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Manful SE, Manful E. Improving the lives of Ghanaian children: complementing the global agenda with a structural social work approach Int J Soc Welfare 2010: 19: 115–123 © 2009 The Author(s), Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the International Journal of Social Welfare. In principle, Ghana's commitment to the global agenda for improving the welfare of children cannot be disputed. Globalisation has advanced changes in the country's institutional landscape with the introduction of economic reforms and administrative institutional frameworks to improve the welfare of children, amongst others. This article discusses the impacts of two global agendas, the Structural Adjustment Program and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. It argues that the economic reforms and the legal framework to ensure the welfare of children have not achieved their envisaged goals, because the global initiatives focused on institutional changes, neglecting social factors that cause inequalities. Consequently, these factors have contributed to the inability of adequate service provision for children. To alleviate the problem, this article suggests that a structural social work approach be adopted in Ghana as a complementary strategy to improve the welfare of children.  相似文献   

Preparing social workers to effectively practice with the growing older population requires the identification of geriatric competencies for the profession. The John A. Hartford Geriatric Social Work Initiative provided the impetus and direction for a national strategy to improve the quality of preparation of geriatric social workers. The Geriatric Social Work Practicum Partnership Program (PPP) is the project with the Hartford Initiative that emphasizes field education. The Geriatric Social Work Education Consortium (GSWEC), one of the PPP programs, initiated the development of competencies for work with older adults. GSWEC utilized Geriatric Social Work White Papers and the pioneering work of the Council on Social Work Education's (CSWE) Strengthening Aging and Gerontology Education for Social Work's (SAGE-SW) comprehensive competency list as well as conducted focus groups locally to delineate key competencies for field education. The Coordinating Center for the PPP, located at the New York Academy of Medicine, led in collaboratively developing knowledge based skill competencies for geriatric social work across all 6 demonstration sites (11 universities). The competencies adopted across sites include skills in the following five major domains: values and ethics; assessment (individuals and families, aging services, programs and policies); practice and interventions (theory and knowledge in practice, individual and family, aging services, programs and practice) interdisciplinary collaboration; and evaluation and research. The identified competencies have proven effective in evaluating students (n = 190) pre- and post PPP field education. The implications for further development of competency driven education for geriatric social work are discussed.  相似文献   

外商对中国直接投资减撤:影响、成因及对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
外商直接投资撤退是国际经济合作中的普遍现象。投资撤退将在技术进步、产业结构、就业、国际金融等方面对东道国、特别是发展中东道国造成严重的影响。影响外商直接投资撤退的原因主要有 :政治、法律、市场、合资企业内部管理等。改革开放 2 0余年来 ,中国已成为引资大国 ,随着引资数额的增大 ,撤资事件亦有增长的趋势 ,因此 ,必须引起高度的重视 ,加强研究 ,制定对策 ,将外商直接投资撤退所造成的影响减少到最低限度。  相似文献   

In recent years a major challenge for the EU has emerged around social issues and collective identities. With the emergence of a European political community that has diminished national sovereignty at a time when global forces are also undermining nation states, both Europe and migration become linked as sources of instability. Anxieties about Europe and migration are linked with fears of a clash of civilizations and anxieties about social securities. Social discontent, fuelled by socio‐economic changes, has undermined the traditional sources of identity around class and the nation, releasing xenophobic and nationalistic currents. Fear of others and anxieties about the future have emerged as potent social forces in contemporary society. The result is a crisis of European solidarity, along with a wider crisis of collective purpose. To combat such developments it is essential that the European project gives greater attention to issues of social justice and inclusive forms of social solidarity.  相似文献   

The FUGI (Futures of Global Interdependence) global modeling system has been developed as a scientific policy modeling and future simulation tool of providing global information to the human society and finding out possibilities of policy co-ordination among countries in order to achieve sustainable development of the global economy co-existing on the planet Earth in the ever changing universe. The FUGI global model M200 classifies the world into 200 countries/regions where each national/regional model is globally interdependent. Each national/regional model has nine subsystems as population, foods, energy, environment, economic development, peace and security, human right, healthcare and quality of life (IT revolution). This is a super complex dynamic system model using integrated multidisciplinary systems analysis where number of structural equations is over 170,000. Economic model as a core includes major economic variables such as production of GDP, employment, expenditures of GDP, income distribution, prices, money, interest rates and financial assets, government finance, international balance of payments, international finance, foreign exchange rates and development indicators.The purpose of this article is twofold, namely to provide information on a new frontier science of economics: global model simulation as well as appropriate policy exercise for sustainable development of the interdependent global economy. The world economy is facing “green” energy revolution to change from fossil to create alternative energy and energy saving technology against sky rocketing higher oil prices. Japan takes a lead in this field of technology innovation. Under such circumstances, Japan should take an initiative to create a new peaceful world through not only harmonized adjustments of Japanese economic policy but also wise cosmic mind to promote human solidarity with the ever changing nature will be desirable to adjust orbit of the fluctuated global economy. Japan should challenge for a new strategy to accelerate economic growth rates by “CO2 reducing environment investment” based on technology innovations.  相似文献   

