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'Are you showing off your smarts?' 'Do you really need so many clothes and cosmetics?Aren't they expensive?'…My mom often warns me against wasting my money on 'extravagance.' I show compliance with my words,but disagree privately. It is human nature to make oneself smart. 相似文献
In the past,most of the women favored handsome men.But things are different now. Li Yong,who hosts the CCTV(China Central Television) program Lucky 52, one of the most popular 相似文献
If parents are sober- minded,they should try to find the root causes of their children's indulgence in on-line games,rather than merely blaming it on us.Now that children are heavily burdened with all sorts of lessons,in addition to their schoolwork,most of them are attending various extra-curricular courses,such as…English, mathematics,piano and dance. As their schedules are arranged by their parents,they have little time to tend their own interests. 相似文献
If you want to learn the secret of a happy life,you should watch South Korean TV shows,in which the heroines are experts in this regard.They enjoy their lives and manage their houses with skill and ease,enthralling their husbands,treating their 相似文献
It is not wrong for people to find their boyfriends or girlfriends on-line,and some man-made factors make websites untrue and complicated.If we make websites,like a normal matchmaker,finding one'sother 相似文献
The opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games was really fantastic. During the grand event,what impressed me most were pictures of the 2008 smiling faces collected from around the world.Despite their different races, nationalities and beliefs,the children gave beaming smiles to the world,which brought joy and happiness to people.The children's smiling faces also vividly expounded the theme of the 2008 Beijing Summer Games:‘One World,One 相似文献
We should work out regulations that allow husbands to take leaves from work to care for their pregnant wives,as that will promote the nation's policy of gender equality.Nowadays, many employers are reluctant to recruit women,as women take 相似文献
张佳敏 《中国妇女(英文版)》2008,(7):73-73
Carved lacquer is one of China's traditional art forms.The technique involves the application of natural lacquer,either red or black,to a wooden surface,and then engraving delicate designs into the lacquer.Three things are required for high quality carved lacquer:Exquisite engraving,radiant luster and an elegant shape. 相似文献
Director:Xie Fei Cast:Siqin Gaowa Wu Yujuan,Le LuoSheng,Chen Baoguo and Jing Lei Women from the Lake of Scented Souls is about the lives of two women, in a Chinese village,in the 1990s.The film records the changes that occur in China during a period of social transition,in addition to the more subtle transformation in the psyches of the women. 相似文献
Xu Xiaomeng is in her final year of university.She enrolls,with her boyfriend Jiang Keke,in a volunteer teaching program that will take her to China's countryside. It is an important time for Xu,who is about to graduate with a degree in 相似文献
“有人说女人如衣服,我想那多半是男人说的话。对于女人来说男人才是衣服.因为他仇具有衣服的特性。有时,男人对于女人来说就是一块遮羞布。作为一个女人.你最好身边有募朋友或老公相伴左右,否则别人可能会猜测你心理变态。当然啦。如果若你和你的‘另一半’感情甚笃.那最好不过.因为这样你心里会感到暖洋洋的。 相似文献
酒到杯干,来者不拒的女人:豪放女!她是极好的红颜知己。 相似文献
近日,武汉的“五道杠少年”在网上迅速走红。这位13岁少年名叫黄艺博,是武汉某中学初一的学生,现任中国少先队武汉市副总队长。照片上的他戴着”五道杠”队牌,认真地审阅着手里的文件。据黄艺博的父亲黄宏章说,孩子两岁起就开始看“新闻联播”,7岁开始每天读《人民日报》。如今,他已在全国重要报刊上发表过100多篇文章。 相似文献
印度网站“我行贿了”近日在中国网络上迅速蹿红。该网站专门搜集各种行贿故事,任何人都可以在上面留言,跟网友“分享”行贿经验。目前大约有1万多腐败案例记录在该网站中,涉及印度全国19个部门,347个城市,达到了警醒政府的目的。仅仅数日,中国也出现了一些效仿的克隆网站,如“我贿赂了”和“我行贿网站”,立即吸引了众多网友在上面发帖。 相似文献