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Research suggests that there are substantial differences in the ways in which people cope with strcss, and that certain coping strategies buffer the degree of psychological and physical illness resulting from stress. Furthermore, personality, the situational context and subjective appraisal of the situation are believed to mediate coping behaviour and its effectiveness. The present investigation reports the results of two studies of the relationship between coping behaviour and the personality disposition need for power, taking into account the environment and the subject's appraisal of the situation. Highly power-motivated individuals were hypothesized to utilize emotion-focused coping strategies more than problem-focused coping strategies, to find the training environment stressful and anxietyprovoking, and to report more illness, than low power-motivated individuals. A 19-wcck policc academy training programme was used to measure these relationships in 34 police trainees. Thc results did not support all hypotheses. Findings are discussed with reference to sample characteristics, training intensity, and the empirical work in this area.  相似文献   

This study investigates appraisal and coping behaviours, and symptom and expectation outcomes following a critical incident and Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD). Two groups of 30 Australian police officers from the New South Wales Police Service who had been involved in shooting incidents were examined. One group received CISD and the other did not. The group that received CISD showed a significant reduction in anger levels and greater use of some specific adaptive coping strategies. However, one cannot be certain as to the extent of CISD's contribution to this improvement, since a variety of other factors in the officers' lives, as evidenced by other measures taken throughout the study, may help to explain the variation. Results are discussed in light of the contextual features in officers' lives that impact upon the outcome responses to such incidents.  相似文献   


In this study the sole and the combined effects of active and non-active forms of coping on psychological distress across various kinds of job stressors were examined. Data on job stressors, coping and psychological distress were obtained from 4487 male employees of a research institute in the automobile industry in Japan (mean age=36.27 years, SD = 7.43). A hierarchical moderated multiple regression analysis was conducted to estimate and test the significance of the main effects and their interactions. The results show that although active coping was effective in decreasing psychological distress regardless of the type of job stressor, the effectiveness was weaker in situations that require effortful coping, such as role ambiguity and insufficient authority. Furthermore, the effectiveness of active coping was influenced by the other strategies, especially in effortful coping situations. While distancing or seeking social support improved the effectiveness, restraint coping reduced it. These results suggest that the type of non-active coping that individuals combine with active coping can be critical in determining health outcomes in more complex and effortful coping situations. Consideration of the coping combinations, not merely the situational context, is important in explaining how the work environment influences employees' psychological distress.  相似文献   

In this study the sole and the combined effects of active and non-active forms of coping on psychological distress across various kinds of job stressors were examined. Data on job stressors, coping and psychological distress were obtained from 4487 male employees of a research institute in the automobile industry in Japan (mean age=36.27 years, SD = 7.43). A hierarchical moderated multiple regression analysis was conducted to estimate and test the significance of the main effects and their interactions. The results show that although active coping was effective in decreasing psychological distress regardless of the type of job stressor, the effectiveness was weaker in situations that require effortful coping, such as role ambiguity and insufficient authority. Furthermore, the effectiveness of active coping was influenced by the other strategies, especially in effortful coping situations. While distancing or seeking social support improved the effectiveness, restraint coping reduced it. These results suggest that the type of non-active coping that individuals combine with active coping can be critical in determining health outcomes in more complex and effortful coping situations. Consideration of the coping combinations, not merely the situational context, is important in explaining how the work environment influences employees' psychological distress.  相似文献   

A conceptual framework is advanced that assumes that psychological symptoms emerge within multiple contexts, such as the workplace, and are influenced by the interplay of individual and situational risk and protective factors over time. This framework was utilized to examine the impact of work and work-family role stressors, coping, and work-related social support on psychological symptoms among 239 female, secretarial employees in the USA, using both cross-sectional and longitudinal structural equation models. Work stressors and avoidance coping were viewed as risk factors, and active coping and social support as protective factors. Work stressors contributed substantially to increased symptoms, primarily through a direct pathway in the cross-sectional model, but also indirectly to both Time 1 and Time 2 symptoms (4 months later) via pathways through active and avoidance coping. In both models, avoidance coping also predicted increased symptoms. Avoidance coping also served to partially mediate the relationship between work stressors and symptoms in the cross-sectional model, but not in the longitudinal model. Active coping was related to fewer psychological symptoms in both models, thereby reducing the negative effect of work stressors on symptoms. Likewise, work-related social support served an indirect protective function by contributing to lower levels of reported work stressors and greater use of active coping. Work stressors but not active coping mediated the relationship between social support and symptoms. Implications for future research and workplace interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

