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北京市近年婚配状况的特征及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
婚姻本质上是男女双方的选择和匹配过程。文章基于北京市2004~2009年的婚姻登记数据库,对夫妇双方在年龄、城乡户籍、地区户籍、学历、婚次、民族和职业等方面的匹配状况和特点进行分析,印证了婚配过程中同类匹配和婚姻梯度的存在。从时序上看,夫妇双方的年龄日益趋近,人口流动也促进了跨地域通婚的增加,这些特征改变了传统的婚配走向,使婚配更具开放性;但夫妇学历的日趋般配和跨城乡通婚的减少,也显现出婚姻匹配走向封闭的特征。基于社会交换心理所形成的男女双方不同特征属性之间的优劣互补,使婚姻梯度所造成的夫妇间的差距在一定程度上有所减弱,从而形成同类婚配、且丈夫的综合条件略高于妻子的总体婚配特征。在大城市中,受婚姻梯度的影响,往往是条件优秀的女性承受更大的婚配压力。  相似文献   

Conceptualizing and Measuring Quality of Life for National Policy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The interests in social indicators andsocial reporting started in the 1960s with thenew awareness of poverty in the midst ofaffluence. In this paper I first discuss thepoverty concept and its implication for socialpolicy strategy. The poverty concept should bebut one in a system of concepts that throwslight on the whole distribution of income andwealth and how income from labor as well asincome from capital is generated. The centralconcepts in the system are income and economicstandard, which I explain in differentperspectives on command over resources.The command-over-resources concept is usedto get from a narrow concept of materialwelfare that can be measured in money to awider concept of welfare that includes theuniversal common social concerns. I confess tobeing intrigued by the fact that a list ofsocial concerns can be agreed upon that seemsto be relevant across cultures, politicalsystems and times. I suggest that thissurmised universality springs from the great``life projects'' that all humans face over thelife cycle.I then discuss the role of social indicatorsand social reporting as continuous informationon these common concerns in the context of anepistemology of the democratic process. Socialreporting would serve the democratic processbest if it answers ``how it is'' and leaves theanswers on ``how it ought to be'' and ``whatshould be done'' to come about throughdiscussion among citizens.  相似文献   

H Sun 《人口研究》1984,(2):44-46
The recent increase in marital migration in China among the rural population of the Beijing suburbs is examined, with a focus on the impact of uneven economic developments in villages and of different rates of population growth and distribution, fertility, and sex ratios. Findings are based on a survey of 1981 marriage patterns in a number of Beijing suburban communes. It is found that slightly over 50 percent of the women married within their communes, less than 20 percent married men from other suburban communes, and the remainder married outside the communes. The author observes that more women than men have migrated into the Beijing area and that marriage has been a major determinant of this movement.  相似文献   


Financial inclusion has become a policy priority. For many countries, this has meant focusing on the delivery and practical aspects of financial products and services. This paper argues that this approach is not sufficient to improve financial wellbeing more broadly. It suggests a more comprehensive approach moving away from asking whether people are excluded or not to asking whether they have access to accessible, acceptable and appropriate resources and supports in adverse financial circumstances. A better understanding of individuals’ financial resilience: how they bounce back from adverse financial events and the resources and supports they draw on; could help determine where resources can and should be invested to assist people to cope with financial adversity, assist the development of effective policy and, ultimately, improve financial wellbeing. This paper puts forward a definition of financial resilience and a methodology for measuring it. Australia is used as a case country from which to draw conclusions using a survey of 1496 representative adults (18+). The findings indicate that over 2 million Australian adults experienced severe or high levels of financial vulnerability raising very real concerns about financial wellbeing. Implications for academics and policy makers are presented.


It is well established in the literature that married people have a higher level of subjective well-being than the never married, widowed, or divorced/separated. However, previous research has yielded conflicting results on changes in the relationship between marital status and well-being. American happiness data in particular provide evidence of a declining relationship, whereas other studies suggest the opposite trend. The present study analyzes time trends in the relationship between marital status and two outcome measures, suicide rates and self-reported distress. The hypothesis that the relationship between marital status and these well-being indicators has declined during the last 10–20 years is clearly rejected. There is even some evidence that the relative position of never married men has become more unfavorable during this period. However, the causal interpretation of these trends is problematic.  相似文献   


Previous empirical research on tolerance suffers from a number of shortcomings, the most serious being the conceptual and operational conflation of (in)tolerance and prejudice. We design research to remedy this. First, we contribute to the literature by advancing research that distinguishes analytically between the two phenomena. We conceptualize tolerance as a value orientation towards difference. This definition—which is abstract and does not capture attitudes towards specific out-groups, ideas, or behaviors—allows for the analysis of tolerance within and between societies. Second, we improve the measurement of tolerance by developing survey items that are consistent with this conceptualization. We administer two surveys, one national (Sweden) and one cross-national (Australia, Denmark, Great Britain, Sweden, and the United States). Results from structural equation models show that tolerance is best understood as a three-dimensional concept, which includes acceptance of, respect for, and appreciation of difference. Analyses show that measures of tolerance have metric invariance across countries, and additional tests demonstrate convergent and discriminant validity. We also assess tolerance’s relationship to prejudice and find that only an appreciation of difference has the potential to reduce prejudice. We conclude that it is not only possible to measure tolerance in a way that is distinct from prejudice but also necessary if we are to understand the causes and consequences of tolerance.


