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We address an inventory rationing problem in a lost sales make‐to‐stock (MTS) production system with batch ordering and multiple demand classes. Each production order contains a single batch of a fixed lot size and the processing time of each batch is random. Assuming that there is at most one order outstanding at any point in time, we first address the case with the general production time distribution. We show that the optimal order policy is characterized by a reorder point and the optimal rationing policy is characterized by time‐dependent rationing levels. We then approximate the production time distribution with a phase‐type distribution and show that the optimal policy can be characterized by a reorder point and state‐dependent rationing levels. Using the Erlang production time distribution, we generalize the model to a tandem MTS system in which there may be multiple outstanding orders. We introduce a state‐transformation approach to perform the structural analysis and show that both the reorder point and rationing levels are state dependent. We show the monotonicity of the optimal reorder point and rationing levels for the outstanding orders, and generate new theoretical and managerial insights from the research findings.  相似文献   

We consider an inventory system under continuous review with two demand classes that are different in terms of service level required (or penalty cost incurred for backordering of demand). Prior literature has proposed the critical level rationing (CLR) policy under which the demand from the lower priority class is backordered once inventory falls below the critical level. While this reduces the penalty cost for the higher demand class, the fill rate achieved for the lower priority demand class gets compromised. In this study, we propose a new class of two‐bin (2B) policy for the problem. The proposed 2B policy assigns separate bins of inventory for the two demand classes. The demand for each class is fulfilled from its assigned bin. However, when the bin intended for the higher demand class is empty, the demand from the higher class can still be fulfilled with the inventory from the other bin. The advantage of the 2B policy is that better fill rates are achieved, especially for the lower demand class. Computational results show that the proposed policy is able to provide a much higher service level for the lower priority class demand without increasing the total cost too much and without affecting the service level for the higher priority class. When a service level constrained optimization problem is considered, the 2B policy dominates the CLR policy when the service level difference for the two classes is not too high or the service levels required for both the classes are relatively lower.  相似文献   

We consider how a firm should ration inventory to multiple classes in a stochastic demand environment with partial, class‐dependent backlogging where the firm incurs a fixed setup cost when ordering from its supplier. We present an infinite‐horizon, average cost criterion Markov decision problem formulation for the case with zero lead times. We provide an algorithm that determines the optimal rationing policy, and show how to find the optimal base‐stock reorder policy. Numerical studies indicate that the optimal policy is similar to that given by the equivalent deterministic problem and relies on tracking both the current inventory and the rate that backorder costs are accumulating. Our study of the case of non‐zero lead time shows that a heuristic combining the optimal, zero lead time policy with an allocation policy based on a single‐period profit management problem is effective.  相似文献   

新鲜产品在跨季销售过程中不可避免地发生变质,给分销商带来较大的风险。本文基于一个两阶段决策模型来帮助分销商动态管理库存,在考虑产品质量随机变化的情形下更好地匹配供给与需求。具体来说,在采摘季节确定采购的总数量;在销售季节结合产品新鲜度的演变以及剩余库存水平的变化动态地决策每周期的销售量,以实现期望利润的最大化。我们采用动态规划模型分析销售期的库存管理决策,刻画了利润函数和最优决策的结构性质,并考察了库存量、新鲜度水平和价格等参数对最优库存决策的影响。数值实验结果表明,当产品变质风险大、需求不确定性低时,动态库存管理策略相比静态策略的利润改进效果更为显著。  相似文献   

多类顾客环境下报童模型中库存分配策略研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
考虑一个报童模型中多类顾客的库存分配问题,将顾客按照他们愿意支付价格的高低划分为不同级别。零售商在销售期初决定产品订货量,并在销售期内决定接受或者拒绝不同顾客的需求,以最大化销售期内的期望总利润。将销售期分成大量足够小的时间单位,通过建立一个反向Bellman动态规划方程,以优化每个时间单位内的库存分配策略,并得到了零售商最优的期初订货量。通过与没有库存分配策略下零售商的期望利润进行比较,算例分析得出库存分配策略可以大幅提高零售商的利润。这主要是因为通过库存分配可以使得零售商从高端顾客中获取更多利润,同时能够减小期初的订货量,以节约采购成本和库存持有成本。  相似文献   

