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This article presents parametric bootstrap (PB) approaches for hypothesis testing and interval estimation for the regression coefficients of panel data regression models with incomplete panels. Some simulation results are presented to compare the performance of the PB approaches with the approximate inferences. Our studies show that the PB approaches perform satisfactorily for various sample sizes and parameter configurations, and the performance of PB approaches is mostly better than the approximate methods with respect to the coverage probabilities and the Type I error rates. The PB inferences have almost exact coverage probabilities and Type I error rates. Furthermore, the PB procedure can be simply carried out by a few simulation steps, and the derivation is easier to understand and to be extended to the multi-way error component regression models with unbalanced panels. Finally, the proposed approaches are illustrated by using a real data example.  相似文献   

In practice, data are often measured repeatedly on the same individual at several points in time. Main interest often relies in characterizing the way the response changes in time, and the predictors of that change. Marginal, mixed and transition are frequently considered to be the main models for continuous longitudinal data analysis. These approaches are proposed primarily for balanced longitudinal design. However, in clinic studies, data are usually not balanced and some restrictions are necessary in order to use these models. This paper was motivated by a data set related to longitudinal height measurements in children of HIV-infected mothers that was recorded at the university hospital of the Federal University in Minas Gerais, Brazil. This data set is severely unbalanced. The goal of this paper is to assess the application of continuous longitudinal models for the analysis of unbalanced data set.  相似文献   

The terms sweeping and alignment refer to the same process. Sweeping/alignment is used by data analysts as a technique for describing the effects of a model factor (e.g., treatments in a randomized block design) after the effects of nuisance parameters (e.g., blocks) have been removed from the data. In this paper sweeping/alignment is used as the basis for developing tests of factors in unbalanced experimental design models. Formulas are presented for treatment effects in randomized block designs with missing observations, and for interaction and main effects in unbalanced two-way factorial designs with empty cells.  相似文献   

Summary.  The paper considers modelling, estimating and diagnostically verifying the response process generating longitudinal data, with emphasis on association between repeated meas-ures from unbalanced longitudinal designs. Our model is based on separate specifications of the moments for the mean, standard deviation and correlation, with different components possibly sharing common parameters. We propose a general class of correlation structures that comprise random effects, measurement errors and a serially correlated process. These three elements are combined via flexible time-varying weights, whereas the serial correlation can depend flexibly on the mean time and lag. When the measurement schedule is independent of the response process, our estimation procedure yields consistent and asymptotically normal estimates for the mean parameters even when the standard deviation and correlation are misspecified, and for the standard deviation parameters even when the correlation is misspecified. A generic diagnostic method is developed for verifying the models for the mean, standard deviation and, in particular, the correlation, which is applicable even when the data are severely unbalanced. The methodology is illustrated by an analysis of data from a longitudinal study that was designed to characterize pulmonary growth in girls.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the estimation of the unbalanced panel data partially linear models with a one-way error components structure. A weighted semiparametric least squares estimator (WSLSE) is developed using polynomial spline approximation and least squares. We show that the WSLSE is asymptotically more efficient than the corresponding unweighted estimator for both parametric and nonparametric components of the model. This is a significant improvement over previous results in the literature which showed that the simply weighting technique can only improve the estimation of the parametric component. The asymptotic normalities of the proposed WSLSE are also established.  相似文献   

Missing data in longitudinal studies can create enormous challenges in data analysis when coupled with the positive-definiteness constraint on a covariance matrix. For complete balanced data, the Cholesky decomposition of a covariance matrix makes it possible to remove the positive-definiteness constraint and use a generalized linear model setup to jointly model the mean and covariance using covariates (Pourahmadi, 2000). However, this approach may not be directly applicable when the longitudinal data are unbalanced, as coherent regression models for the dependence across all times and subjects may not exist. Within the existing generalized linear model framework, we show how to overcome this and other challenges by embedding the covariance matrix of the observed data for each subject in a larger covariance matrix and employing the familiar EM algorithm to compute the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters and their standard errors. We illustrate and assess the methodology using real data sets and simulations.  相似文献   

