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Although a great deal of research has been carried out in the occupational stress field, little work has focused on the link between corporate financial performance and corporate culture on individual stress. The sample comprised senior marketing managers working in 14 electronics companies selected on the basis of their recent profit/loss performance. It was found that corporate financial performance and culture variables were more strongly associated with many of the felt stresses than were the individual and role-related predictors.  相似文献   

This research investigates whether financial institutions that have gained a good reputation in relation to their CSR activities also engage in significant corporate support for the arts (CSA). Using a sample composed of the 42 largest listed European financial institutions, data from 2004 to 2013 (i.e., 420 firm-year observations) and manually collected CSA disclosure information, our findings indicate that entities rewarded for their CSR initiatives are also those that engage in significant CSA. We also find that CSA disclosure reported in the social reports of financial institutions is a predictor for the attainment of a CSR award, whereas that reported in annual reports is not. Our findings suggest that annual and social reports have a different informative relevance, at least in relation to CSR initiatives in the form of CSA, for the stakeholders of financial institutions. Thus, our results provide useful insights for companies’ communication strategies showing, for example, that social reports are the best channel to communicate about CSA.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2021,54(6):102017
Previous research about the effects of board structure and process on the firm financial performance is based on conflicting theoretical perspectives, and empirical results, mostly based on regression analysis, are inconclusive. Building from Complexity Theory and configurational analysis, this study offers clarity to inconclusive previous empirical results about the link among several board features and firm financial performance. From a sample of 295 non-financial firms from Southern Europe for the period 2001–2010, and by using fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis, findings of this study show that firm financial performance depends on a complex configuration of several board features (board size, board independence, leadership structure and board activity) and several corporate characteristics (firm size, firm leverage and firm age). This paper has implications for academics. Despite different theoretical arguments and inconclusive results of the wide empirical literature addressing the effect of board characteristics on the firm performance, building from Complexity Theory this paper adds to our knowledge because it empirically explores under which circumstances different board features should contribute positively or negatively to firm performance. The results of this study have also implications for policy makers and practitioners by providing some useful hints to the controversial relationship between corporate governance and financial performance. In this sense, general corporate governance recommendations must be rethought.  相似文献   


The Demand-Control model of occupational stress posits an interaction between job demands and job control predicting psychological strain, but previous research has found such an interaction only rarely or inconsistently. Such research, however, has often failed to measure either demands or strain faithfully to the model's constructs, or has simply failed to test for a statistical interaction. The present study corrected these shortcomings by going back to basics. Using a sample of 115 employees in a manufacturing company, it operationalized the variables more consistently with their original conceptualizations. However, when the hypothesized Demand-Control interaction was then tested, it still failed. Outcomes other than psychological strain (e.g. job dissatisfaction) were related negatively rather than positively to demands. This highlights the difference between psychological strain and dissatisfaction and casts doubt on models positing dissatisfaction as an intervening variable between stressors and strains.  相似文献   

企业文化与组织绩效关系研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
近年来,企业文化对企业经营绩效的影响备受重视,企业文化在企业核心竞争力中的作用也越来越重要。因此,企业文化与组织绩效间关系的研究已成为刻不容缓的课题。本文尝试以中国大陆和台湾两地区的企业为研究对象,实施问卷调查,对所收集的资料进行分析,比较两岸企业文化的差异,并探讨企业文化与组织绩效的关系,最后提出本研究的主要发现与建议。  相似文献   


Empirical research on stress intervention in organizations, and experience from organizational change programmes in general, indicates that obtaining intended change is often more difficult than it had been conceived to be at the outset. In order to facilitate the accomplishment of stress prevention and effective organizational change, this paper examines the importance of the social and cognitive processes influencing the implementation of any intervention. It states that if change is to be managed skilfully, it is important (1) to create a social climate of learning from failure, (2) to provide opportunities for multi-level participation and negotiation in the design of interventions, (3) to be aware of tacit behaviours that possibly undermine the objectives of interventions, and (4) to define roles and responsibilities before and during the intervention period.  相似文献   

The Demand-Control model of occupational stress posits an interaction between job demands and job control predicting psychological strain, but previous research has found such an interaction only rarely or inconsistently. Such research, however, has often failed to measure either demands or strain faithfully to the model's constructs, or has simply failed to test for a statistical interaction. The present study corrected these shortcomings by going back to basics. Using a sample of 115 employees in a manufacturing company, it operationalized the variables more consistently with their original conceptualizations. However, when the hypothesized Demand-Control interaction was then tested, it still failed. Outcomes other than psychological strain (e.g. job dissatisfaction) were related negatively rather than positively to demands. This highlights the difference between psychological strain and dissatisfaction and casts doubt on models positing dissatisfaction as an intervening variable between stressors and strains.  相似文献   

