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Research often argues or implies that the First World War suddenly discontinued the age of Jewish mass migration and led to increased sedentarism. Indeed, the former main destinations like the USA drastically cut down on the arrival of East European Jews. This did not, however, result in the end of Jewish mass migration. This article will demonstrate that it rather led to manifold attempts to circumvent the newly introduced and increasingly exclusive measures, to a rising complexity of transnational movement patterns, and finally to the emergence of new destinations and Jewish communities all over the globe. This movement, however, was overshadowed and impacted by the almost global rise of xenophobia and fascism. Based on local histories, statistical and legal sources, as well as reports and communications by delegates of Jewish relief organizations, this article presents a social history of the intersection between global Jewish migration and politically motivated migration management. It leaves behind the focus on “departure” and “arrival” in Jewish migration history and elaborates on the relevance and dynamics of transmigration, the dominance of migrant networks and the complex relationship between national policies and migrants' agency.  相似文献   

In the 1920s and 30s, mass conversion movements to “Russian” Orthodoxy emerged among Greek Catholics in Czechoslovakia and Poland, comprising a new chapter in a continuing saga of conversion which began in the late nineteenth century, in what was then Austria–Hungary. Pre-1914 conversion movements arose in large part due to transatlantic migration – especially return migration – between Austria–Hungary and the Americas. Americanists have generally treated the 1920s and 30s as the era when transnational migration’s impact waned owing to US immigration restrictions, while East Europeanists have minimized or ignored the impact of transnational migration upon East European regions. Interwar Catholic-to-Orthodox conversions, however, are not merely attributable to historical legacy: transatlantic migration continued to influence the dynamics of conversion as an active, contemporary force. As had been true prior to World War I, returning migrants and their families comprised the most significant constituency of the movements after the war; migrants remaining in the Americas supported the East European movements with economic and social remittances, and activists on either side of the Orthodox/Catholic divide treated the conversions as transnational phenomena. This essay analyzes the impact of transnational migration upon shifting ethnoreligious identifications, in the context of shifting social, national, and geopolitical circumstances, 1918–1939.  相似文献   

Contemporaries and historians of the Russian revolutions have often made a great deal of the Jewish role in the events of 1917. In late 1917, for instance, it was commonplace to assert that the Bolsheviks were simply part of a Jewish conspiracy. This paper takes a look at the various Russian perspectives on the revolution and its Jewish aspects, focusing in particular on the views of leading intellectuals, writers and politicians, such as S.M. Dubnov, Maxim Gorkii and Aleksandr Blok. It reveals that attitudes were not always straightforward, even amongst the liberal elements of the intelligentsia.  相似文献   

Although British national identity was strengthened by the experience of the Second World War, it has been argued that this was often at the expense of relations with minority groups within the country. The policy of internment, which attained its highest popularity during the threatened days of 1940, remains a stain upon a country which stated, and believed, that it was fighting for freedom and liberal democracy. This article attempts to explore one small locale within Britain as a case study for majority-minority relations during the conflict and links national trends with local communities and responses. Tyneside, as an area, had a mixed reputation: although the area had refused the British Fascists and had a thriving migrant community, there were still areas where prejudice, especially against those of a different colour, was rife.  相似文献   

Much leisure history deals with specific forms of activity or with the macro social and cultural patterns which mark leisure behaviours. However, as historians have turned to the micro-history of the everyday, individuals have become visible as producers and not only consumers of leisure. Mass Observation’s Worktown archive offers unique insight to the leisure lives of Bolton’s working class population between 1937 and 1939. Bound to the culture of the cotton industry and the spatial confines of Bolton, leisure served to form overlapping identities around work and neighbourhood. Everyday leisure accommodated mass cultural forms, while also remaining part of a local northern culture which grew from its industrial environment. The ‘up-close’ nature of the history of the everyday afforded by the Worktown archive provides new insights to leisure practices which become defined not only in terms of activity, but also involve conviviality, conversation and custom. This article argues that leisure was not so much a field of resistance but a sphere in which ordinary people were able to create their own leisure spaces through customary practice, language and an adaptation of employer-based facilities. Everyday working-class leisure was not confined to an illusory escapism of passive consumption but was active and engaged, forming social contexts, shared places and communal activities which helped form a collective consciousness and a sense of social and cultural identity.  相似文献   

