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Book reviewed in this article: Social policy, development and the welfare state Stiglitz, Joseph E. Making globalization work. Vij, Ritu (ed.). Globalization and welfare: A critical reader. Deacon, Bob. Global social policy and governance. Castles, Francis G. (ed.). The disappearing State? Retrenchment realities in an age of globalisation. Carr, Fergus; Massey, Andrew (eds.). Public policy and the new European agendas. Faverel‐Dapas, Brigitte; Quintin, Odile. L'Europe sociale. Van Langendonck, Jef (ed.). The right to social security. Riedel, Eibe (ed.). Social security as a human right: Drafting a general comment on Article 9 ICESCR: Some challenges. Fitzpatrick, Pamela; Ripley, Fiona; Singh, Anne. Migration and social security hand‐book: A rights guide for people entering and leaving the UK. Berkel, Rik van; Valkenburg, Ben. Making it personal: Individualising activation services in the EU. Serrano Pascual, Amparo; Magnusson, Lars (eds.). Reshaping welfare states and activation regimes in Europe. Sinn, Hans‐Werner; et al. Redesigning the welfare state: Germany's current agenda for an activating social assistance. Marston, Greg; McDonald, Catherine (eds.). Analysing social policy: A governmental approach. Wallace, Mike; Fertig, Michael; Schneller, Eugene (eds.). Managing change in the public services. Riesco, Manuel (ed.). Latin America: A new developmental welfare state model in the making? Krömmelbein, Silvia; et al. Einstellungen zum Sozialstaat: Repräsentative Quer ‐ schnittsuntersuchung zu grundsätzlichen gesundheits‐ und sozialpolitischen Einstellungen in der Bevölkerung. Dobner, Petra. Neue soziale Frage und Sozialpolitik. Work, income, family, exclusion Spicker, Paul. The idea of poverty. Lang, Kevin. Poverty and discrimination. Marx, Ive. A new social question? On minimum income protection in the postindustrial era. Bischoff, Joachim. Allgemeines Grundeinkommen: Fundament für soziale Sicherheit? Leisering, Lutz; Buhr, Petra; Traiser‐Diop, Ute. Soziale Grundsicherung in der Weltgesellschaft: Monetäre Mindestsicherungs‐systeme in den Ländern des Südens und des Nordens: Weltweiter Survey und theoretische Verortung. Stähler, Nikolai. Employment protection and unemployment: A theoretical analysis evaluating recent policy proposals. Kemp, Peter A. (ed.). Housing allowances in comparative perspective. Age concerns Pension funds investment perspectives . International Seminar, Santiago, 18‐19 May 2006. Immergut, Ellen M.; Anderson, Karen M.; Schulze, Isabelle (eds.). The handbook of West European pension politics. Health matters Dussault, Gilles; Fournier, Pierre; Letourmy, Alain (eds.). L'assurance maladie en Afrique francophone: améliorer l'accès aux soins et lutter contre la pauvreté. Beau, Pascal. Lettre ouverte au Ministre de la santé.  相似文献   

Berenstein, Alexandre: Etudes de droit social (1936–1977). Brandes, Stuart D.: American welfare capitalism 1880–1940. Holland, Walter W., Ipsen, Johannes, and Kostryewski, Jan: Measurement of levels of health. Kostlan, J.: Oral health services in Europe. Maquet, Yves L.: Le contrôle économique des accidents dans l'entreprise. Mendelson, M.: The administrative cost of income security programmes: Ontario and Canada. Michel, Clément: The cost of hospitalisation: Micro-economic approach to the problems involved. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development: Equal opportunities for women. Steiger, Jean: Le deuxième pilier: service social ou affaire lucrative? US Department of Health, Education and Welfare: Social security and the changing roles of men and women.  相似文献   

