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Scopo del presente contributo è quello di evidenziare alcune connessioni concettuali fra il mondo normativo ed il moderno approccio della complessità.

A partire dal 1972, psicologi, etologi, antropologi culturali hanno sottolineato l'importanza dei codici sociali—oggettivati in diritti e doveri—in quanto parte integrante della interazione sociale. In particolare Calegari e Massimini (1979) hanno sostenuto che Le Costituzioni possono essere analizzate quali organizzazioni gerarchiche di sistemi complessi. Gli autori hanno indicato—nell'ambito di sistemi normativi—delle gerarchie di comprensione e di connessione riferite a centri di controllo di comportamenti registrati nelle Leggi fondamentali. Essi hanno sviluppato un metodo di analisi basato sulla identificazione di unità molari e di loro relazioni ed hanno messo a punto una serie di indici utili a misurare le dimensoni di complessità di tali sistemi.

Sulla base di un sucessivo approfondimento, l'autore ha centrato la sua attenzione sulle decisioni adattive incluse nelle Costituzioni. La conseguente analisi cognitiva mostra che le strategie normative si configurano in livelli (metapiani, piani globali, sottopiani, istruzioni comportamentali) in accordo con la ipotesi sistémica generale formulata da Bruner, Goodnow ed Austin (1966). La organizzazione gerarchica di questo tipo di strategia è caratterizzata dalla valenza e dalla covalenza di piani globali e di sottopiani, dal grado di similarità dei metapiani e dei piani globali, dal grado di ridondanza emergente ai differenti livelli gerarchici.

Le decisioni adattive sono presenti in numero limitato e ciò conferma le stipulazioni formulate dagli antropologi culturali. L'autore sottolinea che la presenza di ridondanza negli elementi di un sistema complesso rende possibile la sua descrizione in modo più coerente e completo.  相似文献   

This article analyses intercultural education outcomes produced in the setting of teaching Italian as a second language (ISL) in an Italian school. Intercultural education is produced in interactions which are based on specific cultural presuppositions, i.e. expectations regarding learning, role hierarchy and evaluation of student performances. Sixteen hours of interactions associated with ISL teaching in a multicultural classroom were audiotaped, transcribed and analysed. The analysis highlights three ways in which cultural diversity becomes meaningful. First, cultural diversity is constructed as one task of learning. Second, cultural diversity is constructed as conflictive interaction. Third, cultural diversity is constructed as a point of departure for positive school performance. These three ways of giving meaning to cultural diversity reveal a prevailing ethnocentric form of ISL teaching, as a consequence of educational presuppositions which do not take the difficulties of intercultural communication seriously. Recently, ‘dialogue’ has been invoked to address ethnocentrism; however, the conditions of effective intercultural dialogue are uncertain.

Questo articolo analizza l’educazione interculturale prodotta nell’insegnamento dell’italiano come seconda lingua (ISL) in una scuola italiana. L’educazione interculturale è realizzata in interazioni che sono basate su specifici presupposti culturali, che sono aspettative di apprendimento, di gerarchie di ruolo e di prestazioni degli studenti. L’educazione interculturale si occupa del problema della diversità culturale, basata su presupposti culturali diversi che emergono nella comunicazione. Sono state audioregistrate, trascritte e analizzate 16 ore di interazione durante l’insegnamento di ISL in una classe multiculturale: l’analisi ha evidenziato tre modi in cui la diversità culturale è resa significativa. La diversità culturale è costruita anzitutto come compito di apprendimento, in secondo luogo come interazione conflittuale, infine come punto di partenza per conseguire una prestazione scolastica positiva. Questi tre modi di costruire la diversità culturale rivelano una forma prevalente di tipo etnocentrico per l’insegnamento ISL, che è una conseguenza di presupposti educativi che non permettono di prendere seriamente le difficoltà della comunicazione interculturale. Recentemente, si è proposto di usare il ‘dialogo’ per superare l’etnocentrismo; tuttavia c’è incertezza sulle condizioni di un dialogo interculturale efficace.  相似文献   


