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Although high rates of sexual victimization have been reported among homeless youth, less is known about whether the risk factors vary for gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth compared to heterosexual youth. Based on a sample of 172 homeless young adults ages 19 to 26, results revealed that depressive symptoms, prostitution, and having friends who traded sex were significantly associated with higher levels of sexual victimization. Gay, lesbian, and bisexual young adults experienced more sexual victimization compared to heterosexual young adults. A test for interactions revealed that the effect of sexual orientation on sexual victimization was moderated by trading sex and having friends who traded sex. Finally, there is support for partial mediation of the effects of sexual abuse, neglect, and depressive symptoms on sexual victimization through other risk factors.  相似文献   

Sexual excitement can be seen as an action disposition. In this study sexual arousal was expected to generate sexual action and to increase interest and responsiveness to sexual stimuli. In two experiments, male and female participants were exposed to a neutral or a sexual film. We measured genital and subjective responses to the film, and sexual behavior following the laboratory visit. In Experiment 2, film exposure was followed by a task in which participants rated the sexual arousability of neutral and sexual pictures. Rating time of the sexual pictures served as an index for sexual interest. Responsiveness to the sexual pictures was measured by modulation of spinal tendinous (T) reflexes. Sexual activity, but not sexual desire, was higher for participants in the sexual film condition than for participants in the neutral condition. Sexual interest and responsiveness to still pictures were not higher for participants in the sexual film condition than for those in the neutral film condition. In addition, men who saw the neutral film showed a greater responsiveness to still pictures than men who saw the sexual film. The results support the view of sexual arousal as an emotional state generating action tendencies and actual sexual behavior.  相似文献   

This study examines the utility of internet banner ads for recruiting rural MSM and identifies correlates of internet HIV risk survey initiation and completion. Banner ads were shown on a popular internet dating site for one month and resulted in 1,045 rural MSM, from 49 States, Canada, Australia/New Zealand, and 5 from other countries initiating the questionnaire. Logistic regression indicated that progression beyond screening questions was negatively related to “expecting pay, but not being paid” and positively related to “using chat rooms to find friends” and identifying as gay. Linear regression indicated that the absolute number of responses by consenting participants was positively correlated with reimbursement, number of sexual partners, motivated by money, and having been HIV tested. Overall, this sample represents one of the largest rural MSM samples; survey completion was high and strengthened by reimbursement and possibly by awareness of HIV risk. Generalizability was limited by low participation of minority and non‐gay identified MSM.  相似文献   

This study examined the prevalence of unwanted sexual contacts among a sample of 310 homosexual men with an average age of 21.8 years recruited in Berlin, Germany. A modified version of the Sexual Experiences Survey was developed to record unwanted contacts involving different means of coercion, sexual acts, and victim‐perpetrator relationships. Reports were elicited about (a) sexual victimization and (b) perpetration of sexually aggressive acts. Three methods of victimization were studied: physical force, exploitation of the victim's incapacitated state, and verbal coercion. Of the 310 respondents, about 15% reported sexual victimization through the use or threat of forcé. Twenty percent were victimized through exploitation of their inability to offer resistance when in an incapacitated state. Ten percent reported victimization through verbal coercion. In terms of being the perpetrator of sexual aggression, over 5% of respondents reported using or threatening to use physical force. Over 16% reported exploiting a person's incapacitated state, and over 6% admitted to the use of verbal coercion. Acceptance of money for sex was identified as a risk factor for both victimization and perpetration. The data show that sexual aggression is a serious problem among homosexual men which requires further exploration.  相似文献   