中德婚姻市场供需情况的比较研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文从概念、形成机制、度量方法、后果及其解决途径等方面探讨了婚姻挤压问题 ,考虑到婚姻挤压对婚姻寿命、初婚人数及其性别差异的影响而创立了婚姻寿命指数与初婚挤压指数两指标 ,提出了婚姻市场类型的划分标准。通过对中德两国婚姻市场的历史与现状的考察 ,揭示了中德两国婚姻挤压产生的原因、类型、差异和未来的变化趋势 ,并对如何化解中国未来婚姻市场的供求矛盾提出了对策与建议  相似文献   

This paper reports a study designed to develop and validate a measure of quality of college life (QCL) of students. Using a theoretical model based on a build-up approach to QCL, the authors provide an empirical examination of various hierarchical components and their properties. The method is executed in two stages. The first stage is used to clarify the particular elements for inclusion in the model. The second phase uses a sample of students drawn for the campuses of three major universities in the United States. These samples were used to test several hypotheses regarding the model and its components. The results generally provide support. Finally, the discussion centers on the value of the model in application by both university officials and public policy officials in the at-large community.  相似文献   

本文利用北京老龄化多维纵向研究数据,对北京老年人的成功老龄化状况进行了分析.分析结果表明,年龄、性别、受教育程度和家庭经济状况等因素影响着成功老龄化.属于成功老龄化范畴的老年人主要是低年龄、男性、受教育时间长、拥有较多家庭财产或月收入的老年人.上述因素并不只对某一个年龄组产生影响,它们对老年的各个阶段都有影响.年龄的增长与老年人身体、心理和社会功能有着紧密的联系,在控制了年龄、性别、教育和收入变量之后,老年人之间的差异依然存在.  相似文献   

解韬 《人口学刊》2014,(1):54-63
婚姻家庭状况是人类社会生活的重要方面。对于残疾人,婚姻含有生存的意义,家庭是他/她们生活的主要载体,甚至是生存的唯一依靠。但残疾人在婚姻家庭生活中遇到了许多问题和困难。如何帮助解决残疾人的婚姻与家庭问题,是全社会应该关心的一件大事。本文利用第二次全国残疾人抽样调查数据,研究成年残疾人口的婚姻状况及其影响因素。研究结果表明,影响成年残疾人口婚姻状况的重要因素包括就业状况、家庭收入状况等经济指标。另一方面,成年残疾人口的婚姻状况与其本身的残疾程度以及因残疾带来的自身理解与交流能力的差异、与他人相处能力的好坏、对于社会的参与能力的差异等有显著关系。此外,性别、户口性质、教育程度等基本人口特征指标也显著影响到成年残疾人口的婚姻状况。  相似文献   

于潇  崔仟 《人口学刊》2011,(5):25-31
长吉图开发开放先导区建设不仅给吉林省的社会经济发展和对外开放带来极大地促进作用,而且是促进东北老工业基地振兴,推动图们江地区国际开发和东北亚区域合作的重要载体。目前长吉图先导区人口与经济发展的关系较为和谐,但从长远发展来看也存在一些潜在的问题,为了促进长吉图先导区人口与经济、社会、资源、环境协调发展,建议完善现行的人口和计划生育政策;加大医疗、教育等公共服务投入,全面提高人口素质;改革户籍制度,促进人口合理迁移流动;推进长吉一体化和延龙图一体化发展,提高城镇化水平。  相似文献   

Housing well-being refers to the home resident’s cumulative positive and negative affect associated with the purchase, preparation, ownership, use, and maintenance of the current home, and the selling of the previous home. Housing well-being is assumed to occur when the home is bought with the least amount of effort (purchase), the home is prepared for use to meet the needs of the new occupants (preparation), ownership signals status and enhances the home owner’s financial portfolio (ownership), the home serves the housing needs of the residents (use), the maintenance, renovation, and repair in the home are minimal, least costly, and effortless (maintenance), and the sale of the home is transacted with the least amount of effort and most financial gain (selling). Based on this conceptualization of housing well-being, we conducted an exploratory study to identify the sources of satisfaction related to the purchase, preparation, ownership, use, and maintenance of the current home, and the selling of the previous home. The exploratory study also helped us articulate a theoretical model describing the interrelationships among the housing well-being constructs and their consequence: the perceived quality-of-life (QOL) impact of the home. The exploratory study helped us also to develop survey measures, which in turn were validated through two additional studies involving surveys of home owners in the US and Korea.  相似文献   

