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We study the problem of testing: H0 : μ ∈ P against H1 : μ ? P, based on a random sample of N observations from a p-dimensional normal distribution Np(μ, Σ) with Σ > 0 and P a closed convex positively homogeneous set. We develop the likelihood-ratio test (LRT) for this problem. We show that the union-intersection principle leads to a test equivalent to the LRT. It also gives a large class of tests which are shown to be admissible by Stein's theorem (1956). Finally, we give the α-level cutoff points for the LRT.  相似文献   

Thispaper considers the stratified proportional hazards model witha focus on the assessment of stratum effects. The assessmentof such effects is often of interest, for example, in clinicaltrials. In this case, two relevant tests are the test of stratuminteraction with covariates and the test of stratum interactionwith baseline hazard functions. For the test of stratum interactionwith covariates, one can use the partial likelihood method (Kalbfleischand Prentice, 1980; Lin, 1994). For the test of stratum interactionwith baseline hazard functions, however, there seems to be noformal test available. We consider this problem and propose aclass of nonparametric tests. The asymptotic distributions ofthe tests are derived using the martingale theory. The proposedtests can also be used for survival comparisons which need tobe adjusted for covariate effects. The method is illustratedwith data from a lung cancer clinical trial.  相似文献   

The allometric extension model is a multivariate regression model recently proposed by Tarpey and Ivey (2006 Tarpey, T., Ivey, C.T. (2006). Allometric extension for multivariate regression. J. Data Sci. 4:479495. [Google Scholar]). This model holds when the matrix of covariances between the variables in the response vector y and the variables in the vector of regressors x has a particular structure. In this paper, we consider tests of hypotheses for this structure when (y′, x′)′ has a multivariate normal distribution. In particular, we investigate the likelihood ratio test and a Wald test.  相似文献   

The maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) and the likelihood ratio test (LRT) will be considered for making inference about the scale parameter of the exponential distribution in case of moving extreme ranked set sampling (MERSS). The MLE and LRT can not be written in closed form. Therefore, a modification of the MLE using the technique suggested by Maharota and Nanda (Biometrika 61:601–606, 1974) will be considered and this modified estimator will be used to modify the LRT to get a test in closed form for testing a simple hypothesis against one sided alternatives. The same idea will be used to modify the most powerful test (MPT) for testing a simple hypothesis versus a simple hypothesis to get a test in closed form for testing a simple hypothesis against one sided alternatives. Then it appears that the modified estimator is a good competitor of the MLE and the modified tests are good competitors of the LRT using MERSS and simple random sampling (SRS).  相似文献   

If a population contains many zero values and the sample size is not very large, the traditional normal approximation‐based confidence intervals for the population mean may have poor coverage probabilities. This problem is substantially reduced by constructing parametric likelihood ratio intervals when an appropriate mixture model can be found. In the context of survey sampling, however, there is a general preference for making minimal assumptions about the population under study. The authors have therefore investigated the coverage properties of nonparametric empirical likelihood confidence intervals for the population mean. They show that under a variety of hypothetical populations, these intervals often outperformed parametric likelihood intervals by having more balanced coverage rates and larger lower bounds. The authors illustrate their methodology using data from the Canadian Labour Force Survey for the year 2000.  相似文献   


This article considers the problem of testing equality of parameters of two exponential distributions having common known coefficient of variation, both under unconditional and conditional setup. Unconditional tests based on BLUE'S and LRT are considered. Using the Conditionality Principle of Fisher, an UMP conditional test for one-sided alternative is derived by conditioning on an ancillary. This test is seen to be uniformly more powerful than unconditional tests in certain given ranges of ancillary. Simulation studies on the power functions of the tests are done for this purpose.  相似文献   

In this paper an estimator of the finite population mean using auxiliary information in sample surveys has been proposed. The bias and mean squared error are obtained under large sample approximation. It has been shown that the proposed estimator performs better than some recently published estimators.  相似文献   

