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罗玉亮 《决策》2023,(1):54-56
<正>看起来每天忙的“前脚跟后脚”,细算一下,事事有开头,事事无结果。最近,“伪忙碌”一词很火,生动描述了一些基层干部的工作状态。为什么会出现“伪忙碌”?如何杜绝“伪忙碌”?事实上,杜绝“伪忙碌”不能只注重表象,不注重实质;不去治根,只是治标,那是没有用的。  相似文献   

黎平 《经理人》2011,(8):118-120
连日的忙碌使她略显疲惫,脚步更加匆匆,但并没有丝毫降低她的美丽和优雅,也没有减少她的热情与活力。  相似文献   

本文讨论了在人生婚恋的不同阶段,应用数学作出决策,对于现代社交圈狭小又紧张忙碌的年轻人有着一定的借鉴与指导意义。  相似文献   

<正>1.忙碌的人做事不分主次,有效率的人会分优先级处理问题。2.忙碌的人到处问别人问题,有效率的人会很快行动。3.忙碌的人经常不假思索就答复,有效率的人思考平衡后再去答复别人。4.忙碌的人希望身边的人也在忙,有效率的人希望身边的人也很有效率。5.忙碌的人想着如果怎样怎样,有效率的人直接做出改变。  相似文献   

张平 《经理人》2012,(6):64-65
2012年春节前夕,当所有人都在为年底工作收尾忙碌时,怡亚通和宝洁的高管齐聚广州宝洁总部,就新一年的合作进行深度沟通。  相似文献   

1971年9月12日,天安门广场上聚集着成千上万名学生,他们手擎着彩色纸花进行“庆祝建国22周年”的游行彩排。大喇叭里播放着军乐和组织游行彩排的指令。这一天不仅在北京,在上海、天津、广州、南京等城市,同样都在为庆祝国庆忙碌着。然而仅隔一天,也就是9月13日,热闹欢乐的景象却被一片紧张的气氛所代替,上面有通知:各地机场戒严,飞机禁止上天,忙碌了很久的游行活动被宣布停止。  相似文献   

Jim Clemmer 《经理人》2009,(11):70-71
你为何如此忙碌?是忙那些能让你、团队和组织奔向愿景的重要事务吗?还是仅仅为忙碌而忙碌?在《要事第一》中,斯蒂芬·柯维、罗杰·梅里尔和丽贝卡·梅里尔写道:“人们期望我们忙碌,超负荷工作。在当今社会,‘忙’已逐渐成为身份的象征一如果忙,我们就是重要人物;如果不忙——我们简直羞于承认……通过忙碌,我们会得到安全感。忙,是种流行病,也让人上瘾。忙,更为我们没时间处理要事找了个好借口。”  相似文献   

吴明华 《决策》2013,(11):26-29
自金改启动以来,晋江市金融办就一直高速运转,现在这样的忙碌已经告一段落。一年来,晋江金改到底改了什么?下一步又将走向何方?  相似文献   

北风 《秘书之友》2011,(2):14-14
职场中人常会遇到这样的问题:忙碌了一天,待办工作还有一长串;会议前背了一堆资讯,老板一问却脑袋空白。其实,不是你的工作能力欠佳,而是没有用对方法。在数码时代,忙碌的上班族特别需要一套能帮助减轻生活与工作压力的整理术。小时曾患有失读症的Google前资讯长梅瑞尔如今成了全世界最会整理资讯的男人,他在新书《Google时代一定要会的整理术》中首度公开私房整理术,教上班族轻松解除资讯时代的工作焦虑。  相似文献   

曾立平 《经理人》2007,(2):112-113
在香港中环最繁华的商业旺地,雄伟的香港(上海)汇丰银行大厦静静伫立。忙碌了一天的梁高美懿轻轻推开办公室的玻璃窗,美丽的维多利亚港的粼粼波光尽收眼底,淡淡的海风扑面而来。  相似文献   

We are living in a turning point in society's relation with its environment. A first wave of heightened environmental awareness led to the recognition of widespread resource depletion, air and water quality deterioration, forest losses, waste increase, etc., and the need to act on it. The second wave, and we are now on its threshold, is recognition that bringing solutions to this vast range of problems is immensely complex, and will require a much broader-based approach if the solution is to be effective.The interaction needed between business and society in meeting this challenge is increasingly visible, and is resulting in strong and inevitable interdependencies. New forms of participating in society, and of interacting with each other, are being developed by all stakeholders. Moreover this is a potential win–win situation for all involved, and companies can explore these interdependencies and extend them beyond traditional communication into partnerships.  相似文献   

As international business marks 50 years of its establishment as a distinct domain of academic research, discussions on both the major contributions of the field and its future research directions have drawn great interest in the current literature. The arrival at a clear consensus on these issues, however, has been set back by the lack of resolution in the search for a unifying, integrative framework of international business. Drawing on theories of knowledge organisation and on extant reviews of international business research, this paper proposes an emergent international business research framework anchored around four unifying themes expressed as broad international business research questions. A content analysis of 1689 studies in the Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) from its maiden issue in 1970 to 2008 and studies classified as international business in nature done prior to 1960 confirms the trajectories of international business research along the four themes. It is suggested that these major research themes serve as the main research pillars that define the international business domain, framing research done so far, and driving future research in the field. Areas of research intensity and opportunity are identified along with implications for international business research and theory-building.  相似文献   