A role‐play procedure was used to investigate the effects of acceptance of rape supportive beliefs (RMA), sexual intimacy, and sexual arousal on behavior in sexual disagreement situations. In Experiment 1, 67 college women role‐played their responses to their date's initial and continued unwanted sexual advances after viewing either an erotic or a neutral videotape. The women were more definite in their nonverbal responses to the “continued” than to the “initial” sexual advances. Low RMA women were less definite, and high RMA women were more definite, in their nonverbal refusals of unwanted intercourse than of unwanted breast fondling. Low RMA women were more definite in their verbal refusals after viewing the neutral than the erotic videotape. In Experiment 2, 78 college men role‐played their responses to their date's first and second refusal of their sexual advances. Men were less compliant in response to the first than to the second refusal. High RMA men who viewed the neutral film were less compliant than were low RMA men. However, high RMA men who viewed the erotic film were more compliant than high RMA men who viewed the neutral film. The men who viewed the neutral film were less compliant with refusals of breast fondling than with refusals of intercourse. Additionally, men who viewed the erotic film were more compliant with refusals of genital fondling than with refusals of intercourse. Finally, sexual experience and sex‐role ideology predicted when the man would try the same advances again.  相似文献   

This study examined perceived social support available to victims of traditional and cyber forms of bullying in a heterosexual and sexual minority emerging adult university student population. Questionnaires were completed by 521 students ages 18 to 25 years old. The questions related to their sexuality, experience of bullying, and perception of social support. Perceived social support was lower for sexual minority individuals than for heterosexual individuals only when no bullying behavior was present. No significant differences in perceived social support between sexual minority and heterosexual individuals were found when they were traditionally bullied, cyberbullied, or experienced both forms of bullying victimization. Implications for practice and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

There is debate in the scientific literature regarding which model most accurately represents the female sexual response. Traditionally, sex research has been conducted within the framework of the linear sexual response model proposed by Masters and Johnson, modified by Kaplan, then Robinson. Criticism of linear models prompted the development of a composite model of the female sexual response by Basson et al., which included linear and circular pathways. This review aims to systematically assess published studies to determine the extent to which circular and linear models or pathways reflect the female sexual response. Medline, EMBASE, and PsychINFO databases were searched for original data papers and review articles. Inclusion criteria were that articles were published since 1990, in English, and compared linear and circular sexual response models or addressed aspects of these models. Reviews were required to be systematic and include a meta-analysis. Of the 898 studies identified through the initial literature search, 13 original studies and one review met the inclusion criteria. Two studies directly compared models providing limited evidence that most women identify with linear sexual response pathways. However, there is increasing evidence that circular pathways may accurately reflect some aspects of the female sexual response. Further comparative studies are encouraged.  相似文献   

This study examines factors that contribute to the sexual arousal value of pictures of a nude model. One male and one female model were photographed separately in an indoor setting. The following dimensions were factorially manipulated across pictures: male or female model, front or back view, standing or reclining position, semi‐nude or nude. Male and female subjects viewed slides of these pictures one at a time and rated the degree of sexual arousal value of each picture. Significant main effects of position, view, and clothing resulted, as well as a significant interaction of sex of subject x sex of model x position x clothing. These results suggest that with so many uncontrolled, extraneous factors in this type of research, studies in which global aspects of erotic stimuli are manipulated should be evaluated with caution. More systematic consideration of the micro‐variables that change from picture to picture is advisable to evaluate clearly what factors truly contribute to changes in sexual arousal value of erotic pictures.  相似文献   

Three measures of subjective sexual arousal were observed across four erotic conditions in a sample of 241 college men and women (a) to refine two multi‐item scales of subjective sexual arousal, (b) to determine the convergent and discriminant validity of three measures of sexual arousal, and (c) to relate these operational definitions of subjective sexual arousal to the construct of subjective sexual arousal within Mosher's (1980) involvement theory. From the perspective of involvement theory, subjective sexual arousal is conceived to be an affect‐cognition blend, consisting of awareness of physiological sexual arousal, sexual affects, and affect‐cognition blends, which is transmuted into consciousness and deepens involvement by amplifying the perception of sexual stimulation, sexual cognitions, sexual behavior, physiological sexual response, and itself. Evidence of convergent validity was strong with a median validity coefficient of .51 for the three measures across the four conditions.  相似文献   

