ubiquitously used in the real world. Our numerical examples also illustrate the way a pure point-sharing policy influences retailers’ profits when retail prices are decision variables. To improve the overall profit under the point-sharing policy further, we propose a target rebate contract to coordinate a pair of retailers. This contract can maximize the total profit and arbitrarily split the profit between retailers.  相似文献   

The subject of statistical sales forecasting has recently been brought to prominence as a major area of management decision-making by the growth of a substantive literature and the establishment of several research groups to investigate the building of forecasting models. Whilst a lot of attention has been focused on the relatively newer disciplines of technological forecasting and multiple-equation model building of macro-economic systems, statistical sales forecasting methods have also been subject to considerable development and a number of radically new techniques have emerged. The authors believe that it is timely to review the current ‘state of the art’ of sales forecasting methodology. This study examines a wide range of models in use although it is not intended as a comprehensive guide.  相似文献   

The paper observes that the term ‘business model’ has been incorporated in recent financial reporting regulations. The first section of the paper describes various meanings of ‘business model’ and demonstrates that the term has no settled or agreed meaning. The second part of the paper considers the suitability of the term ‘business model’ as a basis for a measurement standard (IFRS 9) or for requirements for narrative reporting and concludes it is not suitable for either purpose. Examples from the UK FTSE 100 index companies are used to illustrate existing usage in narrative reporting, finding varying levels of informativeness of disclosures about business models. The final part of the paper discusses reasons for incorporating an ambiguous and contested term in reporting guidance. It identifies parallels with ambiguity in other branches of financial reporting and the potential utility of ambiguity in allowing consensus to be arrived at on a form of words, apparently tightening up reporting regulation, while allowing participants ‘wiggle room’.  相似文献   

While research on business models and business model innovation continue to exhibit growth, the field is still, even after more than two decades of research, characterized by a striking lack of cumulative theorizing and an opportunistic borrowing of more or less related ideas from neighbouring fields in the place of cumulative theory. We argue that the lack of cumulativeness stems from lack of construct clarity (i.e., BM and BMI are seldom defined with much precision) and lack of agreement on definitions, which in turn imply that the core constructs are not dimensionalized in a way that eases theory-building and empirical testing. Lack of progress on these matters partly reflect that the BM and BMI constructs are used in multiple explanatory contexts, so that it is not entirely clear what are the problems that BM and BMI research seek to solve. We argue, with Teece (2010), that the BM and BMI constructs are fundamentally about the architecture of the firm's value creation, delivery and capture mechanisms; theoretically the key aspect of BMs is complementarity between activities underlying these mechanisms; BMI means novel changes of such complementary relations; and this understanding not only unifies diverse contributions to the literature but is also productive of new insight.  相似文献   

张凯 《管理科学》2019,22(4):110-126
平台模式已然是一种全球化的商业模式,与之相对应的平台经济也成为当前最显著的经济现象之一.本文以京东商城、亚马逊等为代表的复合型电商平台中的第三方数量为研究视角,旨在回答:1)为何有些产品的第三方卖家数量较多,而另一些产品的第三方卖家数量较少? 2)第三方卖家数量是不是越多越好? 3)为何平台自营产品的售价往往介于众多第三方卖家售价之间? 4)复合型电商平台的利润主要来源于平台自营业务还是第三方卖家?研究发现:产品市场特性的不同导致不同产品的第三方卖家数量呈现出显著差异;复合型电商平台应将第三方卖家数量控制在适度范围内;平台自营的售价介于众多第三方卖家售价之间有助于平台在提高产品价格的同时增加销量;当第三方卖家数量较少(多)时,(非)平台自营利润占主导地位.此外,本文还将基本模型拓展到纯开放平台的情形,并对比分析了三种定价机制.研究发现:在相同外部环境情形下,京东模式优于天猫模式优于淘宝模式和美团模式.对于纯开放平台模式,两部收费定价模式优于会员费定价模式和佣金定价模式.  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirically validated framework of business process management (BPM) to enable the pursuit of BPM theory. Phase 1 of the research focused on the development of an initial framework of BPM, derived from a synthesis of current literature. This comprised five key themes, subsequently categorized as ‘application components’ of BPM. The empirical validation of the framework was approached through case‐based research, utilizing semi‐structured interviews with managers of a large financial services organization, to explore the dimensions of the framework. The results suggest that, in addition to confirming the five ‘application components’ of the initial framework, three additional ‘conceptual components’ are important. These concepts differentiate BPM from other process management activities, and suggest that developing a prerequisite ‘process mindset’ is a fundamental component of a BPM approach.  相似文献   

In 2000, Business and Society Review published a Special Issue of the journal to explore scholars’ ideas about how the practice of corporate citizenship would evolve in the 21st century. Contributors to the volume predicted a change in business motives for engaging in social initiatives, suggesting that managers would begin to see corporate citizenship as a strategic necessity to preserve organizational legitimacy in the face of changing social values. This article uses data from a study of corporate citizenship practices in over 500 Norwegian companies to explore the validity of the Special Issue predictions. We begin by reviewing the foundations of organizational legitimacy theory and examine recent research documenting the growing importance of corporate citizenship for assessments of business legitimacy. We describe our study methods, present our results, and discuss the implications of our findings in this context.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to identify differences, if any, between the characteristics of male and female businesses and to establish whether female businesses do constitute a distinct entrepreneurial group. The paper presents the results of an ongoing study based on a national survey of nearly 6000 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the UK. Given that existing research tends to focus, in the main, on the pre-start up and start-up differences, this study aims to identify gender-based differences between male and female owned/managed businesses in their post-formation stage. A gender-based business competence development model is developed and a case is made for what is termed 'gender-based entrepreneurialism'. It is argued given that established male and female businesses exhibit different characteristics, gender-based entrepreneurialism should be acknowledged and considered by policy makers within the SME sector. Female owned/managed businesses may require differentiated policies beyond the pre-start up and start-up stages for developing business competencies and to nurture their growth and development.  相似文献   

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