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Cathie Fewelry     
Cathie Jewelry is a synthetic -jewelry company that selects, designs, manufactures and sells its own jewelry. The company has its own jewelry factories, and many partners. Its main products include South China Sea pearls, seawater pearls, freshwater pearls and various arts and crafts. Its con lines of products are pendants made from South China Sea pearls, neck-laces made from South China Sea pearls, bracelets made from South China Sea pearls and rings made from South China Sea pearls. There are more than 2,000 styles of these items. With people's renewed interest in jewelry and globalization, there will be more new styles-with human-based designs.  相似文献   

Filigree inlay is a special traditional craft technique in the manufacture of Beijing jewelry. It uses gold, platinum, silver and copper as its raw materials. The artisans use very complicated processes to make different designs and patterns. Then they inlay diamonds and gems of all kinds to make delicate jewelry and ornamental objects. They are a feast for the eyes.  相似文献   

ZHOU Youhong works to inform students about environmental protection. Enthusiastic about her work, she spreads knowledge to element college and secondary school students. She said only when she began studying in university did she realize the harm of industrial pollution. She said she hopes through her efforts she can help the younger generation realize the value of environmental protection.  相似文献   

TWENTY-four-year-old Mu Li has come to the rehabilitation center in Tianjin of her own free will. After a year on drugs, she now wants to quit. This is her second time being hospitalized. The first time, she stayed for 20 days in the center. Not long after she was discharged, however, she was on drugs again. So she came back to the center, begging to be hospitalized again. The Tianjin Rehabilitation Center for Drug Addicts (TRCDA) where Mu Li is being treated was established in 1992, although cases of drug abuse were then still rare in the city. However, with the increasing rate of drug abuse in coastal  相似文献   

LU Hong, a designer with the Orient Dress Designing Institute in Tangshan Municipality, recently displayed designs from her third monograph that will soon be published. These designs, carefully drawn in pencil and accompanied by numerical illustrations, precisely illustrate Lu's vocation. Lu displayed a talent for dress designing as a little girl. She often stayed  相似文献   

Colorful Daywear     
Fashion designer Lu Hong (3rd R. photo above) has assimilated elements of Western-style dresses into her qipao designs. Her dresses can be worn either during the day or in the evening. Lu uses a wide range of materials for her designs, including cotton, silk, wool, cambric, synthetics and knits. And she likes contrasting colors as well as complementary shades. She has published two fashion design books, Fashion for New Women and The Newest Women's Wear Series. About 300,000 copies of the books have been sold all over China.  相似文献   

SHI Lijun used to be the Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of Zibo in Shandong Province. When she stood before the 257 deputies to the People's Congress in Laiwu on January 12, 1993, she perceived the anticipation and skepticism in their eyes. Although the deputies voted her into office as the first woman mayor of this city because of her past achievement in her official career, they still wanted to know what she would say  相似文献   

Fascinated by traditional Chinese culture,an illustrator,known by her online name,Jiao Xiangyue,has created many cute and interesting drawings,mostly figures with chubby and auspiciouslooking faces.Jiao's best-known series include drawings of women in ancient China's Tang Dynasty(618-907)and classic images from Dunhuang art.Jiao hopes her works will help develop viewers'interest in Chinese history and traditional art.  相似文献   

Yan Lingyu and her beauty salon have become renowned in the city of Dalian and northeastern China.  相似文献   

XIAO Ya was my middle schoolmate. She was gentle and quiet. We called her Ah Fang because she looks like Wang Fang, the leading lady of the film "Heroic Sons and Daughters." Xiao Ya lived in the red building that was constructed in the 1960s near the small wood behind my family's home. Her family lived on the second floor. Below the window was a board which read "Aiguo Grain Shop" (aiguo means love the country). Xiao Ya didn't like to speak. When she did, her face often turned red; but when she sang, she had an easy manner. I could hear her singing from a long distance. I used to take my worn-out accordion to her house. Since I could sing to my own  相似文献   