The biological and demographic literature on the effects or frequency of intercourse on fecundability is reviewed in this paper. While empirical work and model-building results agree well on the effect of change from low to moderate coital frequencies, inconsistencies emerge when increase from moderate to high coital frequencies is considered. Of the models considered, it may be argued that the explicit provision for unfavourable cycles makes Schwartz's model an improvement over Barrett and Marshall's, Lachenbruch's and Trussell's. Moreover, even though he used a very different approach, Bongaarts obtained results that are much closer to those of Schwartz et al. than the others. Bongaarts's model is used as a starting point for new modelling, to be reported in the next issue, which deals with these inconsistencies by taking into account the ageing of gametes.  相似文献   

农民工就业与就业促进问题实证研究——以北京市为例   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
随着中国城市化进程的加快,大量的农民从农村来到城市,从事着各种各样的劳动。在中国的产业大军中,农民工数量在迅速增长,农民工日益成为不可或缺的重要力量。由于户籍等原因,作为就业弱势群体的农民工比城镇劳动力面临着更大的失业风险和保障缺失。他们的就业状况究竟如何、他们参加失业保险以及受到就业培训的状况如何,如何促进农民工的就业是值得全社会高度关注的重大问题。本文以北京市为例,就农民工的就业与就业促进问题进行一些分析和探讨。  相似文献   

This longitudinal study analyzes the timebudget and the quality of experience reportedby new parents. Five primiparous couples wererepeatedly administered Experience SamplingMethod. They carried pagers sending randomsignals 6–8 times a day; at the signalreception, they filled out forms samplingcurrent thoughts, activities, and the qualityof experience. Nine of the ten participantsworked full-time or part-time. 8 samplingsessions were carried out: 4 during pregnancy,4 after delivery, each one lasting 7–12 days.Maternity leave deeply influenced mothers' timebudget. Parents' quality of experience wasanalyzed in four daily activities: parenting,work, leisure, use of media. Significantdifferences were detected; specifically,parenting was associated with the highestvalues of mood, perceived challenges andinvolvement. Although the small sample sizeprevents any firm conclusion, findings providemethodological and theoretical suggestions forfurther studies. Developmental implications inthe bio-cultural perspective are alsooutlined.  相似文献   

本研究运用交换理论,以延边朝鲜族女性的涉外婚姻为例,探讨婚姻中的资源与交换之间的关系。1992年中国和韩国建交后,在延边朝鲜族社会里,社会经济资源匮乏的女性在涉外婚姻中将自身的“年轻”作为可利用的资源和韩国男性所拥有的“优越的居住资源”进行了交换。她们将涉外婚姻作为谋求经济稳定和改变社会经济地位的手段加以选择。  相似文献   

We report findings from an initial empirical test of a hope-based, group therapy protocol. In this context, hope is defined as a cognitive process through which individuals pursue their goals [Snyder, C. R.: 1994, Free Press, New York]. As such, the eight-session group treatment emphasized building goal-pursuit skills. Findings from a randomized, wait-list control trial using a community sample (n=32 completers) are reported. Participants underwent structured diagnostic interviews (SCID-I) and completed assessment packets. Post-participation assessment results indicate the intervention was associated with statistically significant (p<0.05) improvements in the agency component of hope, life meaning, and self-esteem as well as reductions in symptoms of depression and anxiety. These results suggest that a brief hope intervention can increase some psychological strengths and reduce some symptoms of psychopathology.  相似文献   

近年来随着涉外结婚数量的不断增多,北京逐渐跻身我国涉外婚姻密集地区之列。基于2004~2011年北京婚姻登记数据的分析表明,北京近年的涉外婚姻依然具有中国早期涉外婚姻所表现出的外嫁婚为主、再婚者比例偏高、外嫁婚夫妇年龄差偏大等特点,但不平衡的状况已经有了很大改善。此外,涉外婚姻者普遍学历较高,"高知组合"占有较大比重。针对离婚数据的分析显示,尽管北京近年的涉外离婚量和离结率均有显著提高,但与国内离婚情况相比仍处于较低水平,"闪离"现象也并不普遍。总体而言,北京近年的涉外婚姻所展示出的特点和变动趋势是积极的;随着我国经济社会的持续发展,涉外婚姻也将进一步走向理性和平等。  相似文献   

新疆少数民族人口婚姻状况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文根据实地调查资料与历年统计资料,对新疆的维吾尔族、哈萨克族、回族、蒙古族和柯尔克孜族这5个主要少数民族人口的婚姻状况进行综合分析,探讨这些少数民族中出现的各类人口婚姻问题。  相似文献   

刘军奎 《西北人口》2010,31(1):66-70
劳动力转移流向和从业领域的高度一致,使“进京保姆”成为L村女性劳动力转移的一种特殊模式。这种模式既打破了以往“男主外、女主内”的性别分工,也强化了市场化分工在当前劳动力转移中的主导作用。L村女性劳动力转移经历了由生存理性到经济理性和社会理性的转变。由理性选择促成的“保姆经济”成为L村经济发展和观念更新的重要动因。从长远看,L村女性劳动力集中进京已经造成村庄内婚姻家庭解体、儿童老人问题突出等诸多问题。这种“发展的悖论”应是后续研究和决策所必须面对和解决的问题。  相似文献   

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