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基于DEA/AR博弈交叉效率方法的学术期刊评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学术期刊的评价问题是期刊研究领域的重要课题之一.传统数据包络分析方法在评价多维指标下的期刊绩效时都是基于“自评”模式.由于未能考虑“他评”,造成评价结果容易被夸大等问题.本文在非合作博弈框架下基于数据包络分析/保证域博弈交叉效率方法研究期刊的投入产出绩效评价问题,并选取17种中国科技核心期刊为例展开分析.研究发现:1)某些具有很高行业影响力的期刊,虽然具有较高的产出值,但是刊文量较多,导致实际评价结果不够理想;2)指标权重的偏好变化会使得期刊评价值出现增加、不变和减少三种情况;3)期刊在自引频次上存在着过度、适度和不足三种情形.相关评价结果可为期刊工作者在提升期刊竞争力方面提供决策参考.  相似文献   

针对决策单元内部资源和目标配置问题,以并联生产系统为研究对象,研究数据包络分析方法在组织的资源分配与目标设定方面的应用.首先考虑决策单元内部评价的特点:(1)固定投入和固定产出;(2)子单元评价的权重选择之间的关系;(3)内部评价权重选择与决策单元整体评价的关系.在此基础上,提出基于效率与公平的决策单元内部资源和目标配置双准则DEA模型,最后用算例演示其使用,以说明模型的合理性.  相似文献   

Risk management in Chinese banks has traditionally been the Cinderella of its internal functions. Political stricture and developmental imperative have often overridden standard practice of risk management resulting in large non-performing loan (NPL) ratios. The training and practice of risk managers remain second class compared with foreign banks operating in China. This paper surveys Chinese bank risk managers and constructs metrics of risk management practice and risk management organisation. The metrics are used as intermediate inputs in a Network DEA framework to produce a measure of income efficiency. A statistical test is carried out to assess the importance of the risk metrics in evaluating bank income efficiency.  相似文献   


Basic Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) models are designed for non-negative data. However, negative data is inevitably used in many real-world issues. Also, multiple units with a maximum relative performance score (equal to one) can be obtained due to the benevolent view of evaluating Decision Making Units (DMUs) consistent performance. Therefore, the researchers proposed ranking models to differentiate efficient units. Cross efficiency is one of the most useful tools for DMUs ranking in the DEA. There are two major drawbacks to implementing this process. First, it gives different results in the presence of other optimal solutions; second, it does not provide a compelling reason to use the arithmetic mean to aggregate the results of the cross efficiency matrix. In this paper, first a new non-radial model is proposed to evaluate the performance of DMUs in the presence of negative data and then based on this model a new secondary goal model is proposed to eliminate the first drawback in the cross efficiency method. Also, to solve the second drawback in this method, a hybrid Multi-Attribute Decision Making (MADM)-DEA process with the help of fuzzy VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje method is proposed. Finally, to show the applicability of the proposed methods, the results are used to select the supplier in a real-world problem.


The application of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) has been wide, especially for the purpose of evaluating efficiency among similar production processes within enterprises belonging to particular industries. Although research pertinent to DEA has primarily focused on efficiency of production systems or corporate entities/organizations (e.g., terminals, hospitals, universities/schools, banks), fairly little attention has been given to efficiency evaluation among engineering systems featuring common configurations (e.g., automobiles, power plants). Furthermore, the limited previous literature involving efficiency evaluation of engineering systems has implemented DEA methodologies with limited discriminative power, i.e. there is a quite increased portion of efficient Decision Making Units (DMUs). In the current paper, a methodological framework deploying Variable intermediate measures Slacks-Based Measure (VSBM) Two-Stage Network DEA is implemented, in order to evaluate the efficiency of turbofan aero-engines, currently utilized by active-duty commercial and military aircraft. Apart from exploring the positive correlation of DEA efficiency with engineering efficiency, we also develop a methodology evaluating the features of near-future turbofan designs in terms of DEA efficiency, thus comprising a potential tool for efficiency assessment of any turbofan aero-engine being in the conceptual or preliminary design stage.  相似文献   

