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In the case where the population distribution is unknown, the Kaplan–Meier estimator of the reliability function based on a ranked set sample with random right-censored data is first proposed. It is shown to be a unique self-consistent estimator. Then, the censored RSS estimator of the population mean is constructed. A simulation study is conducted to compare the performance of the proposed estimators with the corresponding estimators based on a simple random sample. It is shown that the ranked set sampling has higher efficiency. Finally, the proposed method is applied to a renal carcinoma study.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider nonparametric test procedures based on a group of quantile test statistics. We consider the quadratic form for the two-sided test and the maximal and summing types of statistics for the one-sided alternatives. Then we derive the null limiting distributions of the proposed test statistics using the large sample approximation theory. Also, we consider applying the permutation principle to obtain the null distribution. In this vein, we may consider the supremum type, which should use the permutation principle for obtaining the null distribution. Then we illustrate our procedure with an example and compare the proposed tests with other existing tests including the individual quantile tests by obtaining empirical powers through simulation study. Also, we comment on the related discussions to this testing procedure as concluding remarks. Finally we prove the lemmas and theorems in the appendices.  相似文献   


In some applications, the available data suffer from several sampling problems related to loss of information. This typically happens in Survival Analysis, where models for truncation, censorship, and biasing have been proposed and widely investigated. In this work, we analyze by simulations the (finite sample) bias and variance of the nonparametric MLE under length-biasing and right-censorship, recently introduced by de Uńa-Álvarez [de Uńa-Álvarez, J. (2002a). Product-limit estimation for length-biased censored data. Test 11:109–125]. Comparison with the time-honoured Kaplan–Meier estimate for censored data is included.  相似文献   

An asymptotically distribution-free test is proposed for testing the equality of two multivariate failure distributions against a particular one-sided alternative based on censored observations. This test may be interpreted as a multivariate one-sided Gehan test. The consistency of the test is established. An illustrative example is given.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider a nonparametric estimator of the Lorenz curve under censored dependent model. We show that this estimator is uniformly strongly consistent for the associated Lorenz curve. Also, a strong Gaussian approximation for the associated Lorenz process are established under appropriate assumptions. A law of the iterated logarithm for the Lorenz process is also derived.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a new empirical likelihood method for linear regression analysis with a right censored response variable. The method is based on the synthetic data approach for censored linear regression analysis. A log-empirical likelihood ratio test statistic for the entire regression coefficients vector is developed and we show that it converges to a standard chi-squared distribution. The proposed method can also be used to make inferences about linear combinations of the regression coefficients. Moreover, the proposed empirical likelihood ratio provides a way to combine different normal equations derived from various synthetic response variables. Maximizing this empirical likelihood ratio yields a maximum empirical likelihood estimator which is asymptotically equivalent to the solution of the estimating equation that are optimal linear combination of the original normal equations. It improves the estimation efficiency. The method is illustrated by some Monte Carlo simulation studies as well as a real example.  相似文献   


In this paper, we propose modified spline estimators for nonparametric regression models with right-censored data, especially when the censored response observations are converted to synthetic data. Efficient implementation of these estimators depends on the set of knot points and an appropriate smoothing parameter. We use three algorithms, the default selection method (DSM), myopic algorithm (MA), and full search algorithm (FSA), to select the optimum set of knots in a penalized spline method based on a smoothing parameter, which is chosen based on different criteria, including the improved version of the Akaike information criterion (AICc), generalized cross validation (GCV), restricted maximum likelihood (REML), and Bayesian information criterion (BIC). We also consider the smoothing spline (SS), which uses all the data points as knots. The main goal of this study is to compare the performance of the algorithm and criteria combinations in the suggested penalized spline fits under censored data. A Monte Carlo simulation study is performed and a real data example is presented to illustrate the ideas in the paper. The results confirm that the FSA slightly outperforms the other methods, especially for high censoring levels.  相似文献   

The mean past lifetime (MPL) function (also known as the expected inactivity time function) is of interest in many fields such as reliability theory and survival analysis, actuarial studies and forensic science. For estimation of the MPL function some procedures have been proposed in the literature. In this paper, we give a central limit theorem result for the estimator of MPL function based on a right-censored random sample from an unknown distribution. The limiting distribution is used to construct normal approximation-based confidence interval for MPL. Furthermore, we use the empirical likelihood ratio procedure to obtain confidence interval for the MPL function. These two intervals are compared with each other through simulation study in terms of coverage probability. Finally, a couple of numerical example illustrating the theory is also given.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider some nonparametric goodness-of-fit tests for right censored samples, viz., the modified Kolmogorov, Cramer–von Mises–Smirnov, Anderson–Darling, and Nikulin–Rao–Robson χ2 tests. We also consider an approach based on a transformation of the original censored sample to a complete one and the subsequent application of classical goodness-of-fit tests to the pseudo-complete sample. We then compare these tests in terms of power in the case of Type II censored data along with the power of the Neyman–Pearson test, and draw some conclusions. Finally, we present an illustrative example.  相似文献   

鉴于生存分析中风险函数较生存函数更能反映生存数据内在失效机制,基于累计风险函数的Nelson-Aalen估计量,构造了右删失数据风险函数的新直方图估计量,并对该估计量的偏差、方差、积分均方误差等统计性质进行了论证,对该估计量的使用注意事项进行了说明,通过数值模拟进一步说明了新估计量的合理性。  相似文献   

