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徐诤 《科学发展》2011,(11):25-30
台资电子资讯企业在上海信息产业构成中占据较大比重,与上海本土电子信息产业相比,上海台资电子资讯企业具有代工型特征、发展态势良好且技术溢出效应正在逐步显现等特点,因此,未来上海大型台资电子信息企业发展路径将可能是通过代工领域高端化、产业价值链高端延伸、结构调整升级等途径实现"转型"与生产基地向内陆"转移"。上海应在正确认识台资电子资讯代工型企业的作用之基础上,加强政策的规划引导和支持力度,建立与完善产业发展与投资促进、协调等机制,有步骤地为台资电子企业完成转型提供良好的政策环境和市场环境。  相似文献   

上海高端装备制造业发展对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
装备制造业是为国民经济和国防建设提供技术装备的基础性和战略性产业,是各行业产业升级、技术进步的重要保证和国家综合实力的集中体现。高端装备制造产业是装备制造产业中技术密集度较高的产业,是高端制造业的核心和关键,具有产业关联度高、吸纳就业能力强、技术资金密集等特点。加快发展高端装备制造业是“十二五”时期上海城市产业结构转型的内在要求,也是上海推进高新技术产业化、培育和发展战略性新兴产业的重要方面。  相似文献   

"数字化""智能化"与"互联化"将是未来制造业的发展方向,能否抓住新产业革命的机遇推动制造业的转型升级,是我国占据未来全球新经济、新产业价值链高端地位的关键。为此,应以"工业物联网"为抓手推进制造业转型升级,以"智能机器人"为核心推进智能制造的发展,以"开放创新"促进产业转型升级。  相似文献   

上海电子信息产品制造业在上海六大重点工业行业中占重要地位,但产业表现出“大而不强”的特征;产业的自主创新能力亟待提升。在后危机时代上海商务成本逐渐高企,土地等资源条件紧张的产业发展环境下,电子信息产品制造业的转型升级显得尤为迫切。本文通过分析该产业发展现状和面临的问题,提出上海电子信息产品制造业转型升级的思路、升级的方向、升级的路径、发展模式和关键点,并提出保障上海电子信息产品制造业更快更好转型升级的对策建议:提升政府的服务水平,营造优越的产业发展生态环境;聚焦产业“高新高效高端”特征,打造优势产业链;加强创新服务,强化以知识与智力资本动态比较优势为禀赋的竞争优势。  相似文献   

国际航运发展综合试验区是具有综合服务功能的先行区和示范区,其功能定位主要包括口岸功能、产业功能、贸易功能、金融功能、物流功能、信息功能、辅助功能等。探索建立国际航运发展综合试验区是上海国际航运中心建设的一项主要任务和措施。要逐步形成功能完善、结构优化的航运服务产业体系和航运辐射体系,大型国际航运企业和知名国际航运组织区域总部集聚,使上海成为全球航运资源配置中心和全球离岸金融贸易中心。为实现上述目标,要探索形成有特色的管理体制和经营模式,分步骤、有重点地推进"两个体系、五大区域"建设。  相似文献   

上海应聚焦支柱产业和未来产业,围绕关键环节、关键产品、关键设备、关键技术,提升产业价值链控制力;聚焦高端要素集聚、研发投入支持,围绕激发要素发展活力,提升产业创新链驱动力;聚焦产业协同发展、科技协同创新,围绕构建高效的协同发展机制,提升产业供应链支撑力;聚焦产业环境、应用场景,围绕融合提质、赋能增效,提升产业生态链渗透力.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,上海先进制造业大致经历了"在调整中发展、在发展中调整、在发展调整中提升"三个阶段,已经形成了比较强的竞争优势。然而,上海先进制造业也面临巨大挑战,尤其是面对全球金融危机的冲击以及金融危机结束后世界产业发展格局的调整,上海工业如何保持先发效应,走通高新技术产业化的现实路径,实现持续发展,形成与服务经济相适应的产业体系,具有极其重要的战略意义,也是制订"十二五"产业发展规划的重要前提。  相似文献   

