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中外人文交流是中国对外工作的重要组成部分,也是夯实中外关系社会民意基础、提高对外开放水平的重要途径。中国与中东国家的人文交流是中国人文外交的重要环节。中华人民共和国的成立及此后中东各国的相继独立共同开启了双方人文交流的新纪元;改革开放后特别是21世纪以来,双方各领域人文交流日趋活跃,成就斐然。本文对改革开放40年来中国与中东国家人文交流的成就、特征和意义作了简要梳理和评析,对其中存在的问题、挑战及发展前景作了初步研判和展望。在中国与中东国家共建一带一路的背景下,双方的人文交流不仅具有广阔的发展前景,而且对深化中国与中东国家的关系具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

可持续发展理念着眼于环境、经济与社会发展的关系,强调三者之间协调.生态文明建设以可持续发展理论为基础,强调从人类社会转型的视角和中国社会的总体布局构建人与自然的和谐关系.生态文明是对可持续发展理论的升华,强调科学解决生态环境方面问题,创新发展的观念,转变发展的方式,形成各具特色的发展格局,从而达到优化经济发展方式的效果...  相似文献   

在世界政治经济一体化的全球背景下,中国媒体不仅需要注重国内宣传,同时国外舆论也需要得到良好的引导.据教育部统计,自2000年以来,赴华留学生人数年平均增长率超过20%,至2020年在华留学生总数将达到50万.随着外国留学生人数的逐年增长,其影响力也逐年提高.同时,作为先天深受本国媒体影响,后天接受中国媒体宣传的留学生将比其他国际受众更加深入了解中国媒体,其作为国际受众的一部分,同时有利于推动中国媒体提升国际视角,向本国重塑中国媒体形象.  相似文献   

2019年11月1日,在甲骨文发现和研究120周年之际,习近平总书记致信,向长期致力于传承弘扬甲骨文等优秀传统文化的专家学者们表示热烈祝贺,强调坚定文化自信,促进文明交流互鉴。同时,中国国家博物馆“证古泽今——甲骨文文化展”正吸引着众多观众,以致延长展期至2020年1月,成为跨年度的大展。  相似文献   

“纽子”的店主Bobbie是个很亲切的新西兰女人。十年间,她两次来到上海,这座城市的巨大变化给她留下深刻的印象。于是,Bobbie放弃了回到新西兰享受慢生活,而在田子坊开起一家专卖新西兰原产物件的店。像Bobbie这样的老外有很多,因为各种各样的原因,他们在中国安家,同时让自己国家的“洋风情”在这片土地扎下了根。  相似文献   

几天前,我收到了侯赛因·卡米勒·巴哈丁博士的<无身份世界中的爱国主义>一书的汉译本邮件.这一译作勾起了我的回忆,使我回想起我在中国时双方就文化交流的设想所进行的多次对话.  相似文献   

“报纸是一个国家在与自己对话”,这句新闻学的经典话语在今天看来似应改为“网络是一个国家在与自己对话”。因为现在人们主要通过互联网来阅读新闻,但是这后一句话现在看来显然还不成立。在互联网中,往往是个人与个人,个人与群体,或群体与群体之间的直接对话,看不出与国家这个带有沉重的权利、义务、责任、荣誉、耻辱等等价值核心的实体有何严肃的关联。互联网使人们获得了前所未有的互联互通、对话交流的空间,可以说它催生了一个崭新的时代,就像当年报纸、广播、电视等大众媒体的产生催生了一个现代文明时代一样;  相似文献   

本文简要的介绍了西方音乐文化在西方文明中的诞生过程,并以此为基础,继续阐述了这样的一种音乐文化现象在我国本土的流传,以及在现阶段下的发展和传播的现状。  相似文献   

王怀成 《金色年华》2010,(10):35-36
随着中国经济的腾飞,越来越多的中国家庭具备了送子女出国留学的经济条件。因此,出国留学人数逐年提高,同时,由于世界各国普遍爱全球金融危机困扰,越来越多的国家希望通过输出高等教育取得外汇,  相似文献   

Until recently, most experts in the area of dreams and dream analysis held the view that dreams must be analyzed and worked with by professionals in the area of psychoanalysis or psychology, or by sleep experts. For sociologists, subjective, nonquantifiable topics such as dreams and daydreams were not considered valid areas of inquiry. But these areas can provide a way-of-knowing that has not been explored; these nighttime visions can contribute a new source of data about issues that deeply concern people. This article uses dreams and conscious daydreams about disabled brothers and sisters as an example of the type of information that could be gleaned if we used dreams as empirical data. Siblings of disabled individuals, originally recruited for another research project, were queried about their dreams and fantasies of the disabled sister or brother. In the respondents' dreams (both awake and sleeping) a number of themes emerged: issues that came up only when they discussed their dreams. These themes seem connected with the waking reality of having a disabled siblings; they include: (1) previews of anticipated experiences, (2) a desire to be a savior and, consequently, to be respected for rescuing the handicapperl person, (3) a wish to have the handicapper sibling escape from the dilemma of disability, (4) the notion that someone or something (a fairy godmother) will change things, (5) sorrow about the disability or death, and (6) guilt that they were “normal” and the sibling was disabled.  相似文献   

BEFORE entering the world ofglassmaking,Loretta Yang,Huei-san’s English name,was a popular screenactress,having appeared in 124 films overher 12-year career.As an actress shedevoted herself to her work with suchfantastical shooting schedules thatsometimes she had to sleep in the studio,in her car or even outdoors in order to beready to act the next day.  相似文献   

SHE has never been to a high-level art school, all Xu Peina's artistic creations are based on woman's natural love for pursuing beauty. The first time I got to know her she was demonstrating the many  相似文献   

Dreams of Pure Sociology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Unlike older sciences such as physics and biology, sociology has never had a revolution. Modern sociology is still classical—largely psychological, teleological, and individualistic—and even less scientific than classical sociology. But pure sociology is different: It predicts and explains the behavior of social life with its location and direction in social space—its geometry. Here I illustrate pure sociology with formulations about the behavior of ideas, including a theory of scienticity that predicts and explains the degree to which an idea is likely to be scientific (testable, general, simple, valid, and original). For example: Scienticity is a curvilinear function of social distance from the subject. This formulation explains numerous facts about the history and practice of science, such as why some sciences evolved earlier and faster than others and why so much sociology is so unscientific. Because scientific theory is the most scientific science, the theory of scienticity also implies a theory of theory and a methodology for the development of theory.  相似文献   

The study reported in this article concerns the beginnings of higher education for women in the Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) enclave in Israel. Haredi Jews are a self-secluded fundamentalist group committed to particularly strict interpretation of Jewish religious law. In recent years, they have been compelled by poverty and other factors to allow academic education, hitherto considered out of bounds, especially for women. Focus groups with 32 Haredi women enrolled in the social work program at the Haredi College in Jerusalem reveal the obstacles the women encountered both from conservative forces in the community and from within themselves as well as the means that they used to cope with them.  相似文献   

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