We study an average‐cost stochastic inventory control problem in which the firm can replenish inventory and adjust the price at anytime. We establish the optimality to change the price from low to high in each replenishment cycle as inventory is depleted. With costly price adjustment, scale economies of inventory replenishment are reflected in the cycle time instead of lot size—An increased fixed ordering cost leads to an extended replenishment cycle but does not necessarily increase the order quantity. A reduced marginal cost of ordering calls for an increased order quantity, as well as speeding up product selling within a cycle. We derive useful properties of the profit function that allows for reducing computational complexity of the problem. For systems requiring short replenishment cycles, the optimal solution can be easily computed by applying these properties. For systems requiring long replenishment cycles, we further consider a relaxed problem that is computational tractable. Under this relaxation, the sum of fixed ordering cost and price adjustment cost is equal to (greater than, less than) the total inventory holding cost within a replenishment cycle when the inventory holding cost is linear (convex, concave) in the stock level. Moreover, under the optimal solution, the time‐average profit is the same across all price segments when the inventory holding cost is accounted properly. Through a numerical study, we demonstrate that inventory‐based dynamic pricing can lead to significant profit improvement compared with static pricing and limited price adjustment can yield a benefit that is close to unlimited price adjustment. To be able to enjoy the benefit of dynamic pricing, however, it is important to appropriately choose inventory levels at which the price is revised.  相似文献   

We investigate a supply chain system with a common supplier selling to downstream retailers who are engaged in both price and inventory competition. We establish the existence and uniqueness of the pure‐strategy Nash equilibrium for the retailer game and study how a supplier can coordinate the system to achieve the best performance. Our main conclusions are as follows: First, a buyback contract can be used to coordinate retailers competing on both price and inventory in a sense that optimal retail prices and inventory levels arise as the Pareto‐dominant equilibrium. With symmetric retailers, the system optimum arises as the unique symmetric equilibrium. Second, the particular type of competition experienced by retailers (price versus inventory competition) affects the characteristics of the contract. Specifically, strong price competition leads to a coordination mechanism with a positive buyback rate, where the supplier subsidizes retailers for leftover inventories; however, strong inventory competition leads to a negative buyback rate, where retailers are punished for overstocking. Using a linear expected demand function, we further explore the impact of system parameters on the coordination contract and the competitive equilibrium. We also find that the performance of the supplier's optimal contract is asymptotic to the system optimal coordination contract as competition becomes fierce.  相似文献   

Customers are averse to disappointment that arises when economic outcomes fall short of expectations. In this study, we study a two‐period model in which the firm may create rationing in either period. In the anticipation of possible disappointment due to stock‐outs, strategic customers decide when to purchase and the firm determines the prices and rationing levels in each period. We explore the impact of disappointment aversion on customers' strategic purchasing behavior and the firm's pricing and rationing decisions. Without disappointment aversion, it is optimal for the firm to adopt a uniform pricing policy without rationing. However, when strategic customers are averse to disappointment, a firm may be able to increase profits with an appropriate level of rationing. We analyze both the mark‐up and mark‐down policies. We show that, in a mark‐down scenario, the firm always benefits from disappointment aversion behavior by using an appropriate level of rationing in a low‐price period. However, in a mark‐up scenario, whether it is beneficial for the firm to induce disappointment aversion behavior depends on how customers frame payoffs in different periods when forming utilities. Particularly, when customers compartmentalize payoffs in different periods to form utilities, the firm should not induce disappointment aversion behavior.  相似文献   

We address the simultaneous determination of pricing, production, and capacity investment decisions by a monopolistic firm in a multi‐period setting under demand uncertainty. We analyze the optimal decision with particular emphasis on the relationship between price and capacity. We consider models that allow for either bi‐directional price changes or models with markdowns only, and in the latter case we prove that capacity and price are strategic substitutes.  相似文献   

We consider a consumer electronics manufacturer's problem of controlling the inventory of spare parts in the final phase of the service life cycle. The final phase starts when the part production is terminated and continues until the last service contract or warranty period expires. Placing final orders for service parts is considered to be a popular tactic to satisfy demand during this period and to mitigate the effect of part obsolescence at the end of the service life cycle. Previous research focuses on repairing defective products by replacing the defective parts with properly functioning spare ones. However, for consumer electronic products there typically is considerable price erosion while repair costs stay steady over time. As a consequence, there might be a point in time at which the unit price of the product drops below the repair costs. If so, it is more cost effective to adopt an alternative policy to meet service demands toward the end of the final phase, such as offering customers a new product of the similar type or a discount on a next generation product. This study examines the cost trade‐offs of implementing alternative policies for the repair policy and develops an exact expression for the expected total cost function. Using this expression, the optimal final order quantity and switching time from repair to an alternative policy can be determined simultaneously. Numerical analysis of a real world case sheds light on the cost benefits of these policies and also yields insights into the quantitative importance of the various cost parameters.  相似文献   

