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新移民是推动当代美国华人人口增长和结构变迁的主要因素.1965年美国颁布新移民法,彻底废除了种族歧视性条款,按国籍分配移民配额,华人获得相对平等的入境权;再加上配额外的直系亲属移民,使得华人移民数量不断攀升.中美建交后,原先由台湾享用的2万名移民配额转给中国大陆,1982年美国另给台湾2万名移民配额,此外还给香港和澳门一些移民配额.由于新移民的持续大规模涌入,美国华人人口增速惊人,至2015年已超过450万,其中60%以上为移民,40%为土生华裔.华人移民不仅在来源地和类型上趋向多元化,而且在社会经济背景上呈现出两极分化的特点.  相似文献   

澳大利亚华侨华人概况。据澳大利亚2006年人口普查结果显示,澳大利亚约有华侨华人67万左右,占当地定居人口的3.41%。与2001年人口普查比较,华侨华人大约年均增长4.07%。蒙古国华侨华人概况。截至2009年,在蒙古的华侨约有4300多人,约占蒙古总人口的2%,蒙古华侨多是经商。新加坡华侨华人概况。新加坡华侨华人总数约在353.5万。中国新移民在1990年中新建交以后开始大规模流入新加坡,并呈增速加快之势。截至2010  相似文献   

1863~1884年是朝鲜人移居俄国的第一阶段。这一时期朝鲜移民有四个特点:分布集中,主要居住在南乌苏里地区;朝鲜移民的男女比例相当,人口能自然增长;朝鲜移民的职业以农民为主,主要的经济活动是种地;国籍没有变,仍然是朝鲜国籍。这一时期俄国对朝鲜移民到来持欢迎态度,让其耕种一定的土地,并对一些困难的朝鲜家庭进行救助。俄国对朝鲜移民的这种态度主要是由滨海省缺少劳动力和朝鲜移民举家迁移的特点决定的。  相似文献   

新西兰是世界上人口较为稀疏的国家之一,至今人口密度只相当于世界人口平均密度的1/3(约11.7人/平方公里)。新西兰人口主要来自移民,华人已成为新西兰的主要少数民族之一。  相似文献   

程绮云 《南方人口》2001,16(2):58-62
澳门是一个面积不到 2 4平方公里的地方 ,其人口在过去十年增加了近三成。人口的增加主要来源于移民 ,特别是来自中国内地的移民 ,他们同时亦对澳门人口的自然增长带来很大的影响 ,原因是来自中国内地的移民有较高的生育率。本文简单地介绍了这一现象 ,以及澳门人口自然增长的其他情况。  相似文献   

关于移民社区计生管理的探讨○白建明韦惠兰扶贫开发式移民的移民管理和移民社区发展的诸多问题当中,计生管理是较为突出的重点问题之一。作为促进人口合理分布及社会、经济进一步发展的必要途径,扶贫开发式移民旨在协调人口与经济二者之间的关系,建立促使经济有效发展...  相似文献   

近代东北人口增长及其对经济发展的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近代东北地区是我国人口增长最快的地区,人口增长的主要原因是大量移民人口的增加,而不是靠人口的自然增长,其中大量跨境移民的涌入是一个重要特征。大量的国内移民人口的增加促进了东北近代农业的发展,这一定程度上缓解了近代中国内地的人口压力。另外,大量移民人口的增加促进了近代东北地区贸易、工业和城市等的发展,从而促进了近代东北经济的发展。  相似文献   

从历史上来看,台湾社会的发展与人口的增长受外来移民的影响很大。移民改变了人口的结构,加速或抑制了人口增长,推动了社会各种组织和功能的变化。特别是对一个与外界因为交通不便或其它原因很少来往的地方,移民会产生很大的影响。虽然在远古时就有人民从大陆到台湾去,但人数太少,记载不全,似乎也不是长期性移民。根据记载,1281年住在  相似文献   

美国建国之初,领土面积为94万多平方公里,人口大约只有250万人。1790年第一次全国人口普查时,总人口为392.9万人。此后,国土面积几经扩大,人口不断增加。1980年第20次人口普查结果,总人口为22,650万人。1982年中估计数为23,200万人。从1776年建国到1982年的206年,土地面积扩大近10倍,人口增长近92倍。 在美国的人口增长中,移民是一个重要因素。1790年美国人口普查时,移民中四分之三以上来自英国,此外还有爱尔兰人、德国人、丹麦人、法国人以及来自其他国家的移民。此后,移民日增。1861—1914年间,涌人美国的移民达2,710多万人。第一次世界大战以  相似文献   