评价相对效率的投入-产出型DEA   总被引:37,自引:2,他引:37  
传统DEA只能在固定投入或产出的条件下,从产出或投入角度测算决策单元相对效率,因而不能综合地反映决策单元的投入产出效果.基于双目标规划,本文将提出从投入及产出角度评价决策单元相对效率的投入-产出型DEA,并研究其相对有效性.最后以沪市16家高科技上市公司为应用实例,研究其相对经营效率.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce the class of axial solutions for multiple objective optimization problems in contexts in which partial information on preference weights is available. These solutions combine the use of an improvement axis to direct the search of the most preferred result with the concept of efficiency with respect to preference information.  相似文献   

Traditional DEA models and nonlinear (diversification) DEA models are often used in performance evaluation of portfolios. However, the diversification models are usually very complicated to compute except the very basic models. And the classic DEA models still need to be further justified and tested, since it is not clear whether they are over-linearised according to the diversification models. The existing studies on performance evaluation via the classic DEA models generally focus on the selection of inputs and outputs. In this work, we investigate theoretical foundation of DEA models for portfolios from a perspective of sampling portfolio. We show the classic DEA provides an effective and practical way to approximate the portfolio efficiency (PE). We further verify this approach through different portfolio models with various frictions and bounds on the market. Through the comprehensive simulations carried out in this study, we show that with adequate data sets, the classic DEA models can effectively sample portfolios to take into account sufficient diversification, and thus can be used as an effective tool in computing the PE for their performance assessments. This study can be viewed as a justification of the classic DEA performance assessments and the way to introduce other efficiency notions (like allocation efficiency, scale efficiency, etc) into assessment of portfolios.  相似文献   

评价相对效率的投入—产出型DEA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统 DEA只能在固定投入或产出的条件下 ,从产出或投入角度测算决策单元相对效率 ,因而不能综合地反映决策单元的投入产出效果 .基于双目标规划 ,本文将提出从投入及产出角度评价决策单元相对效率的投入—产出型 DEA,并研究其相对有效性 .最后以沪市 1 6家高科技上市公司为应用实例 ,研究其相对经营效率  相似文献   

Dynamic DEA: A slacks-based measure approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kaoru Tone  Miki Tsutsui 《Omega》2010,38(3-4):145-156
In data envelopment analysis, there are several methods for measuring efficiency changes over time, e.g. the window analysis and the Malmquist index. However, they usually neglect carry-over activities between two consecutive terms and only focus on the separate time period independently aiming local optimization in a single period, even if these models can take into account the time change effect. In the actual business world, a long time planning and investment is a subject of great concern. For these cases, single period optimization model is not suitable for performance evaluation. To cope with long time point of view, the dynamic DEA model incorporates carry-over activities into the model and enables us to measure period specific efficiency based on the long time optimization during the whole period. Dynamic DEA model proposed by Färe and Grosskopf is the first innovative contribution for such purpose. In this paper we develop their model in the slacks-based measure (SBM) framework, called dynamic SBM (DSBM). The SBM model is non-radial and can deal with inputs/outputs individually, contrary to the radial approaches that assume proportional changes in inputs/outputs. Furthermore, according to the characteristics of carry-overs, we classify them into four categories, i.e. desirable, undesirable, free and fixed. Desirable carry-overs correspond, for example, to profit carried forward and net earned surplus carried to the next term, while undesirable carry-overs include, for example, loss carried forward, bad debt and dead stock. Free and fixed carry-overs indicate, respectively, discretionary and non-discretionary ones. We develop dynamic SBM models that can evaluate the overall efficiency of decision making units for the whole terms as well as the term efficiencies.  相似文献   

