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( 1 )Organizing and Professionalizing: Double Developing for Social Work in China
Social Work in China needs to develop both in organizing and professionalizing. Firstly, social work institutions themselves need to promote in organizing, staff educating, working styles selecting. They are required to find some way to professionalizing and specializing in social work. Secondly, the persons who are the clients of social work are in the state of lowing, marginalization, atomization and helplessness. Contrary to the Western Social Work styles which focus on solving personal problems, China social work should be anxious to organizing the persons, setting up a network for "to help then to be helped ", we should create a new system of "help banks", in which people can save their helping when they are active and energetic, and draw help when they are in old age and infirmity.  相似文献   

( 1 ) Status and Function of Social Work in Innovating Social Governance System: A Basic-Service Type Social Governance Wang Sibin
This paper aims to discuss the following issues from two dimensions: First, the rationale of a reform from social management to social governance in the context of modernizing state governance system and state capacity of governance; Second, the logic behind social governance from social work perspective; Third, the main areas of social work profession in participating social governance from ideological, institu- tional and principal dimensions. Based on the above issues, the author argues that social work has a spe- cial role in social governance with a basic and service-oriented feature. Moreover, it is important for so- cial work professionals to strengthen their capacities by effective service delivery and policy advocacy in order to realize the objectives of social governance  相似文献   





(1) The Contract Relationship between the Government and the Agency and Its Reconstruction in So- cial Work Undertaking and Operating Zhang Xuedong In China the government purchased social work service to the social work service agency, which formed a "sale" contract relationship and occupied the important position in the system of social work undertaking and operating to directly affect the quantity and quality of social work services. At the same time, the contract relationship between the government and the agency faced with four game di- lemmas which were "Adverse Selection", "Moral Hazard", "Collusion", "Conspiracy",  相似文献   

(1)History and Model of British and American Social Work Practice, and Historical Law of Practice Model Evolution
LIU Ji-tong· 3·
This is the first systematic review for the historical formation, development, evolution trace and characteristics of the times of British and American social work practice model, which divides the historical development into four stages: 1900-1950, 1960-1970, 1980-2000 and after 2000, whose historical themes and characteristics of the times are specialization, theorization, quality and comprehensiveness of social work Practice respectively.  相似文献   



(1)An Introduction of Professor Yuan Fang' s Social Work Educational Thought and Practice in Pro- moting Professional Development
Professor Yuan Fang is one of the forerunners in the restoration of social work profession in China and has profound social work educational thought. He defines social work as a professional discipline which should have solid sociology theory foundation and be supported by the social welfare and social security system in responding multiple needs of vulnerable population. Sociology can be viewed as a broader vision of social work. Social welfare and social security system is the institutional base to prac- tice social work and professional social work provides an important way to solve problems of the vul- nerable. He argues that social work should be professionalized and social work education should be closely tied with practical sectors. His thought plays an important role in directing social work' s resto- ration and its future development in China.  相似文献   


( 1 )Preliminary Analysis on the Model of Transactional Analysis in Social Work
Wen Jun Yi Zhenzhen · 3 ·
The transactional analysis (TA) is considered a technique to interpret and analyzed the process of communication. Distinct behaviors and feelings are measured through different ego states that represent the attributes of parent, adult and child. As TA is exchange of expression, so it may be categorized in terms of complementary, crossed and ulterior transactions. The interactive concepts of TA are easy to read and understand, so its applicability is wide, especially in the field of social work in recent years. The author point out that with its development, we should not just be limited to the individual' s inner psychological analysis, but also pay more attention to the role of external factors, and concentrate ef- forts on the self-remodeling of clients.  相似文献   




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