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This is an article on recent results on stochastic comparisons of order statistics of n independent random variables differing in their scale parameters. Most of the results obtained so far are for the Weibull and the Gamma distributions.  相似文献   

Let P(t) be the probability that a subject dies at dose level t or a unit fails at stress level t,then the Bayesian methodology is used to test (i) P(t) is straight line and (ii) P(t) is convex function (concave function).  相似文献   

The common choices of frailty distribution in lifetime data models include the Gamma and Inverse Gaussian distributions. We present diagnostic plots for these distributions when frailty operates in a proportional hazards framework. Firstly, we present plots based on the form of the unconditional survival function when the baseline hazard is assumed to be Weibull. Secondly, we base a plot on a closure property that applies for any baseline hazard, namely, that the frailty distribution among survivors at time t has the same form as the original distribution, with the same shape parameter but different scale parameter. We estimate the shape parameter at different values of t and examine whether it is constant, that is, whether plotted values form a straight line parallel to the time axis. We provide simulation results assuming Weibull baseline hazard and an example to illustrate the methods.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to present a new test for the detection of size-bias in a sample with or without censored observations. The test is simple in the form and demands only the knowledge of consistent estimators of any nuisance parameters appeared in the model. With the use of simulated samples from the Weibull distribution, we show the advantages of the new test compared to the Likelihood Ratio and the Wald test.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors first obtain the exact distribution of the logarithm of the product of independent generalized Gamma r.v.’s (random variables) in the form of a Generalized Integer Gamma distribution of infinite depth, where all the rate and shape parameters are well identified. Then, by a routine transformation, simple and manageable expressions for the exact distribution of the product of independent generalized Gamma r.v.’s are derived. The method used also enables us to obtain quite easily very accurate, manageable and simple near-exact distributions in the form of Generalized Near-Integer Gamma distributions. Numerical studies are carried out to assess the precision of different approximations to the exact distribution and they show the high accuracy of the approximations provided by the near-exact distributions. As particular cases of the exact distributions obtained we have the distribution of the product of independent Gamma, Weibull, Frechet, Maxwell-Boltzman, Half-Normal, Rayleigh, and Exponential distributions, as well as the exact distribution of the generalized variance, the exact distribution of discriminants or Vandermonde determinants and the exact distribution of any linear combination of generalized Gumbel distributions, as well as yet the distribution of the product of any power of the absolute value of independent Normal r.v.’s.  相似文献   

We propose the use of the generalized fractional Bayes factor for testing fit in multinomial models. This is a non-asymptotic method that can be used to quantify the evidence for or against a sub-model. We give expressions for the generalized fractional Bayes factor and we study its properties. In particular, we show that the generalized fractional Bayes factor has better properties than the fractional Bayes factor.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider two independent zero-inflated power series distributions and provide likelihood ratio test for equality of inflation parameters of the same. As an illustration, testing equality of inflation parameters of two zero inflated Poisson distributions is provided. Further, simulation study to investigate power of likelihood ratio tests has been carried out.  相似文献   

We study a factor analysis model with two normally distributed observations and one factor. In the case when the errors have equal variance, the maximum likelihood estimate of the factor loading is given in closed form. Exact and approximate distributions of the maximum likelihood estimate are considered. The exact distribution function is given in a complex form that involves the incomplete Beta function. Approximations to the distribution function are given for the cases of large sample sizes and small error variances. The accuracy of the approximations is discussed  相似文献   


Simple expressions are presented that relate cumulants to central moments without involving moments about the origin. These expressions are used to obtain recursive formulae for the central moments of the gamma distribution, with exponential and chi-square distributions as special cases.  相似文献   


This article considers the problem of testing equality of parameters of two exponential distributions having common known coefficient of variation, both under unconditional and conditional setup. Unconditional tests based on BLUE'S and LRT are considered. Using the Conditionality Principle of Fisher, an UMP conditional test for one-sided alternative is derived by conditioning on an ancillary. This test is seen to be uniformly more powerful than unconditional tests in certain given ranges of ancillary. Simulation studies on the power functions of the tests are done for this purpose.  相似文献   

In this article, a family of distributions, namely the exponentiated family of distributions, is defined and for the unknown parameters, different point estimates are derived based on record statistics. Prediction for future record values is presented from a Bayesian view point. Two numerical examples and a Monte Carlo simulation study are presented to illustrate the results.  相似文献   

A method is proposed to construct simultaneous confidence intervals for multiple linear combinations of generalized linear model parameters, that uses a multivariate normal- or t-distribution together with the signed likelihood root statistic. In an application to a case study simultaneous confidence bands for logistic regression are calculated. A simulation study based on the example evaluation suggests superior performance compared to the common Wald-type approaches. The proposed methods are readily implemented in the R extension package mcprofile.  相似文献   