Le nuove carriere (senza confini e mutevoli) e le numerose transizioni di ruolo che ne conseguono sollevano domande sulla stabilità nel tempo dei lavoratori e la loro identità. Il concetto di àncora di carriera di Schein sembra utile in questo contesto, ma necessita ancora di ricerca empirica. Per studiare il loro ruolo è stato spedito un questionario strutturato a 173 lavoratori in transizione in un'azienda italiana di servizi, 1 e 3 mesi dopo la transizione. Al t1 sono state misurate àncore di carriera, self-efficacy e conseguenze della transizione (innovazione di ruolo, cambiamento personale, capacità di prestazione, benessere affettivo e soddisfazione per la carriera). Le conseguenze sono state misurate anche al t2. 70 persone hanno risposto sia al t1 che al t2, 32 neoassunti e 38 lavoratori in mobilità interna. I risultati mostrano che le conseguenze della transizione per le due sotto popolazioni sono determinate da àncore di carriera diverse. Più significativo è il risultato che i lavoratori in mobilità interna con almeno un'àncora di carriera percepiscono meno cambiamento personale al t2 rispetto ai lavoratori senza àncore, come predetto dalla teoria di Schein. Le differenze nelle conseguenze della transizione per neoassunti e lavoratori in mobilità possono essere spiegate sia dalla teoria della socializzazione che da quella delle àncore di carriera.  相似文献   


In questo lavoro viene valutata l'incidenza dei fattori interpersonali e situazionali nella rievocazione dei tratti di personalità riferiti a sé. La dimensione interpersonale presa in considerazione si riferisce ai motivi di auto-accrescimento e coerenza del sé che guidano la codifica delle informazioni riferite a sé. I soggetti, suddivisi in due gruppi (quelli con prevalente motivo di accrescimento e quelli con prevalente motivo di coerenza) vengono assegnati ad una delle tre condizioni sperimentali (accrescimento, coerenza e controllo). I risultati indicano che nella situazione di accrescimento, rispetto alle altre due condizioni sperimentali, i soggetti utilizzano un maggior numero di tratti positivi per auto-descriversi. In un successivo compito di rievocazione, la condizione di accrescimento produce la prestazioni migliori per i tratti positivi e quelle peggiori per i tratti negativi.  相似文献   

I examine patterns of lexical variation in the homeland varieties of Faetar and Cellese, endangered Francoprovençal dialects spoken in two villages in southern Italy, and in Toronto, one of their largest émigré communities. While lexical change due to borrowing has been in progress for some time in Faetar and Cellese, cross‐generational and diatopic comparisons within a sample of 80 speakers surprisingly indicate that the lexicon is currently quite stable. The lack of systematic patterns of differentiation across age, sex, social class, and regional groups indicates that diachronic lexical variation may not be reflected synchronically in the same ways as the structural variables that form the majority of quantitative sociolinguistic investigation. This suggests the need for further comparisons across types of variables, while maintaining consistent methods of data collection, analysis, and interpretation. Esamino gli schemi di variazione del lessico nella varietà di faetar e cellese, dialetti francoprovenzali in via di estinzione parlati in due paesi dell’Italia meridionale e a Toronto, dove risiede una delle più grande comunità emigrate. Se da un lato, vi sono stati per un po’ di tempo mutamenti lessicali dovuti ai prestiti, dall’altro, i confronti inter‐generazionali e diatopici in un campione di 80 locutori suggeriscono che il lessico del faetano è attualmente abbastanza stabile. La mancanza di modelli sistematici di differenziazione attraverso l’età, il sesso, la classe sociale ed i gruppi regionali indicano che la variazione del lessico diacronica non possa essere riflessa in sincronismo negli stessi sensi delle variabili strutturali che formano la maggior parte di ricerca sociolinguistica quantitativa. Suggerisco l’esigenza di ulteriori confronti attraverso i tipi di variabili, coi metodi costanti di raccolta di dati, di analisi e di interpretazione. [Italian] J’ésamene lò sestème de variaziun de le parole pe faetar e cegliaye, dialèt francpruvenzale che i stunt pe muriye e ché se parlunt ancore a dò paiye de l’Italye méridionale e a Toronte, addou a y at une de le cumunetta mé rose a l’èstre. Si de na pare, de le parole faetare e cegliayse i stunt cangian da bunariel de tén pe toche i venunt cangia tò parole d’ate lén e dialèt de n’ata banne, lu cunfrunt diatopeche e de defferént generaziun ghyòcche un grup de 80 crestian ché i parlunt faetar o cegliaye i proue ché le parole de lu faetar e de lu cegliaye òre nun tan i cangiunt. La mancanze de modèl prècise pe fa destenziun a second de la yettà, de si se tratte de muén o fén, de la classa sociale e de lò grup de crestian de Faite e de Toronte, i demostre ché lu cangemmén diacroneche de le parole i puot pa étre refletti sincronecammén a la stéssa maniére de le variable strutturale ché i furmunt la para mé rose de la recérca sociolinguisteche quantetative. Su ò vint a dire chéò abbesugne fare mé de cunfrunt tra lò tipe de variable, tò lò stésse sestème pe recchitre lò date, pe fare le analese e l’enterpretaziun. [Cellese. A recording of this Cellese abstract is available at http://projects.chass.utoronto.ca/ngn/sounds/abstract_Arcangelo.wav ] 1  相似文献   

