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新媒体行业的兴起,给传统报业带来了相当大的冲击,迫使报业集团必须走出一条适宜的转型之路。有些报业集团在转型中走向了消失,而有些报业集团则通过媒介融合,有效化解了自身危机,并成功走出一条转型发展的新路。具体结合以微信公众平台、今日头条、微博为代表的新媒体渠道,分析传统报业与之在传播平台、传播对象、传播内容、传播模式和传播效果五大方面的融合发展,为传统报业集团从危机走向转机找到一条新路。  相似文献   

媒介数字化时代的到来冲击传统报业行业发展,许多专家断言报业发展进入衰退期,"报业寒冬"时期的到来使传统报媒的发展格局、生存环境发生深刻变化。本文以《纽约时报》为例,阐释该报作为世界性老牌报媒在应对"报业寒冬"大环境下探索数字化转型出路的策略,同时启发传统报媒行业在面临数字化时代冲击中如何更好的生存与发展。  相似文献   

如今,国内的很多报业在战略层面上完成了文化体制的改革以及新媒体转型的整体规划,但是在改革和转型的道路上仍然遇到了一些问题。本文主要以传统媒体的文化体制改革以及经营管理策略为切入点,对传统报业的转型路径做了分析与研究。在文中,以国内某日报作为研究对象,在报业经济、报业转型、文化体制改革等理论基础上,结合国内报业市场现状及体制改革要求,分析国内某日报发展现状,找出国内某日报发展过程中存在的问题,有针对性地提出发展思路,为引导国内某日报更好地为延边州经济发展服务,提供了参考性意见和建议。  相似文献   

日本近代报业是日本在明治维新时期接受西方文明开化的产物。如果说明治维新时期日本的印刷术和造纸业取得的进步为日本报业的产生和发展提供了物质保证的话,那么西方思潮的涌入则像催化剂般加速了日本近代报业的产生和发展。明治时代日本近代报业的发展经历了报业的诞生初期、政论性报纸、政党性报纸和小报的发展阶段。日本该时期报业的发展对辛亥革命时期中国报业的产生发展有一定的借鉴作用。现今日本的四大报纸中,大多都是从明治时代的报纸发展演变而来的。  相似文献   

报业传统强势地位风光不再“以2005年为‘拐点’,传统报纸停下了持续多年的上升脚步.进入抛物线般的下滑轨道。广告增长率从持续20年的高位跌落下来.同时伴随着年轻读者的流失和发行市场的萎缩。“ 4月12日.在清华大学发布的”2006年传媒蓝皮书”——《2006年:中国传媒产业发展  相似文献   

在竞争日趋激烈的大陆报业中,都市报以其强势竞争力,给传统晚报带来了实实在在的冲击、挑战。晚报必须求新求变、应对挑战。具体而言,做好本地新闻,形成自己的特色;主动地学习借鉴都市报的成功做法;调整内容结构,扩充晚报功能;适当调整报纸出版时间。  相似文献   

10月29日,为纪念改革开放35周年,庆祝光明口报报业集团《新天地》杂志创刊30周年,由光明日报社、求是杂志社主办,光明日报报业集团《新天地》杂志社承办的昂生杯第二届“新天地·阳光之星”中直机关、中央国家机关离退休干部才艺展示活动,侄北京市和熹会老年公寓圆满落幕。  相似文献   

报纸自诞生以来,一直是人心目中最有公信力的主流媒体之一,但在进入21世纪后,以技术进步和社会变革为动力的网络蓬勃发展,对报纸造成了巨大的冲击。2005年以来,国内报纸成长乏力,广告增长速度明显下滑,读者市场也逐渐萎缩。为应对这一媒介变局,2006年中国报业开始探寻创新和走出困境的出路,报网互动成为报纸战略转型的应对方案。报纸纷纷"触网",在创新中逐渐走出低潮,数字报业与网络媒介融合成为其探索的方向。  相似文献   

20世纪30年代《申报》的青年女性图片广告,在当时特立独行地塑造出了与其时代相一致的青年女性形象。它不仅是报业史上探索媒介经营的先驱和范本,更是研究当时上海大都会文化和城市气质构建的样本。当时的广告文本与当代审美文化中的广告内容有诸多共通之处:营造优雅、健康、文明的现代日常市民生活氛围,对传统审美文化的承继,对时尚美和健康美的追求,对自由独立生活的渴望。当代青年女性广告文化的内涵和策略,在那里可以找到萌芽和渊源。这对于现今广告人构建青年女性的图片广告以及塑造人物形象具有参考价值。  相似文献   

