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Observational stance refers to the perspective a person takes while viewing a sexual stimulus, either as a passive observer (observer stance) or an active participant (participant stance). The objective of the current study was to examine the relationship between observational stance and sexual arousal (subjective and genital) across a range of sexual stimuli that do or do not correspond with a participant's sexual attraction (preferred or nonpreferred stimuli, respectively). Regression analyses revealed that, for men (n = 44), participant stance significantly predicted subjective and genital arousal. Women's (n = 47) observer and participant stance predicted subjective arousal but not genital arousal. Analysis of variance showed that participant stance was greatest under preferred sexual stimuli conditions for all groups of participants, while observer stance scores revealed a less consistent pattern of response. This was particularly true for opposite-sex-attracted women, whose ratings of observer stance were lowest for preferred stimuli. Observational stance does not appear to account for gender differences in specificity of sexual arousal; for men, however, participant stance uniquely predicted genital response after controlling for sexual attractions. Similarities in the relationships between men's and women's observational stance and sexual responses challenge previous claims of gender differences in how men and women view erotica.  相似文献   


The sexual and religious ecosystem in Singapore represents an intricate interplay of factors that religious homosexuals navigate to attain a well-adjusted personal identity. A qualitative research project was conducted to understand how Christian and Muslim homosexual men in Singapore integrate their religious and sexual identities. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine religious homosexuals to elicit responses on their dual-identity experience, and coping strategies. Narrative analysis revealed three themes (and a number of subthemes): (1) Intrapersonal factors (a personal journey, knowledge seeking, reinterpreting belief system, redemption by good deeds, and love prevails over sin), (2) Interpersonal factors (segregating social circles, involvement in the gay community, role models, and social support), and (3) Sociopolitical factors (state and societal tolerance of homosexuals, and homosexual events). Interestingly, the participants assigned positive attributes to being both religious and homosexual, and reported that embodying both identities was enriching than if they had possessed just one of the two identities. This suggests that integrating positive psychological frameworks (e.g., stress-related growth) to existing ones may provide a more holistic account of identity integration among religious homosexuals.  相似文献   

One theoretical concept receiving modest attention in contemporary sex research is the sexual self-concept (SSC). However, a lack of cohesion within this research has culminated in a collection of SSC models which overlap one another but which are not exactly the same. Therefore, a unified conceptual model of SSC needs to be established. In addition, little research has examined potential differences between genders in SSC, as most SSC research has focused on women. Using Buzwell and Rosenthal's 1996 Buzwell , S. , & Rosenthal , D. (1996). Constructing a sexual self: Adolescents’ sexual self-perceptions and sexual risk-taking. Journal of Research on Adolescence , 6, 489513.[Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] sexual selves model as a theoretical basis, a six-factor higher-order latent SSC model was tested using confirmatory factor analysis. Lower-order factors for this model included multidimensional sexual self-esteem and sexual self-efficacy factors, as well as unidimensional arousal, anxiety, exploration, and commitment factors. A five-factor latent model (after removing the commitment and the resistance sexual self-efficacy factors) was the best-fitting model. This model was then tested for measurement and structural invariance between genders. Results indicated that while the measurement of SSC was similar between men and women, structural invariance did not hold, as men had a significantly higher latent SSC score compared to women. These findings have important implications for sexual self-concept research, as well as contributing to better understanding of human sexuality.  相似文献   


Using the National Health and Social Life Survey, we investigate sexual satisfaction by marital status and gender. We disaggregate the “single” category into “never-married” and “ever-married” individuals, rather than lumping never-married, divorced, separated, and widowed individuals into the “single” category. We argue that the use of a combined category neglects variation between never-married and ever-married single individuals due to differences in age and life-course transitions. We find that self-reports of physical and emotional sexual satisfaction vary between ever-married and never-married single individuals, and also between men and women. Further, we find that intimacy and commitment beliefs are associated with only emotional sexual satisfaction for women but with both physical and emotional sexual satisfaction for men.  相似文献   