This paper looks at the migrants' occupational integration process. Two main theoretical perspectives are tested: the first one (assimilation view) claims that in the short‐run migrants are penalized, but as they settle in the receiving country they get integrated into the host society; the second one (segmented assimilation view) claims that disadvantages persist in the long‐run. EU‐LFS and ESS data are described and modelled, in order to compare the labour market performances of migrants in four European old‐receiving countries (Germany, France, Great Britain and Sweden) and in two new‐receiving countries (Spain and Italy) both in a short‐term and in a long‐run perspective. We find that a) in the short‐run, migrants' labour market condition is worst with respect to the natives; b) this gap decreases with older migrants; c) the ethnic penalty disappears with the second generation, when they achieve a level of education comparable to that of the natives.

Policy Implications

  • Labour market policies appear to face a trade‐off: policies oriented towards the flexibilization could improve migrants’ occupational integration, but such policies are also likely to increase the risk of poverty for the natives.
  • In the case of the Southern new‐receiving countries, a similar tradeoff could emerge for policies aiming at stopping the underground economy.
  • Concerning integration in the long run, our results definitely point to the importance of education. We would suggest policies oriented towards a full educational integration of the migrants’ offspring, since such policies could eliminate the gap separating them from the natives.

The increase in available student placements at colleges and universities, the implementation of provincial and federal postsecondary education policies, and the rise of the educational aspirations of families and individuals have all led to the massification of Canadian higher education. Based on Merle's typology of the forms of democratization, this article attempts to revisit the theory of equality of opportunities by critically analyzing the link between massification of higher education and social equity. The results of an analysis of longitudinal data from the (YIT) Youth in Transition Survey show that at the age of 24 in 2008, approximately 77% of young Canadians have pursued studies in a college or university. If access to postsecondary education is now higher, to what extent has it improved social equity? The article shows, in light of the Merle's typology, that mass university education is achieved in part under the seal of a segregative democratization, while college education tends to be egalitarian. L'augmentation de la capacité d'accueil des collèges et des universités, la mise en ?uvre de politiques provinciales et fédérales de développement de l'enseignement postsecondaire et la montée des aspirations scolaires des familles et des individus ont contribué à massifier l'enseignement supérieur canadien. En se basant sur la typologie des formes de démocratisation de Merle, le présent article tente de revisiter la théorie de l'égalité des chances en s'interrogeant sur le lien entre la massification de l'enseignement supérieur et l'équité sociale. Les résultats obtenus à partir de données longitudinales provenant de l'Enquête auprès de jeunes en transition (EJET) montrent qu’à l'âge de 24 ans en 2008, environ 77 % des jeunes Canadiens ont poursuivi des études dans un collège ou une université. Si l'accès aux études postsecondaires est aujourd'hui plus élevé, dans quelle mesure celui‐ci a‐t‐il amélioré l’équité sociale? L'article montre, à la lumière de la typologie de Merle, que la massification de l'enseignement universitaire se réalise en partie sous le sceau d'une démocratisation ségrégative, tandis que l'enseignement collégial a tendance à être égalisateur.  相似文献   