We propose an adjusted likelihood ratio test of two-factor separability (Kronecker product structure) for unbalanced multivariate repeated measures data. Here we address the particular case where the within subject correlation is believed to decrease exponentially in both dimensions (e.g., temporal and spatial dimensions). However, the test can be easily generalized to factor specific matrices of any structure. A simulation study is conducted to assess the inference accuracy of the proposed test. Longitudinal medical imaging data concerning schizophrenia and caudate morphology illustrate the methodology.  相似文献   

This article considers a one-way random effects model for assessing the proportion of workers whose mean exposures exceed the occupational exposure limit based on exposure measurements from a random sample of workers. Hypothesis testing and interval estimation for the relevant parameter of interest are proposed when the exposure data are unbalanced. The methods are based on the generalized p-value approach, and simplify to the ones in Krishnamoorthy and Mathews (J. Agri. Biol. Environ. Statist. 7 (2002) 440) when the data are balanced. The sizes and powers of the test are evaluated numerically. The numerical studies show that the proposed inferential procedures are satisfactory even for small samples. The results are illustrated using practical examples.  相似文献   

Methods for analyzing unbalanced factorial designs can be traced back to Yates (1934). Today, most major statistical programs perform, by default, unbalanced ANOVA based on Type III sums of squares (Yates's weighted squares of means). As criticized by Nelder and Lane (1995), this analysis is founded on unrealistic models—models with interactions, but without all corresponding main effects. The Type II analysis (Yates's method of fitting constants) is usually not preferred because of the underlying assumption of no interactions. This argument is, however, also founded on unrealistic models. Furthermore, by considering the power of the two methods, it is clear that Type II is preferable.  相似文献   

Missing data often complicate the analysis of scientific data. Multiple imputation is a general purpose technique for analysis of datasets with missing values. The approach is applicable to a variety of missing data patterns but often complicated by some restrictions like the type of variables to be imputed and the mechanism underlying the missing data. In this paper, the authors compare the performance of two multiple imputation methods, namely fully conditional specification and multivariate normal imputation in the presence of ordinal outcomes with monotone missing data patterns. Through a simulation study and an empirical example, the authors show that the two methods are indeed comparable meaning any of the two may be used when faced with scenarios, at least, as the ones presented here.  相似文献   

A test procedure for testing homogeneity of location parameters against simple ordered alternative is proposed for k(k ≥ 2) members of two parameter exponential distribution under unbalanced data and heteroscedasticity of the scale parameters. The relevant one-sided and two-sided simultaneous confidence intervals (SCIs) for all k(k ? 1)/2 ordered pairwise differences of location parameters are also proposed. Simulation-based study revealed that the proposed procedure is better than the recently proposed procedure in terms of power, coverage probability, and average volume of SCIs. The implementation of proposed procedure is demonstrated through real life data.  相似文献   

When two random variables have a bivariate normal distribution, Stein's lemma (Stein, 1973 Stein , C. M. ( 1973 ). Estimation of the mean of a multivariate normal distribution . Proc. Prague Symp. Asymptotic Statist. 345381 . [Google Scholar] 1981 Stein , C. M. ( 1981 ). Estimation of the mean of a multivariate normal distribution . Ann. Statist. 9 : 11351151 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), provides, under certain regularity conditions, an expression for the covariance of the first variable with a function of the second. An extension of the lemma due to Liu (1994 Liu , J. S. ( 1994 ). Siegel's formula via Stein's identities . Statist. Probab. Lett. 21 : 247251 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) as well as to Stein himself establishes an analogous result for a vector of variables which has a multivariate normal distribution. The extension leads in turn to a generalization of Siegel's (1993 Siegel , A. F. ( 1993 ). A surprising covariance involving the minimum of multivariate normal variables . J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 88 : 7780 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) formula for the covariance of an arbitrary element of a multivariate normal vector with its minimum element. This article describes extensions to Stein's lemma for the case when the vector of random variables has a multivariate skew-normal distribution. The corollaries to the main result include an extension to Siegel's formula. This article was motivated originally by the issue of portfolio selection in finance. Under multivariate normality, the implication of Stein's lemma is that all rational investors will select a portfolio which lies on Markowitz's mean-variance efficient frontier. A consequence of the extension to Stein's lemma is that under multivariate skew-normality, rational investors will select a portfolio which lies on a single mean-variance-skewness efficient hyper-surface.  相似文献   