In many engineering problems it is necessary to draw statistical inferences on the mean of a lognormal distribution based on a complete sample of observations. Statistical demonstration of mean time to repair (MTTR) is one example. Although optimum confidence intervals and hypothesis tests for the lognormal mean have been developed, they are difficult to use, requiring extensive tables and/or a computer. In this paper, simplified conservative methods for calculating confidence intervals or hypothesis tests for the lognormal mean are presented. In this paper, “conservative” refers to confidence intervals (hypothesis tests) whose infimum coverage probability (supremum probability of rejecting the null hypothesis taken over parameter values under the null hypothesis) equals the nominal level. The term “conservative” has obvious implications to confidence intervals (they are “wider” in some sense than their optimum or exact counterparts). Applying the term “conservative” to hypothesis tests should not be confusing if it is remembered that this implies that their equivalent confidence intervals are conservative. No implication of optimality is intended for these conservative procedures. It is emphasized that these are direct statistical inference methods for the lognormal mean, as opposed to the already well-known methods for the parameters of the underlying normal distribution. The method currently employed in MIL-STD-471A for statistical demonstration of MTTR is analyzed and compared to the new method in terms of asymptotic relative efficiency. The new methods are also compared to the optimum methods derived by Land (1971, 1973).  相似文献   


A frequently encountered statistical problem is to determine if the variability among k populations is heterogeneous. If the populations are measured using different scales, comparing variances may not be appropriate. In this case, comparing coefficient of variation (CV) can be used because CV is unitless. In this paper, a non-parametric test is introduced to test whether the CVs from k populations are different. With the assumption that the populations are independent normally distributed, the Miller test, Feltz and Miller test, saddlepoint-based test, log likelihood ratio test and the proposed simulated Bartlett-corrected log likelihood ratio test are derived. Simulation results show the extreme accuracy of the simulated Bartlett-corrected log likelihood ratio test if the model is correctly specified. If the model is mis-specified and the sample size is small, the proposed test still gives good results. However, with a mis-specified model and large sample size, the non-parametric test is recommended.  相似文献   

Summary.  The paper discusses the estimation of an unknown population size n . Suppose that an identification mechanism can identify n obs cases. The Horvitz–Thompson estimator of n adjusts this number by the inverse of 1− p 0, where the latter is the probability of not identifying a case. When repeated counts of identifying the same case are available, we can use the counting distribution for estimating p 0 to solve the problem. Frequently, the Poisson distribution is used and, more recently, mixtures of Poisson distributions. Maximum likelihood estimation is discussed by means of the EM algorithm. For truncated Poisson mixtures, a nested EM algorithm is suggested and illustrated for several application cases. The algorithmic principles are used to show an inequality, stating that the Horvitz–Thompson estimator of n by using the mixed Poisson model is always at least as large as the estimator by using a homogeneous Poisson model. In turn, if the homogeneous Poisson model is misspecified it will, potentially strongly, underestimate the true population size. Examples from various areas illustrate this finding.  相似文献   

This paper provides Bartlett corrections to improve likelihood ratio tests for heteroskedastic normal linear models when the error covariance matrix is nonscaiar and depends on a set of unknown parameters. The Bartlett corrections are simple enough to be used algebraically to obtain several closed-form expressions in special cases. The corrections have also advantages for numerical purposes because they involve only simple operations on matrices and vectors.  相似文献   

Three test statistics for a change-point in a linear model, variants of those considered by Andrews and Ploberger [Optimal tests when a nusiance parameter is present only under the alternative. Econometrica. 1994;62:1383–1414]: the sup-likelihood ratio (LR) statistic; a weighted average of the exponential of LR-statistics and a weighted average of LR-statistics, are studied. Critical values for the statistics with time trend regressors, obtained via simulation, are found to vary considerably, depending on conditions on the error terms. The performance of the bootstrap in approximating p-values of the distributions is assessed in a simulation study. A sample approximation to asymptotic analytical expressions extending those of Kim and Siegmund [The likelihood ratio test for a change-point in simple linear regression. Biometrika. 1989;76:409–423] in the case of the sup-LR test is also assessed. The approximations and bootstrap are applied to the Quandt data [The estimation of a parameter of a linear regression system obeying two separate regimes. J Amer Statist Assoc. 1958;53:873–880] and real data concerning a change-point in oxygen uptake during incremental exercise testing and the bootstrap gives reasonable results.  相似文献   