The marginalised rural communities are characterised by societal challenges, such as isolation, lack of job opportunities, land abandonment, low quality of life and generally low education. Social Innovation (SI) initiatives may represent an opportunity to strengthen relationships among the members of rural community, by means of the alteration of the existing social networks. In this way, more exchange of information is expected, paving the way for the creation of professional collaborations among firms and other actors. This paper aims at proposing a short-term evaluation framework of effectiveness of a SI initiative in terms of reconfiguration of the social network structure. The described empirical case study is VàZapp’, a rural hub located in Southern Italy, which provides innovative solutions to activate social relations amongst farmers, altering hence their network. A well-referenced SI theoretical model, developed within the H2020 project SIMRA (Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas), and the methodology of Social Network Analysis (SNA) were used to verify and measure quantitative and qualitative indicators affected by network intervention activated by VàZapp’ initiative. Results show that this SI initiative worked effectively, leading to a +308% in the number of relations and +250% in social network density. In addition, an evident improvement in the quality of the social relations was found, especially in cases where there are direct engagements within VàZapp’. Outcomes suggest that supporting and promoting SI initiatives could become a central discussion point for the rethinking of rural development policies focused on regeneration of social relations’ structure.  相似文献   

Although stylistic variation within social networks has been described in adults, this topic remains under‐researched in children. One question that remains unanswered is the extent to which stylistic variation is the result of automatic alignment or of intentional, pragmatically motivated adjustment. We present an in‐depth sociolinguistic case study of a 10‐year‐old boy, his family and four friends selected according to their place of birth and the duration of their relationship with the boy. Statistical analyses of sociolinguistic variables of French suggest that the child's use of these variants is influenced by pragmatic motivations but not by automatic alignment. La variation stylistique est bien décrite chez l’adulte. Toutefois, sa forme, ses mécanismes et ses fonctions ontogénétiques doivent être davantage étudiés chez l’enfant. Une question concerne notamment le degré auquel cette variation résulte d’un alignement automatique sur les usages de l’interlocuteur ou d’un ajustement intentionnel, fondé sur des motivations pragmatiques. Nous présentons une étude de cas approfondie d’un garçon de dix ans enregistré avec sa famille et quatre amis sélectionnés selon leur lieu de naissance et la durée de la relation amicale qui les lie à l’enfant cible. L’analyse statistique de variables sociolinguistiques du français suggère que cet enfant est capable d’ajustements subtils en fonction de l’identité des interlocuteurs. Plutôt que d’être sous‐tendus par un alignement mimétique sur les usages d’autrui, ces ajustements semblent fondés sur des motivations pragmatiques et identitaires.  相似文献   

As a popular agora for writing identity into being, the networked public of social media sites presents exciting and unprecedented possibilities for sociolinguistic research. At the same time, these sites raise a wealth of unfamiliar methodological and ethical issues, and debate concerning appropriate ethical measures for research targeting online discourse communities is emergent. One of the most pressing debates concerns the visibility of online interaction (i.e. its locus between the public and private ends of the continuum). Although they exist freely online, networked publics are not public forums. They are governed by both personal and communal norms, and they are networked. This combination of factors gives rise to unique ethical challenges, particularly in the case of Facebook, an accessible and data‐rich, yet problematic, research site. This paper reviews the ethical difficulties presented by Facebook, and presents a framework for ethnographic sociolinguistic research that uses this site as a source of data. En tant qu’espace public privilégié pour la création de l’identitéà travers l’écriture, le public ?réseauté? (interconnecté) des sites des médias sociaux présente des possibilités prometteuses et sans précédent pour la recherché en sociolinguistique. Cependant, ces sites soulèvent de nombreuses questions méthodologiques et éthiques qui sont nouvelles, d’où l’émergence de discussions portant sur les mesures éthiques appropriées pour la recherche qui vise les communautés discursives en ligne. Un des débats concerne la visibilité de l’interaction en ligne (c.‐à‐d. sa place entre les extrémités privée et publique du continuum). Bien qu’ils existent de façon libre en ligne, les réseaux publics ne sont pas des forums publics. Ils sont gouvernés à la fois par des normes personnelles et communautaires, et ils sont interconnectés. Cette combinaison de facteurs donne naissance à des défis éthiques uniques, en particulier dans le cas de Facebook, un site de recherche accessible et riche en données, mais problématique. Cet article passe en revue les difficultés éthiques que Facebook présente, et offre un cadre de travail pour la recherche sociolinguistique ethnographique utilisant ce site comme source de données. [French]  相似文献   