Extractive commodity theory suggests that rural communities’ transformation from “Old West” to “New West” economies should produce populations that are supportive of environmental initiatives and trusting of environmental groups. Using the Yellowstone-area bison-brucellosis conflict as a case, we explore this possibility as well as the influence of age, sex, percent of life lived in the community and perception of Montana’s economic composition on the New West’s support for environmental initiatives and trust of information sources. Surveys were sent to two New West communities in Montana that were embroiled in the 1996–1997 bison controversy. One hundred and twenty-four of 225 surveys were returned (55%). The results indicate that respondents were supportive of protecting bison, trusting of information sources associated with the ranching industry, and that only perception of the economic composition of Montana was consistently related to these variables. The theoretical implications of this study are explored.  相似文献   

褚凤林 《唐都学刊》2000,16(4):121-124
国有商业银行是我国金融体系的主体,但由于长期受计划经济的影响,国有商业银行远远不能适应市场经济,特别是金融全球化发展趋势的需要。作者针对我国四大国有商业银行在机构设置、业务经营、管理手段以及金融创新等方面存在的问题,提出收缩管理半径,减员增效;实行本币与外币业务经营及管理一体化;强化商业银行市场营销;提高金融电子化水平,开展和完善网上银行业务;加强国有商业银行内部风险控制等有效对策,完善网上银行的运行机制,加强国有商业银行的竞争力。  相似文献   

This article questions why the Labor Government has failed to fundamentally change the Northern Territory Emergency Response (NTER) which it inherited from the Howard government, in the face of evidence which suggests that it is a development intervention unlikely to bring about sustained change. There are two major problems which this article highlights: the coercive and denigrating approach of the NTER, and its failure to address the need for Indigenous governance to drive lasting Indigenous development. Drawing on global research about the reduction of poverty and evidence about the social and economic development of native nations in other settler states, the article suggests that the NTER has been a missed opportunity for Indigenous development. Better policies would have been to address the barriers which Indigenous people identify as blocking their initiatives for development, and to support the essential work of building effective and legitimate community governance to drive development.  相似文献   

Knowledge of landscapes, and how landscapes were utilised by Ngāi Tahu, helps provide a context within which to examine the contemporary aspirations of Ngāi Tahu with respect to resource management. Using the Waitaki catchment as a case study, it describes how to weave together strands of Ngāi Tahu history from a variety of sources to guide contemporary resource management. One of the greatest challenges, however, is determining appropriate management goals and, in particular, restoration goals. Understanding sites as they existed at the time of European settlement can be extremely difficult due the nature and extent of modification in subsequent decades. Restoring a degraded area to match some pre-existing condition, such as pre-European settlement, which is often the goal of restoration initiatives, is difficult unless data on historic conditions are available. We describe how to piece together historic patterns of activity within the catchment, and the forces that have been instrumental in changing it, thus providing a framework upon which resource management goals can be developed.  相似文献   

New Zealand schools may implement school traffic safety programmes such as assisted road crossings. Within New Zealand’s neo-liberal educational framework, these initiatives require collaboration between the school and associated agencies such as city councils and parents. In this research we examined the experiences of school representatives in creating such a road crossing. A qualitative research approach was used. Semi-structured interviews were held with key members of the school community. Email correspondence, document analysis, and the researcher’s reflexive diary were also data sources. The data were analysed via a general inductive approach to identify categories and themes from the data. After 18 months of pursuing the assisted road crossing, the school was unable to proceed with it. We found that a combination of competing priorities, unclear partnership processes, and lack of parent involvement was exacerbated by the neo-liberal environment. Ideas for future research are presented.  相似文献   

Recent developments in global trade include actions by major global traders that lie outside the norms of behaviour of the World Trade Organization (WTO) over the last 20 years. Member frustrations with the slow pace of negotiations and concerns about strategies and behaviours of other members approaches to trade and economic development have created unprecedented stresses on a system of rules and commitments that have long encouraged global trade growth and increased economic integration. In this paper we explore the value of the multilateral trading system, particularly the WTO, and emphasize that the value goes well beyond crucial achievements such as tariff reductions and the prevention of a global trade war, but is also found in increased certainty and transparency. The WTO reduces uncertainty about trade policy thus promoting trade and investment. Membership of the WTO locks in beneficial reform and has a public good nature also fostering trade with non-members. We discuss the importance of the WTO as a multilateral forum to negotiate rules on segments of trade expected to grow in the future such as services and digital trade. We describe how the history of negotiations in the WTO provides useful insights for negotiations on such future topics.  相似文献   