Empirical research on stress intervention in organizations, and experience from organizational change programmes in general, indicates that obtaining intended change is often more difficult than it had been conceived to be at the outset. In order to facilitate the accomplishment of stress prevention and effective organizational change, this paper examines the importance of the social and cognitive processes influencing the implementation of any intervention. It states that if change is to be managed skilfully, it is important (1) to create a social climate of learning from failure, (2) to provide opportunities for multi-level participation and negotiation in the design of interventions, (3) to be aware of tacit behaviours that possibly undermine the objectives of interventions, and (4) to define roles and responsibilities before and during the intervention period.  相似文献   

Despite the tremendous number of publications concerned with the relationship between corporate environmental performance (CEP) and corporate financial performance (CFP), inconsistent empirical findings persist and the overall picture remains vague. Drawing on a hybrid theoretical framework (combining the theoretical reasoning of the natural-resource-based view (NRBV) with instrumental stakeholder and slack resources arguments), we address the apparent lack of consensus by meta-analytically integrating the findings of 149 studies. We pay particular attention to two highly material issues: the direction of causality and the multidimensionality of the focal constructs. Meta-analytic results indicate that there is a positive and partially bidirectional relationship between CEP and CFP. In addition, our findings suggest that the relationship is stronger when the strategic approach underlying CEP is proactive rather than reactive. Furthermore, we reveal moderation effects of methodological artifacts, which may provide explanations for the inconsistency of the results of previous studies. Based on our findings, we discuss the implications and outline avenues for further research.  相似文献   

财务困境、财务困境间接成本与公司业绩   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
本文研究了上市公司财务困境、财务困境间接成本及其与公司业绩之间的关系.通过实证研究企业陷入财务困境以后业绩变化的情况,本文认为,我国上市公司的间接财务困境成本显著为正,从总体来看,公司的间接困境成本大约为企业价值总额的25%-36.5%之间,资本结构对这种业绩的变化所引起的困境间接成本具有显著影响.负债率越高的企业,在困境期内将损失越大的市场份额和利润.  相似文献   

公司治理于财务困难公司效果之研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国Enron案发生后,为维护资本市场安定与保护投资大众,各国均致力提倡公司治理,如强化董监结构、股权结构与提升透明度等。然而,在主管机关与公司管理当局均认为企业公司治理机制已有显著的强化后,台湾企业诸如博达、讯碟等公司仍然持续爆发弊案。因此,治理政策是否确实落实执行于各企业,值得深入探讨。因此,本研究拟以财务危机公司的公司治理机制及其影响为探讨重点。首先了解公司爆发财务危机前的公司治理运作情形,进而讨论在发生财务危机后,采用各项公司治理机制是否对提升公司财务状况有所帮助,提供主管机关及投资人决策之分析。实证结果显示,董监事持股,控制股东担任董事监察人、专业经理人担任董事席位数、董事会规模这三项皆可做为投资人投资公司的参考,及财务危机公司是否能转危为安的判断依据。  相似文献   

网络时代的适时财务监控与公司治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络技术应用的普及使传统财务监控的变革已成为公司治理和财务管理的热点话题,本文简要揭示新概念——适时财务监控与公司治理的关系,剖析了公司不同管理层次的适时财务监控的实时需求,从公司治理的基本需要对公司价值流再造、公司信息系统变革和适时财务监控机制重构等三个方面进行了初步研究,为网络适时财务监控在公司治理实务中的应用提供了一个基本框架。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the role of corporate financial strategies to improve their market valuations and lower their cost of capital. The identification of successful strategies is accomplished within an overall strategic framework. The paper is built on 12 longitudinal case studies from the Nordic countries to illustrate the linkages between business strategy, firm motivation, and various financial strategies.  相似文献   

2008年以来,全球性的金融危机令众多的金融机构以及实体经济遭受重创,在金融危机的背景下,第五届公司治理国际研讨会于2009年9月5日到6日在南开大学商学院召开。国内外的专家、学者通过主题报告、主题会场等方式,就金融危机与公司治理之间的关系等方面的问题进行了深入的交流和探讨,在导致此次金融危机的主因,公司治理转型,基于监管视角下的公司治理风险的表现形式,深化公司治理改革、提高公司治理水平等方面达成了重要共识,并就金融危机背景下的公司治理改革与优化提出了各种有价值的观点。  相似文献   