Men who have sex with men, men who have sex with men and women, and transgender women are at high risk for HIV infection. This study seeks to clarify which known HIV risk factors (partner type, sex location, serodiscordance, multiple sex partners, substance use during sex) contribute to engagement in high-risk (unprotected receptive anal) sex in each population. Data collected from June 2005 through June 2008 indicate all three populations display different HIV sexual risk profiles. The data suggest that HIV-prevention interventions should be individually tailored to address the specific needs of these three highly vulnerable and impacted populations.  相似文献   

Within the existing body of research, the information pertaining to sexual compulsivity (SC) among women, both homo- and heterosexual, remains rather limited in comparison to men. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of SC in a community sample of gay and bisexual men and lesbian and bisexual women and to identify differences in sexual practices based on classification as sexually compulsive within gender. Supporting previous research, the findings indicated that gay and bisexual men were significantly higher in SC when compared to lesbian and bisexual women. Similarly, sexually compulsive gay and bisexual men were more likely to report drug use with sex than their non-sexually compulsive peers, suggesting that “party n' play” may play a larger role for men with SC. In addition, the findings demonstrated empirical support for the proposition that lesbian and bisexual women with symptoms of SC were more likely to engage in specialized sexual behaviors in comparison to their non-sexually compulsive peers. These data suggest that SC manifests differently in gay, lesbian, and bisexual men and women.  相似文献   

Those who are more emotionally invested in relationships have less power than their partners. Furthermore, less powerful individuals may attempt to equalize power imbalances by offering rewards to their partner and using sex and condom use as exchange resources. Australian young adults reported their condom use and pressured sex experiences in both romantic (n = 708) and casual (n = 118) relationships. Results showed that greater power (lower relative emotional investment) predicted more condom use among those wanting to use condoms. In casual relationships, an interaction with gender showed that women in particular used condoms more when they had more power. Power also interacted with gender for pressured sex and, unexpectedly, men who had more power experienced more pressured sex. The possibility that condom use and pressured sex have different meanings for men and women is explored.  相似文献   

Little attention has focused on generational or age-related differences in human immunodeficiency virus/sexually transmitted infection (HIV/STI) risk behaviors among Black men who have sex with men and women (BMSMW). We examined sexual risk behaviors between BMSMW ages 40 and under compared to over age 40. Analysis was conducted using Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)–sponsored intervention data among BMSMW in Los Angeles, Chicago, and Philadelphia (n = 546). Pearson’s chi-square tests were conducted to evaluate associations between age groups and behavioral outcomes. Logistic regression was used to evaluate the odds of behavioral outcomes by age group, adjusting for sexual orientation and study location, within strata of HIV status. HIV-positive BMSMW over age 40 had 62% reduced odds of having a nonmain female partner of HIV-negative or unknown status compared to those ages 40 and under (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] 0.38, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.15, 0.95). Among HIV-negative BMSMW, the older cohort was associated with greater odds of having condomless insertive anal intercourse (IAI) with most recent main male partner (AOR 2.44, 95% CI = 1.12, 5.32) and having a concurrent partnership while with their recent main female partner (AOR = 2.6, 95% CI = 1.10, 4.67). For both groups, odds of engaging in certain risk behaviors increased with increasing age. Prevention efforts should consider generational differences and age in HIV risks among BMSMW.  相似文献   

In an anonymous survey of 195 men and 511 women (Mage = 19.8) at a small Midwestern university, 119 men (61%) and 303 women (59.5%) reported that they had engaged in sex while parked. Of these 422, 14% lost their virginity in a parked car. Having sex in parked cars was more likely to involve relational dating partners than hookups. In most recent incidents, the majority of respondents were with a serious but noncohabiting romantic partner (56.9%) in the back seat (63.4%) of a standard car (56.4%) parked out in the country (56.0%). The most common sexual acts were penile-vaginal sex and genital touching, reported by 84.6% and 57.5% of respondents, respectively. Condoms were used by 58.2% of respondents. Less than 1% of respondents reported sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or pregnancy outcomes. These data, including personal stories of memorable incidents, revealed that despite discomfort, body bumps, and risk of being caught, sex while parked was primarily a positive sexual and romantic experience for both men and women. A dark side of parked-car sex existed in that 2.5% of men and 4.3% of women reported being sexually coerced. The future study of sex in parked cars in urban environments is recommended.  相似文献   

