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Despite decades of efforts to achieve gender equality in research and innovation (R&I), all EU member states still face remarkable difficulties in driving forward the development of their innovation system while at the same time improving gender equality by using all the available research potential. In this paper we focus on the development of the share of women researchers in four national innovation systems, i.e. in Austria, Denmark, Hungary and Spain in the time period 2005-2015. The four selected cases represent countries with significant differences in their innovation capacity, gender regimes and progress of gender equality in R&I. A qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) is carried out to conduct a sector program evaluation based on statistical data and qualitative studies to understand the dynamic development of the proportion of women researchers. The study aims to provide insights into the aggregated gender equality interventions and policies implemented in the four countries studied and their contributions to the development of the proportion of women scientists at the structural level. The analysis reveals that the development of the share of women researchers during the studied period has been particularly influenced by contextual factors, namely the relative size of the business enterprise sector and the share of women among holders of tertiary education. While this is the case, it is found that gender equality interventions need to be more widespread and more effectively designed to be a strong contributing factor to an increasing representation of women in R&I.  相似文献   


Feminist scholars have challenged the neutrality of policymaking processes and the outputs resulting from these processes. However, some elements of policymaking have not been studied as well as others. In this article I explore the concept of evaluation from a gender+ perspective as an essential step for a complete gender mainstreaming strategy, which can help to identify gender issues that should be integrated into the content of evaluated policies and to ensure gender does not get lost in the policymaking process. This exploration is carried out by relying on feminist policy and evaluation studies.  相似文献   

Gender equality and gender mainstreaming in research is one of the six European Research Area (ERA) priorities. Integrating the gender dimension in research content and teaching is one of its three objectives. It is arguably the objective where least progress has been made. In this article we contribute to the evidence base by applying the EFFORTI evaluation framework to three empirical case study interventions that aim to integrate the gender dimension in tertiary education and research content. Comparison is based on an evaluation of the design of the intervention, those factors that have enabled/ hindered its implementation as well as an assessment of outcomes and impacts. The findings of the case studies highlight the importance of design, specifically regarding resources, legal status and the definition and operationalisation of the gender concept. Implementation hinges on top-level institutional commitment and mainstreaming gender studies with support of a central unit and crucially gender competence. A lack of recognition and status of gender studies and subsequent innovations was seen to hamper implementation. Outcomes and impacts included an increased awareness and interest in gender, increased gender competence, a push towards gender equality regarding representation and organisational change as well as an improved accreditation process and more and better research.  相似文献   

创新创业成本不仅包括对创新创业活动在资金、设备、人员等方面的有形投入,还包括在创新创业过程中难以观察和计算的信息搜索成本、交易成本、心理成本,以及创新创业失败之后"重整旗鼓"的文化与制度成本.因此,相关政策不仅要关注办公、交通、生活等"硬成本",还要关注降低创新创业过程中各个环节的"软成本",从生态系统视角降低创新创业的综合成本.  相似文献   

白晶 《城市观察》2010,(5):90-97
城市的科技创新能力的提升倚赖于良好有效的科技创新系统,而创新系统的运作取决于系统要素的因地制宜的功能发挥及相互配合模式。本文研究分析全球化背景下,慕尼黑政府中介配合、强化对外联系的成功城市科技创新模式,从而为其他城市创新发展提出政策建议。  相似文献   

科技型中小企业是上海技术创新的主要载体和经济增长的重要推动力量,在促进科技成果转化和产业化、以创新带动就业、建设创新型城市等方面发挥着重要作用。上海中小企业转化发明专利,既受到内在因素制约,也面临外部环境障碍。上海应完善专利激励政策,提高专利质量,建立健全知识产权预警机制,组建专业服务机构支持科技金融创新,加快培养专利人才,培育发明专利转化的知识产权服务业,大力促进科技型中小企业技术创新和发明专利转化。  相似文献   

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