每年农历六月三十晚至七月初七,甘肃省陇南市西和县未出嫁的姑娘们都要举行隆重的祭祀歌舞活动,祈求“巧娘娘”保佑自己聪慧、灵巧,婚配如愿,生活幸福。这就是在西和县流传1800多年,被称为中国古代乞巧风俗活化石的“乞巧节”。  相似文献   

武汉城市圈区域性场外交易市场(OTC)建设论纲   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
过文俊 《科学发展》2010,(1):103-112
本文总结了武汉城市圈以往探索场外交易市场的经验,分析当前制约产权交易市场向场外交易市场转型的主要因素,提出构建武汉城市圈区域性场外交易市场的中长期战略和近期改革对策。  相似文献   

Positive You is an inclusive arts project supporting learning disabled people to explore self-esteem through art-making. The project was developed by self-advocate Leah Jones who observed a gap in service provision after struggling with her own confidence and self-esteem for many years. This article has been co-written by Leah and her support Jade French using a life-story approach. Leah hopes that by sharing her story, this article will not only demonstrate the value of art-making in developing self-esteem, but also that learning disabled people can develop their own employment opportunities with the right support.  相似文献   

相比于同龄人来说,蒋方舟的成长总是快了那么几步,7岁开始写作,9岁写成散文集,2008年被清华大学录取,2012年就任《新周刊》杂志副主编。尽管年纪轻轻就已如此令人艳羡,但她却更希望做个普通人。  相似文献   

舞台、追光、音乐、掌声……与“新工人艺术团”的工友们登台演出是41岁的徐芳最为享受的时刻。而走下舞台,走进生活,一辆三轮车大小的煎饼摊支撑起她生活的重担和自己的梦想。  相似文献   

1970年出生的吴旭,是个土生土长的“川妹子”,她对家乡以及这片土地上的妇女姐妹有着深厚的感情。在她看来,四川是中国国情的一个缩影,多民族、地域辽阔、地理复杂,且全省4500多万妇女60%左右在农村,造成妇女需求多元化、妇女工作点多面广,挑战极大。她希望可以借鉴各国在管理和服务妇女方面的工作经验,努力建设服务型、学习型的妇联组织,为发展当地妇女事业争取更大的空间。  相似文献   

彭静旋,一位自幼练习古筝的湘妹子,把古筝搬到了法国的街头,忘情演奏。古老的东方文化在法国街头绽放。无论是她的演奏还是装束,都惊艳了围观的路人。音乐没有国界。彭静旋希望她的演奏能让更多人外国人了解古筝,感受中国音乐之美。  相似文献   

I add a developmental perspective to the picture Roth and Freedgood have elaborated regarding the significance of surfaces. With Roth's attent ion to the analytic couple and adult intersubjective interaction, I include the mother–infant dyad—what I have written about, following Winnicott, as the “nursing couple.” I now employ Meltzer's evocative concept regarding the aesthetic impact of the mother. From this perspective regarding the early maternal relation, I then address the anxieties that Freedgood, especially, highlights in relation to culture and gender. I emphasize that we communicate to and with a maternal object that is herself a complex object both in her surface and in her interior. I contend that jewelry is a concrete representation of the mother's most interesting bodily surface.  相似文献   

在武汉火神山医院重症一科,有一位恪尽职守的“大管家”。她经验丰富,总是把所有的工作都安排得井井有条;她认真细心,总是在关心和保护医护人员;她温柔勇敢,总能用真心和真情护理每一位新冠肺炎患者。她,就是军队支援湖北医疗队队员、护士长陈静。  相似文献   

2019年9月开播的纪录片《水下中国》,是一部以水下视角展现中国人文自然的大型水下生态系列纪录片。湖南女孩周芳三年磨一剑,带领团队走访中国24座城市,只为探寻中华大地的血脉,重现被封存在水下的文明。  相似文献   

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