在零售商-消费者两级供应链中, 零售商垄断销售市场, 研究基于消费者锚定效应的动态定价与库存问题。将消费者的锚定效应纳入决策模型中, 探讨消费者锚定的参考价格与产品的市场需求、价格的动态变化关系;利用动态规划理论建立了消费者锚定效应的动态定价与库存模型;在此基础上考虑利润折现和库存积压问题, 并分别构建了相应模型。数值分析表明, 消费者会根据市场价格的变化决定最佳的购买时机, 零售商的期望收益随着销售时间的延长而增加。  相似文献   

Small‐to‐medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs), including many startup firms, need to manage interrelated flows of cash and inventories of goods. In this study, we model a firm that can finance its inventory (ordered or manufactured) with loans in order to meet random demand which in general may not be time stationary. The firm earns interest on its cash on hand and pays interest on its debt. The objective is to maximize the expected value of the firm's capital at the end of a finite planning horizon. The firm's state at the beginning of each period is characterized by the inventory level and the capital level measured in units of the product, whose sum represents the “net worth” of the firm. Our study shows that the optimal ordering policy is characterized by a pair of threshold parameters as follows. (i) If the net worth is less than the lower threshold, then the firm employs a base stock order up to the lower threshold. (ii) If the net worth is between the two thresholds, then the firm orders exactly as many units as it can afford, without borrowing. (iii) If the net worth is above the upper threshold, then the firm employs a base stock order up to the upper threshold. Further, upper and lower bounds for the threshold values are developed using two simple‐to‐compute myopic ordering policies which yield lower bounds for the value function. We also derive an upper bound for the value function by considering a sell‐back policy. Subsequently, it is shown that policies of similar structure are optimal when the loan and deposit interest rates are piecewise linear functions, when there is a maximal loan limit and when unsatisfied demand is backordered. Finally, further managerial insights are provided with extensive numerical studies.  相似文献   

We develop an analytical framework for studying the role capacity costs play in shaping the optimal differentiation strategy in terms of prices, delivery times, and delivery reliabilities of a profit‐maximizing firm selling two variants (express and regular) of a product in a capacitated environment. We first investigate three special cases. The first is an existing model of price and delivery time differentiation with exogenous reliabilities, which we only review. The second focuses on time‐based (i.e., length and reliability) differentiation with exogenous prices. The third deals with deciding on all features for an express variant when a regular product already exists in the marketplace. We subsequently address the integrative framework of time‐and‐price‐based differentiation for both products in a numerical study. Our results shed light on the role that customer preferences towards delivery times, reliabilities and prices, and the capacity costs (absolute and relative) have on the firm's optimal product positioning policy.  相似文献   

We study the optimal pricing and replenishment decisions in an inventory system with a price‐sensitive demand, focusing on the benefit of the inventory‐based dynamic pricing strategy. We find that demand variability impacts the benefit of dynamic pricing not only through the magnitude of the variability but also through its functional form (e.g., whether it is additive, multiplicative, or others). We provide an approach to quantify the profit improvement of dynamic pricing over static pricing without having to solve the dynamic pricing problem. We also demonstrate that dynamic pricing is most effective when it is jointly optimized with inventory replenishment decisions, and that its advantage can be mostly realized by using one or two price changes over a replenishment cycle.  相似文献   

We study a two‐product inventory model that allows substitution. Both products can be used to supply demand over a selling season of N periods, with a one‐time replenishment opportunity at the beginning of the season. A substitution could be offered even when the demanded product is available. The substitution rule is flexible in the sense that the seller can choose whether or not to offer substitution and at what price or discount level, and the customer may or may not accept the offer, with the acceptance probability being a decreasing function of the substitution price. The decisions are the replenishment quantities at the beginning of the season, and the dynamic substitution‐pricing policy in each period of the season. Using a stochastic dynamic programming approach, we present a complete solution to the problem. Furthermore, we show that the objective function is concave and submodular in the inventory levels—structural properties that facilitate the solution procedure and help identify threshold policies for the optimal substitution/pricing decisions. Finally, with a state transformation, we also show that the objective function is ‐concave, which allows us to derive similar structural properties of the optimal policy for multiple‐season problems.  相似文献   