A number of studies have used data envelopment analysis (DEA) to evaluate the performance of the countries in Olympic games. While competition exists among the countries in Olympic games/rankings, all these DEA studies do not model competition among peer decision making units (DMUs) or countries. These DEA studies find a set of weights/multipliers that keep the efficiency scores of all DMUs at or below unity. Although cross efficiency goes a further step by providing an efficiency measure in terms of the best multiplier bundle for the unit and all the other DMUs, it is not always unique. This paper presents a new and modified DEA game cross-efficiency model where each DMU is viewed as a competitor via non-cooperative game. For each competing DMU, a multiplier bundle is determined that optimizes the efficiency score for that DMU, with the additional constraint that the resulting score should be at or above that DMU 's estimated best performance. The problem, of course, arises that we will not know this best performance score for the DMU under evaluation until the best performances of all other DMUs are known. To combat this “chicken and egg” phenomenon, an iterative approach leading to the Nash equilibrium is presented. The current paper provides a modified variable returns to scale (VRS) model that yields non-negative cross-efficiency scores. The approach is applied to the last six Summer Olympic Games. Our results may indicate that our game cross-efficiency model implicitly incorporates the relative importance of gold, silver and bronze medals without the need for specifying the exact assurance regions.  相似文献   

在由两个子决策单元串联组成的两阶段系统中,公平设定中间产品目标对确保和激励两阶段相互合作以达到整个系统的最佳性能至关重要.数据包络分析(DEA)作为系统绩效评估的一种非参数方法吸引了众多学者的注意;基于此方法,本文提出一个考虑公平关切的两阶段DEA模型用于设定两阶段系统中间产品目标,并证明据此模型获得的设定方案正是一个纳什讨价还价博弈的均衡解.  相似文献   

非独立并联生产系统的DEA效率评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对复杂生产系统进行效率评价,是改善其生产效率的基础.针对非独立并联结构生产系统的效率评价问题开展研究.首先,将两阶段非独立并联生产系统等价为先并联后串联结构的混联生产系统;其次,将混联生产系统的整体效率定义为各串联子系统效率的乘积,而各个串联子系统的效率则定义为内部各并联子系统效率的加权和,并给出了对应的DEA效率评价模型;最后,有关定理和算例分析证实了该模型能更合理地评价此类生产系统的技术效率,能够更大程度地挖掘系统整体性能改善的潜力.  相似文献   

We present in this paper a general network DEA approach to deal with efficiency assessments in multi-stage processes. Our approach complies with the composition paradigm, where the efficiencies of the stages are estimated first and the overall efficiency of the system is obtained ex post. We use multi-objective programming as modeling framework. This provides us the means to assess unique and unbiased efficiency scores and, if required, to drive the efficiency assessments effectively in line with specific priorities given to the stages. A direct comparison with the multiplicative decomposition approach on data drawn from the literature brings into light the advantages of our method and some critical points that one should be concerned about when using the multiplicative efficiency decomposition.  相似文献   

Generally, service agencies are either private or public non-profit firms. This paper analyzes the provision of services in terms of the developing theory of non-profit institutions. The primary purpose of the paper is to present the indicator-operational target approach as a way of monitoring and improving the effectiveness of social service agencies. In addition, a system of internal and external checks, developed by Gordon Tullock, and alternatives for improving incentives and institutions, developed by William Niskanen, are presented.  相似文献   