随着改革大潮的深入,中国报业的发展是空前的,目前中国的各类报纸已达3000余家。据相关数据显示,中国报纸的日发行量已居全球第一位。报业的竞争愈演愈烈,各家报社纷纷使出浑身解数,寻找自己的发展之路。而对于行业报刊,打破发展瓶颈才是立足之根本。  相似文献   

The present study attempts to examine how market-driven journalism and a decrease in newspaper readership have affected information subsidy patterns between public relations practitioners and journalists in South Korea. Findings suggest that newspaper journalists have become dependent on information subsidies more than ever before, especially advertising as a payment, which play a significant role in the negotiation of favorable relationships between sources and newspapers. Thus, the study suggests that under the economic constraints that the newspaper industry faces, advertisement as a payment seem to be more influential than the more conventional information subsidies.  相似文献   

This article addresses the development of frame analysis in understanding the environmental problems in a contaminated community. The problems at Love Canal, New York are examined through the use of local newspaper sources, government archives, and historical documents, such as activist and industry publications. Four distinct frame sources are examined at Love Canal: local newspaper coverage, community activists, government, and industry. These frames represent major differences in how the specific environmental and social problems at Love Canal were represented to the public. Specifically, contrasting opinions focus on four planks: the existence of a problem, victims of a problem, liability, and resettlement. Conclusions address the social construction of environmental problems and the dependence on direct experience when adopting frames. Understanding the messages that individuals receive in the time of environmental crisis is a critical step in understanding community response and reaction to the problem.  相似文献   

Newspapers published by Roman Catholic dioceses represent a large and unexplored part of the religious publishing industry. This study attempts to shed light on the challenges these publications face by examining the readership of a diocesan newspaper in a large Catholic diocese in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States. Based on a comprehensive survey of 24,278 Roman Catholic households from 27 parishes throughout the diocese, this study finds a large gap in readership and engagement between older and younger readers, raising important strategic and pastoral questions for the newspaper in the years to come.  相似文献   

Cross‐national studies examining human rights outcomes have seldom considered the role of the news media. This is unfortunate, as a large body of work in media studies suggests that the news industry effectively educates citizens, shapes public attitudes, and stimulates political action. I juxtapose these two literatures in a cross‐national context to examine the print media’s impact on a state’s human rights performance. First, examining micro‐level evidence from the World Values Survey, I show that an individual’s level of media consumption, including newspaper readership, is positively associated with participation in human rights organizations. Next, I present macro‐level evidence regarding the aggregate effect of a society’s newspaper readership on its human rights record. Analyzing an unbalanced dataset with a maximum of 459 observations across 138 countries covering four waves during the 1980–2000 period, I use ordered probit regression to examine the relationship between a state’s newspaper readership and its Amnesty International rating. I find that newspaper readership exerts strong, positive effects on a state’s human rights practices net of other standard predictors and temporal/regional controls. Moreover, the effect of readership is robust to a number of alternative specifications that address concerns with ceiling effects, measurement bias, influential observations, sample composition, mediation, endogeneity, and the impact of alternative forms of media consumption (i.e., the Internet and television).  相似文献   

We here evaluate the heterogeneous effects of newspaper endorsements of U.S. Presidential candidates in the 100 days preceding the 2008 and 2012 elections on the probability that they win the election. Our identification strategy relies on daily variations in the winning probabilities (obtained from the Intrade prediction market) and the fact that newspapers decide their endorsements weeks before their announcement. Endorsements that are classified as surprising and consistent have the largest effect. An endorsement is surprising when the newspaper has not traditionally endorsed the candidate's party. An endorsement is inconsistent when the newspaper leans ideologically to one party but endorses a candidate from another party. (JEL L82, D7)  相似文献   