Using a nationally representative sample of young adults, I identify the family-demographic correlates of sexual orientation in men and women. Hence, I test the maternal immune hypothesis, which posits that the only biodemographic correlate of male homosexuality is the number of older brothers, and there are no biodemographic correlates of female homosexuality. For men, I find that having one older brother does not raise the likelihood of homosexuality. Although having multiple older brothers has a positive coefficient, it is not significant. Moreover, having any older sisters lowers the likelihood of homosexual or bisexual identity. For women, I find that having an older brother or having any sisters decreases the likelihood of homosexuality. Family structure, ethnicity, and education are also significantly correlated with male and female sexual orientation. Therefore, the maternal immune hypothesis cannot explain the entire pattern of family-demographic correlates. The findings are consistent with either biological or social theories of sexual orientation.  相似文献   


Sexual body image was examined in a population-based sample of 9,532 Finnish men and women, age 18 to 49 years. More than one half of women and men were satisfied with their genitals, one half of the women were satisfied with their breasts. Higher levels of genital satisfaction were related to higher frequencies of sexual behavior and better sexual function for both genders. For men, penis size satisfaction was associated with lower levels of premature ejaculation and better erectile function. Sexual body image was related to overall perceived attractiveness, for women a higher body mass index was related to satisfaction with breast size. Having children was negatively related to women's sexual body image, abortions and miscarriages likewise. Limitations of the study and clinical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Sexual self-efficacy (SSE), one’s perceived control of or confidence in the ability to perform a given sexual outcome, predicts sexual behavior; however, important questions remain regarding whether gender modifies observed associations. In a comprehensive review of peer-reviewed HIV-prevention literature focusing on youth (ages 10 to 25) in sub-Saharan Africa, we measured and assessed the influence of SSE on condom use and sexual refusal, overall and by gender. Our results, after reviewing 63 publications, show that SSE is inconsistently measured. Most studies measured condom use self-efficacy (CUSE) (96.8%) and/or sexual refusal self-efficacy (SRSE) (63.5%). On average, young men had higher CUSE than young women, while young women had higher SRSE than young men. While cross-sectional studies reported an association between high SSE and sexual behaviors, this association was not observed in interventions, particularly among young women who face a disproportionate risk of HIV acquisition. In all, 25% of intervention studies demonstrated that fostering CUSE increased condom use among young men only, and one of two studies demonstrated that higher SRSE led to reduced frequency of sexual activity for both men and women. Future research and HIV-prevention interventions must be gender targeted, consider improving CUSE for young men, and move beyond limited individual-level sexual behavior change frameworks.  相似文献   

Despite the increased attention devoted to sexual aggression among college students in the international research literature, Brazil has no systematic studies on the prevalence of sexual aggression in college populations. The present research measured the prevalence of sexual aggression and victimization since age 14 among 742 first-year college students in Brazil (411 women). A Portuguese version of the Short Form of the Sexual Experiences Survey (Koss et al., 2007 Koss , M. P. , Abbey , A. , Campbell , R. , Cook , S. , Norris , J. , et al. . ( 2007 ). Revising the SES: A collaborative process to improve assessment of sexual aggression and victimization . Psychology of Women Quarterly , 31 , 357370 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) was administered to collect information from men and women as both victims and perpetrators of sexual aggression. The overall prevalence rate of victimization was 27% among men and 29% among women. Except for sexual coercion and attempted sexual coercion, there were no significant gender differences in victimization rates concerning nonconsensual sexual acts and aggressive strategies. In contrast, perpetration rates were significantly higher among men (33.7%) than among women (3%). The findings challenge societal beliefs that men are unlikely to be sexually coerced. Explanations are proposed for the disparity between male victimization and female perpetration rates based on traditional gender roles in Brazil.  相似文献   