On the basis of findings of high levels of alcohol consumption and risk of alcohol-related disease among employees of the restaurant business, the ability of the Karasek work-strain model to predict heavy drinking was investigated in a cross-sectional study of 3204 Norwegian male and female waiters and cooks. In the logistic regression analyses, no strong associations between work stress and heavy drinking were found. However, the effectiveness of individual coping resources, measured as frequency of difficulty in relaxing after work, was an important predictor of heavy drinking, as were household type, age group, and occupation. Although no strong direct associations between work stress and heavy drinking were found, the results are consistent with a model where coping resources are the mediatiing variable between work stress and heavy drinking.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between coping and health problems in the context of gender and level in the organization. Questionnaire data were collected from 279 women and men (100 managers and 179 non-managers) at a sales department in a Swedish telecom company in which men and women worked at similar tasks. It was hypothesized that, if gender and level in the organization were controlled for, the use of problem-focused strategies would be associated with fewer health problems and the use of emotion-focused strategies with greater health problems. It was also predicted that men and women at a similar organizational level would not differ in their use of problem-focused coping strategies. The results showed, contrary to the hypothesis, that when level and gender were controlled for, no relation between problem-focused strategies and health was obtained. Instead the emotion-focused strategy of Seeking emotional support was associated with fewer health problems, whereas Focus on emotions and Alcohol/drug disengagement were associated with more symptoms. Coping was at least partly related to level. At a managerial level the men and the women used basically the same strategies whereas at a non-managerial level traditionally-conceived coping patterns were evident.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between coping and health problems in the context of gender and level in the organization. Questionnaire data were collected from 279 women and men (100 managers and 179 non-managers) at a sales department in a Swedish telecom company in which men and women worked at similar tasks. It was hypothesized that, if gender and level in the organization were controlled for, the use of problem-focused strategies would be associated with fewer health problems and the use of emotion-focused strategies with greater health problems. It was also predicted that men and women at a similar organizational level would not differ in their use of problem-focused coping strategies. The results showed, contrary to the hypothesis, that when level and gender were controlled for, no relation between problem-focused strategies and health was obtained. Instead the emotion-focused strategy of Seeking emotional support was associated with fewer health problems, whereas Focus on emotions and Alcohol/drug disengagement were associated with more symptoms. Coping was at least partly related to level. At a managerial level the men and the women used basically the same strategies whereas at a non-managerial level traditionally-conceived coping patterns were evident.  相似文献   

Gender differences in exposure to sources of occupational stress and experience of adverse consequences are explored in a study of 358 male and 139 female police constables engaged in uniformed patrol or detective duties from one large provincial English police force. Stressors were divided into those arising tiom police operational duties and those deriving tioni organizational and management issues. Women uniformed constables are less likely to be exposed to police operational stresson involving the potential for violence, but ifexposed they report more severe adverse reactions than uniformed policemen. Women unifomied officers and women detectives are more likely to be involved with victims ofviolence or sexual offences and the former report higher levels ofassociated self-perceived stress than their male counterparts. There are relatively few differences in exposure to organizational stressors except that women detectives and uniformed officers report higher rates of sex discrimination and prejudice than policemen. Multivariate analyses show gender and occupational role differences in qualitative features that contribute to reported psychologal distress. Results are discussed in terms of possible explanations for gender differences.  相似文献   


Much has been published on burnout in the human services. However, despite the extensive literature on job stress in policing, burnout in police officers has rarely been studied. The present study examined stressors in police work, focusing specifically on the lack of reciprocity that officers experience in relations with civilians, colleagues and the police service. It also investigated the relationship between burnout and the attitudes of officers towards violence, as well as to their own use of violence. Dutch police officers (N = 358) completed a self-report questionnaire. The results showed that: (1) organizational stressors were more prevalent than task-related stressors; (2) compared to other service jobs, police officers report a particular profile on the three scales of the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI)?a relatively low level of emotional exhaustion,an average level of depersonalization, and a high level of personal accomplishment; (3) burnout is associated with a lack of reciprocity between investments and outcomes in the relations that officers have with citizens, colleagues and their organization; and (4) burnout is positively related to attitudes towards use of violence and the use of violence during the officers' duty.  相似文献   