In the literature related to the study of lifelengths of experimental units, little attention has been paid to the models where shocks to the units generate outliers. In the present article, we consider a situation where n experimental units under investigation receive shocks at several time points. The parameter values of the lifelength distribution may change due to each shock, resulting in the generation of outliers. We derive the likelihood ratio test statistic to investigate if the shocks have significantly altered the parameter values. We also derive a likelihood ratio test under the labelled slippage alternative with multiple contaminations. Monte Carlo studies have been carried out to investigate the power of the proposed test statistics.  相似文献   

It is common to test the null hypothesis that two samples were drawn from identical distributions; and the Smirnov (sometimes called Kolmogorov–Smirnov) test is conventionally applied. We present simulation results to compare the performance of this test with three recently introduced alternatives. We consider both continuous and discrete data. We show that the alternative methods preserve type I error at the nominal level as well as the Smirnov test but offer superior power. We argue for the routine replacement of the Smirnov test with the modified Baumgartner test according to Murakami (2006) Murakami, H. (2006). A k-sample rank test based on a modified Baumgartner statistic and its power comparison. Journal of the Japanese Society of Computational Statistics 19:113.[Crossref] [Google Scholar], or with the test proposed by Zhang (2006) Zhang, J. (2006). Powerful two-sample tests based on the likelihood ratio. Technometrics 48:95103.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar].  相似文献   

In this paper, we revisit the problem of testing of the hypothesis of circular symmetry of a bivariate distribution. We propose some nonparametric tests based on sector counts. These include tests based on chi-square goodness-of-fit test, the classical likelihood ratio, mean deviation, and the range. The proposed tests are easy to implement and the exact null distributions for small sample sizes of the test statistics are obtained. Two examples with small and large data sets are given to illustrate the application of the tests proposed. For small and moderate sample sizes, the performances of the proposed tests are evaluated using empirical powers (empirical sizes are also reported). Also, we evaluate the performance of these count-based tests with adaptations of several well-known tests such as the Kolmogorov–Smirnov-type tests, tests based on kernel density estimator, and the Wilcoxon-type tests. It is observed that among the count-based tests the likelihood ratio test performs better.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of testing whether realizations of a spatial Poisson process come from a circular intensity model or from an elliptical intensity model. We describe the behavior of the Generalized Likelihood Ratio and Wald tests, in the asymptotics of large samples. The power functions are studied under local alternatives and results of numerical simulations comparing them to the Neyman–Pearson envelope are presented.  相似文献   

We investigate use of empirical and exponential empirical likelihood, and Hotelling and James statistics, to test the null hypothesis of equal population means based on two independent samples of data on the simplex. We perform an extensive numerical study using data simulated from various distributions on the simplex. The results, taken together with practical considerations regarding implementation, support the use of bootstrap-calibrated James statistic.  相似文献   

Improved James-Stein type estimation of the mean vector μ of a multovaroate Student-t population of dimension p with ν degrees of freedom is considered. In addition to the sample data, uncertain prior information on the value of the mean vector, in the form of a null hypothesis, is used for the estiamtion. The usual maximum liklihood estimator((mle) of μ is obtained and a test statistic for testing H0:μ=μ0 is derived. Based on the mle of μ and the tes statistic the preliminary test estimator (PTE), Stein-type shrinkage estimator (SE) and positive-rule shrinkage esiimator (PRSE) are defined. The bias and the quadratic risk of the estimators are evaiuated. The relative performances of the estimators are mvestigated by analyzing the risks under different condltlons It is observed that the FRSE dommates over he other three estimators, regardless of the vaiidity of the null hypothesis and the value ν.  相似文献   

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