This study attempts to explicate empirically the concept ofvoter volatility and to test the assertion that the use of televisionfor political news contributes to this electoral instability.Voter volatility is defined as the level of unpredictabilityof election outcomes from traditional demographic and politicalparty variables. The effects of television and newspaper exposureon each of seven volatility dimensions were examined beforeand after the introduction of two control variables: educationand political interest. Neither the media exposure measuresnor the control variables predicted to all volatility dimensionsin a uniform way. Contrary to expectations, the dominant directionof television exposure's relationships was toward lower levelsof volatility. While newspaper use effects were largely in theexpected direction of lower volatility, reversals were shownhere as well. Education and political interest, traditionallythought to be stabilizing electoral forces, also revealed positiveas well as negative relationships to various volatility factors.  相似文献   

Social media play in today's societies a fundamental role for the negotiation and dynamics of crises. However, classical crisis communication theories neglect the role of the medium and focus mainly on the interplay between crisis type and crisis communication strategy. Building on the recently developed “networked crisis communication model” we contrast effects of medium (Facebook vs. Twitter vs. online newspaper) and crisis type (intentional vs. victim) in an online experiment. Using the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster as crisis scenario, we show that medium effects are stronger than the effects of crisis type. Crisis communication via social media resulted in a higher reputation and less secondary crisis reactions such as boycotting the company than crisis communication in the newspaper. However, secondary crisis communication, e.g. talking about the crisis communication, was higher in the newspaper condition than in the social media conditions because people consider traditional media as more credible. We also found higher levels of anger in the intentional crisis condition than in the victim crisis condition. Anger in turn was related to reputation, secondary crisis communication and secondary crisis reaction. The results stress the need for more complex models of crisis communication.  相似文献   

This article applies fantasy theme analysis to explore the remarkable work of the Reverend Dr. Charles M. Sheldon, a Congregationalist minister. Fantasy theme analysis is used to examine the rhetorical vision that emerges from Sheldon's work. In 1897 Sheldon published In His Steps, a best-selling novel, and gained international recognition. This novel depicted ordinary people who were inspired to make decisions by asking themselves "What would Jesus do?" In the novel, a newspaper editor applied the question to his business and altered his advertising and editorial policies to conform to standards he believed Jesus would practice. In 1900 Sheldon was invited to become that fictional newspaper editor in person and lead a daily newspaper from March 13 to March 17, 1900. This research examines the way Sheldon's approach to journalism formed a web of meaning for his audience that led to a shared worldview. Using the "What would Jesus do?" question, Sheldon created a rhetorical vision for his readers. The fictional world described in the novel was reproduced in real life as Sheldon's rhetorical vision spread through his work in the daily newspaper. The rhetorical vision suggested in Sheldon's newspaper work is a middle-class haven where no one drinks alcohol, and wealth is not hoarded. According to the rhetorical vision, the "What would Jesus do?" question provides a wide variety of answers to life's complex questions.  相似文献   

Maintaining the natural environment is increasingly seen as an essential aspect of agriculture in Europe, and conservation is promoted as an element of the farmer's role. It is therefore important to understand how farmers are reacting to this. In this study, the discourses relating to environmental issues used in a regional German farming newspaper are examined. The aim was to consider the arguments to which individual farmers are exposed when they read the newspaper and at the same time to examine the discourses used by the farming union in their promotion of farmers' interests. It was found that there were many interwoven arguments, which included traditional agricultural discourses as well as the newer environmental ones. It was clear that different aspects of agricultural and environmental issues were highlighted where they appeared to be beneficial to farmers' interests. Furthermore, it was found that in the promotion of the use of renewable resources, which was portrayed as being in the interest of farmers, the discourses used contrasted with those being used to defend farmers from accusations of environmental neglect or damage.  相似文献   

The present paper explores the role of the local media, in the form of a prefectural–level newspaper, in relation to local volunteer activity. The local newspaper's potential for generating social knowledge and uniting resident's consciousness about volunteerism and volunteer activity is examined, considering the influence of volunteer organization leaders on media and public volunteer–related agendas. The data presented appear to point to a role for the local newspaper in generating a positive volunteer consciousness, which is latent at present. The results suggest that while volunteer organization leadership is active in contacting the media, they appear to be less careful in establishing or policing the message they would have the media deliver. The present paper concludes by proposing that for Japanese volunteer organizations to better use the media in creating positive volunteer consciousness in their communities, they must work to establish their own media agenda and use both indirect means (through traditional media) and direct means (through direct public relations campaigns), to get that message to local residents.  相似文献   

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