Stochastic DEA can deal effectively with noise in the non-parametric measurement of efficiency but unfortunately formal statistical inference on efficiency measures in not possible. In this paper, we provide a Bayesian approach to the problem organized around simulation techniques that allow for finite-sample inferences on efficiency scores. The new methods are applied to efficiency analysis of the Greek banking system for the period 1993–1999. The results show that the majority of the Greek banks operate close to best market practices.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a fuzzy approach to qualitative cross impact analysis. Cross impact analysis is seeking to find both direct and indirect relationships of variables relying on experts’ decisions to structure and formalize judgmental forecasting. The knowledge is often uncertain or fuzzy when dealing with future events. In addition, experts prefer to use linguistic terms or fuzzy values in their predictions. Therefore, a qualitative cross impact analysis is represented in terms of fuzzy relationships. Four different approaches including crisp binary, crisp rated, fuzzy linguistic and fuzzy rated are applied to a specific case—the security appliances sector. The results are then compared depending on the variables’ characteristics. The fuzzy approaches reveal different results than the crisp ones. The fuzzy rated approach makes it possible to “infer in a wider perspective” from the results and pick out hidden variables. On the other hand, the results of the fuzzy linguistic approach help in deciding for variables where indecision is high in other approaches. Finally, in contrast to crisp approaches, the fuzzy approaches are more successful in representing uncertainty.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to estimate the ecological efficiency of paper mills along the Huai River in China. The main characteristic of the ecological efficiency evaluation problem is that an undesirable output of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and a non-discretionary input (BOD emission quota) should be considered simultaneously. By analyzing the impacts of the non-discretionary input on decision-making units’ (DMUs) desirable and undesirable outputs, a non-radial output-oriented DEA model is proposed. In the proposed model, we describe a new approach of defining reference set that requires reference units operate in a similar environment on average. We employ the model to provide efficient inputs/outputs targets for DMU managers to improve DMUs’ efficiencies. Based on the developed model, impacts of the non-discretionary input on DMUs’ returns are also analyzed. We illustrate the proposed model, using real data, for 32 paper mills along the Huai River in China.  相似文献   

Cross efficiency is a concept for solving the problem of incomparability among the efficiencies of a set of decision making units (DMUs) calculated from different weights in data envelopment analysis, and is helpful for ranking. Conventional cross efficiency is a radial measure, and the radial measure has some weaknesses. First, it is not able to provide appropriate efficiency scores for weakly efficient DMUs. Second, the efficiencies measured from the input and output sides under variable returns to scale are different which may cause difficulties in subsequent analyses. Third, negative values may appear when the efficiency is measured from the input side. To solve these problems, this paper proposes a slacks-based measure to calculate efficiency. The basic idea is the same as that of the radial measure using the frontier corresponding to a DMU to measure the efficiency of all DMUs, except that the efficiency measure is slacks-based instead of radial. Due to the nature of the slacks-based efficiency measure, the problems caused by weak efficiency and difference in input and output radial measures do not exist. More importantly, negative efficiencies are not produced. The proposed method is applied to a real case involving the selection of the most efficient robot to use for production. The results help identify the top-ranked robot.  相似文献   

This study enhances the network-based approach, which is a novel method to increase discrimination in data envelopment analysis. The enhancements include removing the bias caused by a scale difference among organizations and highlighting the approach's ability to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each organization. The former makes the approach applicable to both the constant returns of scale (CRS) and the variable returns of scale (VRS) models. The network-based approach applies the centrality concept developed in social network analysis to discriminate efficient decision making organizations as determined by standard data envelopment analysis (DEA). More specifically, the results of data envelopment analysis are transformed into a directed and weighted network in which each node represents a decision making organization and the link between a pair of node represents the referencing relationship between the pair. The centrality value for each efficient organization provides the base for discrimination and ranking. This network-based approach suggests aggregating DEA results of different input/output combinations such that the merits of each organization under various situations can be considered. The final ranking of this approach favors organizations that have their strengths evenly spread and tends to screen out specialized efficient organizations. As a real world example, the approach is applied to evaluate and rank the R&D (research and development) performance of Taiwan's government-supported research institutes. The cross-organizations and within-organization strengths for each efficient research institute are identified after applying the approach. A two-stage R&D evaluation model separates the R&D process into the technology development and technology diffusion stage. The resulting performance map differentiates the research institutes into four categories—Achievers, Marketers, Innovators, and Underdogs.  相似文献   

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