A young person's first consensual sexual intercourse experience is often a remarkable and memorable experience. However, little systematic information exists regarding contextual factors of first intercourse, the affective salience of the experience, possible effects on sexual attitudes and beliefs, and subsequent sexual development and adjustment. This retrospective study aimed to examine these in a sample of 475 young adults. Overall, young men and women experienced intercourse for the first time around age 17, were in a committed relationship, and reported positive affective responses. Affective reactions to the first sexual intercourse experience, sexual self-efficacy, sexual aversion, and age at first intercourse affected individuals' current sexual adjustment; however, only sexual self-efficacy mediated between first intercourse and current sexual adjustment in young men and women. Older age at first intercourse was associated with less sexual self-efficacy and lower current sexual adjustment for women. This study provides initial data to suggest that the first sexual intercourse experience significantly impacts current sexual adjustment by affecting beliefs about sexual self-efficacy.  相似文献   

A model of sexual arousal is presented that highlights the interaction between automatic and controlled cognitive processes and proposes that different levels of cognitive processing can differentially affect subjective and physiological sexual arousal. In addition, two studies are presented in which the role of automatic processes was explored using a priming paradigm. Subjects were sexually functional men. In the first study an effect of priming was found on penile erection. Unexpectedly, responses were lower in sexual than in neutral trials. In the second study support was found, using a behavioral measure (decision time), for the notion that the meaning of sexual stimuli can be perceived in a fast, automatic manner. Priming was most successful at lower levels of stimulus accessibility. The model and experimental approach presented in this article render starting points for new research on response discordance, gender differences in the processing of sexual stimuli, and inhibition of sexual response.  相似文献   

The penile plethysmograph is believed by many researchers and clinicians to be the most valid and reliable instrument currently available for assessing male sexual arousal patterns. Stimuli used to elicit sexual arousal in research studies as well as in plethysmographic assessments, however, have varied considerably. We examined the effects of two stimulus characteristics that may greatly influence the measurement of male sexual arousal—the type of sexual behavior depicted and the presence of accompanying audio cues. The sexual arousal of 18 male college students was individually assessed via penile plethysmograph and self‐report while they viewed 60‐second erotic video clips. Each video clip depicted a single sexual behavior; half of the clips were presented with accompanying audio. Separate 2 (sound) x 6 (behavior) x 2 (session) repeated measures ANOVAs revealed significant main effects for sound and behavior for both the physiological and self‐report data, as well as a significant sound x behavior interaction for the self‐report data. The physiological data and self‐report data were also highly correlated (r = .78). Results are discussed in the context of implications for male sexual arousal research and penile plethysmographic assessments.  相似文献   

The discrepancy between survey findings that women require a romantic context for arousal to erotica and the results of laboratory research which have failed to confirm this effect has led to continued controversy over the role of context in female sexual arousal. Methodological criticisms of laboratory research have focused on the passive nature of cue manipulations utilized to create casual versus committed contexts and failure to validate the effectiveness of context manipulations. The present study investigated the effects of erotic guided imagery on female sexual arousal in committed and casual contexts. Sixty‐five women listened to tapes of erotic guided imagery. Participants imagined either themselves or another woman engaging in a committed or casual sexual relationship. Dependent variables consisted of three measures of subjective sexual arousal and the Differential Emotions Scale. A self‐report measure revealed that subjects clearly differentiated the two contexts. Examination of mean scores on the dependent variables indicated that all subjects were sexually aroused by the guided imagery, experienced moderate interest and enjoyment, and experienced minimal negative emotional responses. Multivariate analysis of variance revealed no significant differences for the main effects of context, person, or the interaction between person and context. The findings reaffirm previous laboratory research indicating that women do not require a committed context as a prerequisite for sexual arousal and positive emotional response to imagined erotic stimuli  相似文献   

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