In today's globalized world, career paths are becoming increasingly international, and so managers need respective cross-cultural strengths in order to act effectively in various cultural environments. Even though education—especially business education—is progressively becoming more international to meet these organizational demands, little is known about whether the extent of international business education influences careers, and in particular career success. In addressing this research deficit, we explore whether and how international business education affects career success. As the major contribution of this paper we suggest a conceptual framework which posits global identity and international experience as mediators of this relationship. The assumptions of this framework are confirmed by an investigation amongst 450 alumni of a European business school. Additional contributions include that we extend the limited body of research on the construct of international business education and its measurement, by providing an all-encompassing definition and much-needed operationalization. Furthermore, we contribute a European perspective on international business education through our empirical evidence.  相似文献   

New management concepts keep being discussed in academic studies and business practice. It remains unclear in what way some of them become institutionalized. This is where the article sets out from: The starting point of the analysis is the Sociological New Institutionalism. By means of enlarging its range by a micro political approach as inspired by the Theory of Structuration, acts and political game playing of different agents become the focus of the analysis. Referring to the dimensions of social structures signification, legitimation, and domination, this yields as a result an agent-oriented explanation of processes of institutionalization. The resulting analytical framework is exemplified through the introduction of Diversity Management in Germany.  相似文献   

领导班子的管理水平高低对一个组织的生存和发展至关重要。而领导的核心即最高行政长官的表现与一个企业的命运直接相关。这一点已为众多的管理实践所证明。这也是为什么许多大的跨国公司和国际组织不惜重金从世界各地网罗顶尖管理人才。中国目前最缺乏的应该是具备国际竞争力的高级经理人才和高级专业管理人才。文章分析和论述这些人才产生的条件和特征,吸引和留住这些人才的环境和方法,以及培养这些人才的机制。文章最后对国内有关政策和措施进行一般评价,并提出一些政策性建议。  相似文献   

New market forces--insurer integration into the provider business, "mega-mergers, price and premium reductions, a scramble to create specialty carve-out networks, and the like--have emerged that are placing significant pressure on academic medical centers. All of these forces are accelerating the pace of managed care market maturation. In order to effectively compete in this new marketplace, academic health centers have substantial barriers to overcome. To do so will require the creation of a system to manage the health care of populations while minimizing system costs and maximizing quality. This will require the establishment of a unified medical center approach to markets and value management. Academic health centers will by necessity develop strategies to include strong primary care-based network affiliations in order to accomplish these tasks.  相似文献   

An effective business model is the core enabler of any company's performance. Business model innovation is not only becoming more and more important due to increasing and globalizing competition, but also an enormous challenge, both theoretically and practically. Although many managers are eager to consider more disruptive changes to their business model, they often do not know how to articulate their existing or desired business model and, even less so, understand the possibilities for innovating it. One of the steps toward developing more theoretical insight and practical guidelines is the identification of types and the development of a typology of business model innovations. Ten retrospective case studies of business model innovations undertaken by two industrial companies provide the empirical basis for this article. We analyzed the characteristics of these innovations as well as their success rates. The findings suggest that there are indeed various business model innovation types, each with its own characteristics and challenges.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》1987,20(5):109-117
Over 1980–1982 the Business Environment Study Group of the Strategic Planning Society considered how new and emerging technology is likely to impact on business. This included a consideration of the mechanisms by which technology is taken up by business and the ramifications of the technological impacts in the coming decades.This material formed a Study Group publication [R. H. G. Whaley, New Technology Impacts on Business, Proceedings of the Business Environment Study Group, Society for Strategic and Long Range Planning (1983)]. During 1986 the Study Group revised and added to the material as part of the exercise of merging its previous publications into one document— the technology section of which is the subject of this paper.The Study Group does not carry out research, but conducts a networking process where corporate planning and allied opinion on aspects of the business environment are distilled. This enables planners to confirm aspects of their work with others, and for newcomers to pick up the concepts. After discussion a surprising degree of consensus is generally obtained.The Study was carried out by considering the types of technology impacts on business, technology and people's values, innovation, emerging technologies, and the ramifications of technology impacts in the coming decades in different business areas.  相似文献   

古兆坤 《经理人》2011,(1):40-43
2010年12月9日下午,北京昆仑饭店,久未公开露面的王中军如约接受《经理人》专访,第一次谈起构思已久的“金字塔”战略布局。前一天,华谊兄弟发布公告,华谊出资7000万元与巨人网络成立华谊巨人,正式进军网游,华谊占新公司51%股权。网游业务被王中军称为“第四板块”业务。  相似文献   

郭笑春  胡毅 《管理评论》2020,(1):324-336
本文运用对比案例分析法,选取Steemit论坛和知乎论坛作为分析对象,探究了使用数字货币与否对同一行业组织的商业模式及其创新有什么影响。本文以商业模式画布为蓝本,通过对比数字货币背景下商业模式在价值主张、价值创造、价值传递、价值网络和价值实现五个方面的差异,探究数字货币时代下商业模式的创新影响,以及商业模式不同价值元素间新的构成秩序。本研究分析了选取案例商业模式中的不同对应元素,并给出了以下三个针对数字货币和商业模式的新命题:第一,数字货币在价值创造过程中联结利益主体;第二,数字货币起到了模糊价值网络边界的作用,从而促进构成新的治理模式;第三,使用数字货币可以在价值实现过程中完成利润重新分配。最后,文章认为数字货币情景下商业模式中不同价值元素的交互关系,呈现出以客户关系为核心的共同价值创造和共同价值实现的新秩序。  相似文献   

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