基于新形势下上海引进外资出现的新情况、新问题,通过对上海投资环境、定位和区位的具体分析,建立上海吸引高端外资的系统框架,并提出上海在市场开放方面,应扩大外资进入领域,鼓励外资投向"上海制造"、"上海服务"、"上海创造"的高端产业,依次引导外资的产业结构升级;在投资环境方面,应建立统一和可预见的法制环境,完善社会信用制度,以此维护市场的竞争秩序;在市场准入方面,应放宽行业限制,不断调整和优化利用外资结构。  相似文献   

以"一带一路"的国家战略导向为契机,通过积极参与其中,推动并实现城市发展的内生转型,将贯穿上海建设全球城市目标的关键过程,并使得上海的城市功能面临扩展的现实需求。本文在分析"一带一路"战略开放方式与开放界面变化的前提下,识别它给上海构建全球城市带来的主要机遇,提出上海参与"一带一路"国家战略扩展城市功能的内涵与路径,包括:依托要素流动的战略通道,推动上海"四个中心"建设的城市功能升级;通过全球价值链重构的分工通道,加快上海科创中心的功能建设;凭借全球治理模式变革的制度通道,充实和扩展上海城市发展的文化与外交功能。  相似文献   

上海一贯十分关注产业结构调整的战略导向作用。基于以往产业发展思路的局限性以及未来上海产业发展的内在需求,“十二五”期间上海产业发展应重点把握好国家发展战略与上海产业发展实践、产业转移与产业扩张、产业领域高新化与产业技术先进化、传统产业与新兴产业等之间的关系。因此,上海“十二五”时期产业发展不应是“十一五”简单的线性延续,需突破以往的思维定势,强化“以价值链为导向的产业高端化”,紧紧抓住核心技术、网络渠道、企业家、企业主体和政策支持等要素条件。  相似文献   

新加坡通过不断调整工业政策和适时进行产业升级,用40多年的时间走完了发达国家100多年的工业化进程,并首创以工业园区为主导的开发模式,从而成为众多发展中国家学习的标杆城市。本文梳理了新加坡在不同发展时期的产业政策和空间布局的演变历程,并总结新加坡工业发展的经验,以期为当前中国的产业升级和城市发展提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

深圳建设低碳城市的目标与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从低碳城市运行的构成要素出发,分析了深圳建设低碳城市的减排目标,并分别从低碳城市的规划、新能源产业的发展、低碳交通、低碳建筑等方面总结了深圳的政策和做法。本文认为,深圳要建设低碳城市,必须进一步改变能源结构、提升产业结构、大幅度降低碳排放强度,并据此提出了有关政策建议。  相似文献   


The literature on industrial policy in Africa has generally explained its political origins in terms of ruling elites’ distribution of benefits to their supporters. However, in competitive political contexts in which policies are deeply political and designed to satisfy clients, such as policies that support party donors, the problem of policy discontinuity is bound to arise because a change in ruling party is bound to alter the direction of distributional policies. The current paper uses Nigeria’s backward integration policy (BIP), an industrial policy on cement production, to sharpen the analytical distinction between the origins and persistence. Although the ruling elites’ political quest for survival explains the origin of Nigeria’s industrial policy on cement (ruling elites were in search of re-election funds and teamed up with domestic capitalists for donations, who in turn influenced the political elites to create policies in their area of business), it does not explain the continuation.  相似文献   

Whatever the theoretical merits of an industrial policy, in practice state incentives in support of infant industry are difficult to withdraw once they have been granted. Infant maturation is thereby delayed, resulting in ‘policy capture’ which confers rents on the assisted firms at the expense of consumers and/or taxpayers. The process is well-documented in poorly managed economies pursuing autarkic industrial policies (Auty, 1994a). This article examines evidence of policy capture in well-managed economies pursuing competitive industrial policies. Examples are drawn from the heavy (and chemical) industry drives of South Korea (hereafter Korea) and Taiwan, but the research is first set in the context of the industrial policy debate.  相似文献   