Burnout, job stress and violent behaviour among Dutch police officers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Much has been published on burnout in the human services. However, despite the extensive literature on job stress in policing, burnout in police officers has rarely been studied. The present study examined stressors in police work, focusing specifically on the lack of reciprocity that officers experience in relations with civilians, colleagues and the police service. It also investigated the relationship between burnout and the attitudes of officers towards violence, as well as to their own use of violence. Dutch police officers (N = 358) completed a self-report questionnaire. The results showed that: (1) organizational stressors were more prevalent than task-related stressors; (2) compared to other service jobs, police officers report a particular profile on the three scales of the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI)?a relatively low level of emotional exhaustion,an average level of depersonalization, and a high level of personal accomplishment; (3) burnout is associated with a lack of reciprocity between investments and outcomes in the relations that officers have with citizens, colleagues and their organization; and (4) burnout is positively related to attitudes towards use of violence and the use of violence during the officers' duty.  相似文献   


This paper describes an empirical study (n = 699) of occupational stress in a Scottish police force. The self-perceived stress associated with a variety of organizational and opearational stressors was examined along with the associated distress in the police officers in terms of symptoms of anxiety, somatic complaint, severe depression and social dysfunction. The analysis revealed that in spite of the potential that police work offers for exposure to adverse opeational situations such as violence or death, the highest levels of associated stress lie in relation to organizational factors such as officers' perceptions of staff shortages, inadequate resources, time pressures, lack of communication and work overload. Differential rates of perceived stress are reported accordng to gender, rank and working location. This paper further validates previsous research on stress in British police and addresses the situation from a Scottish perspective.  相似文献   

This paper describes an empirical study (n = 699) of occupational stress in a Scottish police force. The self-perceived stress associated with a variety of organizational and opearational stressors was examined along with the associated distress in the police officers in terms of symptoms of anxiety, somatic complaint, severe depression and social dysfunction. The analysis revealed that in spite of the potential that police work offers for exposure to adverse opeational situations such as violence or death, the highest levels of associated stress lie in relation to organizational factors such as officers' perceptions of staff shortages, inadequate resources, time pressures, lack of communication and work overload. Differential rates of perceived stress are reported accordng to gender, rank and working location. This paper further validates previsous research on stress in British police and addresses the situation from a Scottish perspective.  相似文献   

Psychological stress, coping process and the relationships between stress and coping were examined among 66 teachers representing comprehensive and upper secondary schools in Finland. The research design was longitudinal. Each person was studied four times during the autumn term of 1991 using questionnaires, which were focused on teachers' stress feelings, ways of coping and social relations to colleagues and pupils during Mondays to Thursdays and Friday morning lessons. The results showed a clear accumulation of stress during the autumn term. Four different teacher groups emerged according to the type of stress reported: (1) teachers who were only moderately stressed, (2) those who were not at all stressed, (3) teachers who were exhausted throughout the term, and (4) those whose stress increased strongly during the term. These stress process groups differed with regard to their coping styles, but not background variables. On the level of the whole sample, different ways of coping were quite stable during the autumn term. The study is partially a replication of the longitudinal study on teachers' stress by Kinnunen (1989, 1988) and enables comparisons between stress process groupings between the years 1983 and 1991.  相似文献   


This article reviews the role of individual differences in work stress processes, with particular reference to personality and coping as moderator variables. Vulnerability/resilience and person-environment fit (congruence) models of moderator effects are contrasted and relevant issues of methodology and analysis are outlined. Personality traits (locus of control, hardiness, Type A, optimism, and neuroticism) that act as moderators of stress/strain relations are reviewed; the characteristics and limitations of available measures are described. Associations between personality and coping, inventories for the assessment of coping, and the dimensions of coping behaviour, are then considered. The implications of structural and transactional models of stress for coping assessment are discussed with reference to dispositional versus situational approaches and other psychometric issues. The need for research into coping flexibility and consistency is emphasized. No attempt is made to provide a comprehensive account of empirical research into individual difference moderator effects, but relevant review articles are cited, together with some recent studies. Finally, several areas which would merit further attention (including specificity of moderator effects, conjunctive and disjunctive patterns, and moderation of relations between objective and perceived stressors) are identified.  相似文献   