联合国人口咨询局最近出版了一本人口简讯《美国的移民,一个未完的过程》。该书作者利昂F包维尔和里伯W加德纳(音译)指出由于移民的增长,美国种族构成发生了戏剧性的变化。他们根据1986年11月5日美国总统里根签署的意义深远的移民法改革议案而得出结论。这个包罗万象的议案目的在于减少和控制非法移民,移民法的改革是想利用民法和刑法惩罚那些雇用外来移民的雇主。同时也对居住在合法区域的非法移民给予特赦权。包维尔和加德纳指出:据国家人口统计局估计,全国人口增长的28%来自人口的  相似文献   

本文以“五普”数据为基础,对比“三普”、“四普”数据,对我国少数民族出生人口性别比问题进行研究。研究表明我国少数民族出生人口性别比偏高问题已经存在。虽然问题没有汉族严重,但其发展的趋势与汉族相当接近;少数民族出生人口性别比偏高表现出较强的区域差异、城乡差异和民族差异。  相似文献   

The population of British Borneo is small. Population growth since 1900 has been unspectacular but has been aided by Chinese immigration beginning from the middle of the 19th century until 1939, and also by the immigration of the Javanese and other peoples from the surrounding islands during the same period. The Chinese form by far the majority of the immigrant population and are important not only in terms of the numbers involved but also in terms of the powerful economic position assumed by them.

Besides affecting population growth, immigration has also had significant effects on the population composition and also on the birth rates, death rates and sex ratio. The significant fact about the population composition is that the number of Chinese is very large. It is not often realised that, though forming the second largest group in each of the three territories, the Chinese together form the largest single ethnic group in British Borneo.

The differential rates of growth in the various districts, owing largely to the presence or absence of immigrant populations and to the degree of economic development, have produced a very uneven distribution of population, with a very definite centering of peoples in certain areas. The coastal concentration of the immigrant peoples is another outstanding feature, a fact due as much to Borneo's position as it is to the easy entry by sea and difficult land access. These coastal pockets reflect broadly the former points of entry of the peoples, but such population centres are not necessarily stable since there was incomplete knowledge of the country during the period when immigrants were coming in, and the richer lands of the east coast were still undiscovered. It is clear that there will be further shifts of population centres when the advantages of the country are fully known. However, it is more important in this multi-racial society, that the ethnic types converging upon Borneo have been of separate groups and their movement has extended over different lengths of time, with the result that the country's ethnic map shows different degrees of their absorption into the Bornean setting. Absorption has been going on in some instances, but in view of the wide differences in economic status between immigrant and indigene, the fusion of the different groups is difficult.  相似文献   

Matheu Kaneshiro 《Demography》2013,50(5):1897-1919
The quality of the decennial census of the United States is compromised by population undercount, which often misses immigrants and racial/ethnic minorities, thereby diminishing federal resources allocated to such groups. Using a modified version of demographic analysis and informed by the latest contributions of emigration scholarship, this research estimates net undercount for the 1990 census relative to the 2000 census by age, sex, year-of-entry, and place-of-birth cohorts. Ordinary least squares estimates suggest that males, recent arrivals, and cohorts aged 15–44 had higher relative net undercount for 1990 compared with 2000. Much higher relative net undercount was found for cohorts from Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean (excluding Cuba and Puerto Rico) who were ineligible for amnesty under the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (i.e., those fitting the profile of an undocumented immigrant). Larger implications of these findings suggest that the political climate in which a person is embedded—particularly for persons who may feel threatened or marginalized by the government and/or the public—affects that person’s willingness to respond to the census.  相似文献   

In the last decade the Maltese population has seen an influx of overseas-born individuals. This has been largely due to Malta’s access to the European Union and the increased intake of refugee immigrants. These immigration trends have resulted in changes in population composition, with the overseas-born population increasing from 17,740 (4.7%) in 1995 to 24,560 (6.1%) in 2005. There has also been an increase in the proportion of births registered in Malta to overseas citizens, including citizens of non-EU Europe (1.1%); the African continent (1.5%); America (0.3%); and Asia (0.8%). About ten per cent of marriages in Malta are between a Maltese spouse and a foreigner. The data suggest that the Maltese population is slowly becoming more cosmopolitan, a trend that is gradually changing the ethnic composition of the Maltese community.  相似文献   