航空工业必须走集群创新发展之路。集群创新体系包括集群创新主体、集群创新网络和集群创新环境,因此必须从培育创新主体、构建创新网络、塑造创新环境3个方面推动上海航空工业的发展。此外,国家层面应从优化航空工业布局、改革航空工业体制、构建国家航空科技创新体系、完善航空工业政策、发展航空运输市场等几个方面给予上海航空工业发展提供必要支持。  相似文献   

本文从产业协同演进和制度谐振两个角度分析深圳市科技服务业发展的动因,发现科技服务业和高新技术产业存在四个方面的关联,能互相提供市场和中间产品,共同升级,协同发展;深圳市的政策作出了响应科技服务业发展需要的调整,制度变迁促进了产业发展,体现了产业和制度的谐振,同时创新创业文化也促进科技服务业的发展。  相似文献   

王征 《城市观察》2014,(2):132-139
战略性新兴产业在未来的产业发展格局中将会占有举足轻重的作用,昭示着我国未来产业发展的前景。发展战略性新兴产业需要在产业政策的制定和执行过程中具有足够的前瞻性,同时大力加强核心技术的自主创新力度,以体制创新促进促进技术创新,以产业结构调整增强产业演进的内生动力,从而以战略性新兴产业的发展大大提升产业的整体竞争力。  相似文献   


Shortly after World War II, the Appalachian coal industry underwent a dramatic transformation which, with hindsight, we can understand as part of a shift in the American economy from an industrial to post‐industrial economic base. A decade of change related to this transformation suggests that the post‐industrial era can create new forms of poverty, new forms of gender‐related inequality, and can exacerbate differences among regions and between rural and urban areas. This conclusion stems from the examination of the policies of the Tennessee Valley Authority from World War II to 1960 which stimulated changes in production processes, the work force and communities of coal mining regions that we now recognize as adverse consequences of de‐industrialization. The TVA's policies aggravated the negative consequences of economic transformation, including inducing competition among regions with depressed economies and surplus labor pools, a result which resembles the global economic competition of our own time. This history tempers the early optimism of analysts of the post‐industrial period by calling attention to the costs of de‐industrialization for working people, their families and communities.  相似文献   

Abstract After 1948, the National Party government implemented coercive policies to remove African landowners and rent tenants from 'white' fanning districts and resettle them in black 'reserves. This paper focuses on the different responses within and among four communities in the Lydenburg district of the eastern Transvaal (now Mpumalanga Province). It shows how Africans were more than mere victims of these policies but responded actively to the policies of the state which had to take account of their actions. The responses to removals of members of each community were shaped by the histories which had given rise to their distinctive identities and their relations to the wiser agrarian and industrial economies of South Africa. Communities themselves were divided between chiefs and followers, between richer and poorer farmers, and between those involved in nationalist politics and those who focused rather on immediate, local interests. Responses to removals and among and within communities were complex and ambiguous and cannot simply be understood in terms of the distinction between 'resistance' and 'collaboration'. Present state policies, which seek to remedy the injustices of the past, need to be sensitive to the divisions among rural communities and the complex reasons for people's different responses to past removals.  相似文献   

Public policies have the potential to prevent the adverse consequences of alcohol consumption on a larger scale than any other category of interventions. However, measuring the effects of specific policies on alcohol-related behaviors and health outcomes is difficult and presents a variety of daunting challenges. One important challenge stems from the nonexperimental nature of most policy research, which makes it difficult to distinguish between causal relationships and noncausal associations. Another key challenge arises from the complexity of alcohol-related behaviors and outcomes and the wide range of potential effects that specific policy interventions may have on different groups and actors in various contexts. A third important challenge involves the difficulty in accurately characterizing the policies to be studied, which can be attributed largely to the arcane legal framework of statutes and regulations in which policies are created. This challenge is magnified by the enormous variety of alcohol-related public policies that have been adopted at all levels of government and the myriad variations in specific provisions that are embedded in the laws and regulations. Valid analysis of policy effects depends on surmounting all of these challenges and accurately characterizing policies and discerning the true causal effects of those policies on well-specified outcomes of interest.  相似文献   

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