In Bayesian Inference it is often desirable to have a posterior density reflecting mainly the information from sample data. To achieve this purpose it is important to employ prior densities which add little information to the sample. We have in the literature many such prior densities, for example, Jeffreys (1967 Jeffreys , H. ( 1967 ). Theory of Probability , 3rd rev. ed. . London : Oxford University Press . [Google Scholar]), Lindley (1956 Lindley , D. V. ( 1956 ). On a measure of the information provided by an experiment . Ann. Mathemat. Statist. 27 : 9861005 .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]); (1961 Lindley , D. V. ( 1961 ). The use of prior probability distributions in statistical inference and decisions . In: Neyman , J. , ed. Proceedings of the Fourth Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability . Vol. 1. Berkeley : University of California Press , pp. 453468 . [Google Scholar]), Hartigan (1964 Hartigan , J. ( 1964 ). Invariant priors distributions . Ann. Mathemat. Statist. 35 : 836845 .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]), Bernardo (1979 Bernardo , J. M. ( 1979 ). Reference posterior distributions for Bayesian inference . J. Roy. Statist. Soc. 41 ( 2 ): 113147 . [Google Scholar]), Zellner (1984 Zellner , A. ( 1984 ). Maximal Data Information Prior Distributions, Basic Issues in Econometrics . Chicago : University of Chicago Press . [Google Scholar]), Tibshirani (1989 Tibshirani , R. ( 1989 ). Noninformative priors for one parameters of many . Biometrika 76 : 604608 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), etc. In the present article, we compare the posterior densities of the reliability function by using Jeffreys, the maximal data information (Zellner, 1984 Zellner , A. ( 1984 ). Maximal Data Information Prior Distributions, Basic Issues in Econometrics . Chicago : University of Chicago Press . [Google Scholar]), Tibshirani's, and reference priors for the reliability function R(t) in a Weibull distribution.  相似文献   

In this article, we focus on the general k-step step-stress accelerated life tests with Type-I censoring for two-parameter Weibull distributions based on the tampered failure rate (TFR) model. We get the optimum design for the tests under the criterion of the minimization of the asymptotic variance of the maximum likelihood estimate of the pth percentile of the lifetime under the normal operating conditions. Optimum test plans for the simple step-stress accelerated life tests under Type-I censoring are developed for the Weibull distribution and the exponential distribution in particular. Finally, an example is provided to illustrate the proposed design and a sensitivity analysis is conducted to investigate the robustness of the design.  相似文献   

Bayesian inference for categorical data analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article surveys Bayesian methods for categorical data analysis, with primary emphasis on contingency table analysis. Early innovations were proposed by Good (1953, 1956, 1965) for smoothing proportions in contingency tables and by Lindley (1964) for inference about odds ratios. These approaches primarily used conjugate beta and Dirichlet priors. Altham (1969, 1971) presented Bayesian analogs of small-sample frequentist tests for 2 x 2 tables using such priors. An alternative approach using normal priors for logits received considerable attention in the 1970s by Leonard and others (e.g., Leonard 1972). Adopted usually in a hierarchical form, the logit-normal approach allows greater flexibility and scope for generalization. The 1970s also saw considerable interest in loglinear modeling. The advent of modern computational methods since the mid-1980s has led to a growing literature on fully Bayesian analyses with models for categorical data, with main emphasis on generalized linear models such as logistic regression for binary and multi-category response variables.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present large sample properties of a partially linear model from the Bayesian perspective, in which responses are explained by the semiparametric regression model with the additive form of the linear component and the nonparametric component. For this purpose, we investigate asymptotic behaviors of posterior distributions in terms of consistency. Specifically, we deal with a specific Bayesian partially linear regression model with additive noises in which the nonparametric component is modeled using Gaussian process priors. Under the Bayesian partially linear model using Gaussian process priors, we focus on consistency of posterior distribution and consistency of the Bayes factor, and extend these results to generalized additive regression models and study their asymptotic properties. In addition we illustrate the asymptotic properties based on empirical analysis through simulation studies.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The paper develops empirical Bayes (EB) confidence intervals for population means with distributions belonging to the natural exponential family-quadratic variance function (NEF-QVF) family when the sample size for a particular population is moderate or large. The basis for such development is to find an interval centred around the posterior mean which meets the target coverage probability asymptotically, and then show that the difference between the coverage probabilities of the Bayes and EB intervals is negligible up to a certain order. The approach taken is Edgeworth expansion so that the sample sizes from the different populations need not be significantly large. The proposed intervals meet the target coverage probabilities asymptotically, and are easy to construct. We illustrate use of these intervals in the context of small area estimation both through real and simulated data. The proposed intervals are different from the bootstrap intervals. The latter can be applied quite generally, but the order of accuracy of these intervals in meeting the desired coverage probability is unknown.  相似文献   

We study the problem of testing: H0 : μ ∈ P against H1 : μ ? P, based on a random sample of N observations from a p-dimensional normal distribution Np(μ, Σ) with Σ > 0 and P a closed convex positively homogeneous set. We develop the likelihood-ratio test (LRT) for this problem. We show that the union-intersection principle leads to a test equivalent to the LRT. It also gives a large class of tests which are shown to be admissible by Stein's theorem (1956). Finally, we give the α-level cutoff points for the LRT.  相似文献   

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