We consider the service parts end‐of‐life inventory problem of a capital goods manufacturer in the final phase of its life cycle. The final phase starts as soon as the production of parts terminates and continues until the last service contract expires. Final order quantities are considered a popular tactic to sustain service fulfillment obligations and to mitigate the effect of obsolescence. In addition to the final order quantity, other sources to obtain serviceable parts are repairing returned defective items and retrieving parts from phaseout returns. Phaseout returns happen when a customer replaces an old system platform with a next‐generation one and returns the old product to the original equipment manufacturer (OEM). These returns can well serve the demand for service parts of other customers still using the old generation of the product. In this study, we study the decision‐making complications as well as cost‐saving opportunities stemming from phaseout occurrence. We use a finite‐horizon Markov decision process to characterize the structure of the optimal inventory control policy. We show that the optimal policy consists of a time‐varying threshold level for item repair. Furthermore, we study the value of phaseout information by extending the results to cases with an uncertain phaseout quantity or an uncertain schedule. Numerical analysis sheds light on the advantages of the optimal policy compared to some heuristic policies.  相似文献   

为了揭示生鲜农产品在流通中质量与数量损耗的变化规律,分析"双重损耗"对冷链库存的影响,针对配送中心与零售商组成的两级冷链系统,引入保鲜努力与时间因素对生鲜农产品的数量与质量损耗进行刻画,尤其突显了二者间的关联性及其合理性,需求上综合考虑了价格与新鲜度的影响,以供应链总平均利润最大化为目标函数,建立了二级冷链一体化库存模型,并对系统最佳的保鲜投入、库存及定价进行了规划求解。随后,以某连锁超市销售的鲜切果蔬为例进行仿真,验证了模型的有效性。最后,灵敏度分析发现,一方面,系统利润会随着新鲜度时间敏感性的降低与保鲜努力敏感性的增加而增加,且时间敏感因子更容易左右系统利润的变化。另一方面,并非所有的生鲜农产品都适用打折促销。考虑商品"双重损耗"所做的库存与定价的优化分析不仅为生鲜农产品冷链的理论研究提供了新思路,也为冷链运作实践提供了更为可靠、更为有效的决策参考。  相似文献   

We apply service‐operations‐management concepts to improve the efficiency and equity of voting systems. Recent elections in the United States and elsewhere have been plagued by long lines, excessive waiting times, and perceptions of unfairness. We build models for the waiting lines at voting precincts using both traditional steady‐state queueing methods and simulation models. We develop solution methods to allocate voting machines optimally to precincts. Our objective functions consider both the efficiency and the equity of the voting system. We compare our allocation algorithm to several competing methods, including those used in practice. We examine several different strategies for improving voting operations on both the demand and the capacity side of voting systems, and we present a complete case study of applying our method to data from the 2008 election for Franklin County, Ohio. We conclude that our method is superior to existing polices in terms of efficiency and equity and that it is robust in terms of uncertainties regarding turnout rates on Election Day. We also suggest several operational improvements to the voting process drawn from the service‐operations literature.  相似文献   

In this article, we study optimal production and admission control policies in manufacturing systems that produce two types of products: one type consists of identical items that are produced to stock, while the other has varying features and is produced to order. The model is motivated by applications from various industries, in particular, the automobile industry, where a part supplier receives orders from both an original equipment manufacturer and the aftermarket. The product for the original equipment manufacturer is produced to stock, it has higher priority, and its demands are fully accepted. The aftermarket product is produced to order, and its demands can be either accepted or rejected. We characterize the optimal production and admission policies with a partial‐linear structure, and using computational analysis, we provide insights into the benefits of the new policies. We also investigate the impact of production capacity, cost structure, and demand structure on system performance.  相似文献   

The existing queueing literature typically assumes that customers either perfectly know the expected waiting time or are able to form rational expectations about it. In contrast, in this article, we study canonical service models where customers do not have such full information or capability. We assume that customers lack full capability or ample opportunities to perfectly infer the service rate or estimate the expected waiting time, and thus can only rely on past experiences and anecdotal reasoning to make their joining decisions. We fully characterize the steady‐state equilibrium in this service system. Compared with the fully rational benchmark, we find that customers with anecdotal reasoning are less price‐sensitive. Consequently, with a higher market potential (higher arrival rate), a revenue‐maximizing firm may increase the price if the service rate is exogenous, and it may decrease the price if the service rate is at the firm's discretion. Both results go against the commonly accepted pricing recommendations in the fully rational benchmark. We also show that revenue maximization and welfare maximization lead to fundamentally different pricing strategies with anecdotal reasoning, whereas they are equivalent in the fully rational benchmark.  相似文献   

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