This paper explores a citizen-based approach to social workwhich may counter modern negative managerialist pressures onpractice. It links the discourse concerning the growth of userinvolvement in public policy with the discourse about participationin political activity and suggests a role for social workersin supporting service users in initiatives such as self-help,campaigning and community action which offer a new interpretationof community-based social work. By engaging in this activity,health and social care professionals can support people to participatein emerging forms of active and inclusive citizenship. Whileparticipation in traditional political activity such as votingand political party membership is declining in the UK, peoplein marginalized groups are finding ways to have their voicesheard about issues which directly concern them. Increasingly,groups such as disabled people, older people and mental healthservice users/survivors are taking part in activity which marksa shift of focus to include both self-help and campaigning.In contrast to their disillusion with traditional politicalactivity, people across a range of groups have gained strengthand encouragement from campaigning achievements. The paper drawson a national research study which offers fresh insights onthese issues as a basis for exploring participative approachesto social work practice.  相似文献   

近年来,受全球资源短缺、国际地缘政治等因素影响,南海争端出现了复杂化和国际化的趋势,并朝着对我国不利的方向发展。与我国存在争端的国家分别以所谓"历史依据"、"法理依据"和"军事存在"等手段固化所占岛礁主权,国外一些学者对此看法不尽相同。如何解决南海争端,单一手段或传统手段恐怕难以奏效,应采取综合手段,多管齐下。  相似文献   

The Practicum Partnership Program (PPP), an innovative field education model developed and implemented by six demonstration sites over four years (2000-2004), uses a structured university-community partnership, or consortium, as the foundation for designing, implementing, and evaluating internships for graduate social work students specializing in aging. This paper describes the site consortia and PPP programs, presents evaluation findings, and identifies future directions for the PPP. Student learning outcomes were positive and both students and consortia agencies reported positive PPP experiences. The PPP model underscores the value of the community agencies as equal partners in educating future geriatric social workers.  相似文献   

For a number of years, the Dutch, German and French health insurance systems have been attempting to contain costs and diversify their sources of finance, which traditionally have come mainly from social contributions. Diversification may involve broader‐based public finance, as well as greater recourse to private resources and operators. In the case of the Netherlands and Germany, the reforms go hand in hand with efforts to introduce competition between health insurance bodies. In France, private complementary insurance has become indispensable for adequate access to health care. However, these measures have repercussions for redistribution, which social assistance programmes have difficulty in addressing.  相似文献   

关于资本主义社会矛盾的实质,马克思认为是生产的无限扩大和以无产阶级为主体的国民购买力不足之间的矛盾,也就是供给与需求的巨大矛盾。经济危机和金融危机的不断爆发,由此产生了解释这种经济现象的多种经济周期理论,包括凯恩斯主义、货币主义、供给学派和金融创新实践。本文探讨了金融危机的本质,指出其根本的解决之道是形成有效需求;同时还介绍了西方国家的一些有益的尝试,以及中国实践的新经验。  相似文献   

Palestinians living in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip have long experienced social problems such as high rates of poverty and unemployment. These social problems necessitate the development of a viable, effective social welfare system. Relying on colonialism theory, this study examined the evolution of the social welfare system in the Palestinian Territories with an emphasis on the West Bank. Data were collected through semi‐structured interviews with 16 staff officials in Palestinian ministries and through archival material and administrative records. Results indicate that the Palestinian National Authority inherited a fragmented social welfare system in 1994 that lacked an appropriate legal framework. Additionally, internal deficiencies (e.g., unclear legal mandates, duplication of services) and external restrictions (e.g., road closures) have undermined the effectiveness of Palestinian social welfare institutions. The newly adopted approach to social welfare planning (i.e., partnership) and recent national planning initiatives show promise. Implications for social welfare policy and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

姜竹 《学术交流》2003,(5):89-92
振兴县级财政要树立市场观念 ,转变用财观念 ,明确县级方向 ,强化管理 ,建立健全县级财政财源建设的项目与资金管理体系。  相似文献   

振兴东北老工业基地必须加强区域金融生态环境建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高淑珍 《学术交流》2005,(10):64-68
“金融生态环境”的提出是金融理论研究的一次创新与革命。东北老工业基地面临信用环境不佳,资金效益低下,金融系统自我调节能力差等金融问题。振兴东北老工业基地必须打造良好的“金融生态环境”。为此,应完善社会信用制度,加强中介机构规范化建设,提高金融机构自主经营能力,加强法制环境建设,完善东北地区金融市场运行机制,促进区域金融生态环境建设。  相似文献   

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