Abel-Smith, B. and Grandjeat, P., Pharmaceutical consumption: Trends in expenditure: Main measures taken and underlying objectives of public intervention in this field.
Mouvement international ATD Quart Monde, Enfants de ce temps: Livre blanc des enfants du quart monde.
Piachaud, David, The cost of a child: A modern minimum.
Scheil, Xenia B., Dynamisierung gesetzlicher Altersrenten: Eine Analyse der Zielvorstellungen in Anpassungsregelungen ausgewählter OECD Länder.
US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Social security in a changing world.
US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Social Security Administration, Policy analysis with social security research files: Proceedings of a workshop held March 1978 at Williamsburg, Virginia.
Wilson, Dorothy, The welfare state in Sweden: a study in comparative social administration.
World Health Organization, Controlling the smoking epidemic.  相似文献   

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Bemd v. Maydell (ed.). Probleme sozialpolitischer Gesetzgebung: das Beispiel des Gesundheits-Reformgesetzes  相似文献   

Beckerman, Wilfred, in collaboration with van Ginneken, Wouter, Szal, Richard and Garzuel, Michel. Poverty and the impact of income maintenance programmes in four developed countries. Colberg, Marshall R., The social security retirement test: Right or wrong? International Council on Social Welfare, Human well-being: The challenge of continuity and change. Fullsack, Jo and Pigault, Gérard, Répertoire des sources d'information en action sociale. I. Les périodiques. Gillespie, W. Irwin, In search of Robin Hood: the effect of federal budgetary policies during the 1970s on the distribution of income in Canada. Ingle, John J., and Blair, Patricia (eds.), International dental care delivery systems: Issues in dental health policies. McClements, Leslie D., The economics of social security. Revista de Seguridad Social  相似文献   

Bernd von Maydell; Bernd Schulte (eds.). Zukunftsperspektiven des Europäischen Sozialrechts Gerhard Kleinhenz (ed.). Soziale Integration in Europa Lothar F. Neumann; Frank Schulz-Nieswandt (eds.). Sozialpolitik und öffentliche Wirtschaft: In memoriam Theo Thiemeyer Winfried Schmähl; Herbert Rische (eds.). Internation-alisierung von Wirtschaft und Polilik: Handlungsspiel-räume der nationalen Sozialpolitik. M. Cichon; W. Scholz; K. Pal. ILO social budget model. Soziale Sicherung in der internationalen Enhvicklungs-zusammenarbeit: Ein Beratungsmanual. The cost of social security: Fourteenth international inquiry, 1987–1989. Social Security Department, International Labour Office. Wouter van Ginneken. Social security for the informal sector: Issues, options and tasks ahead Bernd von Maydell; Bernd Schulte (eds.). Treatment of third country nationals in the EU and EEA member States in terms of social security law. Blanka Storka. Sozialversicherung in Tschechien: Ein praxisnaher Leitfdden. Pierre Gilliand; Stéphane Rossini. Le budget social de la Suisse. Peter Zweifel; Dario Bonato; Christophe Zaborowski. Soziale Sicherung von morgen: Ein Vorschlag für die Schweiz. Peter Füglistaler-Wasmer; Maurice Pedergana-Fehr. Vision einer sozialen Schweiz: zum Umbau der Sozialpolitik. James Calleja (ed.). Meeting the challenges of ageing populations in the developing world James H. Smallhout. The uncertain retirement: Securing pension promises in a world of risk. Commissariat général du Plan. Perspectives à long terme des retraites. Irene Hoskins (ed.). Combining work and elder care: A challenge for now and the future. Isobel Allen; Elizabeth Perkins (eds.). The future of family care for older people. Ecole nationale d'administration — Promotion René Char (1993–1995). Institut international d'administration publique. Helle Holt; Ivan Thaulow (eds.). Reconciling work and family life: An international perspective on the role of companies. Nadine Boujane. One-parent families in the member States of the European Union Gilles Lamarque. L'exclusion (“Que sais-je?” series, No. 3077). Michael R. Darby (ed.). Reducing poverty in America: Views and approaches. Bernard Enjolras. Le marché providence: aide à domicile, politique sociale et création d'emploi René Baptiste. Le social mérite mieux: comment améliorer la qualityé des prestations sociales  相似文献   

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