Quelles significations sont rattachées à la race dans la publicité? Nous analysons un échantillon de publicités télévisées canadiennes aux heures de grande écoute dans le but d'identifier des schémas culturels associés à ce que cela signifie d’être blanc, noir ou d’Asie de l’Est ou du Sud‐Est. Notre analyse empirique porte sur la publicité alimentaire et pour restaurants. Par l'entremise d'une analyse quantitative de contenu portant sur les liens entre la race et les sous‐types d'aliments, nous démontrons des différences systématiques dans les types d'aliments associés aux différents groupes étudiés. Au moyen d'une analyse qualitative, nous éclairons ces modèles quantitatifs et présentons six schémas culturels de l'identité raciale. Ces schémas appréhendent à la fois la diversité et le privilège associés aux représentations des personnes de race blanche, et des contrastes frappants par rapport au statut et à l’émotivité parmi les représentations plus limitées des deux autres groupes. What meanings are attached to race in advertising? We analyze a sample of prime‐time Canadian television advertising to identify cultural schemas for what it means to be White, Black, and East/Southeast Asian. Our empirical focus is on food and dining advertising. Through quantitative content analysis of associations between race and food subtypes, we show that there are systematic differences in the types of foods that groups are associated with. Through a qualitative content analysis of the commercials, we illuminate these quantitative patterns and discuss six cultural schemas for racial identity. The schemas allow for both diversity and privilege in the representation of Whites, and poignant contrasts regarding status and emotionality in the narrow representations of the other two groups.  相似文献   

With the proliferation of different family forms in many western countries over the last few decades, research investigating the influence of family structure on children's socioeconomic status attainment has expanded dramatically, especially in the United States. The purpose of this study was to estimate the relative influence of family structure, maternal resources, and family mental health on predicting socioeconomic attainment in young adulthood. Data for this study were derived from a case‐comparison, three‐wave panel study of single‐parent, and two‐parent families living in London, Ontario, with interviews conducted in 1993 (wave 1), 1994 (wave 2), and between 2005 and 2008 (wave 3). There were virtually no differences in status attainment by family structure. Unexpectedly, however, we found that children raised in temporally stable single‐parent families, and those whose mothers transitioned from a single‐parent family to a two‐parent family had higher socioeconomic status occupations for their longest job held than did children raised in temporally stable two‐parent families. Maternal education was positively related to the likelihood that children would graduate from college/university. For those concerned with social policy, this implies that greater attention ought to be paid to addressing disparities in education and family income than to concerns with the kinds of families in which children grow up. Avec la prolifération de différentes formes de familles dans plusieurs pays occidentaux depuis quelques décennies, la recherche sur l'influence de la structure da la famille sur l'acquisition de statu socioéconomique des enfants s'est dramatiquement élargie, surtout aux Etats‐Unis. L'intention de cette étude était d'estimer l'influence relative de la structure de famille, les ressources maternelles et la santé mentale de la famille sur la prédiction d'acquisition socioéconomique d'un jeune adulte. Les données de cette étude résultent d'une comparaison de cas, sur un échantillonnage de 3 séries de familles monoparentales et de familles à 2 parents vivant à London, Ontario, avec des entrevues réalisées en 1993 (série 1), 1994 (série 2) et entre 2005 et 2008 (série 3). Il n'y a avait virtuellement pas de différence d'acquisition de statu par structure de famille. De manière inattendue, cependant, nous avons établis que les enfants élevés de par des familles monoparentales stables dans le temps, ainsi que ceux dont la mère avait opéré une transition d'une structure monoparentale vers une structure à 2 parents, occupaient des fonctions d'un statu socioéconomique plus élevé durant leur période d'emploi la plus longue comparés aux enfants élevés dans des familles à 2 parents stables dans le temps. L’éducation maternelle était positivement liée à la probabilité que les enfants obtiendraient un diplôme d'un niveau post‐secondaire (collège / université). Pour ceux concernés par les politiques sociales, cela induit qu'une plus grande attention devrait être accordée à la disparité entre l’éducation et les revenus de la famille plutôt que de s'attarder sur les types de famille dans lesquelles les enfants grandissent.  相似文献   