仁山 《老年世界》2014,(13):44-44
1月15日沙克都尔扎布、荣祥、白海风等蒙古王公及有志之士联名通电声讨汪精卫,痛斥汪精卫为党国罪人、全民公敌,要求国民政府从严惩处。1月28日八路军大青山支队及绥蒙游击大队一部在绥东陶林附近进击伪军萧顺义、夏军川部,俘虏100余人,解救被掠妇女200余人。1月31日八路军大青山支队一部在绥远武川县西南土城子消灭土匪康德胜部,俘敌80余人,解救被掠妇女l00余人。2月11日八路军120师一部击溃驻绥远凉城县厂汉营日伪军200余名,毙50余名。同月傅作义将其35军扩编为3个师,由山西河曲等地开抵绥西五原地区。自此,傅作义脱离了阎锡山体系,晋绥正式分家。  相似文献   

Recent changes in accreditation standards now require professors to systematically assess whether a teacher candidate actually possesses a “disposition” appropriate to the profession. This new mandate from accreditation bodies is controversial on a number of fronts. As social studies educators in particular, we like to think of ourselves as especially attentive to issues such as individual differences and rights, indoctrination, prejudice, intolerance, freedom of expression, maturation, and the worth of the individual—all of which are potentially raised by the NCATE and NCSS mandates. And as a practical matter, it places new stresses on the role of professors as both mentors and gatekeepers. In this article, two social studies teacher educators provide an overview of current theory and debate regarding dispositions, an assessment of practical problems associated with the accreditation accountability mandates, and—in spite of the persistent problems associated with defining and assessing dispositions—offer one successful model for evaluating teacher candidates’ professional dispositions that has been implemented in a social studies education program.  相似文献   


World War II and the Holocaust caused profound changes in the style and themes of Der Nister's writing. He reevaluated his symbolist legacy and emerged as one of the most powerful and tragic voices in Soviet Yiddish literature. His transformation from a respected but marginal literary figure into a self-styled national leader became complete with his adventurous journey to the Jewish Autonomous Region of Birobidzhan in the Soviet Far East, which he envisioned as a site of new Jewish revival. His illusions were crushed by his arrest in 1949.  相似文献   

This article examines banditry in the northeastern provinces of the Second Polish Republic after the First World War and into the mid-1920s. It considers the devastating effects of the war, which ravaged the territory, together with policies of the Polish state that contributed to an increase in bandit activity in the eastern borderland region. This work argues that banditry here worked as a multi-level system and thrived due to the involvement of multiple social actors—the bandits themselves, locals, state authorities, and foreign aid. Furthermore, this article pushes for an examination of bandits—not merely as social outcasts or misfits—but as an integral part of the communities they emerged from. More broadly, the focus on banditry contributes to scholarship dedicated to better understanding the aftermath of the First World War and continued conflict from the perspective of everyday people.  相似文献   

1918年至1919年横扫世界的那次流感大流行,以往的估计是全球死亡人数约2000万,最新的权威估计数字为5000万至1亿。这个数字不仅高于历年来命丧艾滋病的人数总和,更远超中世纪黑死病所造成的死亡人数。  相似文献   

Modern American culture has seen a proliferation of radio and television personalities associated with talk therapy and advice-giving within the last 20 years (Epstein Psychology Today 34:5 2001). The origin of radio psychology, however, is the late 1920’s, when radio began to air many promoters of psychology in the context of “public service” programming. Among these individuals were Louis Monash, Arthur Payne, and, perhaps most importantly, Joseph Jastrow. Traditionally-trained psychologists used the new medium of radio in the service of education and adjustment. This article surveys radio psychology, its personalities, and topics in the inter-war period and proposes the significant social support role that radio psychology played during the Great Depression, much as modern talk radio does today (Ricks 1984).  相似文献   

关于现代文学的起点问题,学术界说法不一。本篇论文的观点是把1918年确立为中国现代文学的起点,从具有现代性的文学观念、文学创作,以及现代文学场形成这三个方面,浅议现代文学的1918年起点说。  相似文献   

最近,看了电视《记忆之城》,激起了我沉重的回忆,这回忆把我带到了当年在重庆跑警报的情景,那是受尽折磨的苦难日子,一阵阵悲愤之情,涌上心头,痛恨日本帝国主义的侵略罪行,痛恨日本帝国主义的空中袭击,完全像电视所描写的当时空袭的惨景。  相似文献   

第一次世界大战后期爆发的阿拉伯民族大起义是阿拉伯民族史上的一个重要的里程碑。它揭开了建立阿拉伯现代民族国家的历史序幕,对阿拉伯民族主义的发展进程产生了深远的影响。一阿拉伯民族大起义同阿拉伯民族主义的发展密切相联。在伊斯兰教兴起时期,阿拉伯人曾创造过辉煌灿烂的文明。但随着阿拉伯帝国的瓦解和崩溃,从16世纪起,阿拉伯人沦为奥斯曼帝国的臣民。到19世纪后半叶,在西方民族主义思想的影响下,阿拉伯人  相似文献   

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