Clinical trials and other types of studies often examine the effects of a particular treatment or experimental condition on a number of different response variables. Although the usual approach for analysing such data is to examine each variable separately, this can increase the chance of false positive findings. Bonferroni's inequality or Hotelling's T2 statistic can be employed to control the overall type I error rate, but these tests generally lack power for alternatives in which the treatment improves the outcome on most or all of the endpoints. For the comparison of independent groups, O'Brien (1984) developed a rank-sum type test that has greater power than the Bonferroni and T2 procedures when one treatment is uniformly better (i.e. for all endpoints) than the other treatment(s). In this paper we adapt the rank-sum test to studies involving paired data and demonstrate that it, too, has power advantages for such alternatives. Simulation results are described, and an example from a study measuring the effects of sleep loss on glucose metabolism is presented to illustrate the methodology.  相似文献   

Single-case experiments are frequently used to do research involving a clinical intervention, since large-n trials are often impractical in clinical research. In order to investigate a possible difference in the effect of the treatments considered in the study, nonparametric instruments are valid tools; in particular, permutation solutions work well when we wish to assess differences in treatment effects. We present an extension of a permutation solution to the multivariate response case and to the case of replicated single-case experiments. A simulation study shows that the approach is both reliable under the null hypothesis and powerful under the alternative. At the end, we present the results of an application to two real experiments.  相似文献   


We present here an extension of Pan's multiple imputation approach to Cox regression in the setting of interval-censored competing risks data. The idea is to convert interval-censored data into multiple sets of complete or right-censored data and to use partial likelihood methods to analyse them. The process is iterated, and at each step, the coefficient of interest, its variance–covariance matrix, and the baseline cumulative incidence function are updated from multiple posterior estimates derived from the Fine and Gray sub-distribution hazards regression given augmented data. Through simulation of patients at risks of failure from two causes, and following a prescheduled programme allowing for informative interval-censoring mechanisms, we show that the proposed method results in more accurate coefficient estimates as compared to the simple imputation approach. We have implemented the method in the MIICD R package, available on the CRAN website.  相似文献   

Using Monte Carlo methods, an examination is made of two statistical methods used for hypothesis testing in a general factorial model with a known correlation structure General correlation structures are given in Smith and Lewis (1980) and Pavur and Lewis (1982) which allow the usual F statistic to be corrected by a constant. The corrected F statistic would be the usual F statistic multiplied by a correction constant. A comparison is made between this corrected f statistic and the rank transform F statistic presented by Conover and Iman (1976). When the usual F statistic and the rank transform statistic are corrected for correlationt this simulation study shows that these statistical tests behave well under a variety of situations when not all f the usual assumptions of an ANOVA are satisfied.  相似文献   

The t-statistic used in the existing literature for testing the significance of linear multiple regression coefficients has only a limited use in testing the marginal significance of explanatory variables though it is used in testing the partial significance also. This article identifies the t-statistic appropriate for testing the partial significance.  相似文献   

Fill's algorithm for perfect simulation for attractive finite state space models, unbiased for user impatience, is presented in terms of stochastic recursive sequences and extended in two ways. Repulsive discrete Markov random fields with two coding sets like the auto-Poisson distribution on a lattice with 4-neighbourhood can be treated as monotone systems if a particular partial ordering and quasi-maximal and quasi-minimal states are used. Fill's algorithm then applies directly. Combining Fill's rejection sampling with sandwiching leads to a version of the algorithm which works for general discrete conditionally specified repulsive models. Extensions to other types of models are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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