Several years have passed since the adoption by the United Nations of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). Yet, what changes have happened in the lives of Indigenous peoples for whom the Declaration was written? This paper employs a framework of Indigenous educational theory to focus on the case of the Ainu of Japan and examines what kind of changes could be happening vis‐à‐vis Ainu education but are not. I explain the current stalled state of deliberations regarding implementation of the UNDRIP, outline the current resource base for an Ainu‐run education system, and argue that it is the duty of the Japanese government to provide the infrastructure and expertise necessary to implement such an educational initiative, as well as to aid the Ainu in overcoming ‘internalized oppression’ which currently hampers many Ainu from embracing their Ainu identity and thereby vocally advocating their rights to an Indigenously driven Ainu education. I briefly touch upon the relevance of the Ainu situation to other Asian Indigenous peoples and contend that the Ainu case provides one useful watermark for comparison with other Indigenous peoples’ scenarios.  相似文献   

The study examined 2500 business degree students from 21 countries, enrolled at an Australian university, using a survey to assess learning style, which was integrated into a global culture taxonomy. The research hypothesis was that academic outcome could be explained through an interdisciplinary model, by integrating proven theories from educational psychology (learning style) and anthropology (culture). The literature review included interdisciplinary and rival theories to make the research useful for global practitioners. Technical discussion was minimized, focusing on the pedagogical implications of a generalized least squares regression model, which was statistically significant (r 2 = 0.87; X 2 = 0, df = 0, p < 0.0001; n = 715). Four factors dominated the model in predicting higher multicultural student academic outcome: collectivist and risk‐taking cultures, along with visual‐input and active‐processing learning styles.

L’apporte a examiné le degré d’affaires 2500 étudiants de 21 pays, inscrits dans une université australienne, au moyen d’une enquête visant à évaluer le style d’apprentissage, qui a été intégré à une culture mondiale en matière de taxonomie. La recherche a été hypothèse que études résultat pourrait être expliqué par le biais d’un modèle interdisciplinaire, en intégrant les théories éprouvées de psychologie de l’éducation (style d’apprentissage) et de l’anthropologie (la culture). La revue de la littérature inclus interdisciplinaire et théories rivales à faire de la recherche utiles pour les praticiens mondial. Discussion technique a été réduit au minimum, axée sur les implications pédagogiques d’un généralisée des moindres carrés modèle de régression, qui a été statistiquement significative (r 2 = 0.87; X 2 = 0, df = 0, p < 0.0001; n = 715). Quatre facteurs dominent le modèle supérieur à la prévision multiculturelle des étudiants universitaires résultat: collectiviste et de prendre des risques cultures, ainsi que les visuels d’entrée et de processus actif styles d’apprentissage.  相似文献   

Grâce à une analyse historique des fonctions de surveillance de police civile, cet article examine comment la titrisation civile se déroule en traitant disciplinaire‐surveillance et de sécurité‐surveillance des pratiques distinctes et des appareils qui fonctionnent respectivement à des moyens “centripètes” et “centrifuge” et en reconfigurant triangulation de Foucault de la gouvernance d'une matrice à deux par deux: la souveraineté‐gouvernement et de la discipline‐sécurité. Cet article montre comment la titrisation de police civile s'aligne avec la transformation actuelle du gouvernement à partir d'un centripète (Keynésienne) d'une centrifuge (néolibéral) la rationalité politique. Cela revêt une importance plus large de recherche: où la rationalité politique favorise l’équilibre n'avons‐nous pas trouver une prépondérance de la discipline‐surveillance? Où déséquilibre est promu n'avons‐nous pas trouver une prépondérance de la sécurité‐surveillance? Through a historic analysis of the surveillance functions of civil policing, this article considers how securitization is taking place by treating disciplinary surveillance and security surveillance as distinct practices and apparatuses that, respectively, function in “centripetal” and “centrifugal” ways and by reconfiguring Foucault's triangulation of governance to a two‐by‐two matrix: sovereignty government and discipline security. This article shows how the securitization of civil policing aligns with the current governmental transformation from a centripetal (Keynesian) to a centrifugal (neoliberal) governmentality. This has broader research significance: where governmentality promotes equilibrium do we not find a preponderance of disciplinary surveillance? Where disequilibrium is promoted do we not find a preponderance of security surveillance?  相似文献   