Murrayand Tsiatis (1996) described a weighted survival estimate thatincorporates prognostic time-dependent covariate informationto increase the efficiency of estimation. We propose a test statisticbased on the statistic of Pepe and Fleming (1989, 1991) thatincorporates these weighted survival estimates. As in Pepe andFleming, the test is an integrated weighted difference of twoestimated survival curves. This test has been shown to be effectiveat detecting survival differences in crossing hazards settingswhere the logrank test performs poorly. This method uses stratifiedlongitudinal covariate information to get more precise estimatesof the underlying survival curves when there is censored informationand this leads to more powerful tests. Another important featureof the test is that it remains valid when informative censoringis captured by the incorporated covariate. In this case, thePepe-Fleming statistic is known to be biased and should not beused. These methods could be useful in clinical trials with heavycensoring that include collection over time of covariates, suchas laboratory measurements, that are prognostic of subsequentsurvival or capture information related to censoring.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the product-limit quantile estimator of an unknown quantile function under a censored dependent model. This is a parallel problem to the estimation of the unknown distribution function by the product-limit estimator under the same model. Simultaneous strong Gaussian approximations of the product-limit process and product-limit quantile process are constructed with rate O[(log n)] for some λ > 0. The strong Gaussian approximation of the product-limit process is then applied to derive the laws of the iterated logarithm for product-limit process.  相似文献   

For testing the equality of two survival functions, the weighted logrank test and the weighted Kaplan–Meier test are the two most widely used methods. Actually, each of these tests has advantages and defects against various alternatives, while we cannot specify in advance the possible types of the survival differences. Hence, how to choose a single test or combine a number of competitive tests for indicating the diversities of two survival functions without suffering a substantial loss in power is an important issue. Instead of directly using a particular test which generally performs well in some situations and poorly in others, we further consider a class of tests indexed by a weighted parameter for testing the equality of two survival functions in this paper. A delete-1 jackknife method is implemented for selecting weights such that the variance of the test is minimized. Some numerical experiments are performed under various alternatives for illustrating the superiority of the proposed method. Finally, the proposed testing procedure is applied to two real-data examples as well.  相似文献   

The confidence interval of the Kaplan–Meier estimate of the survival probability at a fixed time point is often constructed by the Greenwood formula. This normal approximation-based method can be looked as a Wald type confidence interval for a binomial proportion, the survival probability, using the “effective” sample size defined by Cutler and Ederer. Wald-type binomial confidence interval has been shown to perform poorly comparing to other methods. We choose three methods of binomial confidence intervals for the construction of confidence interval for survival probability: Wilson's method, Agresti–Coull's method, and higher-order asymptotic likelihood method. The methods of “effective” sample size proposed by Peto et al. and Dorey and Korn are also considered. The Greenwood formula is far from satisfactory, while confidence intervals based on the three methods of binomial proportion using Cutler and Ederer's “effective” sample size have much better performance.  相似文献   

In some long-term studies, a series of dependent and possibly censored failure times may be observed. Suppose that the failure times have a common continuous distribution function F. A popular stochastic measure of the distance between the density function f of the failure times and its kernel estimate f n is the integrated square error(ISE). In this article, we derive a central limit theorem for the integrated square error of the kernel density estimators under a censored dependent model.  相似文献   

In many medical studies, patients may experience several events during follow-up. The times between consecutive events (gap times) are often of interest and lead to problems that have received much attention recently. In this work, we consider the estimation of the bivariate distribution function for censored gap times. Some related problems such as the estimation of the marginal distribution of the second gap time and the conditional distribution are also discussed. In this article, we introduce a nonparametric estimator of the bivariate distribution function based on Bayes’ theorem and Kaplan–Meier survival function and explore the behavior of the four estimators through simulations. Real data illustration is included.  相似文献   

Inferences concerning exponential distributions are considered from a sampling theory viewpoint when the data are randomly right censored and the censored values are missing. Both one-sample and m-sample (m 2) problems are considered. Likelihood functions are obtained for situations in which the censoring mechanism is informative which leads to natural and intuitively appealing estimators of the unknown proportions of censored observations. For testing hypotheses about the unknown parameters, three well-known test statistics, namely, likelihood ratio test, score test, and Wald-type test are considered.  相似文献   

王霞  洪永淼 《统计研究》2014,31(12):75-81
现有基于参数模型构造的条件异方差检验往往存在模型设定偏误问题。为了避免模型误设对检验结果的影响,并且同时捕获多种条件异方差现象,本文基于非参数回归构造了不依赖于特定模型形式的条件异方差检验统计量。该统计量可视作条件方差和无条件方差之间差异的加权平均,在原假设成立时渐近服从标准正态分布。数值模拟结果一方面表明本文统计量具有良好的有限样本性质,另一方面也说明条件均值模型误设会导致错误地拒绝条件同方差的原假设,凸显了本文引入非参数方法构造条件异方差检验的必要性。实证分析采用本文统计量探讨了国际主要股指收益率的条件异方差现象,得到了与Engle (1982)不同的检验结果,可能意味着股指收益率呈现出非线性动态特征。  相似文献   

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