Despite increased attention to understanding risk factors for sexual aggression, knowledge regarding the emotional and sexual arousal patterns of sexually aggressive men remains limited. The current study examined whether sexually aggressive men exhibit unique profiles of affective responsivity, in particular to negatively valenced stimuli, as well as sexual arousal patterns that differentiate them from nonaggressive men. We presented 78 young men (38 sexually aggressive; 40 nonaggressive) with a series of videos designed to induce positive, sad, or anxious affect. Affect and subjective sexual arousal were assessed following each film and erectile responses were measured continuously. Sexually aggressive men reported significantly higher levels of sexual arousal following both the positive and negative conditions as compared to nonaggressive men. Erectile responses of sexually aggressive men were significantly greater than nonaggressive men’s following the positive affect induction. Self-reported positive affect, but not negative affect, was a significant predictor of subjective sexual arousal for both groups of men. Compared to nonaggressive men, sexually aggressive men showed significantly weaker correlations between subjective and physiological sexual arousal. Findings suggest that generalized heightened propensity for sexual arousal may be a risk factor for sexually aggressive behavior.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between women's experiences of incest during childhood or adolescence and sexual problems they developed as adults. Participants were 601 volunteers ages 18-66 who reported their sexual relationships, activities, problems, and their history with incest. Those who had experienced Incest were more likely than the others to report vaginal problems, negative reactions to sex, compulsive sexual behavior, an total sexual problems. Age of onset below eight, frequent occurrences, censured disclosures, and a large age discrepancy between perpetrator and victim, were associated with more severe problems. A possible explanation of the findings on the basis of aversive conditioning is discussed.  相似文献   

Personality traits and dysfunctional sexual beliefs have been described as vulnerability factors for sexual dysfunction in women, and have also been proposed as dispositional variables for the activation of incompetence schemas in response to negative sexual events. However, no study has tested the role of personality traits and dysfunctional sexual beliefs in the activation of incompetence schemas. The current study aimed to assess the moderator role of neuroticism, extraversion, and dysfunctional sexual beliefs in the association between frequency of unsuccessful sexual episodes and activation of incompetence schemas in heterosexual and lesbian women. An online survey was completed by 1,121 women (831 heterosexual; 290 lesbian). Participants completed the NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI), the Sexual Dysfunctional Beliefs Questionnaire—Female Version (SDBQ), and the Questionnaire of Cognitive Schemas Activated in Sexual Context (QCSASC). Findings indicate that neuroticism moderates the association between frequency of negative sexual events and activation of incompetence schemas in heterosexual women. Moreover, several sexual beliefs also act as moderators of the relationship between negative sexual episodes and the activation of cognitive schemas in both heterosexual and lesbian women. Overall, findings support the cognitive-emotional model of sexual dysfunctions, emphasizing the role of personality traits and dysfunctional sexual beliefs as facilitators of the activation of incompetence schemas in response to negative events in women.  相似文献   


Objective: This study aimed to examine differences in reporting sexual problems and distress among men and women with same-sex and opposite-sex sexual partners.

Methods: Multinomial regression was undertaken on risk of reporting sexual problems and/or distress using data from the third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles.

Results: Differences were detected between men of different sexual behavior groups when considering the problems “lack of enjoyment in sex,” “felt anxious during sex,” “felt no excitement or arousal during sex,” “lack of interest in sex,” “did not reach/took a long time to reach climax,” and “getting or keeping an erection.” Fewer differences were detected among women.

Conclusions: Women reporting same sex sexual partners, and to a greater extent men reporting same sex sexual partners , have different sexual health needs and report sexual health problems and distress to a different extent than is the case for individuals who only have opposite-sex sexual partners  相似文献   

The study of remarriage after divorce has by and large been ignored by family sociologists. Previous studies on remarriage focused primarily on the individual's adjustment to or the aftermath of remarriage. Employing 1972-82 General Social Survey data, 1 use regression techniques to investigate the relationship between socioeconomic variables and the state of remarriage, for divorced men and women. I test the hypotheses that for men, education, occupation and income level are positively related to remarriage, while for women these variables are inversely associated with remarriage. As hypothesized, highly educated divorced women are less likely to be remarried, as are divorced women who are occupationally and financially independent. The important factor for divorced women considering remarriage is whether or not they are working. Divorced men, on the other hand, are likely to be remarried when they are older and have higher incomes. Unexpectedly, education is inversely related to remarriage for divorced men.  相似文献   

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