This paper presents a comprehensive, if only sketchy, case‐study of environmental awareness, movements and policies in Italy. For brevity's sake, no attempt is made to draw explicit international comparison or to use the case as a starting point for theoretical generalizations; although both are implicit. The history of Italian environmentalism is divided into five periods: pre‐history (1900–1950), early history (1950–1967), the ‘ecological spring’ (1968–1973), the seventies and the eighties. The growth of environmentalism in the seventies is analyzed at three levels: institutional, cultural, and political. Developments in the last decade are studied in several sectors: laws and institutions, business, professions and research, public opinion, movements, organizations and parties. A section is devoted to the anti‐nuclear campaign.  相似文献   

When reflecting on their experiences with children from lesbian‐parented families, 64 childcare centre directors in Victoria, Australia indicated that explicit programs, policies or resources of support were absent in their centres. Importantly, participants' pre‐ and post‐professional education either ignored or superficially addressed lesbian matters. This may explain the limited nature of inclusion of lesbian matters in early childhood education. Of note, is the pervasive nature of ‘truths’ upheld by educators. That is, in the Foucauldian sense these educators perceived lesbian families as being the ‘same’ as heterosexual families. Despite the considerable shifts in professional attitudes and ‘truths’ about sexuality, the Foucauldian silences were being reinforced in everyday practice as evidenced by the reference to ‘raised eyebrows’ by participants when this silence about sexuality was threatened.  相似文献   

Cet article s'intéresse à l’énorme réussite de lululemon athletica, et en particulier à la façon dont ses stratégies de marque s'approprient la pratique du yoga pour les intégrer à un modèle consumériste de discipline et de soin de soi. On arguera que la stratégie de marque de lululemon est liée à l'hyperindividualisme néolibéral ainsi qu'aux discours plus généraux de développement personnel qui définissent le bien‐être comme un accomplissement personnel et moral. Nous approfondissons la façon dont la stratégie de marque lululemon se reporte constamment à des concepts vagues, homogénéisateurs et extrême‐orientaux des spiritualités du Levant, qui instrumentalisent les pratiques yogiques et renforcent les idéologies occidentales en matière de santéisme, parallèlement à la performance personnelle, corporelle et commerciale. Nous arguons que lululemon intègre au consumérisme des discours de prise de pouvoir, illustrant la façon dont les discours de choix et de soin de soi renforcent le soi responsabilisé qui est au c?ur même des sociétés néolibérales contemporaines. This paper examines the enormous success of lululemon athletica and specifically how its branding practices appropriate yogic practice into a consumerist model of discipline and self‐care. lululemon branding is linked with neoliberal hyperindividualism and broader self‐help discourses that define health and wellness as a personal and moral achievement. We explore how lululemon branding consistently refers to vague, homogenizing, and orientalist concepts of Eastern spiritualities that instrumentalize yogic practices, and reinforce Western ideologies of healthism along with personal, bodily, and market performance. We argue that lululemon folds empowerment into consumerism: discourses of choice and self‐care reinforce the responsibilized self that is the core of contemporary neoliberal societies.  相似文献   

When it is relational, processual, and it articulates the incorporated dispositions of the actors and the contexts of their actions, sociology “desevidentialize,” denaturalize, desubstantialize, and historicize the social world by contributing to do away with spontaneous representations that distort the reality of things. Besides, when sociology studies the social at the level of the individuals and individual actions, it destroys the fictions (juridical and philosophical) of the isolated individuals, enclosed on himself, free and fully conscious of everything. By producing images of the real state of the social world, sociology fully participates in the democratic life of our societies and should, therefore, be at the heart of the formation of citizens. Lorsqu'elle est relationnelle, processuelle, et qu'elle articule les dispositions incorporées des acteurs et les contextes de leurs actions, la sociologie ‘désévidentialise’, dénaturalise, désubstantialise et historicise le monde social en contribuant à chasser les représentations spontanées qui déforment la réalité des choses. Lorsque, par ailleurs, elle étudie le social à l’échelle des individus et des actions individuelles, elle détruit les fictions (juridique comme philosophique) de l'individu isolé, enfermé sur lui‐même, libre et pleinement conscient de tout. Produisant des images un tant soit peu précises et justes de l’état réel du monde social, la sociologie participe pleinement à la vie démocratique de nos sociétés et devrait, pour cette raison, être au c?ur de la formation des citoyens.  相似文献   

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