Occupational stress research continues to grow, and is increasingly being used to inform national policy on worker health and well-being. Most models of occupational stress emphasize notions of person-environment fit. Two approaches for intervention to minimize adverse consequences of occupational stress follow from such models. One emphasizes the strengthening and enhancement of indwiduals and their resources, the other emphasizes the reduction ofcommon workplace-based sources ofoccupational stress. This paper reviews 10 organizational-level interventions to reduce stress at work which have been examined in various field studies. These interventions were generally found to have positive effects, and, given the limited success of individual-level interventions in addressing occupational sources of stress, should be encouraged.  相似文献   

Occupational stress research continues to grow, and is increasingly being used to inform national policy on worker health and well-being. Most models of occupational stress emphasize notions of person-environment fit. Two approaches for intervention to minimize adverse consequences of occupational stress follow from such models. One emphasizes the strengthening and enhancement of indwiduals and their resources, the other emphasizes the reduction ofcommon workplace-based sources ofoccupational stress. This paper reviews 10 organizational-level interventions to reduce stress at work which have been examined in various field studies. These interventions were generally found to have positive effects, and, given the limited success of individual-level interventions in addressing occupational sources of stress, should be encouraged.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2019,52(6):101847
Why do some firms ignore some stakeholders while courting others? We propose two key drivers of firms' social postures and derive from this analysis a novel typology of corporate social performance (CSP) profiles. Although we expect that other drivers exist, we argue that a useful starting point for understanding any given CSP profile is to consider the pressure exerted on an organization by its stakeholders in conjunction with its level of resource endowment. Our preliminary typology identifies six distinct CSP profiles that reflect different opportunities and risks for stakeholder management: the CSP Vanguard, Opportunist, Generalist, Minimalist, Specialist, and Laggard. All else equal, the first two CSP profiles imply more nonmarket opportunities than risk, whereas we expect Laggards and Specialists to face greater risk in their responses to social and environmental issues. According to our framework, Generalists and Minimalists probably operate between these two extremes of business risk. Our conceptual analysis seeks to advance research and practice for more strategic stakeholder management.  相似文献   

本文以Ohlson模型考察2002-2007年A股亏损公司定价问题。针对亏损公司盈余与权益价值负相关这一异常现象,我们通过将政府补贴、成长性、研发支出和负债融资信息引入定价模型,发现政府补贴、成长性和负债因素能够有效改善模型,消除了盈余与权益价值显著负相关的异常现象,改善了定价模型的效果。通过从规模和净利润两个维度对亏损公司的进一步分类,我们发现从净利润维度来看,政府向那些更容易通过非经常项目扭亏的公司提供了更多财政补贴,并且政府补贴与净利润为正公司的权益价值显著负相关,与净利润为负公司的权益价值不存在显著相关关系;从规模维度来看,上述现象在小公司样本更加明显。  相似文献   

慈善捐赠、公司治理与股东财富   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近些年来,越来越多的企业开始从事慈善捐赠,而企业这种利他主义行为会给股东财富带来何种影响却始终没有得到回答。通过研究2008年汶川地震后中国上市公司的捐赠行为,本文发现慈善捐赠对于股东财富来说是一把双刃剑:不论从短期还是长期来看,累计超额回报率均和捐赠排名正相关,表明了慈善捐赠能够提升股东财富;而对于成长性高的公司而言,其捐款的机会成本较高,企业的捐赠活动降低了股东财富。更为重要的是,慈善捐赠对于股东财富的提升仅体现在大股东非绝对控股和机构持股的公司中,说明只有有效的公司治理机制才能够确保企业做出最大化股东财富的捐赠行为。本文的发现为更好地评价和规范企业慈善捐赠活动提供了一定的经验支持。  相似文献   

By proposing a conceptual outline for a general model that explains the internationalization–performance link, we test the moderating effects of organizational learning on the relationship between internationalization and performance empirically. Integrating two distinct literature streams from the organizational learning perspective and the resource-based view, we present an integrated, multidimensional framework for analyzing multinational enterprises’ (MNEs’) resources, internationalization, and organizational learning, as well as their associated impact on firm performance. Specifically, using a sample of 110 American MNEs, we find that while certain MNE resources motivate and precede internationalization, social and market learning (whereas technological learning does not) moderates the relationship between internationalization and performance. These findings extend prior research by establishing the importance of the relationships among MNE resources, internationalization, organizational learning, and firm performance.  相似文献   

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