Integration or Fragmentation? Racial Diversity and the American Future   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Over the next generation or two, America’s older, largely white population will increasingly be replaced by today’s disproportionately poor minority children. All future growth will come from populations other than non-Hispanic whites as America moves toward a majority-minority society by 2043. This so-called Third Demographic Transition raises important implications about changing racial boundaries in the United States, that is, about the physical, economic, and sociocultural barriers that separate different racial and ethnic groups. America’s racial transformation may place upward demographic pressure on future poverty and inequality as today’s disproportionately poor and minority children grow into adult roles. Racial boundaries will be reshaped by the changing meaning of race and ethnicity, shifting patterns of racial segregation in neighborhoods and the workplace, newly integrating (or not) friendship networks, and changing rates of interracial marriage and childbearing. The empirical literature provides complicated lessons and offers few guarantees that growing racial diversity will lead to a corresponding breakdown in racial boundaries—that whites and minorities will increasingly share the same physical and social spaces or interact as coequals. How America’s older population of elected officials and taxpayers responds today to America’s increasingly diverse population will provide a window to the future, when today’s children successfully transition (or not) into productive adult roles. Racial and ethnic inclusion will be reshaped by changing ethnoracial inequality, which highlights the need to invest in children—now.  相似文献   

人口自然出生性别比是分析和评价人口出生性别比偏离的重要指标,中国对人口自然出生性别比的研究一直比较缺乏。人的出生性别比正常范围为102~107,国内一般都是以其上限作为标准判断人口出生性别比偏高的程度。但是这种做法是值得商榷的。利用第四次全国人口普查资料中的双生子信息探讨双生子出生性别比特征。研究表明,中国1989年双生子出生性别比为104.87,在女性主要生育年龄阶段生育的双生子出生性别比是相当稳定的,比较接近自然状态下的出生性别比。相比较而言,中国人口出生性别比不仅普遍偏高,而且随女性生育年龄变化的模式也不相同。  相似文献   

The characteristics and sources of socioeconomic differentials of mortality in Latin America, in so far as they are currently known, are examined in an attempt to clarify the present situation and its perspectives. Mortality in a population is a function of the frequency of illness (incidence) and the probability of dying of the sick individual (lethality). Information on the socioeconomic differentials of mortality in Latin America is systematically reviewed with attention directed to the following: differentials among Latin American countries, regional differences within countries, urban-rural contrasts in mortality, mortality and income level and level of education, and mortality and ethnic groups. Latin America shows considerable heterogeneity with respect to the risk of dying, which varies from 202/1000 births in Bolivia to 38/1000 in Uruguay. It is estimated that more than 1/2 of the children born in Latin America are exposed to a mortality rate of over 120/1000. A study of the urban and rural populations of 12 Latin American countries revealed that the risk for rural populations exceeds that for urban populations by 30-60%. There is extensive evidence showing that mortality is higher in the working class and is associated with lower levels of education and income. Mortality was also higher in certain indigenous groups. Socioeconomic differentials of mortality are more marked in Latin America than in the developed nations. The mother's level of educational attainment is the variable most significantly associated with infant and child mortality. The prospect of reducing the current mortality levels is dependent primarily upon the implementation of policies aimed at a more egalitarian distribution of the benefits of socioeconomic development among the population.  相似文献   

In this article, we used the data from the last three population censuses of China in 1982, 1990 and 2000, to study the dynamics of the sex ratio at birth and the infant mortality rate in China. In the late 1970s, China started its economic reform and implemented many family planning programs. Since then there has been great economic development and a dramatic decrease in fertility in most of its provinces. Along with these achievements, the sex ratio at birth of the Chinese population has increased to significantly more males to females, and in some provinces of China reached unprecedented levels. The ratio of infant mortality of the males to females for manyprovinces in China become extremely unbalanced with a much higher female infant mortality rate. In our study, we investigated the statistical relationship between the sex ratio at birth and the ratio of the infant mortality of males to female. Social and economic reasons for these unnatural trends are also discussed.  相似文献   

Although substantial research has explored the causes of India’s excessively masculine population sex ratio, few studies have examined the consequences of this surplus of males. We merge individual-level data from the 2004–2005 India Human Development Survey with data from the 2001 India population census to examine the association between the district-level male-to-female sex ratio at ages 15 to 39 and self-reports of victimization by theft, breaking and entering, and assault. Multilevel logistic regression analyses reveal positive and statistically significant albeit substantively modest effects of the district-level sex ratio on all three victimization risks. We also find that higher male-to-female sex ratios are associated with the perception that young unmarried women in the local community are frequently harassed. Household-level indicators of family structure, socioeconomic status, and caste, as well as areal indicators of women’s empowerment and collective efficacy, also emerge as significant predictors of self-reported criminal victimization and the perceived harassment of young women. The implications of these findings for India’s growing sex ratio imbalance are discussed.  相似文献   

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