This article reviews the role of individual differences in work stress processes, with particular reference to personality and coping as moderator variables. Vulnerability/resilience and person-environment fit (congruence) models of moderator effects are contrasted and relevant issues of methodology and analysis are outlined. Personality traits (locus of control, hardiness, Type A, optimism, and neuroticism) that act as moderators of stress/strain relations are reviewed; the characteristics and limitations of available measures are described. Associations between personality and coping, inventories for the assessment of coping, and the dimensions of coping behaviour, are then considered. The implications of structural and transactional models of stress for coping assessment are discussed with reference to dispositional versus situational approaches and other psychometric issues. The need for research into coping flexibility and consistency is emphasized. No attempt is made to provide a comprehensive account of empirical research into individual difference moderator effects, but relevant review articles are cited, together with some recent studies. Finally, several areas which would merit further attention (including specificity of moderator effects, conjunctive and disjunctive patterns, and moderation of relations between objective and perceived stressors) are identified.  相似文献   

This study was conducted in order to determine how occupational stressors (psychosocial stressors and physical load) are related to psychological stress (symptoms) and musculoskeletal symptoms among staff of Finnish residential homes, nursing homes and home help services (n = 204). Data obtained from questionnaires was used to test two hypotheses: that psychosocial stressors (time pressure, troublesome patients with dementia) are associated with psychological stress, and that musculoskeletal disorders are associated with physical load. The authors also tested whether psychological stress has a mediating effect between psychosocial stressors and musculoskeletal symptoms. The findings supported the hypothesis regarding the mediating effect of psychological stress.  相似文献   

Male police officers from a city police station in Tasmania (n = 20) and a matched group of clerical workers (n = 20) monitored their heart rate, blood pressure and self-reported levels of stress and arousal over a two-week period. Measurements on workdays during which stressful events occurred were compared to non-event workdays and non-workdays. Two group differences were demonstrated, with the clerical workers reporting higher levels of stress, and the police officers reporting higher levels of arousal. Support was evident for the distinction between workdays and non-workdays, and support was demonstrated for differences between different types of workdays. Evidence suggested that restricting the time frame of such research may lead to results that are inaccurate or inconsistent because workdays differ in content.  相似文献   


Male police officers from a city police station in Tasmania (n = 20) and a matched group of clerical workers (n = 20) monitored their heart rate, blood pressure and self-reported levels of stress and arousal over a two-week period. Measurements on workdays during which stressful events occurred were compared to non-event workdays and non-workdays. Two group differences were demonstrated, with the clerical workers reporting higher levels of stress, and the police officers reporting higher levels of arousal. Support was evident for the distinction between workdays and non-workdays, and support was demonstrated for differences between different types of workdays. Evidence suggested that restricting the time frame of such research may lead to results that are inaccurate or inconsistent because workdays differ in content.  相似文献   

This is a qualitative study of the situational determinants of coping with severe reactions to work-related stress, including burnout. The successful resolution of the crisis caused by an incapacity to work due to physical and emotional exhaustion is documented in an exploratory study of broad coping processes and specific strategies involved. Subjects were recruited from a large territory (the province of Quebec in Canada). Comparative analysis of the accounts of the 20 human service workers and 16 other professionals led to the identification of a common process typified by six consecutive stages: admitting the problem, distancing from work, restoring health, questioning values, exploring work possibilities and making objective changes. The recovery process is long and takes from 1 to 3 years. The ultimate strategy utilized by most of the subjects was to change their objectivc working conditions. Various strategies for identity reinforcement (seeking reassurance, understanding causes, seeking support) were observed in addition to the stages. Three-fifths of the subjects resorted to formal psychotherapy in the first sample. The recovery process appears to be of a psychosocial nature. This characteristic may render it sensitive to social context; although it has been observed in two samples, it would require testing in different working conditions and different countries.  相似文献   

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